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An erotic novel, featuring a young and
beautiful environmental scientist and
her indecent rowdy party WG;


About the author
Roxy is based
between Lima,
Peru, and
Spain. She has
that Latina sass
right in her
blood (even
though she is as
WASP as can
be). She has one
husband, two
boyfriends, and
four lovers. So, there is not much free time. But
whenever she does have free time, she goes
horseback riding because she looooves to ride
(wink, wink). She is a young writer and “Julia
breathed” is her first breath-taking novel that will
be followed in 2023 by “Julia breathed 2”.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 “The first day”...............................................................4
Chapter 2 “The lusty lab technician”...........................................10
Chapter 3 “The staff room”.........................................................16
Chapter 4 “Professor Darling”.....................................................23
Chapter 5 “Salsa with Sofie”........................................................29
Chapter 6 “It’s Jesús”..................................................................35
Chapter 7 “Farm Day”.................................................................41
Chapter 8 “Searching for a WG”..................................................47
Chapter 10 “The first date”.........................................................53
Chapter 11 “The Organization”...................................................56
Chapter 12 “Secret Spy”..............................................................61
Sneak Preview: Jule Breathed 2, Chapter 1 “The Confession”....67

Chapter 1 “The first day”
It was the first day of the first semester and the air was
filled with the lustful breathing of young high school
students – sorry – former high school students about to
begin their first semester at the Leuphana University. “I
wonder how many of them are virgins” Julia thought. Julia
was a young blonde girl with a nice ass and a good deal of
sass. She looked around wondering who she would fuck

A girl approached her. “Hey, I am Anna! You look too sexy

to be standing around alone”. Julia was charmed, her
vagina contracted a tiny bit. “Uh, a mini orgasm, how nice”
she thought. Anna leaned forward and Julia caught a
glimpse of her cleavage. “Nice tits, I wonder how they
would feel in my hands” Julia wondered. Anna asked “Have
you seen this guy over there? He won’t stop staring at us!”.
Anna blinked at Julia and Julia smiled back. They would
become good friends she thought. “But before we indulge
this mysterious mister, let’s go to the bathroom” she made
a promising pause “and powder our noses”. Julia followed

Anna as Anna led them to the toilets that were
approximately 2 minutes away from the lecture hall. How
naughty; Julia thought, to sneak away just as the
introduction was about to start.

Anna and Julia entered the bathroom. Julia breathed. The

whole room was full of the most stunning and sexy young
ladies. Tight tits and asses all over. Anna went into one of
the stalls and made an inviting gesture towards Julia. Julia
entered and Anna sat down to pee. Something was aroused
in Julia. She felt weirdly turned on by seeing Anna pee.
Anna said “Please undress”. Julia unbuttoned the buttons of
her blouse. She had put on a very elegant outfit for this
special day. She was wearing a white blouse, black skirt,
black high heels, and matching red underwear that she had
bought from a sustainable all-women’s collective based in
South Africa. When her blouse was open, she whispered “Is
this enough or do you want to see more?”. As a response,
Anna stood up and opened her bra. Julia’s magnificent
breasts fell out. Anna gasped. “Wow, what a magnificent
tit!” she said as she fondled Julia’s right breast with her left

hand. Julia’s nippletip got as hard as flintstone and she
groaned. Anna continued to fondle her tit and Julia groaned
louder. “What will the others think?” she asked Anna. But it
was obvious that Anna didn’t care. “So, what are you
studying?” Anna asked. Between two groans Julia answered
“Environmental Sciences”. “How interesting, I love me them
young activists” Anna said. She circled Julia’s breast with
her wet tongue. Finally, Anna got up and pulled up her
panties and skirt. “Well, that was nice” she said and left the

Julia stood there, baffled. She had expected an orgasm at

leeast. But all in all, the encounter had not been all
unpleeasant. She was intrigued.

She looked at her expensive Lolex watch. She may have

been an Environmental activist, but she was also a classy
bitch. That is why she had chosen Economics as her Minor.
She would be a real entrepreneur, going where no woman
had gone before. She smiled at herself. She breathed and
left the stall. Outside, three young women and one older
lady were fixing their make-up. Julia straightened her

beautiful hair and just as she was about to turn away, she
caught the glimpse the older woman was giving her. My,
my, she thought. The lady was putting on red lipstick like
she was thinking of something naughty. Julia blinked at her.
Julia turned around, her long hair swirling and left the
bathroom. What a promising start of the semester.

It was 10:16 am and the introduction had started one

minute ago. Julia needed two minutes to get to the lecture
hall. When she arrived there, it was 10:18 am. The hall was
filled to the brim. Fuck, Julia thought, she did not want to sit
on the stairs. Not with a skirt as short as hers. Then
somebody beckoned her over. Wait… was that the hot guy
from before?

She sat down next to him and introduced herself. “Hello,

my name is Julia” Julia said and breathed. This guy smelled
heavenly and not at all like onions. “I’m a student of
Environmental Sciences and you are?”. He smirked. “I’m the
guy that is about to turn this day into the best day of your
life”. A bit self-absorbed, Julia thought. But then again, she
loved a good hate-fuck from time to time. That was why she

fucked Investment Bankers whenever she travelled to
Frankfurt. She smiled at him. “So, how should I call you?
Mystery man?”. “You can call me whatever you like,
darling” he answered. She took a good look at him. “Are
you Latino by any chance?” she asked. She had known her
fair share of them when she had tramped all over Latin
America. “My father is from Colombia and my mom from
Switzerland, so yes, I’m Latino, half at least” he blinked
seductively. Julia’s Vulva shivered with lust. She handed him
her phone. In the name column she had put “Latino Lover
boy toy”. “That name okay?”. He just licked his lips and

An old, unattractive man entered the stage. Everything

quieted down and the hall lights were dimmed. “Hello new
students, we are so happy to have you here”. “Put my
jacket in your lap” the Latino Lover said. Julia nodded. His
left hand went under the jacket in her lap and opened the
button of her skirt. He knew what he was doing, Julia
thought in her head. Her circled around her clitoris hood.
His hands stayed outside her panties. His fingers circled

closer and closer but never brushed over her clitoris. Julia
sighed in anticipation. Then he stopped. “Wait, what?” Julia
breathed full of indignation. “Follow me” he said as he took
her hand and led her outside of the lecture hall. The
hallways were empty. The older students hadn’t come back
from their semester break yet and all the prospective
students were in the hall. Their steps echoed in the empty
passages. He led her downstairs and around a few corners
till Julia was completely lost. How did he know his way
around, she wondered. The floors were made of wood and
the lightning was divine. He opened a door and suddenly
they stood outside. He took her to building 13 and up some
stairs. Julia was just about to ask him where they were
going when he stopped, looked around and when he saw
that nobody was around, he opened a door and pushed her
inside. “Wha-“she was about to ask when his tongue in her
mouth stopped her from talking. He kissed her
passionately. His hands grabbed her face and he pushed her
against a table. She grabbed his waists and pushed him
even closer to her. He lifted her up the table and pressed

her down. He took of her skirt with one swift movement
and started going down on her. When she was all wet and
begging him to let her orgasm, he pulled down his pants
and penetrated her. That was the last drop. With him
entering her, Julia finished in a breathtaking explosion. He
fucked her hard and just when he was about to come … The
lights were turned on.

Chapter 2 “The lusty lab technician”

Julia blinked at the bright light. Her Latino Lover reacted
more quickly and pulled up his pants. “What the fuck,
dude?” he asked. A young, blonde man was standing in the
entrance. His hair was in a ponytail, and he had a beard. He
looked cute and at the same time as a lumberjack. What a
sexy combination, Julia thought. He was wearing a lab coat
and had a tray with test tubes on it. He looked at Julia and
the Latin lover boy shocked. Julia breathed and got up. Her
lover boy pushed the young man to the side and left. “Text
me” he said as he left. Julia smiled at the young blonde
man. “Hey, I’m Julia”. “Hey, I’m Torben” he said, confused.
She stepped closer to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Sorry for that, love” she said. Torben wad still confused.
Julia leaned forward, so he could see more of her décolleté.
She loved to confuse young man, maybe Torben was still a
Virgin, she smiled at that thought.

“I’m so sorry for the interruption, I didn’t know that

somebody was in here.” He continued. “Oh, not at all,
darling, no worries. What are you doing here?” Julia said
with a glance at his lab trail. “Oh, I’m a lab technician.”, he

Julia took him by his lab coat and pulled him closer. She
brought her lips close to his and whispered "I want to kiss
you.”. Torben leaned in and they embraced in a passionate
embrace. Torben’s trail fell to the floor and some of the
chemicals spilled over his pants. “Oh no!” he exclaimed. He
took of his pants and underwear, but it was too late, the
chemical had already reached his erect penis. It was
twitching and twisting weirdly. “Are you okay?” Julia asked
with disgust and fascination. Torben leaned against the
table and watched his penis transform … into three little
purple tentacles.

“Wow!” Julia said. “Call me when you have learned how to
pleasure a Vulva with those!”. She wrote her number on a
sheet of paper, left the lab, and left Torben standing there
and staring at his new sexual organ with surprise.

Julia went back to the central building but neither Latino

boy nor Anna were anywhere to be seen. Julia shrugged her
shoulders and breathed.

She went to the rest of introduction events and at the end

of the day she was thoroughly sore and in need of a sensual
massage. At night there would be a party for the first
semesters and Julia wanted to be well rested for that
special occasion.

She got her pink bike and drove home. On her way she
passed the Salü and thought in her head “Mmh, maybe I
should go to the Sauna”. She locked her bike there and
went inside. As she hadn’t brought anything, she borrowed
a towel which costed her 10€. Already student life was
beginning to look costly. She needed a sugar daddy, she
thought, or a sugar mommy? Or a sugar non-binary person?

“Hey? Hello? Your towel!” the lady at the desk said. Julia
had completely zoomed out. That happened sometimes.
She took the towel and went inside.

She entered the sauna and let everything drop. She loved
her body. It was magnificent and it would be unfair to the
others to not let them see it. The guy working at the little
bistro stared at her with an open mouth. He was tallish,
handesomeish and had some dark brown locks that were to
die for. Julia loved guys that took good care of their hair.
She winked at him and entered the first sauna.

Inside was a couple. They were talking in French. Julia spoke

French perfectly. Of course, she did. It was the language of
love after all. She dreamed of living in Paris and owning her
own petite sustainable boutique, always wearing the latest
fair and slow fashion, having a sexy husband and two
adorable little kids and a Swedish au-pair that would
sometimes keep her and her husband company in bed.
Aaah, she sighed. What a dream! She was sure that it would
become true one day. And till then she would fuck her way
around the world and have the wildest youth ever.

The couple seemed to think that Julia didn’t speak or
understand French. They were flirting heavily. Julia had
never before heard French dirty talk in real life, only in
porn, and was aroused. The couple continued and then one
of them started licking the other one’s toes. The blonde
lady sucked each toe of the red hair. She took each toe
completely into her mouth and sucked it like a lollipop. She
did that to each toe twice all the while Julia watched in
disbelief. She hadn’t expected this and somehow it was
turning her on. Her whole Vulva was pulsing and wet with
not only sweat but also … with female ejaculate.

The hottish bistro guy entered and took off his shirt. Wait,
thought Julia, was she dreaming? Was she dead? Had she
died of dehydration or something? The couple stopped
their toe-sucking and the guy said “Hello and welcome to
our Sauna. My name is Matt, and I have prepared a nice,
aura-cleansing selection of herbs, so just lean back while I
spread this healing vape.”. And with this he poured his
brew over the hot stones, took a towel, and started to
artfully swing it. His muscles moved smoothly underneath

his bronze skin and sweat was slowly running and dripping
down his lean yet muscular body. Julia was close to slobber
all over him. His brew smelled of moss and pine forest with
a little hint of ocean breeze and autumn. Julia sighed. That
was the perfect man.

After 15 minutes, he was completely wet with sweat but

smiling broadly. Julia and the two ladies left the sauna also
smiling. That brew had been magical. The two ladies
thanked him and went to the relaxation area. “Wow”, said
Julia “that was … I don’t even have the words”. He smiled
and put his hands on her shoulders. “Ah, a lot of Pitta, I
knew it. That is why my brew was so relaxing for you. It has
a lot of balancing energies for Pitta persons.” Julia was
amazed. He knew about ayurveda. What else was this
dream man hiding? Julia had to know more. Like, what was
his star sign? What was his favorite yoga style? Did he

“I’m going to the staff room to hydrate a bit, do you wanna

join me?” he asked. Julia nodded. They had just started
walking when the lab technician spotted them and came

closer. “Hey Matt” he said and greeted him. “Ah, hey, you
just missed my forest brew!” Matta said. “Too bad” he
replied and spotting Julia “Ah, wait, you’re … Julia, right?”.
“Yes, hey Torben” she said with a wink. “You two know
each other?” Matt asked. “Well…” Julia said “we certainly
met today, yes”. “I was just taking Julia to the staff room to
get something to drink, you want to join us?” asked Matt.
“Sure” said Torben and followed them.

Chapter 3 “The staff room”

The hot sauna guy, the guy from the lab, and Julia needed
exactly 48 seconds to get from the sauna to the staff room.
When Julia entered, she was disappointed. The sauna area
had such a nice and calm look, a lot of wood and dim
lighting. And this? The staff room looked as dull and
ordinary as any other staff room. The light was dazzling, and
the interior design was horrible!

Julia frowned and Matt asked “Everything alright?”. Julia

gulped and replied “Eh, I mean … It’s not what I
expected…”. “And what did you expect? A secret, sex-

positive, well-being sauna oasis?” asked Matt. Julia felt
stupid. Torben just rolled his eyes and just said “Matt you
can be unnecessary cruel sometimes, c’mon, show her!”.
Matt smirked at Julia and opened a door that had hitherto
been hidden by a life-sized anatomy poster. He gestured
them to follow him.

They entered a Moroccan-style corridor. The floor and the

walls and even the round ceiling were of an exquisite
mosaique. Julia immediately felt like in a cozy cave. The air
was filled with the smell of spices and oils. The only light
sources were scented candles. Julia was astonished. Matt
whispered “Take off your bath robes”. He opened a dark
and heavy curtain to their right and revealed a dressing
room. Based on the number of bath robes already hanging
there, Julia guessed that there must have been some 28
people there already.

She took off her bath robe. The two guys followed her
example. She had already seen Matt’s upper body naked
but now the whole man stood before her like a Greek God.
Marble, she thought, she needed some marble to chisel him

into stone. Most exquisite, she thought. He was absolutely
to die for. But there came a surprise. His penis was very
small. Hm, maybe he’s a grower not a shower, thought Julia
in her head. Then her gaze moved to Torben. My, my, she
thought. Torben was definitely not as muscularish as Matt
but still he was something. He had somewhat of a dad bod
but in a sexy Thor in Avenger’s Endgame kind of way … And
his sexual organ? Those three little tentacles had evolved
nicely! They looked strong and healthy and moved with a
certain grace.

Matt took them back to the corridor and led them past
several doors. Julia felt like she was in a life-sized advent
calendar. Behind every door a surprise was waiting, a little
present waiting - no, begging - to be opened by her.

“Where –” Julia started saying when Matt put his finger to

her lips and shushed her. “No talking in here” Torben
explained, “only to ask for and give consent”. Julia nodded.
Her excitement was growing by the minute. Finally, Matt
stopped in front of the last door to the left. He opened the
door very softly and slowly.

Julia’s eyes had to adapt to the even dimmer lighting inside.
When she finally could see, her jaw dropped. The room
looked like a very elegant boudoir. People were moving all
over bed and sofa like pieces of furniture. “Amazing, right?”
Torben said and was immediately shushed by Matt. He
rolled his eyes at Matt again and took Julia’s hand. He led
her to one of the chaises longues that were still empty. He
turned around and looked deep into Julia’s ice blue eyes.
“Julia” he breathed. “Yes?” whispered Julia, her voice
quivering with anticipation. “What is your safe word?” he
asked. Julia thought for a second and answered “Carrot
juice”. Torben nodded “And are you dom or sub?”. Julia
thought again. Normally she preferred to be dom but
tonight after all the university introductions she just wanted
to let herself fall. “Tonight, I’m sub” she answered. Torben
nodded again. “Alright, I’m going to do stuff with you
without asking for consent, but whenever you feel unsafe
or unwell, use your safe word”, Torben said in a low, husky
voice. Julia nodded.

“Sit down” Torben said. Julia sat down on the red chaise
longue and looked up to Torben her gaze tracing his dad
bod. “Good girl, now, spread your legs wide so that I can
inspect your private parts in all their glory”. Julia did as she
was told. Once she had opened her legs, Torben got onto
his knees and brought his face close to her crotch.

He put his finger into his mouth and used his now wet
finger to trace the lines of her throbbing vulva lips.
“Beautiful” he breathed. Matt came closer and standing
behind Torben looked down at the scenery. Judging from
the way his little soldier sprung to attention, he liked what
he was seeing. He also got down onto his knees.

He started kissing Torben’s shoulders and neck and turned

Torben’s head around so he could kiss his lips. Julia
watched with growing lust. Finally, she couldn’t wait any
longer and leaned forward. Her hands found Torben’s
cheeks, and she turned his head back towards her to kiss
him. Torben was a great kisser. His tongue found its way
into Julia’s mouth often, but not too often and caressed her
lips gently.

Then, Julia saw him.

Sitting in the middle of one the beds, surrounded by people

making out, touching, penetrating, and licking each other,
was an intriguing man watching her with a lecherousness
she had never seen before. He had light brown hair and a
designer stubble. One strand of his hair was white as if he
had colored it, but Julia could see that it was natural. He
was around 30 years old and his whole appearance had
something sophisticated. Sexy, Julia thought, thoroughly

She stopped kissing Torben. The two of them would be fine,

she thought. She stood up and got closer to the sexy man.
He was looking firmly her into the eyes all the while. She
got so close that she could feel his breathing on her belly
and as she stood before him, she thought “This is the man
I’ve been waiting for”. He looked up to her and gave her a
mischievous smile. “Hey there” he said. “Hey there,
yourself” Julia answered. He took her hands and pulled her
down onto to him. She could feel his arousal. They kissed
passionately. All the while, other bodies all around them

were moving, moaning, melting, merging, and meeting in
one voluptuous meltdown. Julia felt marvelous.

She put his penis into her vagina and rhythmically moved
on top of his lap. He was holding her and kissed and sucked
her magnificent breasts. Then she pushed him flat on his
back and continued to ride him like the sexy cowgirl she
was. She clawed her fingers into his chest and shoulders. H
looked at her with amazement and exclaimed “You are and
incarnation of Aphrodite!”.

After an incredible sex session with the man with the white
strand of hair, Julia returned exhausted yet fulfilled and
content to Torben and Matt who were laying on the chaise
longue cuddling. “Is there room for a third person?” Julia
asked. The two of them nodded and moved so that Julia
could fit in in the middle. They were all pleasurably worn
from all the sex and enjoyed each other’s company.

After an hour or so of light caressing, Julia got up and said

her goodbyes to the boys. She gave the older man from the
bed a last wink and returned to where she had left her

bathrobe. When she had finally gotten home, she just let
herself sink onto her bed and fell into a deep and relaxing

Chapter 4 “Professor Darling”

Julia’s alarm rang the next morning at 6:45 am. What a god-
awful hour for getting up Julia thought and remembered
with longing the time she had lived in that Indian ashram
and had gotten up at 5 am every morning with ease and
without coffee.

She shuffled towards her kitchen and made herself some

strong coffee and breakfast. After that and her cold
morning shower, she checked her e-mails and packed her
backpack for the day. She looked into her calendar: Today,
she had Introduction to Environmental Law and later
Introduction to Ecology. A full day. What would she wear?
She decided on an outfit held in ocher tones. Her sweater
was light yellow and her pants brownish while her coat
went more into a sand tone. Her long blonde hair was
covered with a brown woolly hat. She put on some light
make up and left her apartment.

She got on her bike. Her way to the university was super
long … She really needed to find another place. Also, she
wasn’t enjoying living alone as much as she had thought.
She needed to find a WG.

After her drive through the cold morning air, she arrived at
the university in time. She entered the lecture hall number
2 and sat down in one of the front rows. She always liked to
make a good first impression. Even if afterwards, she would
gradually mov further and further away from the front and
maybe skip every third lecture or so…

A blonde and cute girl came and asked her if she could sit
next to Julia. Julia removed her bag form the seat and
introduced herself “Hey, I’m Julia Joygood, and you are?”.
“Hey Julia, my name is Marta, so good to meet you, your
outfit is super pretty!”. “Oh, thank you so much, honey.”
Julia said and made a mental note in her head to make this
girl her friend.

The professor entered and started talking while he was

unpacking his things. “Hello dear students, my name is

Viktor Darling, and I will be your professor for
Environmental Law this semester. I got my law degree at
the university of Hamburg –” he looked Julia in the eyes,
raised his eyebrows in surprise and after the briefest
moment of silence, continued talking.

NO WAY! Julia thought, it was the man with the white

strand of hair from the Salü sex dungeon! She couldn’t
believe it. The semester had started yesterday and already
she had checked off one item of her sex bucket list for her
first semester: She had sex with one of her professors! Well
done, she thought to herself and smiled brightly.

“Already enjoying the course so much?” Marta asked. “Ah,

you know, I just have the feeling that this semester is going
to be great!”. Marta smiled and said “Lovely”. The rest of
the lecture went smoothly.

After class, Professor Darling beckoned Julia over. Julia

approached the lectern and smiled. “Hello Professor
Darling” she said in an ambiguously innocent tone. “Hello, I
was wondering whether we could talk privately in my

office.”. “Sure thing, Darling” Julia said and winked “I’ll
meet you there in 15”. With that Julia took her bag and left
the lecture hall. In the corridor she caught up with Marta.
“Hey honey, wanna go and get a coffee with me?” Julia
asked. “Yes, sounds lovely” Marta said. They went to the
Plan B and got a coffee for one euro because even though
they loved the coffee from Gondel, it was just too expensive
to get it every day. They sat down with their steaming cups
and enjoyed the friendly and cozy atmosphere. In one
corner of the room, Julia spotted a bed and thought to
herself “Mmh, that could be a good place for … a late-night
study session with a special someone”. She took a mental

10 minutes late, Julia got up and said her good-byes to

Marta. She looked up Prof. Darling to see where his office
was and then made her way to building 11, office 124. She
entered the building through one of those heavy doors
where each time you open it feels like a workout. Just as
she had opened the door, a person from inside brushed
past her … the Latin Loverboy! He looked at her from the

corner of his eye and gave her a sly smile. Julia felt

She went up the stairs and found Mr. Darling’s office. She
knocked. “Come in, please.” his serious voice sounded from
the inside. Julia went in and closed the door behind her.
“Should I lock the door?” Julia asked in an aroused moan.
Professor Darling just nodded. Julia locked the door from
the inside and approached the desk. Everything looked so
organized and clean. Mr. Darling was watching her closely.
She sat down in front of him, and he continued to watch
her. Finally, he put his hands on the table and straightened
himself. “What’s your name?” he asked. “It’s Julia, Prof.
Darling”. “Please, call me Viktor” he said. “Alright, Viktor.”
Julia responded. “Julia, we have a problem” he said in a
serious voice, “We have engaged in sexual activity, and we,
even though I did not know it at the time, are student and
professor”. Already this lawyer talk was turning Julia on. In
his lecture he had mentioned some of the cases he had
worked on and how he was in favor of making ecocide an
official punishable offence. This man was just too much!

This face combined with his intellect! Julia was melting
away. “Such relationships are not explicitly forbidden but
they are not welcomed either” he continued, “there is only
one small problem…” he left the rest of the sentence hang
in the air which was filled with anticipation. The air was so
thick with lust streaming from the two bodies that Julia was
close to biting into it with relish. “Yes?” Julia whispered
aroused. He stood up, came around the desk, and kneeled
in front of Julia. “I can’t keep my fingers off of you” and
with that his hands started touching her knees slowly
making their way closer to her intimate parts. “Oh, Viktor,
me neither. I consent! Please continue!”. His hands quickly
found her zipper and opened her pants. She got up and
pushed him onto his desk. Once he was seated, she took of
his pants and hers too. She put her fingers into his mouth
and ordered him to lick them. Once her fingers were wet,
she used them to massage first her vulva and then his
penis. She lowered herself onto his rock-hard penis and let
her vagina enclose him. She sat on him cross-legged and let
her hips gyrate.

After 21 minutes of this, Julia had a mind-shattering orgasm
and Prof. Darling had to put his hand on her mouth to keep
her from alerting the whole floor. He finished shortly after
being so aroused from seeing Julia orgasm. Julia looked at
the watch that hung at the wall. Fuck, she thought, she was
late to her next class, but at least it had been worth it.

“See you next week, Viktor” Julia said. She gave him a last
kiss and with that she left his office. Professor Darling
stayed behind, his pants still around his ankles. Then he
remembered where and who he was and pulled up his
pants. He smoothed down his hair, cleaned himself up and
sat down behind his desk again. He breathed deeply a
couple of times and went back to writing his book on
sustainable ocean law.

Chapter 5 “Salsa with Sofie”

On Thursday, Julia had her first Salsa class. She entered the
canteen. Outside everything was already dark and all the
chairs and desks had been pushed to the sides. There was
lot of space. Julia entered the canteen and was greeted by a
lovely couple. One of them checked off her name on a list

and the other one led her to the open space where they
would dance. “So, Julia, you want to start as a follow,
right?”. Julia nodded with enthusiasm. “Okay, so Sofie here
is a great lead. I’ll let the two of you get acquainted and
we’ll start in a few minutes”.

Sofie was wearing icy blue eyeshadow and sparkly purple

lipstick. She had put on a green crop top and leopard shorts
over leggings. She looked like a being from another colorful
planet. Julia was intrigued. “Hey, I’m Sofie, pronoun
she/her, and who are you?”, Julia smiled and answered
“Hey Sofie, my pronouns are also she/her, you look
marvelous, you know”. “Thanks” Sofie said with a smile that
beamed like sunshine even in this dark and cold autumn

They danced the whole evening and Julia felt so

empowered and loved by Sofie’s soft but firm touch. The
movements flowed so naturally that Julia felt like a regular
pro and the time flew by.

“You know, I love the way your gyrating hips feel under my
hands”; Sofie breathed into Julia’s ear. Julia could feel her
whole body getting warmer with lust. “You know, I too love
how your hands feel on my hips” Julia breathed back
teasingly “I wish they could discover some more …”. Julia
left the rest of the sentence hanging in the air. When they
played a slow and sensual Salsa song in the end, Sofie took
the opportunity to let her hands do what Julia had them
invited to. “Is that still okay?” Sofie asked. Consent, Julia
thought, this girl was sexy in so many ways. “Yes” Julia
whispered back, “In fact, I was wondering if you would like
to continue this after the class.”. “Yes, let’s go back to my
place. It’s a bit further away from the university but it’s
worth it”. Julia was thrilled.

She followed Sofie on her bike and the two of them needed
25 minutes to get from the university to Sofie’s WG in
Adendorf, a village next to Lüneburg. The whole ride Julia
used the saddle of her bike to stay aroused. When they
finally arrived at the house, Julia had already orgasmed

three times. But she was hungry for more, she was hungry
for Sofie.

Sofie led her into the kitchen were Alva and Nikita, Sofie’s
roommate and relationship person were sitting. “Hey, Alva,
Nikita, this is Julia. We met today at Salsa.”. Julia waved her
hand at them and then Sofie took her hand and led her up
the stairs. Jul was dying with anticipation. They turned
right, went through two doors, and finally stood in sort of a
living room.

Sofie pulled Julia close and kissed her passionately. Julia

pressed Sofie against on of the windows and started pulling
up her shirt. “Whenever you feel uncomfortable or if we’re
going too fast, tell me, please” Julia whispered into Sofie’s
mouth. “I was about to say the same thing” was Sofie’s
answer. Sofie undressed Julia till she was only in her pink
panties that were made of 100% organic cotton from a
woman’s cooperative in Bangladesh. Sofie hooked her
fingers into the panties and led Julia to a small side room
where there was a bed and a lot of candles. How romantic,

was all that Julia could think before Sofie pushed her onto
the bed and continued to undress herself completely.

There she stood. Completely naked. Like a realistic,

powerful, strong, and self-confident Venus, one Botticelli
could have never painted. Her long, curly brown hair flowed
down past her shoulders, circling her beautiful breasts. Julia
felt a bit jealous of that hair, she wanted to caress and
envelop her like this. “Come here, let me touch you” Julia
said. Sofie lowered herself till she half laid on Julia. They
kissed deeply while their respective hands fondled their
respective breasts and other body parts. They moaned
passionately. “I want to lick your pussy” Sofie said out of
breath from all the kissing. Julia just nodded willingly. Sofie
let her tongue wander from Julia’s ear down her neck and
stayed there for a long time sucking and biting with relish.
Julia groaned contentedly. She was as wet as the
waterslides in the Salü. Sofie moved on to Julia’s left breast
and skillfully licked her nipple tip. She licked it with such
enthusiasm and mastery that Julia felt herself getting closer
and closer to orgasm. Finally, when she was so close that

she was screaming and begging Sofie to finish her off, Sofie
softly pushed her knee between Julia’s leg. The light
pressure on Julia’s vulva was enough to send her over the
edge. She orgasmed in wild spasms while Sofie held her
down and continued to softly lick her breast bud.

After a few minutes, Julia’s body softened again, and she

was ready for more. This had been one of the most
monumental orgasms of her life and she wanted more of
this journey. Sofie was happy to oblige.

She let her mouth wander even further down till she was in
Julia’s nether regions. She spread Julia’s legs wide till she
could see her precious cunt in all her glory. Then she
continued to indulge her passion and let her tongue pay
tribute to Julia’s fig fruit. Sofie let her tongue trace the lines
of Julia’s vulva lips and also once in a while her tongue
licked Julia’s clitoris head. Her tongue would either be firm
and pointed or soft and flat. Sofie paid close attention to
what Julia liked more and with time she found a rhythm and
technique that Julia enjoyed … nay, savored.

After Julia’s fifth orgasm that evening, they laid in bed, arm
in arm and stroked each other softly and affectionately.
That was the tender budding of something, Julia could feel
it. A deep friendship, perhaps, or a lovely affair? Julia didn’t
know yet but that was fine. She was content and fell asleep
in Sofie’s arms.

Chapter 6 “It’s Jesús”

The next morning, Julia woke up feeling refreshed and
ready for the day. She didn’t have any university courses on
Fridays, so she hadn’t set an alarm clock. When she looked
at her phone screen, it was 9:30 am.

Sofie was not in bed, so Julia put on her clothes and went
downstairs. In the kitchen, Sofie and Nikita were having
breakfast. “Here, come sit with us. I made some apple
pancakes, are you hungry?” Nikita asked. “Yes, I’m
starving!” Julia answered. “I was wondering if you want to
go to the sea next weekend?” Sofie asked “I haven’t been at
the seaside in so long, I really miss it!”. Julia was baffled
“Ha, me too! I’m from Sylt you know, so I’m always longing
for this sea breeze and the feeling of sand and salt water on

my skin!” she said. They had a marvelous breakfast and
then Julia went home.

She hopped in the shower and put on a monochrome outfit

in white. She went to university where she met with Marta
in Plan B. They spent the day co-working. Julia read some
stuff for her law class, she wanted to impress Prof. Darling
and she really enjoyed the course. She could see herself in a
court of law, being dressed really well and talking
eloquently. She sighed. “Everything okay?” Marta asked.
“Yes, I’m just daydreaming” Julia said. “What about?”
Marta wanted to know. “I’m dreaming about defeating
some slick Lawyers that represent big oil in front of the
International Court of Law … Na, not defeating, destroying
them all the while looking fly as fuck!” Julia said in a dreamy
voice. “That sounds like a lovely daydream”. Julia continued
reading and then started looking for WGs but there was so
much to read on those wg-gesucht profiles. After a short
while, she looked up from her laptop and said to Marta
“You wanna go to my place and get ready for the first
semester party tonight?”. Marta thought for a short while

and then replied “Yes, if we pass my WG on the way, I can
get some stuff we containered yesterday, so we can cook at
your place.”. Julia nodded.

The two girls got Marta’s stuff and cooked a lovely vegan
Eintopf. Afterwards, they got ready for the party. Julia had a
big selection of slutty party outfits and Marta was positively
thrilled. Now that they had seen each other getting
undressed, the two girls were very comfortable with each
other. Julia was wearing an orange neck holder crop top
with no bra underneath. That way you could always see or
imagine her nipple tips in a most delicate and promising
way. Paired with this she wore black flares that were very
tight around the ass, so that every curve was highlighted.

They got on their bikes at 9 pm and entered the

Hörsaalgang at 9:55 pm after buying and drinking a few
beers from the local penny. Julia entered and almost at
once saw her Latin Boy-Toy. She waved her hand at him,
but he ignored her. “Rude” said Marta “Who is that?”. “Just
a guy I hooked up with” Julia said and tried not to sound
hurt. “Na, he can’t just ignore you! I mean yes, he’s got

some moves and looks good, but that’s no reason to
behave like an asshole!” Marta said in a firm statement.
Julia thought that she was right, so she went over to him.

“Hey, how have you been?” Julia asked him. “Ah, well” he
said in a casual tone. “Didn’t I see you the other day coming
out of building … what was it? 11?” Julia continued. “Hey, if
you don’t mind, I came here to dance. I don’t really have
the capacities to talk to you right now.” Julia was taken
aback. Wow, what a way to treat somebody! “Hey, you’re
really being a perfect example of toxic masculinity right
now! So, bye bitch!” Julia said, turned around, and had an
amazing night with Marta. They danced and drank and
watched other people till 2 am, from time to time they
made out with each other or other people in a casually,
friendly way. At 3 am, the Latin Lover approached Julia.
“Hey, I’m sorry for behaving this way! I don’t know why I’m
like this sometimes. Can you forgive me?” he said. Julia
looked at him for a long time, he was slightly drunk, but still
she decided to accept his apology. “Alright, let’s start again.
My name is Julia, and you are?”.

“I’m Jesús.”

Julia’s jaw dropped. A Jesús, she had found a Jesús. She

already imagined the glory of adding this to her fuck
buddies excel sheet. That would get an extra 200 points!

“Hello? Earth to Julia. Are you there?”. Julia looked at him.

She had to fuck him again and this time she would fuck the
toxic masculinity right out of him. She remembered the
consultant guy from Frankfurt who, after going out with her
for three months, left his job and went to Spain with
workaway to live on an organic horse farm.

She took Jesús home. When they entered, she pushed him
onto the bed and told him to undress. While he was getting
undressed, Julia went to her dressing room, where she had
a special drawer for her sexy stuff. She took her newest,
rainbow-colored harness, her white whip, and her strap-on
dildo in blue metallic. She put on her lace mask and her
high heel boots. Other than that, she was now completely
naked. She let her whip snap a few times and she felt
powerful. Jesús would have a night he would never forget.

When she came back to the bedroom, Jesús was waiting for
her. He laid on his side, hid erect penis pointing at Julia.
When he saw her outfit, his eyes widened a bit but then he
laughed and said “You know I hate it when women do the
starfish, so I’m looking forward to having a more active
female in the bed.” Julia rolled her eyes; she would show
him active.

She turned him on his belly and ordered him to get into
doggy position. After placing a cut-up condom on his
asshole, she let her tongue pamper Jesús’ rosette. When he
was relaxed, she put on black latex gloves and examined
Jesús’ anal cavities with her little finger. Gradually, she
introduced more fingers till Jesús was ready for more.

Finally, he screamed “Yes please, put your blue metallic dick

into me, mistress!”. Julia was happy to oblige. She fucked
him so hard till he cried out “Mercy, mistress, mercy!” but
Julia wouldn’t have it. No mercy for him today! Finally,
Jesús finished in a big fountain of ejaculate and broke down
crying. In a pitiful, quivering voice he said “Tha… Thank you,
mis… mis… mistress!”. “You’re welcome, worm.”. “Can we

cuddle now, please?” he asked, his cheeks still wet with
tears. “No. You will clean my apartment and then go home
and think about your behavior.”. Jesús nodded like an
obedient little minion and went home after cleaning Julia’s
apartment. Julia smiled at the thought of the marks her
whipping had left on his back.

Chapter 7 “Farm Day”

On Saturday, Julia had planned to go to Hof an den Teichen.

She woke up happy and satisfied. After her sweaty, Level
Up 108 program yoga session with her favorite guru Travis
Eliot, Julia made herself
an organic kale-orange-
beetroot-celery juice
with juice extractor.
Afterwards, Julia spent
her morning with a
beautiful, lush, and plum body: the body of feminist
literature. She read the first two chapters from Haraway’s
“Staying with the Trouble” before she dedicated herself to
her mindfulness journaling. Then she called her best friend
who she knew from her childhood on Sylt and who –
surprisingly – had never been her lover.

After her lunch which consisted only of rice that she had
cooked for over 14 hours (she was doing a diet to reduce
her allergy symptoms), she got on her bike and went to Hof
an den Teichen. The sun was shining, and it was a very
warm autumn day. Way too warm, Julia thought, she only
needed a shirt to stay warm. “Damn you, climate change!”
she said through her teeth.

She arrived on the farm at around 2:32 pm and left her bike
at the entrance. The whole farm was full of children and
families. Ah, how Julia wished to have a cute little,
sustainable coffeeshop one day and two adorable, pretty
little children. The day would come, she was sure of it! Julia
had brought her book and her journal and opened the gate
to get to the pond. She passed the chicken and came to an
open space surrounded by trees. Here, a lot of people were
having a picknick on one of the tables with benches or just
on the grass.

Julia went down to the waterside. There was a young, black

woman chopping wood by the beautiful little house where
Julia would have opened a Yoga studio if it had been hers.
The house was in a bad state, but it had a nice wooden
terrace that was built over the pond. The woman was only
wearing a bra and sweating and panting from all the
chopping. Jul sat down on one of the colorful metal chairs
and pretended to read. In reality, she was watching the
woman’s muscles moving underneath her smooth skin and
enjoying the way she grunted every time she brought the

axe down. This girl was definitely strong, and she was
blowing off steam. Julia liked women that showed her

Suddenly, the girl looked up, right into Julia’s eyes. Fuck,
Julia thought, she caught me. The girl came closer while
Julia pretended to read. “Hey, what are you reading?” she
asked in a calming, low voice. “Ah, eh, I dunno, a beautiful,
lush, and plum body?” Julia said awkwardly. “If you’re
referring to my body, I noticed you watching –”. Julia
wanted to say something but was hushed with a gesture “–
what I wanted to say is that I don’t mind” the girl continued
“I’m Nina by the way and how may I call you, gorgeous?”.
“Ju...ulia” Julia stammered. “I was talking bout the body of
feminist literature”. “Ah” Nina said “A friend of mine gave
me this book, queer bodies, because she thinks I’m queer.”.
“And are you? If that is not too personal.” Julia asked. “I
have no clue; I’m figuring that out.” Nina said and smiled. “I
have to go back to chopping wood, but I wouldn’t mind
being watched some more. And if you have time, you could
wait for me. My shift’s ends at 5 pm.”. Julia stayed and

watched and whenever other people came down to the
water side, she would pretend to read and Nina and her
would exchange secret, naughty glances.

After an hour or so of this, Nina was done with the wood

and Julia helped her to bring it to the stables. They would
find excuses to touch each other in passing and the touches
became bolder and firmer with each minute. Finally, Julia
couldn’t wait any longer. “I want you; do you feel like
making out? My pussy is already so wet!” Julia breathed
into Nina’s ear when she passed. Nina just looked at her
with a naughty and mischievous smile and took Julia’s hand.
She led her down again, past the sheep meadow and to a
secluded area close to the river feeding the pond. There
was a hollow left from a fallen tree and its roots. It was still
sunny, and the earth was warm. They kissed each other
passionately while standing and finally landed in the hollow.
They undressed and laughed and when they were naked,
Nina lay down and spread her legs. “Uh, I never felt
sunshine on my vulva, it feels exquisite!” she exclaimed
before the only sound coming from her mouth were moans.

Julia licked her pussy with gusto and moaned as much as
Nina. The children playing nearby thought that the sheep
must have eaten something funny.

Julia used her tongue and then also introduced her fingers
into the play. First, they massaged the lower part of the
vulva, the entrance to her vagina, in the same rhythm as
her tongue. Then, she introduced first one and then two
fingers into the vaginal cavity. She stroked the g area gently,
letting her fingers glide over the ruffled mucous membrane.
She could feel Nina’s skene’s glands swell and continued
her work. Nina was clenching with pleasure and eventually
her whole body erupted in a salacious spasm. Shortly after,
Julia got completely wet because Nina’s pussy sprayed
ejaculate in hot, steaming waves. Julia continued stroking
the g area till even the last, tiny way had subsided and
Nina’s ejaculate sources were dried up. Nina’s vulva and
Julia’s hand, arm and face were drenched in the sweet-
smelling liquid of the goddess and Julia licked her fingers
with delight.

“Do you want to marry me?” Nina asked. “I have to go back
to Tanzania next July, but I want to come back”.
“Definitely!” Julia answered and imagined herself in a white
dress. They lay in that warm hollow and sleepily enjoyed
the warm sunshine on their bare skin. They planned their
wedding for next May and talked at length about seating
plans and what food they would serve. Finally, it got too
cold to stay there.

Nina went home with Julia. They drank white wine and took
a bath. Nina used the water hose to pleasure Julia. They
didn’t sleep much that night.

Chapter 8 “Searching for a WG”

After Nina had spent the night and the two girls had a lovely
breakfast (Nina only had her prostitute’s breakfast: A coffee
and a cigarette). Julia spent the morning in bed searching
for WGs. Meanwhile Nina had gone home to enjoy her free

Julia found several appealing WGs. She wrote to all of them

and as their profile texts were very long and each required

a different text from her, it was 2:44 pm when she finished.
By that time, one of the WGs had already answered her and
had invited her for a casting tomorrow. Julia replied to
them and said that she was free tomorrow in the evening
and that she was looking forward to meeting them.

The rest of the day Julia spent with some intense self-care.
She put hot water in her hot tub and took her waterproof
and body-safe rabbit ear vibrator with her.

The next day, Julia had her ecology lecture and the lecturer
– a youngish PhD candidate – named Carlos Cuervo was
really cute and somehow hot. Not in a sexy, omg he’s hot
kind of way but rather in a cute and nerdy kind of way hot.
Julia was intrigued.

After a full day of studying and attending lectures and

seminars, Julia was rather tired. But she was also looking
forward to the WG casting.

She took her bike and drove to Vor dem Roten Tore 5
where the WG lived. From the outside it was a very ugly
building right at the corner of a crossroads with a

supermarket across the street. Julia didn’t like the look of it,
she would have preferred a garden and some more peace
and quiet, but with Luneburg’s prices and living space
availability she couldn’t be too picky.

She rang the doorbell on the bottom. The door hummed

and Julia pushed it open. Inside was a corridor and another
door. The door was open and in it stood … Nina? “Hey, I
didn’t know … that …”. “I lived here?” Nina finished Julia’s
sentence. Julia nodded. Nina smiled and gestured her in.
Julia took off her shoes and entered yet another corridor,
this time inside the apartment. When she passed Nina, Nina
casually hit her buttocks with a light clap. “Uh” Julia
exclaimed amused.

Nina pointed to a door and said “We’re all in the kitchen,

let’s start there and then we see how the casting goes …”.
She winked at Julia. Julia opened the door and saw another
surprise. Jesús was casually leaning against the kitchen
counter eating a sandwich. When he saw Julia, he closed his
mouth and lowered the hand that still held the sandwich.
He got on his knees and said “Mistress? How have you

found me? What can I do for you?”. Julia was pleased.
“Today? Nothing. Get up!” she said in a stern tone.

Then Anna entered the kitchen closely followed by Marta.

Julia was overwhelmed. She reaized that she had been here
before. She had seen the house from the outside when
Marta had stopped here for getting her vegetables.

Anna smiled at her and while rubbing Julia’s shoulders said

“Oh, darling, it’s so nice that you’re here. When I saw you
message in wg-gesucht I was so happy!”. “Yeah, she told us
all about your message and we realized that we all knew
you” Marta said and smiled. Nina and Jesús just exchanged
glances and smiled knowingly.

“I was wondering whether you wanted to take this

interview to the next level” Anna said. “I have the biggest
room here and there is a nice sofa there and I made some
tea.” Jesús added. Julia’s pussy smelled something
promising. She got all swollen and wet.

Then they all sat in Jesús’ room. Julia and Jesús sat on the
sofa while Marta sat on an armchair next to it and Anna and
Nina made themselves comfortable.

They talked and laughed a lot, and you could feel the
discomfort and tension dissolving. They were talking like old
friends. Jesús started stroking Julia’s leg while Julia gave
Anna a neck massage.

Anna slowly moved closer to Nina, and they started kissing

and stroking each other. Julia watched in fascination and
continued to touch Anna. Nina turned her head and started
kissing Julia while Anna pulled Marta from her chair. Jesús
began to slowly undress and lightly kiss the others. They
were moving slowly and mindfully stopping often to ask if
everybody was fine.

After a couple of minutes of this, things got heavier and

more intense. People were moving quicker and with more
intent. Jesús and Anna were making out like crazy while
Marta licked Nina’s pussy who in turn licked Julia’s pussy.
Nina was lying flat on her back while Julia was on her knees,

her pussy over Nina’s face. Finally, Jesús and Anna joined
them on the floor. Jesús and Anna were now doing it in
doggy while Anna used her fingers and her tongue to
pleasure Marta. Nina and Julia were making out and Nina
was putting on her harness and strap-on. Then, Nina was
giving it to Jesús anally while he penetrated Julia in
missionary. Anna was kissing Nina all over and played with
her nipples. Marta was receiving a thorough pussy eating
from Julia. This went on for some two hours in changing

Afterwards they all engaged in sensual aftercare and

cuddled in Jesús’ bed. Sleepily Anna asked “Hey Julia, so,
you wanna live here? We’d love to have you, right?”. There
was approving murmur from the others. Julia felt very
content. “Yes, I would love to live here. I will move in next
month!”. Julia spent the night and they all slept in the same

Chapter 10 “The first date”

The next morning Jesús slept in while the others went to
university. Only Marta and Julia were left in the apartment.

Marta made some really good coffee with a cute small
espresso machine. Julia sat in the kitchen wearing Jesús’ red
and fluffy bath robe. “Last night was great!” she said. “Yes.
It was truly lovely” Marta responded.

They drank the coffee and afterwards Marta said “Ah, now
I’m ready for the day!”. They looked each other in the eyes.
“You know … I was wondering something” Marta said, she
looked nervous. “Yes, what is it honey?” Julia said. “I was
wondering whether you wanted to go on a date with me.”
Marta said and her face went completely red.

Julia was flattered “Yes, I would love to go on a date with

you. Let’s go to avenir and have some coffee with a
croissant!". Marta approved.

When the two of them entered, Julia saw Professor Darling

and Sofie at one of the tables. They hadn’t noticed her yet.
Julia didn’t know that they knew it each other. She had a
weird gut feeling, so she decided to not say hello to them.
Instead, she put on her sunglasses and pulled her hat and
scarf closer together so that they covered more face area.

“What are you doing?” Marta asked. “I know the people on
that table, and I want to spy on them.” Julia said. “Okay
sure” Marta said.

Julia and Marta ordered coffee and croissants and then

went to the seating area and sat down next to the table of
Professor Darling and Sofie. Julia carefully removed her
glasses, scarf, and hat. Nobody noticed her. The coffee and
croissants were served, and Marta started eating. Julia was
trying to listen to the conversation on their neighbor table.
What she heard shocked her.

“You have successfully made contact, then?” Professor

Darling said. Sofie responded “Yes, she is under my spell. Do
you think she has already joined the organization?”. “No”
Prof Darling said in a firm voice “As far as we know they
haven’t made contact yet”. Julia was wondering who they
were talking about. “I think we still have time to get her to
our side. It would be great! I mean … she’s so pretty and
intelligent.” Sofie said. “I agree and she is a regular
sunshine. And so skillful. Did you know that she fucked me

in my office?” Professor Darling asked. Wait, Julia thought,
were they talking about… her?

Julia grabbed Marta’s sleeve. Marta looked at her with big

eyes “What is it?” she asked Julia. Julia was shocked.
“Marta, I’m so sorry but I need to go! I need to clear my
head. But let’s take a rain check! I still want to go out with
you, okay?”. Marta smiled and nodded. Julia left the avenir
and took a walk through Lüneburg.

The words she had heard swirled through her head. What
was she to so? She needed to know more. Like magic her
feet took her to the university. She arrived there after
almost an hour of walking. She went to building 11 and
suddenly stood in front of Viktor’s office. She didn’t know
how she had gotten there. Her body had just brought her
there by autopilot. She tried to open the door, but it was
locked. She removed a pin from her blonde hair and
opened the door with the pin.

The office was eerily quiet. Julia started to systematically

shuffle through Viktor’s stuff till she came across a big

folder with a skull on the outside and the words “The
Organization” written underneath.

Julia started reading and with each page she was more and
more surprised. There seemed to be an international
organization that was trying to save the environment and
an opposing entity – called the Alliance – trying to get rich
and undermine strict environmental legislation. And
Professor Darling and his SHK Sofie were part of it! Viktor
was not actually a good environmental lawyer; he was a
lawyer for Big Business here to spy on his colleagues.

Julia didn’t know what to think about this. She was in shock,
so she went home and took a long, hot shower. Afterwards
she stayed up for a long time trying to come up with a plan.

Chapter 11 “The Organization”

The next day Julia had her lab training. Torben was the
assisting student and helped the groups with the handling
of the chemicals and lab equipment. After the class, Julia
stayed behind and waited for the others to leave.

“Hey, are you alright?” Torben said “You seem tired and
sad.”. Julia nodded “Yes, something weird happened
yesterday.”, she said and told Torben all about the
conversation she had overheard yesterday. Torben listened
and after Julia had finished, he stayed quiet and thought
hard for a couple of minutes. “Okay, you have given me a
lot to think about. Let’s meet tonight. And stay away from
Sofie and Viktor!”. Julia thought about the girl’s night out
she had planned with Sofie. It would be hard to avoid her
today, but she would try.

“Hey, wanna meet at the Plan B to plan our night out?”

Sofie texted her an hour later. Julia was just having lunch
with some students from her chemistry class in the
canteen. Julia ignored the message. She would stay away
from them!”. “Julia?” she heard a voice calling out to her.
Shit! Julia thought. It was Sofie. She came to their table
“Hey cutie!” Sofie said and sat down next to Julia. So much
for avoiding, Julia thought.

Julia tried to have a pleasant chat with Sofie without talking

about their girl’s night out. She managed to stall Sofie and

left with the others. What she didn’t see was that Sofie
texted Viktor “Something’s up with Julia” right after Julia
had left.

Julia spent the rest of the day with avoiding Viktor and Sofie
while also trying to study. But her heart wasn’t in it. At 5 pm
Torben texted her telling her to meet her in the cellar of the
main building in half an hour. Julia finished drinking her fifth
cup of coffee and went to the main building. She had a hard
time finding the cellar, the main building was so confusing!

Finally, she found the staircase leading down. There were

candles on each step and Latin American spiritual music
came from invisible speakers. Julia went down carefully. At
the door at the bottom of the staircase, Torben waited for
her with two candles in his hands. He was wearing a brown
monk’s habit. He handed her a candle and put his hood
over his head. “What-?” Julia started before Torben’s
hushing glance silenced her.

She followed him into the dark cellar where several persons
in brown habits stood in a circle each with a handle in their

hands. In the middle was an altar-like thing with fruit and
vegetables, twigs and leaved, water and earth put upon it.
The people were singing the song “Photosynthese” by Dilla
& emi x. Julia slowly started singing too while Torben and
her took a place in the circle.

After the song had ended, a figure went to the altar and left
their candle on it. They removed their hood and
underneath, with a red clown’s nose, Julia recognized
Henrik von Wehrden!

“My fellow world saviors! Welcome to our meeting! We

have urgent business to discuss! There is one among us
who the Alliance wants to indoctrinate, they want them to
join their ranks! Julia, please step forward!”. Julia looked at
him with big eyes. Surprised she stepped towards him.

“Are you willing to be initiated? Are you ready to be part of

the Organization and become a part of the movement to
bring balance to the universe, reach climate justice, and
have a sustainable transformation?”. Julia could just nod in

Henrik got a beautiful wooden anal plug from one of his
pockets and placed it on the altar. “To initiate you, you will
get in contact with all the things placed upon this altar,
each member of the Organization will introduce you to
another element.”. Henrik took one of the twigs and
beckoned Julia to come closer. She had to lie on his lap. He
pulled down her pants and hit her buttocks several times
with the twig.

Next was Berta Martín-López, she took some of the soil and
mixed it with water. She painted symbols on Julia’s now red
buttocks and screamed “Local Indigenous Knowledge! Local
Indigenous Knowledge!”. Several Professors and PhD
candidates from different areas followed. The last thing left
on the altar was the wooden anal plug. Julia wondered who
would introduce that one to her.

A hooded person stepped forward. The person came up

behind her and gently introduced the plug with a lot of
lube. Julia tilted her head to see the person. The person
removed the hood and underneath Julia saw …

… Sofie’s smiling face.

Julia’s jaw dropped in shock.

Chapter 12 “Secret Spy”

After Sofie had stepped back into the circle. Julia was
allowed to get up and Henrik handed her a brown habit.
Julia nervously tugged his sleeve “I have important
information about Sofie!”, Julia said to Henrik. “Don’t you
worry, youngling, she’s on our side, working for Professor
Darling is just a cover!”, Henrik whispered back.
“Community!” he announced loudly “Julia now is part of
the Organization!”; there were cheerful exclamations all

More light was turned on while the candles were put out.
Suddenly, Julia saw a DJane at the end of the room who
was mixing reggaeton with techno. Most people had taken
off their habits and were wearing comfortable and sexy
party outfits.

Julia looked around. Torben invited her to dance but she

told him that she wanted to look for Sofie first. Torben said

“You know, Henrik believes this whole I’m-spying-for-you
stuff from Sofie. I’m not so sure. She hasn’t convinced me! I
think she is actually spying for Viktor.”. “OMG! I think so
too!” Julia exclaimed, “Let’s go looking for her and cross
examine her!”. Torben approved the plan, and they went
searching for Sofie. It wasn’t easy finding her among all the
sweaty dancing people. But finally, they found her dancing
funky salsa with Jesús. “Ah, you’re also part of the
Organization?” Julia asked him. “No, I’m just here to dance.
I love these secret raves.” Julia looked at Torben, but he just
shook his head and whispered “It’s better if people think
that they are just raves.”.

Julia tipped Sofie on the shoulder and said “Come with us!
We need to talk”. Sofie followed Julia and Torben up the
stairs till the room of silence. Julia put yoga and meditation
mats on the floor and ordered Sofie to lie down. “Are you
working for Professor Darling?” she asked. Sofie responded
“Yes, but it’s just a cover! I swear!”. Torben and Julia
exchanged glance. This called for some heavy cross

examination. They took off their clothes and took turns in
undressing Sofie.

When Sofie was naked, they dimmed the lights to 30% and
started the examination. Julia started licking Sofie’s pussy
roughly and just how Sofie liked it. She let her come close to
orgasm a couple of times till she was begging to finish.
Meanwhile, Torben masturbated and yelled questions at
Sofie, but she didn’t diverge from her story.

Then, when Sofie was so horny she almost couldn’t take it

anymore, Julia and Torben mindfully put rope on her
engaging in some nice bondage. When Sofie was wrapped
thoroughly, they started kissing and teasing her. After two
hours of this, Sofie was close to going crazy.

“Please, please, let me finiiiiish!” her voice produced an

echo in the now not very silent room of silence. Julia
squirted in her face almost drowning her and Torben
ejaculated ink from his three little tentacles on Sofie’s
stomach. Finally, Julia finished Sofie off with a magic wand
and the orgasm was so intense that Sofie almost fainted.

With the last strength she had, she whispered “I lied…”
before drifting off into a deep slumber. Torben and Julia
exchanged uneasy looks. This was not good!


Many Thanks go to my amazing WG and my former sex
partners who have given me all the inspiration I needed for
writing the book. Some of the stuff written here has
happened in real life, some events are complete fiction. I
leave it to you, dear reader, to decide which is which.

I thank the Plan B for being my living room and I thank the
university in general for being a place where I can write
erotic novels (sometimes even during seminars). Thank you
for being great teachers and I hope my former and current
lecturers are not too mad at me for using them as personas
in this book!

Lastly, I thank my writing group “Getting juicy with words”

for being there for me and encouraging me to continue. I
also thank my therapist and friends for getting me through
some bad and dark times that have not stopped yet but are
at least manageable.

I hope that you, dear reader, have enjoyed this piece of art
and if you want more, just leave some feedback in the Plan
B mailbox, it will find me!

Sneak Preview: Jule Breathed 2, Chapter 1
“The Confession”
With the last strength Sofie had, she whispered “I lied…”
before drifting off into a deep slumber. Torben and Julia
exchanged uneasy looks. This was not good!

There was nothing they could do know. Sofie was fast

asleep. Torben and Julia got dressed and went to Henrik’s
office. Henrik was currently speaking to his plants “Yes,
good monstera, fine, here, have some water and I think
you, dear Orchidaceae, you need some fertilizer, hm?”.

Julia cleared her throat and said “Professor von Wehrden?

We have some information that we need to discuss.”.
Henrik wasn’t really paying attention, he was now starting
to juggle his stapler, a book and a coffee mug. “Yes, yes. I’m
listening. You want to write your bachelor thesis with me?”.
Torben and Julia exchanged looks. There was nothing to do
here. They would need to go somewhere else.

They went down the corridor and knocked at Berta’s door.

Nobody answered, so they opened the door. Berta was
having sex with a good-looking young man. They were so

deep in their activity that they didn’t even realized
somebody had opened the door. Julia saw that the young
man was Carlos! Wow! She thought and pushed Torben
back to the corridor and closed the door softly. “Okay, they
are busy! What do we do now?”. Torben shrugged. Greta,
always she had to do everything, fucking patriarchy, Jule

“Alright. We let Sofie sleep and then we continue to

question her.”. Torben nodded “And until then, we wait?”
he asked. “Let’s get drunk and go to Pesel.”. “How do you
know Pesel?”. “I heard some higher semesters talking about
it. Apparently, it’s not too good, but if you’re drunk you can
dance and have fun there!” Jule explained. “Sounds good”
Torben. They got some sick party outfits from the Schalotte
wardrobe in building 9.

Then they started drinking beer at the Plan B and went to

Havn. A fancy and expensive bar close to Pesel. There they
ordered Green Penetration, a gin-based cocktail with
cucumber water, 100 ml of green smoothie and sage
infusion. Julia started flirting with an older lady that was

also sitting at the bar. Julia realized that it was the lady from
the bathroom that Julia had seen on her first day. She was
still wearing red lipstick.

“Hello gorgeous” Julia said to her, already slurring. “Hello

Julia” she said. At once Julia felt sober. How did this woman
know her name?


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