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University of Central Punjab




Course Title: Business Analysis

Course Instructor : Dr. Sami Ullah Semester: Spring2020

Course Code: MP4353 Percent Weight: 40 %

Duration : 2 hours Program: BSAF-Section B

Question 1:

In modern business world change is considered to be inevitable. Where strategic change is sought, it is also suggested
that different styles might be more effective in some circumstances.

a) Explain participation, education and communication as styles of change management and elaborate what type
of strategic change situation is best suited to each of these styles. (15 marks)

ANS: change is something inevitable rather it could be usual if there is no change and if
changes occur this might be a routine matter that happens as a routine matter . it is
organizations routine but if the organization does not make any change for a longer period of
time then so that would be usual .there are basically five types of style but will be discussing


Education and communication are the persuasion based approach so basically it is
appropriate when the change is incremental the change which will be implemented on
people you will explain them the procedure in fact provide them education you held a
meeting to explain them and discuss the plus minus about the change so it would be
more easy for them to accept the change but there are many changes that could not be
explained through education and communication
for example 1: for supervision in the court cctv camera are installed so that people
could easyily know about the proceedings are going on if regulators wants to see.
Example : to see whether the doctor is examining the patient well cctv camera are
installed by the authority of the hospital
These type of thing would be difficult in case of education and communication when it
is worked change is incremental and then it is also effective . it is basically the top down
approach and it is mostly dependent on willingness to accept management plan as
appropriate .
2- Participation
The change management which is to be implemented on the people they should be
asked that how this change should be implemented they should be made the part of
the team so this will basically build their capability and readiness of change if they do it
this will be bring them wider experience and their capability will be increased and this
supports incremental change and this might improve their decision making quality . this
approach is basically both ethical and advantageous as it can add positive attitude and
it is suited to the incremental change
For example: the top management ask their manager to provide their ideas
and work in teams and make decision for the betterment of the company
this is suitable when your staff member lack motivation level so
involvement of staff member can actually their commitment to work .
b) Explain coercion and power as styles of change management and elaborate where these are likely to be best
suited? (10 marks)
It is the extreme form of direction that is based of using power to force change this is
the best approach in times of of crisis or problems but it can sometimes cause promote
opposition. This responsibility is actually undertaken by the change agent he is the
designated person who assigns task to the management this also incremental process
because it includes step by step procedure
For example : if a mangers does not work according the what his box says he or she
may be forced to work or maybe warned that he might get his or her salary cut .this is
applicable the speed of change is important, for example, during a turnaround
situation. This method is quick. It can overcome all types of resistance. This technique
should be avoided till the end and can be used only as the last possible spot.

Directions and intervention are more likely to be in this category because
this includes hierarchical organization that works in step by step procedure.
In direction it is used to give directions to the top management In which
managerial people are used for implementing change so this is called
direction style this style management has clear advantage and clarity is
there and its is mostly suitable for transformational process

For example : the top manger conveys message to or wants to convey a

message to the bottom line management they send a message through middle

Question 2: (15 marks)

OPPO is a phones/smart phones manufacturing company. In process of making a smart phone, different departments
of OPPO work together to provide different inputs and parts of the smart phone for assembling unit. Use Harmon
Process Strategy Matrix (given below) to analyze and categorize the following functions:

 Battery manufacturing
 Software development
 Phone Assembly
 Micro-processor

Ans :

Battery manufacturing
Low process complexity and low strategic importance means this is our routine business
process it does not have much strategic importance and if you make changes in its process so
it won’t be giving much advantage Battery manufacturing processes is in the lower left
quartile, whereby the process is straightforward and a static commodity process. Most
organization’s would consider minimal funds to be invested further in this process or may
decide to outsource.

Software development

It has to be under take process improvement .process improvement in areas actually brings
more value to the oppos customer . it should be placed in upper right complex,dynamic and it
has high strategic importance it is the processes that actually provide the organization with a
strong competitive advantage

Phone assembly

It is automate. it can be considered as the mixture of low process complexity and high
strategic importance it is straightforward and important and very strategic so that it can gain
success and efficiency

Micro processor

It should be out sourced because it can be of high process complexity dynamic and low
strategic importance they are not part of company’s core competence as they are part of
complex process

Low Strategic Importance High


Micro-processor Software development


Battery manufacturing Phone Assembly


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