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Intext 9.

1. What did the writer miss when he lost his sight.
The writer missed to recognize people.
2. The writer says, it was a universe where at first but only at
first, I made my way tumbling and faltering. What does he
mean when he says but only at first?
He learnt to manage his daily life though he was blind.

Intext question 9.2

1. Was the writer’s father happy that so many relatives came to
sympathise with them that their son had gone blind. Tick the
right answer.
No. He asked for a transfer to get away from them.

2. the names of the people in the story and their feelings about
the boy who was blind.
A. the mother- cried all the time.
B. The sisters- Treated him like a delicate doll.
C. The father- But though he was lucky to have escaped death,
had little hope that he would see his son again.
D. The servants- thought he was evil and harmful.

3. How did Ved’s father react to the situation.

He accepted the situation.

4. What do you understand by the phrase, potentialities of a

blind child.
What he can do.
Intext question 9.3
1. His mother blamed something in her past for son’s blindness.
2. The pandits prescribed intensive prayers to strenuous
physical exertions, for a fee they also performed religious
3. What did the hakims prescribe for him? Name two things.
The two things the hakims prescribed for him are concocted
drops and Surma to put on his eyes.

4. Ved’s father was angry when his wife used hakims medicines
on Ved because they did not do him any good.

5. Did the treatments stop? If so, which words in the text tell
you so.
Yes, the treatment stopped. Even though we stopped going to
hakims the mother would still try to apply Surmas in the boy’s
eyes till he was eleven. These words suggest that the treatment
had stopped.

Intext question 9.4

1. Ved’s mother put him through several tests. What were
Some of the tests that Ved’s mother put him through were: she
would let him go around the house by himself, she would ask
him to find out whether the light was on or off. Finally she
would pop her hands in front of his face to check if he could see

2. He began to adjust to his blindness by using his other senses.

Overall questions.
1. Match the five senses mentioned in column a with the
experience of feeling in column b.
Touch- Feel the breeze.
Taste- Taste of kheer.
Smell- The smell of earth after rain.
Hearing- the sound of rain.
Sight- The rich colors of flowers and butterflies.

2. On which of the following characters does the story

concentrate? Tick the answers.
The character which the story concentrates is the blind boy.

3. which of the above characters do the following words

Mother is sad and superstitious.
Father is practical and scientific minded.
The blind boy is obedient and patient.

Fill in the blanks with will or shall.

1. I shall post this letter tomorrow.
2. The examinations will begin next week.
3. I have not met my grandfather for a month now. I shall see
him next time.
4. Will you please stop talking?
5. Shall I serve dinner now?
6. You will not steal.
7. Will you change the bulb for me?
Fill in the blanks with would or should.
1. He said his brother was in the army and posted in the border
and he had written to say that he would come home on leave
on the 6th.
2. The teacher said we should work harder.
3. You should not eat so many sweets.
4. Would you pass the rice please?
5. he said the train was very late, but it would arrive within the
next fifteen minutes.

Fill in the blanks with used to or would.

1. When I was in the primary, I used to hate going to school.
2. My brother used to bully me as a child. Then I would call out
to my sister for help.

Fill in the blanks with would wouldn’t should shouldn’t.

1. When we were in Delhi, we would go to the zoo every week.
2. You shouldn’t read in bad light. It will harm your eyes.
3. would you mind opening the window please?
4. You should wear a helmet while you are driving a scooter.
5. I would like to speak to the manager.
6. Would you like to try another cutlet?

C. Suresh: I will go to the library tomorrow.

Mohit: I know it may be difficult for you, but will be able to
pick me up?
Suresh: Yes, of course I would but I will go late in the evening.
Mohit: About what time would that be? I will be ready.
Vocabulary enrichment.
Exercise 1
convert adjectives into adverbs by adding ly.
1. Adjective- gentle
Amit gently picked up the injured puppy.

2. A. adjective peaceful.
B. The crowd became a bit restless, but when the chief
speaker came and spoke to them, they settled down peacefully.

3. A. Adjective- painful
B. The old man climbed painfully up the steps.

4. A. Adjective- firm
B. The teacher spoke very firmly to the rowdy boys.

5. A. Adjective- steady.
B. He walked steadily up the hill.

Exercise 2.
Fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs.
1. slowly
2. hungrily
3. sadly
4. Suddenly
5. luckily
It describes a noun.
Exercise 1.
Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives.
1. Mamta tried to learn to draw, but her progress was slow.
2. prompt medical attention after an accident saves lives.
3. The ring of the doorbell was very loud.
4. Alka wants to go to the medical collage.
5. The blind boy enjoyed the feel of the winter sun.
6. The warm weather will make us feel more cheerful.
7. There was a full moon last night.
8. Mohit fell off his cycle and hurt his right hand.
9. Mandeep was the brightest boy to be taken in the under 19
cricket team.
10. Ram’s superior officer was kind and sympathetic.

Letter writing

Dr. Halder
The Principal
Dadar School for the Blind.
Mumbai, Maharashtra

Dr. Mehta,
45, canal road,
Karnal, Haryana
Dear sir,
The school would be very happy to admit Ved Mehta and will
do their best to provide him with a good all round education.
Following are the information that you asked for.
Children can be admitted up to class 1 level and can stay till
they can finish class 10. They are taught braille books which are
suitable for visually handicapped are available in the library,
and they are encouraged to read. They are encouraged to play
games and take part in extra curricular activities.

The school staff are kind and sympathetic, there is a doctor

available, if required.

There is a highly qualified matron at the hostel to take care of

the younger students.
I hope this answers all your queries, if you have any more
doubts or require clarification please reach out.

Kind regards
Dr. Halder
Principal of Dadar school.

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