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Below are the different properties of Fourier Transform that will be essential in
understanding in the application of analyzing and represent signals differently for much
easier approach.
If b1(t) and b2(t) are functions having Fourier transforms X1(f) and X2(f) respectively, and if a1
and b1 are constants, then
a1b1(t) + a2b2 (t) ⇌ a1X1(f) + a2X2(f)
If x(at) the t is compressed inside the deterministic function then its fourier transform is
much wider
1 f
x(at) ⇌ |a| X ( a )

The fourier transform of the conjugate signal is basically it’s flipped and conjugated
x*(t) ⇌ X*(-f)
If X(f) is the fourier transform of function f(t) then X(t) which is the pattern is in time domain
then is fourier transform is x(-f).
x(t) ⇌ X(f) ⟶ X(t) ⇌ x(-t)
Time Shifting
x(t – t0) ⇌ X(f)e0-j2πft0
implies that delaying a signalby a time τ causes its Fourier transform to be multiplied by e−jωτ

Frequency Shifting
ejπ2fctx(t) ⇌ X(f – fc)
indicates that multiplication by ej2πfct simply shifts the spectrum of f(t) so that it is centred on
the point f = f0 in the frequency domain. This phenomenon is the mathematical foundation for
the process of modulation in communication theory.
Area Under The Curves
+∞ +∞

∫ x ( t ) dt=X ( 0 ) x ( 0 )= ∫ X ( f ) df
−∞ −∞

Differentiation in the time domain

d/dtx(t) ⇌ j2πfX(f)

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