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Topic: Banks plan

Cheung Ka Chun,Duncan(8)
Espia Virlent Claire (13)
Lam Yat Long,Matthew (20)
Lau Cheuk Ki,Jacky(21)
He junlong ,hayden(14)
Story Plot (One day Peter go to Bank)

Peter is searching some bank for saving his

money. Now he is deciding which banks
have a higher interest.He have two choices,
these are The Hang Seng Bank or BANK OF
CHINA(Hong Kong)
Hang Seng Bank saving interest rate
BANK OF CHINA saving interest rate
A) What is the meaning of banks?
● An institution that collects money
● Saving money for their income
● lend money to those who required it
● financial institions

B) Peter’s problem

● which TWO banks have a higher interest?

● (e.g “Hang Seng bank” or “BANK OF CHINA” )
● A comparison
A) Math formulas to be used
1. Compound interest?
● A = P (1 + r ) ^nt A= Future Value P = Prinicipal (Initial Value)
n r = interest rate n = number of times
t = time

● NPV ( Net Present Value ) = Measures the time value of money / flows of cash for a
certain investment

● PV (Present value) = A sum of money within today

● Annual = happens once a year

Hang Seng Swift Save Insurance Plan
BANK OF CHINA Swift Save Insurance Plan
Maths solve this following Questions
Peter have $10000 and he wants to save 40% to the following banks

He puts in an investment earning, he want to meet the goal about $20050.

A.How much will you have at the end of 5 years on the Hang Seng Bank?

B.How much will you have at the end of 5 years on BANK OF CHINA?

C.If you are Peter,which one will you want to choose?

D. Do you think he can meet his goal after 5 years?

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