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Morato, Ella Marie D.


M5 Post Task

Activity 1:  Give at least ve examples of core values that will make people's lives desirable or
worthwhile. Explain each in two sentences only. Each example/explanation  is equivalent to
two  points.

Dependability - This pertains to when a person does what they will, when they say they will. It
also means that the person always holds himself/herself accountable and that gains other
people’s trusts when it comes to doing tasks.

Honesty - This means being truthful, sincere, and/or frank and having the freedom from fraud
or deceit. This also is a quality of being fair to others without bias.

Loyalty - This is being committed to obligations or even to other people. Staying through the
highs and the lows and not just leaving someone or something when a challenge is faced.

Reliability - This is the quality to perform tasks that are expected e ectively. It also is the
quality to follow through from the little things up to the bigger things.

Open-mindedness - This is the will to consider taking in new ideas and di erent perspective of
other people and not seeing them as threats. It also includes the quality of being a listener
without prejudice.

Activity 2. Watch the video and make a re ection based on your daily life. Do you think
technology will make you a better person?

I think that being a better person is not based on technology but rather, it is based on how I
use technology. As I think about it, my daily activities revolve around using technology and
using my life skills to be able to keep up with the evolving world. As a student, I use technology
mainly for my studies specially because of our current situation in the middle of a pandemic. I
also use technology to contact my family because this is my rst time living away from them for
a long time. For this, I think that I become better as a person because the things that I do using
my devices is for my future, my family, and my nation. I also use technology for leisure to cope
up with stress and to read current happenings. I do not use technology to deceive, and to bring
other people down. Instead, I use it to raise awareness to societal problems and to help other
people by sharing useful and relevant information specially about mental health because I,
myself experience the discrimination, the hurt, and the burden of having mental illnesses. I am
proud of myself for these little things so I think that what I do is alright.

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