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11/11/22, 7:24 AM Typhon Group - EASI System

Survey: "2nd & 3rd Semester Affective Clinical Evaluation"

Reviewer: Clinical Instructors (KRESSIN, A.J.)
Reviewee: Students (Stump, Bryan)
Survey Period: 11/10/2022
Completed: 11/10/2022 3:44:58 PM CT

1. Evaluation:

2nd of 3 - Fall Semester

3. Communications

Explains medical dosimetry procedures to patient as N/A

appropriate to situation (e.g. when participating in procedures in

the treatment room or simulation).

Respects patient's rights to privacy and confidentiality. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Acts and speaks in a respectful manner with staff members. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Asks questions in an appropriate manner. Partially Meets Expectations [5 pts]

Additional Comment:  In a few instances patient plans were

getting very close to deadlines. In most cases, the time crunch
could have been mitigated if Bryan had asked for help or
guidance earlier on in the planning process instead of waiting
until right before the plan was due.

Accepts correction and direction in a professional manner. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Contributes as a member of the medical dosimetry team. Partially Meets Expectations [5 pts]

Additional Comment:  I think this is an area where Bryan can

push himself more in the last month of his clinical internship.
With all but 2 competencies completed at this point, I think
Bryan should now be in a position to significantly increase his
plan contributions to the dosimetry team. He has the skills and
knowledge to do so. He just needs to hone in his ability to
prioritize and focus on multiple tasks at a time as a clinical

Uses effective verbal communication skills with physician Meets Expectations [10 pts]

during plan consultation and review.

Uses effective written communication skills for chart, plan, and Meets Expectations [10 pts]

dosimetry note documentation.

Mean: 8.57 of 10  Points: 60  Score: 85.7%

4. Accuracy

Performs dose calculations accurately. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Reads radiation measurement devices accurately and carefully. N/A

(eg, TLD, Diodes, Film, Ion Chamber)

Accurately designs plans by computer or manual computation Meets Expectations [10 pts]

in accordance with prescription.

Accurately enters information into chart or R & V system. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Mean: 10.00 of 10  Points: 30  Score: 100.0%

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11/11/22, 7:24 AM Typhon Group - EASI System
5. Safety

Takes appropriate precautions in Radiation Safety. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Double checks all calculations and treatment plans with Meets Expectations [10 pts]


Performs Quality Assurance per recommended guidelines and Meets Expectations [10 pts]

reviews with dosimetrist/physicist.

Uses time, distance, shielding practices & principles. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Mean: 10.00 of 10  Points: 40  Score: 100.0%

6. Dependability

Arrives promptly as scheduled. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Schedules breaks, lunches, and other time needs with clinical Meets Expectations [10 pts]


Adheres to attendance standards of the program. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Uses clinical time wisely. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Follows school and hospital policies and procedures. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Takes initiative in observing and assisting in dosimetry Meets Expectations [10 pts]


Mean: 10.00 of 10  Points: 60  Score: 100.0%

7. Application of Knowledge

Understands the technique and use of special calculation Meets Expectations [10 pts]


Is able to enter information into the computer and design Meets Expectations [10 pts]

treatment plan in accordance with prescription.

Is able to identify anatomy and contour appropriate structures. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Utilizes critical thinking/problem solving skills in approaching Meets Expectations [10 pts]

treatment planning.

Understands how clinical oncology information is used in Meets Expectations [10 pts]

treatment planning (e.g. type, grade, stage of cancer).

Utilizes critical thinking skills when evaluating dose volume Meets Expectations [10 pts]


Uses problem solving skills when comparing various treatment Meets Expectations [10 pts]

plans for a specific treatment case.

Is able to design optimal treatment plans based on calculations, Meets Expectations [10 pts]

dose volume histograms, prescription, and treatment


Mean: 10.00 of 10  Points: 80  Score: 100.0%

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11/11/22, 7:24 AM Typhon Group - EASI System
8. General Dosimetry Skills

Performs calculations in a timely manner. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Accurately uses dose calculation databooks to perform hand N/A


Is able to dose out (complete) chart per prescription and plan. Meets Expectations [10 pts]

Exhibits knowledge of anatomy, tissue dose tolerance, definitive Meets Expectations [10 pts]

tumor dose, and typical field arrangement.

Is able to independently produce treatment plans as required by Meets Expectations [10 pts]

competency list for the semester.

Is able to prioritize and organize duties to efficiently complete Partially Meets Expectations [5 pts]

requirements. Additional Comment:  As noted above, I think Bryan is doing ok

at this. I would encourage him use this last month in clinic to
maximize his exposure to all kinds of different plans now that
he has the knowledge and skills to do just about any plan that
comes through the clinic. I think this could be a huge
confidence booster for him and ultimately set him up for

Mean: 9.00 of 10  Points: 45  Score: 90.0%

9. I have reviewed this evaluation with the student.


10. Please provide a comment to let the student know of any weakness they can work on, and/or any strength to commend:

Overall, Bryan is doing well. He has just 2 competencies left to complete. I would like to see him challenge himself by getting in a regular rotation with the
dosimetry team to gain as much planning experience as he can in the remaining weeks of the program. I think this will also organically help him prioritize
tasks and become more confident in juggling multiple cases at a time. In addition, I would encourage Bryan to ask questions as they arise and not try to
struggle through until he is up against a deadline. By getting questions answered in a more timely manner, I think he will be able to immensely increase the
number of clinical cases he can learn and grow from as well as build greater confidence clinically. Bryan continues to show an eagerness to grow and learn. I
think combining this eagerness with maximizing experiences and growth in confidence over the next few weeks will set Bryan up for success as an
independent clinical dosimetrist.

Total points for all rating scale questions: 315

Mean percentage score for all rating scale questions: 96.0%
(Each main question equally weighted)
Responses as of 11/11/2022 7:23:56 AM CT

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