GLOSARIO-flor Gomez

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A-1 Ambitious Ambicioso-a He who is Ambitious is so in all areas

A-2 Arrogant Arrogante My aunt is very arrogant

A-3 Amusing Divertido, entretenido The clown is very entertaining.

B-1 Beard Barba My dad has a lot of beard.

B-2 Bad Malo That music is very bad.

B-3 Brave Baliente I am very brave

C-1 Cat Gato Molly has a fat cat

C-2 Candy Dulce Give her some candy

C-3 Call Llamar I will call you tomorrow.

D-1 Dad Papà Dad loves mom.

D-2 Day Dìa Dad loves mom.

D-3 Darck Oscuro My room is dark.

E-1 Early Temprano You need to get up early in the morning

E-2 Erase Borrar Please, erase the board

E-3 Easy Fácil Cooking can be very easy

F-1 Face Cara, Rostro Erase that fake smile off your face.

F-2 Fall Caer It doesn't matter how many times you fall.
Get up!

F-3 Faith Fè Never lose faith.

G-1 Game Juego This game is over.

G-2 Gather Juntar Please gather all of your things and leave.

G-3 Generous Generoso Tania is a very generous girl.

H-1 Happy Felìz 50 palabras en inglés que empiezan con G

H-2 Hat Sombrero Put your hat on.

H-3 Hate Odio I hate people who are always late.

I-1 Ice Hielo Ice melts in hot temperatures.

I-2 Impossible Imposible Go wherever your imagination takes you.

I-3 Imaginatiòn Imaginaciòn Go wherever your imagination takes you.

J-1 Jar Frasco We bought a jar full of oysters.

J-2 Jacket Chaqueta Bikers wear leather jackets.

J-3 Jewel Joya Diamond rings are my favorite jewels.

K-1 King Rey Louis XIV was also known as the Sun King.

K-2 Kid Niño This is my kid.

K-3 Kind Amable What kind of music do you listen to?

L-1 Lady Dama, Señora Marcela is a very nice lady.

L-2 Language Lenguaje, Lengua Marcela is a very nice lady.

L-3 Law Ley Criminals break the law.

M-1 Magazine Revista Those kids are mad, don't listen to them.

M-2 Magic Mágico, Magia I do believe in magic.

M-3 Mail Correo Did you open the mail?

N-1 Name Nombre What 's your name?

N-2 Nest Nido I found a nest with eggs

N-3 Nature Naturaleza I like the nature

O-1 Observatiòn Observaciòn That was a very intelligent observation.

O-2 Occupied Ocupado The toilet was occupied.

O-3 O`clock En punto My date is today at 7 o'clock.

P-1 Page Página Open your book to the first page.

P-2 Paint Pintura You need paint and a brush.

P-3 Paper Papel I need a piece of paper.

Q-1 Quality Calidad The quality of the product has dropped over
the years.

Q-2 Queen Reyna Elisabeth II is the queen of England.

Q-3 Questiòn Pregunta The teacher did not answer my question.

R-1 Rain Lluvia, Llover It will rain and my clothes will get wet.

R-2 Read Leer Dorian reads extremely fast.

R-3 Red Rojo Not all apples are red.

S-1 Sad Triste Why are you so sad?

S-2 Salt Sal Can you pass me the salt?

S-3 Saturday Sàbado We went out for dinner on Saturday

T-1 Table Mesa We bought a big, wooden table.

T-2 Talk Hablar Steven talks too much.

T-3 Tall Alto Steven talks too much.

U-1 Umbrella Paraguas Open your umbrella, it's raining.

U-2 Ugly Feo He has an ugly scar

U-3 Understand Entender I don't understand what you are saying.

V-1 Vacatiòn Vacaciones, Vacaiòn We are going to Merida on our next vacation.

V-2 Valuable Valioso We all learned a valuable lesson that day.

V-3 Very Muy Martha is a very friendly person.

W-1 Waist Cintura She likes to wear jeans at the waist.

W-2 Walk Caminar I like to walk everywhere I go.

W-3 Wallet Billetera I bought a new wallet.

X-1 x.ray Radiografía The dentist took an x-ray of my tooth.

X-2 X-Factor Factor -X The dentist took an x-ray of my tooth.

X-3 X-chromosome Cromosoma -X Women have two x chromosomes.

Y-1 Yard Patio I left my bike in Kevin's yard.

Y-2 Year Año Miranda loved her first year in college.

Y-3 Yellow Amarillo Sandra is wearing a yellow shirt.

Z-1 Zero Cero The Maya and the Egyptian cultures used the
number cero.

Z-2 Zit Grano I have a nasty zit on the back of my neck.

Z-3 ZOO Zoològuico I haven't been in a zoo for years

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