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Transitus of St.

Leader : Let us bless our Lord and God, living and true

All : To Him we offer all praise, all glory, all honour, all blessing, and every good for ever

Reader : Brothers and sisters, a very ancient tradition draws us together, in the name of our father
Francis, to celebrate his Transitus- the final stage of his journey home to God. While rejoicing in
the saint’s holy death and glorious entry into heaven, we give thanks to God the Father, that in
His Son, and by His Spirit’s power, we too can welcome death as our sister, trusting in his mercy
can live now in the sure hope of resurrection.

Leader : The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you

All : And also with you

Leader : Let us Pray

Lord God, before leaving this world, you gave our holy father Francis, the poverello of Assissi,
the reward of perfect beatitude. In your love, lead us, who celebrate his Transitus, to follow
closely in his footsteps, joy that knows no ending. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ
your Son, who lives, and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

All : Amen

(In procession the community proceeds to the place prepared for the transitus)

The narrative of the death of St. Francis

(Francis was lying grievously ill and pain in the Bishop’s house in Assisi)

Doctor : According to our science, your sickness can not be healed. I think you will die at the end of
September or the beginning of October.

Francis : (raising his hands heavenward) you are welcome..Welcome, my sister death… My brothers
Leo and Angelo, Rejoice and sing with me, for the good news I have received…

All sing : Most High most gracious Almighty God

Praise be to you and blessing and honour
No one alive is worthy to praise you
Only to you belongs all the glory

Praise be to you for all of creation

Chiefest of all for sir brother son Lord
He is our day and through him your light shines
Bearing for us your likeness O Most High

Praise for our sister moon and for star light

High in the heaven precious and beauteous
Brother the wind for clouds and all weather
Through them you’re keeping life all your creatures
Bro. Elias : beloved father, you are glad and rejoicing. I fear this city, which regards you as a saint. At this
time, you must be preparing for your death.
Francis : Leave me good brother… Inspite of what I suffer, I feel so close to God… therefore I rejoice
and sing…
(Responding to Francis’ desire, Bro. Elias arranged for him to be carried to the Portiuncula)
- music-
Francis : May you be blessed dear city of God.. Once you were a liar of brigands.. God has chosen you to
know Him and to bless His holy name.

Brother, Can you hear our bothers singing praises to God? I feel we are all so close to God in this
holy place.
All sing : Praise be to you for water our sister
Useful is she and precious and humble
Brother the fire ablaze in the darkness
Praise for his dance his power and his beauty
Praise for the earth our sister and mother
Bringing to birth, sustaining upholding
Fruit bearing trees and flowers with coloures
Plants in the field and grass in the meadow
Francis : Brothers, this is a holy place. Revere it and never abandon it.
Brs : Holy father, we will never abandon this holy place.
Francis : Brothers, in honour of my lady poverty, please make me lie naked on the ground.
(brothers make him lie on the ground)
Francis : My task is done. May Christ teach you to do yours.
Brs : Beloved father, forgive us for our offenses and bless us…
Francis : I absolve and bless each of you… who are present and even who are absent now… Reach these
words to everyone and bless them…
All sing : Praise be to you for all those who pardon
Showing to all your goodness and mercy
Patiently bearing sickness and trails
You have prepared a laurel to crown them
Francis : Brother Angelo, write down what I want to tell to my brothers present and absent here and even
to those who will be part of this community
(Francis dictates and Angelo writes)
Francis : Brother Leo, tell Clare – I conjure you my daughter, never give up the poor way of following
the Lord, that you have accepted.. do not be sad… You and your sisters will see me again..
(Leo goes out)
Francis : Angelo, please send a message to lady Jacoba to come in haste with all that is needed for my
(Angelo goes out and comes back soon)
Angelo : father, lady Jacoba is already at our door.
Francis : God be praised. Let the door be opened for Lady Jacoba. Let her come in…
Jacoba : Holy father…
Francis : Do not weep or be sad…I am gladly going to my God..
(She gives biscuits to Francis … he could not eat)
All sing : Praise for our sister death of the body
Gateway to woe or gateway to glory
No one alive can flee her embracing
Happy are those she finds in your friendship
Sing praise to God and bless Him and thank Him
Fall down before Him, worship adore Him
All you His creatures join me and praise Him
Bring Him your humble homage and service
Francis : Brothers, bring the holy Gospel of our Lord and read for me, the Passover meal of our Lord.
Brs : John 13/1-20
Francis : My brothers, before I leave you all, I would like all of us to share the bread, as did our Lord and
His disciples.
( Bread is brought and blessed)
Leader : Holy Father, today, we give you thanks for the memory of your blessed servant, and our father
Francis of Assisi. May this bread, which sister earth has given, and the hands of our brethren
have moulded, be for us a participation in his lived memory. That we walk as brothers and sisters
following the footsteps of the poor and humble Christ…. We make this prayer, through Christ
our Lord…
All : Amen
(Bread is shared.. Hymn is Played)
( At dusk on the next day, she to whom no one willingly opens the door, presented herself. And Francis saw her
enter. The little poor man received her warmly)
Francis : Be Welcome my sister death…
I beg you brothers… Announce the solemn arrival of my sister death joyously… She is going to
introduce me to eternal life…
(brs placed Francis on the floor, covered with ashes…)
All chant :Loud is the cry that I make to the Lord
Loud is my prayer for his mercy and help
Loudly I place my complaint before him
Tell him of all I endure in my heart
Ready to faint is my heart within me
You alone know Lord what I go through
There in my path they have laid me a trap
None can I find by my side as my friend
Means of escape there is none for me now
No one earth is concerned about me
That is why now I entreat you my Lord
Lord you are all I have left in this world
Listen my Lord to my cry of distress
Rising from depths of depression and woe
Save me from these who pursue me my Lord
Strong are they while I am weary and tired
Out of this prison O lead me to joy
Lead me to freedom, to praising your name
Then shall I sing of your goodness and love
Sing in the gathering of all of your friends
Glory to father and glory to son
Glory to Spirit the three who are one
Ages echoing to ages reply
Glory forever and praise to our God
(There was great silence. Evening had already stolen into the hut. Francis lay motionless. The final stage of his
transitus had begun. One of his biographers wrote- He died singing, in the 46 th year of his age, and the 25th year
of his conversion.)
All kneel down in silent prayer
Leader : Eternal Father, on this day you granted the reward of eternal salvation to our patron and father
Francis. Mercifully grant that we who celebrate with tender devotion the memory of his death
may have the joy of sharing in his blessing from you. O God, by whose gift Saint Francis was
conformed to Christ in poverty and humility, grant that, by walking in Francis’ footsteps, we
may follow your Son, and, through joyful charity, come to be united with you. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever.
All : Amen.
Leader :“Let us bless our Lord and God, living and true, to him we must attribute all praise, glory,
honour, blessing, and every good thing for ever and ever.”
All : Thanks be to God.
Leader : “May the God of peace himself perfect us in holiness, and may he preserve us whole and entire,
spirit, soul, and body, free from all sin at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Leader : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All : Amen.

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