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San Jose Community College

San Jose, Malilipot Albay

GE 12
(Living in IT Era)


I. As a student

With the introduction of new technologies, it has also been feasible to

employ various software applications, educational platforms, or
websites with online activities that we can use to work in many
knowledge domains.

As a student, learning is better with the help of technologies. Like for

example laptop, I use this technology since I started to enroll in college.
It helps me so much in my studying, from attending the class using
google meet, sending and receiving files through email or google
classroom, keeping in touch with my classmates and instructors in
messenger and even with my families. I can also use my laptop in
reporting in school with the use and help of projector so I can present
well. This technology can save a lot of files, pictures and videos
compared to smart phone. It also enhances my motivation to become
more interested and be more active in class. Using this ICT in education
promotes conveniency and technology advancement.

II. As a future educator/Professional

Online learning has become more popular as a result of the

advancement of ICT and its instruments. As a result, both educators and
learners are learning novel methods to approach the educational
Today’s generation everyone is very techie. It’s easy to communicate
with them using any social media platforms. I can communicate with
them everywhere I am; I can send learning materials easily using google
classroom, messenger or email and I can teach them a lesson via google
meet. With that, they don’t need to spend more money for their
transportation. Using computer in terms of teaching is very
inconvenient, hassle free, and resourceful.

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