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The ILO and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) The two main reference points for the ILO
on CSR are
The International Labour Organization (ILO) The ILO can play an important role in CSR The ILO Declaration on Fundamental
defines CSR as because labour standards and social dialogue Principles and Rights at Work. This cre-
are key aspects of CSR and this is the core ates a requirement for governments to
a way in which enterprises give consid-
business of the ILO. Most CSR initiatives, implement the principles of the ILO’s
eration to the impact of their operations
including codes of conduct, refer to the core labour standards
on society and affirm their principles
principles deriving from international labour and
and values both in their own internal
standards, developed by the ILO.
methods and processes and in their The Tripartite Declaration of Principles
interaction with other actors. CSR is ILO Conventions, when ratified at the national Concerning Multinational Enterprises &
a voluntary, enterprise-driven initia- level become binding on governments and Social Policy (“the MNE Declaration”).
tive and refers to activities that are those governments must adopt legislation to This a guideline on enterprise behaviour
considered to exceed compliance with implement them. for governments, ILO constituents and
the law. enterprises.
Whilst not binding on enterprises, the principles
CSR is: derived from ILO Conventions can act as a ILO increases involvement with CSR
guide for enterprises’ behaviour.
v oluntary – enterprises voluntarily adopt 2000: ILO accepted the invitation of the
socially responsible conduct by going The ILO plays a role by helping to promote UN Secretary General to participate in an
beyond their legal obligations dialogue between governments, workers’ and initiative to promote good corporate citizen-
employers’ organizations and by providing as- ship: the UN Global Compact.
a n integral part of company manage-
sistance and tools to better understand the
ment 2004: The report of the World Commission
labour dimension of CSR.
systematic not occasional on the Social Dimension of Globalization
highlighted the ILO’s work on CSR-related
linked with sustainable development
issues. The ILO continued to develop an
not a substitute for the role of government agenda on business contribution to the social
or for collective bargaining or industrial dimension of globalization.
2006: ILO implemented a CSR In-Focus
International Labour Conventions and enterprises Initiative which sought to advance the ILO’s
leadership in this area by promoting the
principles laid down in the MNE Declara-
Member State tion as the foundation for good CSR policy
International Labour (Government) National
Conventions and practice.
ratification 2009: ILO launched a Helpdesk that provides
constituents and enterprises, easy access to
information, assistance, referral and advice
regarding CSR and the implementation of
labour standards.



ILO Helpdesk
Multinational Enterprises Programme
International Labour Office
4, route des Morillons
1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland
Tel: +41.22.799.6264
Fax: +41.22.799.6354

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