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Punishes an enemy by magically transferring a small burrowing owl into the target’s

stomach, provoking the owl to eats its way out. The caster must be able to see the
target and must win an opposed POW roll with the target.
If the caster succeeds, then the small owl appears in the target’s stomach and
begins chewing for 1D4 hit points of damage per round. When 8 hit points have been
inflicted, the be-grimed owl emerges and flies off, never to be seen again. The
target bleeds 1 hit point per round for 1D6 additional rounds, or until they
receive a successful First Aid roll. Throughout the process the target is
incapacitated; screaming and writhing in horrific anguish. At the end of the ordeal
they are substantially weakened, losing 1D10 CON permanently. Witnesses to the
emergence of the owl lose should make a Sanity roll (0/1D6 loss).

Deeper magic: the spell may be encountered throughout differing cultures and
geographies, and the animal is likely to different due to this fact. Snakes, frogs,
and rats are all possible manifestations of this spell.

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