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Social Media and digital marketing in today's marketing.

Name:Aazaz Abbas
Section: BBA C
Semester: 6th
Table of contents:

Personal details……………………….1
Research ……………………………… 1
Selected journals……………………...1
Literature review……………………… 3
Research question: What importance does social media has in digital
marketing as medium in today’s marketing?.

Selected journals: 1. Innovations in Shopper Marketing: Current Insights

and Future Research Issues.

2. Advertising on Facebook.

3. Network-Based Marketing: Identifying Likely

Adopters via Consumer Networks

With time humans evolve and are in constant struggle to make human life easy
and fast. Work used to be done by labour force which was tiring and expensive,
then came machines during the industrial revolution but those machines were
manual and needed labours as well, eventually automated industrials machines
are now doing most of the work very efficiently, effectively and on time with
minimal supervision.

Marketing is delivering a brand's message to people and showing them its

existence and trying to make them buy their product. With time with humans

Social Media and digital marketing in today's marketing.

evolving the way marketing is done is evolving as well and its aim to spread a
brand’s message to the maximum number of people is becoming easier and
easier and faster.

Shankar in his journal, innovations in shopper marketing said that marketing is

“the planning and execution of all marketing activities that influence a shopper
along, and beyond, the entire path of purchase, from the point at which the

motivation to shop first emerges through purchase, consumption, repurchase,

and recommendation” (Shankar et al. 2011, 29).

Social media is a platform where people are digitally connected with each other
and to anything they like. Facebook, instagram, snapchat, twitter, google,
youtube all are famous social media platforms and have millions of users. Every
different person follows his favourite brands, actors, musicians, artists, writers

Marketing through social media platforms is on the rise and is a very simple,
easy and fast way of accessing millions of people and giving them one's brand
message. The reason for my literature review is finding how effective is this way
and its importance.According to shankar, “Technology related developments
such as the rise of powerful search engines, advanced mobile devices and
interfaces, peer-to-peer communication vehicles, and online social networks
have extended marketers’ ability to reach shoppers through new touch points”
(Shankar et al. 2011, 30).

Literature review:

Internet advertising has become a very effective way in which marketers are
marketing their products and teaching their customers more about their products
as well. This has a big advantage because a brand's message is more targeted

Social Media and digital marketing in today's marketing.

and tailored to a brand’s targeted and segmented customers.

This is done by collecting user data, which may include users search history,
cookies, cache etc and this data is then sold to businesses who then target
customers according to their needs. If a student who recently passed his college
searches on google about scholarships and top universities or anything related,
all this data is collected and then ads related to these are shown to this student
of different universities and scholarship programs. In journal Network-Based
Marketing it is said, Network-based marketing assumes interdependency among
consumer preferences (Hill, Provost, and Volinsky’s 2006). They also said that

“Studies of network-based marketing instead attempt to measure these

interdependencies through implicit links, such as matching on geographic or
demographic attributes, or through explicit links, such as direct observation of
communication” (Hill, Provost, and Volinsky’s 2006).

It is very important for business and its marketers to be fully aware of the market
condition that may change consumers attitudes and motives because consumers
are creating contents and writing reviews about brands on these platforms

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