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1.Do you use paper bags and envelopes in your daily life?

(a) Yes 
(b) No
(c) Rarely
2.How many paper bags do you use monthly for shopping or other household work?
(a) Less than 20
(b) 20-50
(c) More than 50
3.which one of these bags do you prefer more?
(a) Plastic 
(b) Paper
(c) Others
4.Do you agree paper bags are more sustainable than plastic bags?
(a) Agree
(b) I Somewhat agree
(c) Disagree
5.Do you agree paper bags affect the environment less than plastic bags?
(a) Agree
(b) I Somewhat agree
(c) Disagree
6.Do you prefer reusing them?
(a) Yes
(b) No
7.As a shopkeeper or office employee, which property of an envelope would you prefer?
(a) quality
(b) price
(c) aestheticism
8.Would you like to see any logo on the paper bag?
(a) Yes
(b) No

(c) Sometimes
9.Would you like to make a customized size for your bag/envelope?
(a) Yes 
(b) No
10.What color would you like to make your bag/envelope?
(a) White
(b) Customized color 
11.Have you ever heard of a paper bag-making machine?
(a) Yes
(b) no
12.How much space would you like to set up a paper bag/envelope-making machine? (a) 3*3
square feet 
(b) 4*4 square feet 
(c) 5*5 square feet 
(d) 6*6 square feet
13.How much are you willing to pay for a paper bag-making machine?
(a) less than 10000
(b) 10000-15000
(c) more than 15000
14.How much lifespan would you want from this machine? 
(a) <5 years 
(b) 5-10 years 
(c) 10+ years
15.Can the overall cost be significantly reduced by installing an automatic machine in your
(a) I think so
(b) I don’t think so
(c) Not sure
16.Do you find it a reasonable idea to buy a paper bag machine for your institution?
(a) Yes
(b) No
17.If you don’t prefer buying this machine, what is the reason behind this?
(a) It does not look cost-efficient to me
(b) It is a tedious job
(c) It will slow down our work efficiency
(d) I do prefer buying the machine
18.How much it matters to you if the machine is eco-friendly or not?
(a) Very much
(b) not at all
(c) okay with both
19.Does it affect your purchasing decision on what kind of bags the seller uses?
(a) Never
(b) Sometimes
(c) Yes, it does
20.Do you prefer using brochures as advertising media?
(a) Yes
(b) Sometimes 
(c) Never
21.Do you prefer carrying medicine in a folding paper bag?
(a) Yes
(b) No
22.Do you like to write letters instead of e-mail and SMS?
(a) Yes
(b) Sometimes
(c) No

23.Do you still prefer handwritten or printed letters for the invitation and “Wish Card”?
(a) Yes
(b) Sometimes 
(c) Never
24.Do you like aesthetic envelopes for “Wish Cards” and “Invitation Cards”?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) I don’t use them

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