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Client Pi Indy
Project It’s Pi Day All Year Long
Date 09/15/2022
Prepared By 09/15/2022

Key description of the project

(1-3 sentences describing the business/consumer paint point
and the proposed solution.)

Pi Indy is a hip, trendy, stylish food truck that is coming near you in and around the
Indianapolis area! If you love pizza and would love buying your pizza in style, you
should find Pi Indy’s food truck around the city to get some amazing food from some
amazing people! Pi Indy’s food truck will be stopping near you soon so keep an eye out
for our trendy food truck for some delicious Pi! It’s Pi Day All Year Long!
What problem are we solving? Fulfilling hungry, trendy young adults.
Primary Audience/Persona: Young Adults
Who is the consumer we are
problem-solving for? Secondary Audience/Persona: Teens and
Older Adults
What’s the consumer insight? “Coolest food truck in the Midwest!”
What are the consumer main points?
Pi Indy is a very cool looking food truck for its
almost entire glass wall that looks into their
What facts and emotional reasons
mini kitchen on the food truck. People will find
will make people buy/convert?
this very intriguing and want to check it out.
They can also see exactly how their pizza will
be made so they can trust the company.
1. Pi Indy is Vegetarian, they will be able to
see our ingredients that we make the pizzas
What are the key points that need to
with from the outside of the truck through the
be communicated to the consumer?
glass wall.
What will make buyers believe us?
2. Pi Indy uses a wood burning brick oven.
You can see the real wood burning brick oven
from the outside of the food truck through the
glass wall.
3. Pi Indy uses all local ingredients. The
ingredients are listen or given to customers if
asked for them and can be told where they
were bought from.
List of the required deliverables
Pi Indy’s advertisements can be displayed on
stickers on the outside of employee’s cars,
What channels and tactics will we
the actual food truck driving around city,
used to communicate the message?
YouTube ads for Indiana residents, a couple
billboards around the city, and ads posted in
other permanent businesses around the city.
The tone of the brand should be cool, fun and
What should be the tone of the
exciting. They are hip, cool, trendy, and the
messaging? What words describe
new “it” food truck for around the city of
the brand?
Indianapolis that everyone should check out.
Looking up Pi Indy online on their social
What action do we want people to media and website to check out where they
take after viewing the marketing? will be traveling to and when you can hire
Primary Goal: Brining happiness to people
walking around Indianapolis with a slice of
What are the goals of the project?
How will we measure success? Secondary Goal: Making Indianapolis look
cooler and more hip by having very trendy
looking food trucks on their streets that will
attract more traction for the city.
Logo, words that can’t be used in marketing,
words that must be used, etc.
They don’t want to look like every other food
What brand guidelines should we be
truck because they are different with their
aware of? What mandatory
entire glass wall on their truck. Mandatory
information must be included in the
information that needs to be included in the
marketing is that Pi Indy is vegetarian and
their social media handles so people can
easily find out more about them.
1. Bryne’s Grilled Pizza
Who is the competition? 2.Tandoor & Tikka
3. NY Slice Truck
Target Launch Date 09/15/2022
First Draft Delivery: 09/15/2022
Timeline Second Draft Delivery: 09/15/2022
Final Draft Delivery: 09/15/2022
First Draft Feedback: 09/15/2022
Approvals Approval/Final Feedback: 09/15/2022
Final Approval: 09/15/2022

Account Manager Approval Signature: ____Keira Heinz_________

Client Approval Signature: _____Pi Indy______________

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