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Quiz 4
REG NO 210609
Stain less steel structural element
Gates are mostly made of thick sheets of stainless steels welded on steel angle rods the are protected by
paint coatings. Current gate in discussion is being used for 16 years. Oil painted 2 to 3 times in total until
now. it has of 3 mm thick sheet which as bends or designing as show in pictures.

There is still major area protected by coating of paint but at the edges rust has formed due to peeling of
coating by weathering. Rainwater has been also corroding the surface or a long time and nears bends
since, moister and air start to corrode the steels instantly and rust spots are much more in size. The
areas with highest corrosion have formed layering and on other spots the pitting corrosion has occurred
but in very less amount. There are spots with dents on sheet due to external means stones or some
other object etc. that led to removal of paint from spot, so a differential cell formed at those spots due
to oxygen abundance. Also, at place gate individual gate slam together it has also been exposed due to
continued slamming forces and sheet from here is also broken except corrosion this is because of fact
that the oxidize layer formed and break periodically taking most of mass along with it. In end, weld
stresses have caused formation of anodic region and surroundings being cathodic regions also forms a
stress corrosion cell
Polymer structural element
Electrical meters are found in every neighborhood and require insulation properties are always made of
durable plastics to avoid current leakage. these Transparent Meter Cases are made of polycarbonate are
durable in quality and can work for many years. Although it has high impact strength and is naturally
transparent and amorphous thermoplastic in nature.

But, over time the first change observed in plastic casing is that it turns yellow When the polycarbonate
is attacked by the UV, it changes color. This is due to the fact; polycarbonate molecules lose their
strength by decrease in connection between or in other words bonding between them. Current meter in
discussion has been in service for 21 years and other than turning yellow it has formed small cracks in
between due to high temperature (reaches 49 oC in summers) and fluctuation in weather by rain or air
blowing that puts a fatigue on casing and it cracks. Once smooth and transparent Surface has turned dull
and rough (found by comparing it with new unit) and brittle at some places. But due to high durability
and life pc casing it will see many seasons before giving up.

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