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General terminology

1. Adjectives + politics / policy

What do they mean? What are the synonyms? What are the antonyms?

1. Domestic Politics 6. International Politics 11. Contemporary Politics

2. Foreign Policy 7. World Politics 12. Modern Politics
3. Internal Politics 8. Democratic Politics 13. Mainstream Politics
4. National Politics 9. Electoral Politics 14. Consensus politics
5. Global Politics 10. Multiparty Politics

2. Verb + politics
• To enter into
• To go into
• To get involves in
• To dabble in
• To be active in
• To get embroiled
• Interfere
• Intervene

3. Match words with definitions

1. Democracy 5. Dictatorship
2. Republic 6. Totalitarian state
3. Theocracy 7. Monarchy
4. One-party state

A. A county in which every aspect of life is controlled by the government and in which opposition is not
B. A country in which people can choose their government via freely contested elections
C. A country rules by one person who has complete power usually with the support of the military
D. A country in which an unelected king or queen is head of state
E. A country in which the people elect their head of state, who is usually referred to as a president
F. A society ruled by religious scholars or priests
G. A country in which only one political party is permitted

4. Match words with definitions

1. Ministry 5. President and vice president 9. Statesman / woman
2. Embassy 6. Cabinet 10. Politician
3. Ambassador 7. Chamber 11. Member of Parliament (MP)
4. Mayor 8. Prime Minister

a) Someone for whom politics is a career

b) The head of state in many modern states
c) Hall used by a group of legislators, many countries have two chambers
d) A committee of the most important minsters in the government
e) A representatives of the people in Parliament
f) A department of state headed by a minister
g) Top diplomat representing his/her country abroad
h) Head of a town or city council
i) The building where an ambassador and his/her staff are based
j) The head of government or leading minister in many countries
k) Someone who uses an important political position wisely and well
5. Put words in the sentences:

recess, membership, devolution, policy, budget, poll, houses, abstentions

1. The government is running a tight monetary ____ to try to control inflation and tax fraud.
2. The minister has put forward a ____ aimed at slowing down the economy
3. The motion was carried out by 200 voted to 150; there were 60 ____
4. Austria’s application for ____ of the EU was successful.
5. The bill was passed by both ____ and sent to the president for signature.
6. Many Welsh would like to see more ____ of power from Westminster.
7. According to the last opinion ____ the Prime Minister is more unpopular that ever.
8. The crisis happened during the summer ____ and Parliament had to be recalled.

6. Put words in the sentences:

veto, leak, legislation, leader, consensus, spokesman, constitution

1. German has a federal____.

2. A government ____ revealed that discussions had been concluded on the treaty.
3. The ____ of the current opposition criticized the Prime Minister for his failure to act.
4. There is a ____ between all the major parties about what we should do now.
5. Parliament has introduced ____ to control the sale of drugs.
6. The Parliament has the power of ____ over bills passed by Congress.
7. The government is investigating the latest ____ of documents relating to the spy trial.
International relation
Exercise 1: Select the appropriate acronyms from the list to fill in the blanks :

1. The United Nations : ________
2. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.: _________
3. The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund : _______
4. Food and Agriculture Organization : _______
5. World Health Organization : _______
6. International Labor Organization : _______
7. Amnesty International : _______
8. Doctors Without Frontiers : _______
9. The World Bank : _______
10. World Trade Organization : _______
11. North Atlantic Treaty Organization : _______
12. UN High commissioner for Refugees : _______
13. The International Monetary Fund : _______

Exercise 2 : Match each organisation in the list above with its corresponding mission:

a. Provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children in poor and developing countries: _________
b. Safeguards and protects human including political prisoners’ rights: _________
c. Provides medical care during natural and war disasters: _________
d. Gives loans to poor and developing countries to promote economic development: _________
e. Protects and supports refugees: _________
f. Founded in 1945 after World War II, to end wars between nations, and provide a platform for dialogue, peace, social
and political justice: _________
g. Aims at eradicating hunger and starvation in poor countries, and ensuring food security and good nutrition:
h. Is concerned with public health: _________
i. Seeks to promote labors rights: _________
j. Promotes international collaboration through education, science, and culture to ensure universal respect for justice:

Exercise3: Read the text and complete the tables

Exercise 4: Match words with definitions:
1. Maintain A. Encourage, assist
2. Advocate B. Number two person
3. Resolve C. Main offices of an organization
4. Headquarter D. Settle or find a solution to a problem
5. Promote E. Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement
6. Negotiate F. Continue, keep or defend
7. Deputy G. Publicly recommend or support

Exercise 5: Fill in the gaps with the right words:

states - founded –headquarters - rights – organisation – law - war

The United Nations is an international 1._____________which was 2._____________ in 1945 after World War II, in
order to stop3. _____________ between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. Its main goals are
facilitating cooperation in international 4._____________, international security, economic development, social
progress, human 5._____________, and achievement of world peace. The members of the UN consist of 193 member
6._____________. The United Nations 7._____________ resides in international territory in New York City.

Exercise 6: Match the following words with the given ones to make collocations

A- Sanctions – peace – a dispute – order – a summit – volunteers – a campaign – an agreement – a decision – a

Hold _______________ Recruit _______________
Settle _______________ Play _______________
Reach _______________ Run _______________
Restore _______________ Maintain _______________
Impose _______________ Veto _______________

B- Relief – fire –assistance- relations – community – aid- loans – treaty – speech – campaign
Humanitarian _______________ World _______________
Financial _______________ Farewell _______________
Fund-raising _______________ Low-interest _______________
Bilateral _______________ Cease _______________
Emergency _______________ Peace _______________

What is paragraph?
• A paragraph is a group of sentences with one topic.
• How many sentences are there in a paragraph? 1 or more?
• A paragraph consist of more than one sentence.
• What is important about the paragraph?
• Form, content, structure, coherence and completeness are very important in a paragraph.

Parts of paragraph
• Topic sentence – gives main idea
• Supporting sentences – provide detail and discussion
• Concluding sentence – last sentence of the paragraph which summarizes main idea by reinforcing your topic

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