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Functions of electrical installation

Safety in the electrical industry is governed by a set of wiring regulations commonly known as
IEEE regulations based in London (Institution for Electrical Engineering).
The regulations cover all aspects of electrical distribution, set out methods of calculating
conductors and fuse sizes for various loads, types of cables, wiring methods etc.
Typical examples
1. Declared voltage must not exceed ±6% and frequency ±1%. Therefore, a 240V/50Hz supply
may vary between 225.6V and 254.6V. frequency may range between 49.5Hz and 50.5Hz
2. Where 3 phase is available in a building, the distance between socket outlet on different
phases must not be less than 2M
3. Only licensed personnel should carry out installation
4. Switches must be placed in live conductors
Parties involved in power industries and functions
1. Ministry of energy
- Sets or formulates policies in the energy sector
- In charge of rural electrification programs
2. Energy and petroleum regulation Authority (EPRA) {formerly ERC}
- Tariff setting and review
- Dispute settlement
- Enforcement of standards
- Licensing of power producers, electricians and electrical contractors
- Approval of power purchase contract
3. Kenya Electricity generating company (KENGEN)
- Constructs and maintains all public electricity stations
- Sales power in bulk to Kenya power
4. The Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC)
- Buys power in bulk from public and private generating companies
- Transmits, distributes and sales power to consumers
5. Independent Power Producers (IPP)
- Owns and operate private power stations
- Sales power in bulk to Kenya power
6. Rural Electrification Authority
7. Geothermal development Authority
8. Kenya Bureau of Standards
- Set the standards and quality of materials and accessories used in electrical installations
- Formulates codes of practice to supplement the IEE regulations
9. Electrical contractors and technicians
- Are companies and individuals licensed to carry out electrical installation in domestic and
individual premise. It’s an offence to carry out electrical installation work without a
Public sector generating stations
1. Masinga 40MW 5. Kiambere 144MW
2. Kambuni 94MW 6. Turkwel 106MW
3. Gitaru 225MW 7. Sondu Miriu 60MW
4. Kindaruma 72MW
From 1 to 5 they are located on river Tana.
Electrical power supply
Electrical power is normally generated in a power station at 11kV. It is then stepped up using
transformers to either 132kV, 220kV or even higher for transmission purposes. This is
normally done to reduce power loss and save on cost due to conductor material sizes needed.

Reasons for using the grid system

i. Stabilizing the power supply i.e. when one generator fails, the other can supply power
ii. Ensure stability in the frequency of the power supply
iii. Use of older plants and less efficient plants to carry peak loads for a short duration
iv. Exchange of peak loads
v. Reduce plant reserve capacity
vi. Ensure economical operation – arrangement so that more efficient stations work
continuously throughout the year at a high load factor.
Electrical power sources
They include:
a) Hydro-electrical power station
 Are generating stations utilizing the potential energy of water at a high level for the
generations of electrical energy.
 Examples of Hydro-electric power stations include the seven forks located along river
Advantages of hydo-electric power stations
i. It requires no fuel as water is used for the generation of electrical energy
ii. It is quite neat and clean as no smoke or ash is produced
iii. It requires very small running charges because water is the source of energy which is
available at free cost
iv. It is comparatively simple in construction and requires less maintenance
v. It does not require a long starting time like steam power
vi. It is robust and has a longer life
vii. Such plants serve many purposes. In addition to the generation of electrical energy,
they also help in irrigation and controlling floods
i. It involves high capital cost due to the construction of the dam
ii. There is uncertainty about the availability of huge amount of water due to dependence
on weather conditions
iii. Skilled and experienced hands are required to build the plant
iv. It requires high cost of transmission lines as the plant is located in hilly areas which
are quite away from the consumers.
Choice of site for hydro-electric power station
The following points should be taken into account while selecting the site for a hydro-electric
power station:
i. Availability of water – since the primary requirement is huge amount of water, such
plants should be built at a place where adequate water is available at a good head.
ii. Storage of water – there are wide variations in water supply from a river or canal
during the year. This makes it necessary to store water by constructing a dam in order
to ensure the generation of power throughout the year.
iii. Cost and type of land – the land for the construction of the plant should be available
at a reasonable price
iv. Transportation facilities – the site selected should be accessible by rail and road so
that necessary equipment and machinery could be easily transported.
Layout of a hydro-power generating plant

Constituents of a hydro-electric power plant

i) Surge tank
Is a small reservoir or tank open at the top in which water level rises or falls to reduce
the pressure swings in the conduits.
ii) Penstock
Is an open or closed conduit which carry water to the turbines. They are generally
made of reinforced concrete
iii) Water turbines
They convert the energy of the falling water into mechanical energy
iv) Alternators
Convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
v) Dam
Is a barrier which stores water and creates water head. They are made of concrete or
masonry stones
b) Thermal (steam) power station
 Are generally stations which converts heat energy of coal combustion into electrical
energy. Steam is produced in the boiler by utilizing the heat of coal combustion. The
steam is then expanded in the prime mover (steam turbine) and condensed in a
condenser to be fed into the boiler again.
 The steam turbines drive the alternator which converts mechanical energy of the
turbine into electrical energy
 This type of power station is suitable where coal and water is abundantly available for
electric power to be generated.
Constituents of a steam generating plant
Steam generating unit
 Boiler
The heat of combustion of coal is utilized to convert water into steam.

 Super heater
The steam produced in the boiler is wet and is passed through super heater where its dried and
superheated. (steam temperature increased above that of boiling point of water. Its super-
heated to increase efficiency and reduce condensation at the latter stages.
 Economizer.
It’s essentially a feed water that extracts heat from flue gases before they are supplied to the
boiler. Aims to raise feed water temperature.

 Air pre-heater

Increases the temperature of the air supplied for coal combustion by deriving heat from flue
 Steam turbine

The dry and superheated steam from the super heater is fed to the steam turbine through main
valve. The heat energy of steam when passing over the blades of turbine is converted into
mechanical energy.
 Condenser

o Condenses the exhausted steam by means of cold-water circulation Alternator.

o The steam turbine is coupled to an alternator. The alternator converts mechanical
energy of turbine into electrical energy.

Steam is produced in the boiler by utilizing the heat of coal combustion. The steam is passed
through steam turbine at high pressure. The steam turbine drives the alternator which converts
mechanical energy of the turbine into electrical energy.
After passing through the turbines the steam is passed through the condenser where it’s cooled
and re introduced into steam generating unit.
Factors to consider which selecting a site for thermal (steam) power station

1. Supply of raw materials 5. Nearness to load Centre’s to

2. Availability of cooling water reduce transmission cost
3. Transportation facilities 6. Away from populated areas due to
4.Cost and type of land smoke and fumes
Advantages of thermal power stations
i. The fuel (coal) is relatively cheap
ii. Less initial cost required to establish
iii. Can be installed at any place irrespective of the existence of coal
iv. Less space required
v. The cost of generating is less
i. Pollutes the atmosphere due to production of smoke
ii. Relatively high running cost
c) Nuclear power stations
Generating stations which nuclear energy is converted into electrical energy.
Heavy elements like uranium or thorium are subjected to nuclear fussion in a special
apparatus known as a reactor. The heat energy that is released is utilized in raising the
steam energy at high temperature and pressure. The steam runs steam turbines which
convert steam energy into mechanical energy. The turbine drives the alternator which
converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

i. Requires less space iv. Produces bulk electric power
ii. Amount of fuel required is v. Can be located near the land
less small centres
iii. Has low running charges
Fuel used is expensive and difficult to recover
Capital required initially is high
Erection and commissioning of the plant require greater technical know how
The fission by-product are generally radioactive and may cause a dangerous
amount of radioactive pollution
d) Diesel power station
Used diesel engine to generate electricity e.g Kipevu in Mombasa
Is a generating station in which diesel engine is used as the prime mover for generating of
electricity. The diesel burns inside the engine and products of the combustion acta as the
working fluid to produce mechanical power. The diesel engine drives an alternator which
converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

i. Can be located at any place
ii. Occupies less space as the number and size of the auxiliaries is small
iii. There are no standby losses
iv. The design and layout of the plant are quite simple
v. Can be started quickly and can pick up load in a short time
i. The maintenance charges are generally high
ii. The cost of lubrication is generally high
iii. The plant can only generate small power
iv. The plant has high running charges because fuel used is costly
v. The plant can’t work satisfactory under overloaded conditions for a long period
e) Geothermal power station
Uses natural steam from underground to run turbine e.g Olkaria power station
f) Wind power station
The kinetic energy is converted to electrical energy by the wind turbines coupled to
g) Gas Turbine Power Plant
A generating station which employs gas turbine as the prime mover for the generation of
electrical energy
In a gas turbine power plant, air is used as the working fluid. The air is compressed by the
compressor and is led to the combustion chamber where heat is added to air, thus raising its
temperature. Heat is added to the compressed air either by burning fuel in the chamber or by
the use of air heaters. The hot and high-pressure air from the combustion chamber is then
passed to the gas turbine where it expands and does the mechanical work. The gas turbine
drives the alternator which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Gas turbine power plants are being used as standby plants for hydro-electric stations, as a
starting plant for driving auxiliaries in power plants etc.

Schematic Arrangement of Gas Turbine Power Plant The main

components of the plant are:

• Compressor • Gas turbine

• Regenerator • Alternator
• Combustion • Starting motor
• Chamber
The compressor used in the plant is generally of rotatory type. The air at atmospheric pressure
is drawn by the compressor via the filter the dust from air. The rotatory blades of the
compressor push the air between stationary blades to raise its pressure. Thus, air at high
pressure is available at the output of the compressor.
A regenerator is a device which recovers heat from the exhaust gases of the turbine. The
exhaust is passed through the regenerator before wasting to atmosphere. Are generator
consisting of a nest of tubes contained in a shell. The compressed air from the compressor
passes through the tubes on its way to the combustion chamber. In this way, compressed air is
heated by the hot exhaust gases.
Combustion chamber

The air at high pressure from the compressor is led to the combustion chamber via the
regenerator. In the combustion chamber, heat* is added to the air by burning oil. The oil is
injected through the burner into the chamber at high pressure to ensure atomization of oil and
its thorough mixing with air.
Gas turbine

The products of combustion consisting of a mixture of gases at high temperature and pressure
are passed to the gas turbine. These gases in passing over the turbine blades expand and thus
do the mechanical work.
The gas turbine is coupled to the alternator. The alternator converts mechanical energy of the
turbine into electrical energy. The output from the alternator is given to the bus-bars through
transformer, circuit breakers and isolators.
Starting motor.

Before starting the turbine, compressor has to be started. For this purpose, an electric motor
is mounted on the same shaft as that of the turbine. The motor is energized by the batteries.
Once the unit starts, a part of mechanical power of the turbine drives the compressor and
there is no need of motor now.

i. It is simple in design as compared to steam power station since no boilers and their
auxiliaries are required.
ii. It is much smaller in size as compared to steam power station of the same capacity.
This is expected since gas turbine power plant does not require boiler, feed water
arrangement etc.
iii. The initial and operating costs are much lower than that of equivalent steam power
iv. It requires comparatively less water as no condenser is used.
v. The maintenance charges are quite small.
vi. Gas turbines are much simpler in construction and operation than steam turbines.
vii. It can be started quickly form cold conditions.
viii. There are no standby losses. However, in a steam power station, these losses occur
because boiler is kept in operation even when the steam turbine is supplying no load.

i. There is a problem for starting the unit. It is because before starting the turbine, the
compressor has to be operated for which power is required from some external
source. However, once the unit starts, the external power is not needed as the turbine
itself supplies the necessary power to the compressor.
ii. Since a greater part of power developed by the turbine is used in driving the
compressor, the net output is low.
iii. The overall efficiency of such plants is low (about 20%) because the exhaust gases
from the turbine contain sufficient heat.
iv. The temperature of combustion chamber is quite high (3000oF) so that its life is
comparatively reduced.
Transmission and distribution system
The electrical energy produced at the generating station is conveyed to the consumers through a
network of transmission and systems.
That part of power system which distributes electric power for local use is called distribution
The distribution system is the electrical system between the sub-station fed by the transmission
system and the consumers’ meters. It generally consists of feeders, distributors and the service
i. Feeders – it is a conductor which connects the sub-station (or localized generating
station) to the area where power is to be distributed. Generally, no tappings are taken
from the feeder so that current in it remains the same
ii. Distributor – it is a conductor from which tappings are taken for supply to the
iii. Service mains- it is generally a small cable which connects the distributor to the
consumers’ terminals
Classification of distribution systems
1. Nature of current – A.C or D.C distribution
2. Type of construction – is the system overhead or underground
3. Scheme of connection – radial, ring, main and intermediate
1. D.C distribution system
Electric power is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and distributed as a.c. however, for
certain applications, d.c supply is required for the operation of variable speed machinery e.g d.c
For the purpose of a.c power is converted into d.c power at the substation by using converting
machinery like mercury arc rectifiers, rotary converters and motor generator sets.
The d.c supply from substation may be obtained in the form of;
i. 2 – wire
ii. 3 – wire
Two wire DC system
As the name suggests, this is a system of distribution of 2 wires. One is outgoing or positive and
the other is the return or negative wire. The loads such as lamps and motors are connected in
parallel between the two wires as shown
Three wire DC system
It consists of two outers and a middle or neutral wire which is earthed at the substation. The
voltage between the outers is twice the voltage between either outer and neutral wire as shown

The advantage of this system is that it makes available two voltages at the consumer
Methods of obtaining 3 wire DC system
a) Two generator system
In this method, two shunt wound dc generators G1 and G2 are connected in series and
the neutral is obtained from the common point between G1 and G2 as shown.

Each generator supplies a load current of I1 and I2

The difference of load currents on the two sides known as out of balance current (I1-
I2) flows through the neutral
b) Three wire d.c generator
Three wire d.c generator has been developed, it consists of a standard two wire
machine with one or two coils of high resistance and low resistance connected
permanently to diametrically opposite points of the armature winding. The neutral
wire is obtained from the common point.

Advantages of D.C distribution system

i. Requires only two conductors compared to 3 for a.c
ii. There is no inductance, capacitance, phase displacement and surge problems
iii. There is no skin effects in d.c system. The entire cross-section of the line conductor is
iv. The d.c line has less corona loss and reduced interference with communication circuits
v. For the same working voltage, the potential stress on the insulation is less than a.c line
for the same load and for this reason, a d.c transmission line has better voltage
vi. The high voltage d.c transmission is free from dielectric losses particularly in the case of
cables and synchronizing difficulties
Disadvantages of d.c systems
i. Electric power cannot be generated at high d.c voltage due to communication problems
ii. The d.c voltage cannot be stepped up for transmission of power at high voltages
iii. The d.c switches and circuit breakers have their own limitations

2. AC distribution system
Electrical energy is generated and distributed in the form of alternating current. One important
reason for the widespread use of a.c to d.c is the fact that a.c voltage can be conveniently
changed in magnitude by means of transformers
The AC distribution is classified into:
i. Primary distribution system – it is that part of a.c distribution system which operates
at voltages somewhat higher than general utilization and handles large blocks of
electrical energy than the average low-voltage consumer uses. The most commonly
used primary distribution voltages are 11kV, 6.6kV and 3.3kV.
ii. Secondary distribution system – it is that part of a.c distribution system which
includes the range of voltages at which the ultimate consumer utilizes the electrical
energy delivered to him. It employs 415/240V.
The a.c distribution system is classified into:
a) Single phase two wire system with midpoint earthed
The two wires possess equal and opposite voltages to earth. Therefore the maximum
voltage between the two wires is 2Vm

b) Single phase 2 wire with one conductor earthed

Two wires possesses equal and opposite voltages to earth.

c) 3 – phase, 3 – wire system

It maybe star connected or delta connected. The figure below shows a star connected

d) 3 – phase, 4 – wire system

In this case, 4th or neutral wire is taken from the neutral point as shown below
Advantages of three phase four wire system
i. It gives a consumer the choice of 415V three-phase supply and a 240V single phase
Advantages of a.c system
i. The power can be generated at high voltages
ii. The maintaining of a.c sub-stations is easy and cheaper
iii. The a.c voltages can be stepped up or down by transformers with ease and efficiency
Disadvantages of a.c system
i. An a.c line requires more copper than a d.c line
ii. The construction of a.c transmission line is more complicated than d.c transmission line
iii. Due to skin effect in a.c system, the effective resistance of the line is increased
iv. An a.c line has capacitance therefore there is a continuous loss of power due to charging
current even when the line is open
Other a.c distribution
e) Radial distribution system
In this system, separate feeders radiate from a single substation and feed the distribution
at the end only. The figure below shows a single line diagram of radial system for a.c
distribution where a feeder OC supplies a distributor AB at point A. Obviously the
distributer is fed at one end only i.e. point A

The radial system is applied only when power is generated at low voltage and the
substation is located at the center of the load.
NB: the only advantage of this system is that it has a very low initial cost
Disadvantages of radial system
i. The end of the distributor nearest to the feeding point will be heavily loaded
ii. Consumers are dependent on single feeder and single distributor cut-off supply to
the consumers who are on the side of the fault away from the substation
iii. The consumers at the distant end of the distributor are always subject to serious
voltage fluctuations when the load on the distributor changes
f) Ring main system
In this system, the primary windings of a distribution transformer form a loop. The loop
circuit starts from the substation bus bars, makes a loop through the area to be served and
returns to the substation as shown below where a substation supplies to the closed feeder

Advantages of ring
i. Less voltage fluctuations at consumer terminals
ii. The system is reliable as each distributor is fed via two feeders and the continuity
of supply is maintained
g) Interconnected system
When the feeder ring is energized by two or more than two generating stations or
substations, it is called inter-connected system. Figure below shows the single line
diagram of interconnected system where the closed feeder ring ABCD is supplied by two
substations S1 and S2 at point D and C respectively. Distributors are connected to points
O, P, Q and R of the feeder ring through distribution transformers.
Advantages of interconnected system
i. It increases the service reliability
ii. Any area fed from one generating station during peak load hours can be fed from
the other generating station
Requirements of a distribution system
The requirements include:
i. Proper voltage – the voltage variations at consumer’s terminals should be as low
as possible. The changes in voltage are generally caused due to the variation of
load on the system. Low voltage causes loss of revenue, inefficient lighting and
possible burning out of motors
ii. Availability of power on demand – power must be available to the consumers in
any amount that they may require from time to time
iii. Reliability – modern industry is almost dependent on electric power for its
operation this calls for reliable service.
Substation layout

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