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The Eye Heist

Who will survive?

Introduction: This adventure takes place in the city of GreenVale, a large

bustling metropolis with many shops and attractions. One of these shops is
Izzy’s Adventuring Compendium, a rather unusual shop for magical items and
every adventurer's dream. Izzy’s has a reputation for having everything you
could possibly ever need for a price. The shop has just received a new
shipment of magical items, among them The Eye of the Storm King. A massive
skull sized black diamond, the Eye is desired by many within the realms,
and Wispherling Saldon, long time commander of the Ravenhood Guild (the
underground group of thieves and assassins and the life blood of the black
market in Greenvale) wants it. He has gathered a group of his best thieves
and killers to acquire it for him with a little help, pun intended, from a
wayward wizard he is sure the Eye is soon to be his.

A 3-hour evil adventure for 4-6th 3rd level


by Madeline Fines

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The Eye Heist 1
The Eye Heist
Created from my loved of a good heist tasked with acquiring the book and making sure
this one shot is designed to be a Terri doesn’t make it out of the shop alive.
quick game for anyone in a rush and
looking for something fun and
chaotic! Feel free to edit it to fit Bad Luck Benny, Dwarf Thief: Childhood
your group and play style! friend of Garth, Benny is a skilled thief. Any lock
—MJF he can pick, any trap he can solve, no mark is
safe from Bad luck Benny! And if it is, Garth can
punch it…
Characters His Secret: He know Terri isn’t to survive this
On request of my current job, other than that he’s just along for the ride.
players I wrote this one off. For
everything to go smoothly and Magella Gladomain, Half Elf Rogue: Relatively
quickly I through together each of young, Magella is a skilled knife fighter and
the characters bellow for them. Each assassin. She grew up in the guild and knows
PC listed below is of evil alignment, this city like the back of her hand. This is her
and has a secret to guide their RP first big assignment as a full guild member so
through the session.
she is here to prove herself and make sure goes
according to plan.
NPCs Her Secret: Darshee has always looked down
on Magella and has taken every available
Izzy Stormcall, Wizard School of opportunity since she joined the guild to make
Enchantment: Magella’s life a living hell. Magella plans to use
Isabel is an older human woman, once an this job and the included risks to cover for
adventure herself she now supplies the Darshee’s demise, after all it's not her fault she
following generation in her retirement. She is of fell off a ledge… even if she did have a little help
shorter build, with honey brown hair, and dark going over.
violet eyes. She wears an odd assortment of
jewelry and trinkets at all times. She favors Darshee, Drow Elf Rogue (arcane trickster):
pants and a light tunic and typically a many One of the top assassins in the Hood she is here
pocketed robe of dark purple. She crafts her to make sure the job is completed no matter
own items (wizard level 17) as well as being a what. Skilled in some magic she is a lethal
collector and has a reputation for being able to assassin and decent thief. Recently passed over
get or make whatever you need. for promotion in favor of Garth.
Her secret: Garth is not walking out of this job
PCs alive. In solution to her slight she plans on
killing Garth, and the whole rest of the party if it
Garth, Half Orc Rogue: The leader of the comes to that. She has also been informed that
group, Garth has been selected to guide the Terri is not to survive the job; use her and kill
party though the lethal maze of Izzy’s shop. her.
Using Terri’s knowledge of the layout and the
rest of the group’s skills, he is here to ensure Darth, Halfling Rogue: An assassin member of
the completion of the job. the Ravenhood, Darth has been assigned to
His Secret: The Eye is a cover for the true goal guarding and feeding the prisoner Terri for the
of the job. The Wispherling has recently last few weeks. She is a skilled poisoner and
received solid information that Izzy’s is the ranged crossbow assassin. She has been
current stop of the Ledger. A red leather bound assigned to make sure Terri behaves to the
book containing the names of every corrupt completion of the job.
person this city has ever seen. Garth has been Her secret: Well guarding Terri over the past
few weeks they have fallen in love… or at least
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The Eye Heist 2
lust. They plan to take the Eye for themselves of the shop, it can be reached with ***3
and run away to a happily ever after. acrobatic checks of a group DC of 15. The grate
is trapped, when opened if will release a small
Terri Bramblethorn, Halfling Wizard: Once a explosion blinding anyone within 5 ft of it, it can
counter girl at Izzy’s, now an asset of the Hood, be noticed as trapped but can’t be untrapped.
she was fired for skimming from the store. A The only door to this courtyard leads to the
halfling with a serious gambling problem she workroom, lock DC of 15.
got in a little over her head and owed more
money than she has. The Wispherling bought Read aloud text for Tunnel:
her debt and has contracted her into this job on
the promise of her freedom on the completion On the right of the main brick tunnel
about 6 feet up the wall is a small 3
of the job.
feet wide drain hole with water
Her secret: She playing Darth. Instead of being slowly seeping out of it.
in love she is planning on taking the Eye and If the perception DC was meet for the
getting the hell out on her own. secret entrance read the following:

About 3 feet above the floor hidden

amongst the red brick of the tunnel
Izzy’s Adventuring is a small discolored patch of brick
with a small symbol resembling a star
Compendium burst carved into the center.
The shop is a small 2 story building
tucked into the corner of a shopping
square. Made of solid brick with
Storage Room for Unstable Things:
large glass display windows across
the front, this unassuming store This room is where Izzy stores all of the
currently houses one of the most unidentified or untested magical items she has
expensive gems in history and is the found or is inventing. If any of the party chooses
home to our story. Let the heist to pick up an item roll to see what happens.
Read aloud text for the Storage Room
of Unstable Things:

The Basement This is a small, very, cluttered

The party plans on entering the shop room. Packed wall to wall with all
through the system of sewers and manner of items. There are shelves
tunnels under the city. upon shelves of stuffed crammed into
this small space. Across the room
from the door you are now standing
Secret Entrance: in, you can see a solid wood door
There is in the tunnels below a secret entrance with a gold sunburst emblazed in the
into Izzy’s, marked by a discolored brick in the middle and no handle.
tunnel wall it pulls away to reveal the doorway
which can be unlocked with the same
incantation as the vaults upstairs (Terri can get
in), ***perception DC of 10. This tunnel opens
into the Storage room for Unstable Things.

The Drain:
If the party chooses to go through the sewers
they will find themselves in the back courtyard

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The Eye Heist 3
inside wall to the right (described below). As
1-4 Nothing None soon as the party enters the room the door
Happens behind them will seal shut unable to be opened.
5-9 Minor 1-10 no, 10-20 2d4
magic item appropriate damage Read Aloud Text for the Vault:

10- Unstable 2d4 dame of The walls and ceiling are all stone
14 item appropriate type but the floor is what appears to be a
single sheet of brass with a runic
15- Mimic!! Roll initiative circle carved into the center. The
20 room is completely empty except for a
large set of heavy steel doors on the
far side.

Note: Terri does not recognize this room. Lever 1 (farthest in): when pulled the vault
There is one door on the far side of the room, floor will be charged with 6d6 electrical
with the same seal and enchantment as the damage.
secret entrance. It leads upstairs into the
workroom. Lever 2 (middle one): when pulled the far back
of the room will open to reveal the main
The Workroom: connection of the sewers. This is where the
The general workroom for all ordered items or baby beholder lives, if this lever is pulled he will
inventions. The room itself isn’t enchanted this enter the room (initiative roll) after 2 rounds
would interfere with the experiments within. unless the door is closed. Beholder stats: refer
There are 2 doors, one to the main shop (DC 10) to the %e monster manual (all of the creatures
and one to the courtyard (DC 15). The secret hit points and dealt damages are halves or
entrance opens up behind a fake wall on the far scaled accordingly).
Lever 3 (closest): This level will open the back
Read aloud text for the Workroom: of the cabinet revealing the exit.

A stark contrast to the room you just

left, the main work room is The Main Floor
incredibly organized and clean. There This is the main floor of the shop.
are shelves of neat and labeled boxes There are 3 rooms on this floor, the
along the walls and three long empty showroom, the stock room, and Izzy’s
tables fill the room. Directly across office.
the room is a plain wood door, and to
the far left of the room is a
reinforced wood and iron door.
This is the main room of the floor, full of rows
and rows of magical items of all shapes and
The Vault: sizes it also has the large show windows at the
This is the vault, what should match the main front of the shop. This room has a minor alarm,
showroom for size is actually a much longer if anyone comes within 5 feet of the front wall
room extending off past the 60 touch light or of the shop an alarm sounds and Izzy is alerted.
dark vision into inky darkness. The cabinet on
the far side is a shallow closet, it contains a set
of shelves full of weird items (including the Eye
and the Ledger) along with 3 levers on the

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The Eye Heist 4
The Second Floor
Read Aloud Text for the Showroom:

The main show room contains row upon The second floor is all one room,
row of display shelves for books and this is the large item display room.
trinkets of all kinds. There is a Full of enchanted armor and the like.
small amount of light coming in from
the far end of the room through the Read Aloud for the Second Floor:
large widows.
The second floor of the shop is a
large open room full of racks of
Stockroom: magical weaponry and enchanted suits
This is the back room where all of the bulk of armor displayed on cloth models of
magical items are stored. It is full of neatly all shapes and sizes.
organized shelves and labeled boxes. Any
investigations check will reveal nothing but the
extra inventory.

Read aloud text for the Stockroom:

The door opens into a small 10 by 10

foot closet full of boxes and

Izzy’s Office:
This is the small room behind the counter.
There is also a small circular rug in front of the
desk with a few chairs on top of it, obviously
placed there for visitors (a investigation roll DC
10 will reveal a teleportation circle underneath
the rug.) An investigation roll, DC 15, will reveal
a small discoloration in the wood floor to the far
right of the room. This is another of Izzy’s seals.
Terri will again be able to open this. This will
open a passage downstairs to the Vault.

Read aloud text for Izzy’s Office:

This door opens into a cluttered and

horrifically decorated office with a
large oak desk filling the center of
the room. The walls are covered in
all manner of drawings, pictures,
and tapestries each one brighter
and uglier than the last, all
fighting to be the center of
attention. There is a bright
purple rug covering the center of
the room and two ornately
embroidered wing back chair
sitting across from the desk.

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The Eye Heist 5

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