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DA TE: December 8th, 2022

GOAL: Nill increase his reading comprehension skill by being able to re-tell a story
1 will be able to recall events in a story and re-tell what happened with 80%
after reading.
RATION ALE: Reading comprehension is the most important thing for a reader because if you
are just reading words with no meaning for understanding what is the benefit? Being able to not
only increase his reading skill but also allowing him to learn from what he is reading will help
him not only in reading but other content areas as well.


Standard - CC.1.3. l .A - Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of
their central message or lesson.
Standard - CC.1.3 .1. C - Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key


1. First, I introduced the story to - 1d handed him his story map.

2. I expl~ that for this lesson we will be reading a story together and really focusing on
the specii'ics of the story, specifically the characters, setting, problem, and solution.
3. We discussed what each of the different sections of the story map will look like when
completed and I made it his responsibility to stop our reading when he thought that we
had information that we should add.
4. Once we read through and added the different parts of the story map I went back through
and highlighted some important parts of the map that he left out.
5. When complete, we went over our work and I had him read the different parts back to
6. I then composed some different comprehension questions for . to answer.
7. Assessment

ASSESSMENT: I assessed him using the retelling model. I took away the story map and book
and after our discussion and him answering the different questions I asked him to re-tell the story
from start to finish using the name of the characters and explaining from start to finish.

REFLECTION : Overall, I thought that the lesson went well. He struggled a little to retell all the
specific parts of the story but did well on answering the comprehension questions after
completing the story map. I thought that the story map was a good strategy for him because he

enjoyed filling it ?ut and writing his answers., He was proud of his work as well and wanted to
show my co-op bis work. l felt as though his comprehension was much improved from
different questioning on the QRI passages. Overall, I would say the lesson was a success.

*Work sample must follow the intervention l~son plan•

. . . · · truction••
.,..,.Cooperating teacher must sign and date each intervention plan prior to ins

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