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1. The owner of a computer store pays my brother to o______e the business for her.
2. Mom said she would m______d the hole in my jeans.
3. The only f______e in the living room was an old sofa.
4. After a period of r______n, Simon understood the mistakes he had made and resolved to do
5. We took p______c cups and plates on the picnic so that there wouldn’t be any broken glass.
6. Peter says he has a new i______n that can make a bicycle go faster.
7. Our company uses the latest computer t______y to design new products.
8. Bernard was born and raised in a r______e village.
9. The remote island is d______t on a supply ship that arrives just four times a year.
10. The doctor said my f______t headaches are probably caused by work pressure.

All over the world, millions of people suffer great _________. Many live in small huts with metal roofs and
no windows. These people can hardly _________ to have electrical power, and it goes _________ saying
that their homes are in _________ all day.

It _________ ______him _________ there was a way to bring light into his house.

After Alfredo lit up his own home, he made bottle lamps for his neighbors. They were _________ to have
more light in their homes as well. Soon, people far from his hometown were talking about his
_________. Bottle lamps even _________ _________ in other countries.
Alfredo 照亮自己家後,也替鄰居製作了瓶中燈。他們也渴望家裡有比較好的照明。不久,連遠在他

A bottle lamp is a simple _________. It costs almost nothing to make and _________. Yet it is making life a
little easier for millions of people caught in the _________ _________. It is also a great _________ of how a
useful idea can grow.

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