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單字小考 L5 U16~18

novel ____________ allergy ____________ irony ____________
decay ____________ shield ____________ domain ____________
acute ____________ undermine ____________
foster ____________ projection ____________
通知 (v.) ___________ 診斷 (v.) ___________ 折磨 (n.) ___________
棲地 (n.) ___________ 動機 (n.) ___________ 網紅 (n.)
突破 (n.) ___________ 升級 (v.) ___________ ___________ _____________
__________ The infection is highly c______s, so don't let anyone else use your towel.
__________ Laws against racial p______e must be strictly enforced.
__________ There is a_____t evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.
__________ The t______n of the virus is only through physical contact. 那種病毒只通過身體接觸傳播。
__________ Such policies are not c______e with democratic government.此類政策與民主格格不入。
__________ He a______es the return of capital punishment.他主張恢復死刑。
__________ What a_____hed me was that he didn't seem to mind.讓我感到詫異的是他好像毫不在乎。
__________ A stay in the country will be b______l to his health.在鄉下生活一段時間對他的健康有利。
(A) aggression (B) confidential (C) compact (D) disapproved (E) resemblance
(F) provoked (G) intact (H) coherent (I) speculate (J) juvenile
1. Lack of parental control is seen to lie behind drug abuse and ________ delinquency.
2. The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar survived ________.
3. He locked the ________ documents in his filing cabinet.
4. It's useless to ________ without more information.
5. Both children bear a very close ________ to their father.
6. They seem to have no ________ plan for saving the company.
7. The prospect of increased prices has already ________ an outcry.
8. The company came up with a new, more ________ computer.
9. Does your dog show ________ towards any strangers or just towards men?
10. Sex before marriage is strongly ________ of in some cultures.
1. Motor vehicles are (p)___________ ________ driving in the town center.
2. I don't know why he is looking for me. Perhaps you can (s)_______ ________ ______ this.
3. We must (b)________ _____ the sharpers at the fair. 我們必須當心市集上的騙子。

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