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1.0 General

Soil stabilization may be defined as the alteration or preservation of one or more soil
properties to improve the engineering characteristics and performance of a soil.Stabilization,
in a broad sense, incorporates the various methods employed for modifying the properties of
a soil to improve its engineering performance. Soil stabilization refersto the procedure in
which a special soil, cementing material,or other chemical materials are added to a natural
soil toimprove one or more of its properties. One may achievestabilization by mechanically
mixing the natural soil andstabilizing material together so as to achieve a
homogeneousmixture or by adding stabilizing material to an undisturbedsoil deposit and
obtaining interaction by letting it permeate through soil voids. Soil stabilizing additives are
used to improve the properties of less-desirable rood soils. Whenused these stabilizing agents
can improve and maintain soil moisture content, increase soil particle cohesion and serve as
cementing and water proofing agents. A difficult problem in civil engineering works exists
when the sub-grade is found to be clay soil.

Soils having high clay content have the tendency to swell when their moisture content is
allowed to increase. Many research have been done on the subject of soil stabilization using
various additives, the most common methods of soil stabilization of clay soils in pavement
work are cement and lime stabilization. The high strengths obtained from cement and lime
stabilization may not always be required, however, and there is justification for seeking
cheaper additives which may be used to alter the soil properties. Lime or calcium carbonate is
oldest traditional chemical stabilizer used for soil stabilization. The study provides details of
different types of soil stabilizing methods.

1.1.1 SOIL

Soil is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids, and countless organisms that
together support life on Earth. Soil continually undergoes development by way of numerous
physical, chemical and biological processes, which include weathering with associated

erosion. Most of stabilization has to be undertaken in soft soils (silty, clayey peat or organic
soils) in order to achieve desirable engineering properties. According to Sherwood fine-
grained granular materials are the easiest to stabilize due to their large surface area in relation
to their particle diameter. A clay soil compared to others has a large surface area due to flat
and elongated particle shapes. On the other hand, silty materials can be sensitive to small
change in moisture and, therefore, may prove difficult during stabilization. Peat soils and
organic soils are rich in water content of up to about 2000%, high porosity and high organic
content. The consistency of peat soil can vary from muddy to fibrous, and in most cases, the
deposit is shallow, but in worst cases, it can extend to several meters below the surface.
Organic soils have high exchange capacity; it can hinder the hydration process by retaining
the calcium ions liberated during the hydration of calcium silicate and calcium aluminate in
the cement to satisfy the exchange capacity. In such soils, successful stabilization has to
depend on the proper selection of binder and amount of binder added.

1.1.2Soil Stabilization:

Soil stabilization is a method of improving soil propertiesby blending and mixing other
materials. Soil stabilization isthe process of improving the shear strength parameters of
soiland thus increasing the bearing capacity of soil. It is requiredwhen the soil available for
construction is not suitable to carrystructural load. Soil stabilization is used to
reducepermeability and compressibility of the soil mass in earthstructures and to increase its
shear strength. Thus to reduce thesettlement of structures soil stabilization involves theuse of
stabilizing agents (binder materials) in weak soils toimprove its geotechnical properties such
as compressibility,strength, permeability and durability.

1.1.3 Soil Stabilization Methods:

In road construction projects, soil or gravelly material is used as the road main body in
pavement layers. To have required strength against tensile stresses and strains spectrum, the
soil used for constructing pavement should have special specification. Through soil
stabilization, unbound materials can be stabilized with cementitious materials (cement, lime,
fly ash, bitumen or combination of these). The stabilized soil materials have a higher
strength, lower permeability and lower compressibility than the native soil. The method can
be achieved in two ways, namely;

1) In situ stabilization and
2) Ex - situ stabilization.
Note that, stabilization not necessary a magic wand by which every soil properties can be
improved for better. The decision to technological usage depends on which soil properties
have to be modified. The chief properties of soil which are of interest to engineers are volume
stability, strength, compressibility, permeability and durability. Some stabilization techniques
are listed below
(a) Mechanical Stabilization
(b) Stabilization by using different types admixtures
(1) Lime Stabilization
(2) Cement Stabilization
(3) Chemical Stabilization
(4) Fly ash Stabilization
(5) Rice Husk ash Stabilization
(6) Bituminous Stabilization
(7) Thermal Stabilization
(8) Electrical Stabilization
(9) Stabilization by Geo-textile and Fabrics
(10) Recycled and Waste Products etc.

1.1.4 Cement
 Stabilization of soil by the addition of cement in it is known as cement
stabilization. Soil-cement is a mixture of crushed soil and measured quantity of
cement and water added in the soil, then compacted to the required density and
finally cured. The part of cement is to enhance the engineering properties of soil
such as its compressive strength, permeability, swelling potential and sensitivity
to variations in moisture content. Cement can be applied to stabilize any type of
soil, except soils with organic content greater than 2% or having pH lower than
5.3. The maximum dry density of sand and highly plastic clays enhance by
adding cement to the soil but the SDD of silt is however reduced. The other main
effects of cement-soil stabilization are decrease in shrinkage and swell potential,
increase in strength, modulus of elasticity and resistance against the effect The
effect of cement quantity and curing time on UCS are shown in that unconfined

compressive strength of fine and coarse soils increases with the increase of
cement content. The 28-day unconfined compressive strength is proportional to
the content of cement; it changes from 40% of cement content for the fine-
grained soils to 150 % of cement content for the coarse-grained soils

1.1.5 Objective And Scope

 To use cement as a additive to counteract the failure of slopes in soil, cement as an

additive material, thereby enhancing soil properties

 To use the cement as a stabilizing agent along with the soil sample, thereby increasing
its CBR values and improve poor sub-grade material or implement in construction of
new sub-grade thereby increasing the life of the particular project.

 To reduce the swelling and shrinkage phenomenon along the soil profile.

 To use cement as a additive to counteract the failure of slopes in soil, cement as an
additive material, thereby enhancing soil properties and Improving soil properties like
shear strength, failure in slope etc.

 To reduce the swelling and shrinkage phenomenon along the soil profile.

 To use the cement as a stabilizing agent along with the soil sample, thereby increasing
its CBR values and improve poor sub-grade material or implement in construction of
new sub-grade thereby increasing the life of the particular project.


2.1 Introduction
Soil stabilization isthe process of improving the shear strength parameters of soiland thus
increasing the bearing capacity of soil. It is requiredwhen the soil available for construction is
not suitable to carrystructural load. Soil stabilization is used to reducepermeability and
compressibility of the soil mass in earthstructures and to increase its shear strength.


Rahul Gupta, Anand Kumar Raghuwanshi-Utilization Of E-Waste In Strength

Enhancement Of Black Cotton Soil.
This study carried out a stabilization technique over black cotton soil, where PCB wastes are
mixed with Black cotton soil sample at different ratios such as 3, 6, 9 and 12% and tests were
carried out.The Geotechnical properties of the stabilized soil sample were graphically
compared and the results show an improvement in all properties.This study forms the basis of
my project of what tests are to be carried out to identify whether the soil sample with E-waste
is stabilised or not.Based onstrength performance tests, it was observed that replacement of
E-waste increases the strengthof expansive soils. It can be seen that Maximum soaked CBR
value was found at addition of 6%E-waste when compared with native soil and the he
optimum value of maximum dry density andunconfined compressive strength was found at
6% E-waste.Expansive soils are soils or soft bedrock thatincreases in volume or expand as
they getwet and shrink as they dry out. In India thisExpansive soil is called ‘black cotton
soil’.Colour of this oil reddish brown to blackand this helps for cultivation of cotton, so
iscalled black cotton swelling soil coversabout 30% of the land area in India. Theyare also
commonly known as bentonite,expansive, or Black Cotton soil.The present study can serve as
an effectivemethod to utilize E-waste in the stabilizationof expansive soil. The conclusions
are basedon the tests carried out on clay with varyingpercentage of E-waste.

M.Adams Joe, A.Maria Rajesh-Soil Stabilization Using Industrial Waste And Lime
This paper used industrial waste in stabilising the soil. The Waste include copper slag,
cement and lime. The findings of this study includes improvement in index properties and

other geotechnical properties and also emphasizes in cost reduction in Ground improvement

The study after conducting several experiments revealed the following significances in using
lime and industrial waste as a stabilizing agent. The addition of lime and industrial waste
mixes to sub base increases the unconfined compressive strength value more than that by
ordinarymethods. The sub base stabilization with lime and industrial waste mixes improves
the strength behaviour of sub base. Itcan potentially reduce ground improvement costs by
adopting this method of stabilization.The project are planned to conduct various experiment
like Specific gravity, sieveanalysis, proctor compaction test, unconfined compressive strength
and CBR test to increase strength properties andbehaviour of sub base. Then the results and
graphs of various mixes are compared to see their effects in sub basestabilization. The
stabilization technique has an additional benefit of providing an environment friendly way to
deal withindustrial waste sand.

Habiba Afrin-A Review On Different Types Of Soil Stabilization Techniques

This study focuses on the chemical and mechanical properties of the stabilized soil.The final
product of the soil sample with E-waste mixture will be analysed for its chemical and
physical properties and compared with this literature, therefore helping us identify the
efficiency of the project done.Stabilization and its effect on soil indicatethe reaction
mechanism with additives, effect on its strength, improve and maintain soil moisture content
and suggestion forconstruction systems. Soil stabilization can be accomplished by several
methods. All these methods fall into two broad categoriesnamely mechanical stabilization
and chemical stabilization. Mechanical Stabilization is the process of improving the
propertiesof the soil by changing its gradation and chemical stabilization of expansive soil
comprises of changing the physico-syntheticaround and within clay particles where by the
earth obliges less water to fulfill the static imbalance and making it troublesome forwater that
moves into and out of the framework so as to fulfill particular designing road ventures.As
technology advances and economic conditions change,many more chemical agents will be
introduced into subgradesto improve their compactability, durability, and strength. Atthe
same time, more performance-based testing will benecessary to prove the effectiveness of
these stabilizationagents. In addition, there are chemicals being used today in
thepetrochemical industry whose use in soils is as yet unexplored.Another area for research is
such processes as injection andspray-on techniques for more economical treatment.
Globalclimate change may affect the durability and application of stabilizers. It may be

desirable to consider these potentialchanges in the development of future soil stabilization

Stabilization By Using Fly Ash.
This study used the fly ash material as a stabilising agent in soil sample at 3, 5, 6 and 9%.The
CBR valued showed and increase in its value with the addition of fly ash and also
emphasized in using it for a subgrade material.This paper showcases the importance in
improving the soil properties for a subgrade material.The objective of this study was to
evaluate the
effect of Fly Ash derived from combustion of sub-bituminous coal at electric power plants in
stabilization of softfine-grained red soils. California bearing ratio (CBR) and other strength
property tests were conducted on soil.The soil is in range of plasticity, with plasticity indices
ranging between 25 and 30. Tests were conducted on soils and soil–Fly Ash mixtures
prepared at optimum water content of 9% .Addition of Fly Ash resulted inappreciable
increases in the CBR of the soil. For water contents 9% wet of optimum, CBRs of the soils
arefound in varying percentage such that 3,5,6and 9.We will found optimum CBR value of
the soil is 6%.Incrementof CBR value is used to reduce the thickness of the pavement. And
increasing the bearing capacity of soil.Based on the data accumulated from above research
following conclusions have been made.The borrowed red soil has bearing capacity of 10
kg/mm2.The stabilized red soil with 6 percentage of Fly Ash achieves bearing capacity of
35kg/mm2.The CBR value of borrowed red soil is 3.1. From design curvein „A‟ type traffic,
pavement thickness forcorresflying soil is 12 inches.CBR value of stabilized soil is 4.82.
Pavement thickness corresflying to this value is8.5inches.

Ajay Upadhyay, Suneet Kaur-Review On Soil Stabilization Using Ceramic Waste

Use Of Solid Waste Materials In Soil Stabilization Improves The Geotechnical Properties Of
Soil.There is a needto look toward different industrial waste materials whichare being
produced in huge quantities. Soil stabilizationusing waste ceramic dust is one of such
method, which canbe used to improve the geotechnical properties of soil.Clayey soils have
poor shearing strength and low bearingcapacity. It is not easy to work with such soil, as it
does nothave enough strength to support the imposed load on them.For satisfactory
performance of the structure put on suchsoil, the properties of such soil need to be improved.
Theceramic waste can be mixed with waste materials to obtainbetter results.Stabilization
using ceramic waste is one such wastematerial which can be used for improving the

propertiesof poor clayey soils. Ceramic waste materials are easilyavailable at various
manufacturing units and atconstruction sites. In developing countries like India,waste
management is a matter of serious concern becausewaste materials are generated at rapid rate.
Ceramic wastecan be conveniently used for soil stabilization andproblem of their disposal can
be overcome inenvironmentally safer way. Thus use of ceramic waste notonly improves the
soil properties but problem of theirdisposal can also be solved. In the present study
ceramicwaste materials have been used to improve the propertiesof clayey soils and effect of
ceramic dust on various soilproperties have been evaluated.

Gregory Paul Makusa-Soil Stabilization Methods And Materials

Design Load And Function Of The Structure. Bearing Capacity Of Subsoil, materials Are
Cement, Lime, Flyash, sulphides.These are hydraulic (primary binders) or non-hydraulic
(secondary binders) materials thatwhen in contact with water or in the presence of pozzolanic
minerals reacts with water toform cementitious composite materials.The method involves on
site soil improvement by applying stabilizing agent withoutremoving the bulk soil. This
technology offer benefit of improving soils for deepfoundations, shallow foundations and
contaminated sites. Planning of the design mixinvolves the selection and assessment of
engineering properties of stabilized soil andimproved ground. The purpose is to determine the
dimensions of improved ground on thebasis of appropriate stability and settlement analyses to
satisfy the functionalrequirements of the supported structure (Keller Inc.). The technology
can beaccomplished by injection into soils a cementitious material such cement and lime in
dryor wet forms. The choice to either use dry or wet deep mixing methods depend
amongother things; the in-situ soil conditions, in situ moisture contents, effectiveness of
bindersto be used, and the nature of construction to be founded. Depending on the depth
oftreatment, the in situ stabilization may be regarded as either deep mixing method or

Jinhui Li, Huabo Duan, Pixing Shi- Heavy Metal Contamination Of Surface Soil In
Electronic Waste Dismantling Area: Site Investigation And Source-Apportionment
This study emphasizes on the importance of handling E-waste and its effects over
environment if not disposed off with proper precautions.This study serves as a base for using
E-waste in stabilizing soil as the study mainly focuses on soil contamination of E-
waste.Findings from the study will enable to identify the quantity of E-waste material to be
added to the soil sample.Electronic waste (e-waste) is a heterogeneous mix ofmetal, plastics,

glass and ceramics, containing a range oftoxic compounds, including polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs) and brominated flame retardants (BFRs), as well asa broad range of toxic
metals (Robinson, 2009;u et al.,2008), such as Cu, Pb, Sn, Ni, Fe, Al, Cd, Be, Pd, etc (Cui
and Zhang, 2008; Das et al, 2009). On average, cathode raytubes (CRTs) in computer
monitors and televisions contain 0.4 and 1 kg of Pb, respectively (Menad, 1999).upper limit
of soil background value, which isused to screen the site for drinking water, tea tree land
andanimal rangeland), as well as the background value ofShantou or Guangdong province.
Pb, Cd, Cu, Sb and Znwere the most enriched metals found in the environmentalsamples.
Their enrichments in S5 compared to Grade I werealways well above 10 times (Pb: 13.7, Cd:
50, Zn: 35, Cu:363); and Sb was almost 400 times higher than in the blanksample (S9). The
concentration of Ni, Cr and As wereapproximately four times higher than the screening value
of Grade I (Ni: 5.5, Cr: 3.6, As: 3.5). However, other metalsincluding Mn and Be, were less
enriched in the samples. Theinappropriate disposal of e-waste by incineration with MSWhas
made nine of these metals sources of heavy-metal contamination in the soil.The results
derived from the soil sample (S4) also indicate that the tested soils from the location of an
abandoned workshop which employed acids to extract metals from PCBs,have been heavily
contaminated with Pb, Cd, Cu and Cr.In comparison with Grade I, their enrichments were
manytimes higher (Cu 137 and Cr 28.9); the concentration of Pb and Cd were approximately
five to six times greater than thescreening value of Grade I (Pb: 4.3, Cd: 6.1). Similarly,
Sbconcentration was almost 32.4 times higher than the blanksample (S9). The concentrations
of As, Hg and Zn werearound twice the standard value (Grade I) leading to a moderate
contamination. All of the results from the above samples show that there was no pollution of
Be and Mn whencompared with the blank sample, which is probably due tolesser amounts of
these metals being used in electronics.Many closed and abandoned sites, which were e-waste-
recycling workshops whose owners had either gone into liquidation or moved to another site,
were contaminated.

Dinesh.A, Gokilavani.S, Ramya.G-Stabilization Of Soil By Using Solid Waste.

This is a review paper on all the study carried out till date on stabilising the soil.This paper
gives an ides of the wastes used for improving the soil properties and also shows that E-waste
hasn’t been used in this soil stabilisation technique.In recent years, soil stabilization by using
variousminerals like quarry dust, saw dust, copper dust and fly ash were most commonly
used. These solid wastes are day by day increasing in India, which is not environmental
friendly hence they have to be recycled. Thus, a review is presented tomake use of those

wastes in soil stabilization. In this paper, the study mainly focusses on stabilization of soil
using solidwaste. To understand the performance of stabilized soil, its properties like
Atterberg limits, compaction characteristics,swelling, shear strength, CBR value and other
Index & Engineering properties were discussed.Stabilization of soil had become the most
unavoidable one because it simultaneous possessed two advantages, first it increased
theproperties of the soil and also it reduced the industrial wastes dumped into the cultivable
land. The advantage of soil stabilization using industrial waste was become desirable all over
the world.It also clearly showed that each industrial waste exhibited their own characteristics
andmodified the index and engineering properties of the soil. These modifications of
properties make the stabilized soil as efficientmaterial in the construction of structures.

S.Chatterjee,Krishna Kumar-Effective Electronic Waste Management And Recycling

Process Involving Formal And Non-Formal Sectors
This paper focuses on the importance of recycling E-waste among different sectors which
forms the scope of current project work.The major segregated materials from e-
waste,including metals, glass and plastic parts can be recycled through the conventional
recycling practicesused in municipality waste management by organized smelters and re-
processors. The segregated PCBand connectors will be pulverized by professional agency to
make homogenous powder andassessment of assay content of the powder will be done to
know the worth of the PCBs. Once the rightprice is decided, non-formal sector can sell the
PCBs to the formal recyclers for further process. Thisapproach will allow the formal
recyclers to concentrate only on processing PCBs, which requirestechnologies, specialized
skills and expertise. The said approach will eradicate the unhygienic practiceprevailing in
non-formal units in developing countries and thereby will stop polluting environment,
soil,water, and will also protect the health of the worker. Once the outsourced model is
established, therecycling of e-waste business will again be viable. It will also ensure the
higher yield of metal recoveryfrom e-waste as well as minimum landfill.

F.Yilmaz, H.A.Kamiloglu, Sadoglu-Soil Stabilization With Using Waste Materials

Against Freezing Thawing Effect.
This study experiments the use of wastes from stone industry as a stabilising agent in soil to
improve its nature against freezing and thawing effect.The waste material infused soil sample
is tested for its unconfined compressive strength and the results show a significant decrease in
the value after freezing thawing cycles.This paper helps my work in identifying the amount
of waste to be added and whether lime is to be added to enhance the stabilisation.Aftereffect

of population and consumption growth,technological progress, industrialization and
urbanization is adverse impact for human and environmentalhealth [1]. Lime, cement and
bitumen are commonly used additives in soil stabilization. Water content andload-bearing
values are optimumised and plasticity is decreased with the addition of lime to natural soil
[2]. Flyash is another substantial additive for soil stabilization.Recent analyses show that rate
of recycling of fly ash used for soil amendement is 95% in Holland, Germany andBelgium,
and nearly 50% in England [3]. Reuse of wastematerials for stabilization becomes recently
compellingway of waste material utilization.Unconfined compressive strength results of soil
specimens are shown in Fig. 2 and Table II. With lime stabilization unconfined pressure
strength of samples increased more than 1000%. These are expected valuesin comparison of
international literature search for limestabilization. It was seen from the results that,
generallywith the addition of GBS to lime stabilized soil, unconfined pressure strength of
samples get up to high values.It shows the pozzolanic activity of GBS as an expansive soil
stabilizer. With the addition of GBS without lime, unconfined compressive strength of
samples does not change in meaningful values.Unconfined compressive strength of soil
specimens decrease significantly after freezing–thawing cycles. Forsoil + GBS samples those
changes are negligible in respect to natural soil properties.




 To use cement as a additive to counteract the failure of slopes in soil, cement as an
additive material,thereby enhancing soil properties and minimizing.

 To reduce the swelling and shrinkage phenomenon along the soil profile.

3.2 High Compressibility

Soils are exceptionally plastic and compressible, when they are immersed. Balance, laying on
such soils under goes union settlements of high greatness.
3.3 Swelling
A structure worked in a dry season, when the regular water content is low shows differential
development as aftereffect of soils amid resulting wet season. This causes structures bolstered
by such swelling soils to lift up and split. Limitation on having created swelling weights
making the structure reasonable.
3.4 Shrinkage
A structure worked toward the finish of the wet season at the point when the regular water
content is high, demonstrates settlement and shrinkage splits amid consequent dry season.


Materials required
1. Soil
2. cement
Soil test can be done based on the adding E-waste,at first soil test can be undergone:
1. Soil + 3% cement
2. Soil + 6% cement
3. Soil + 12% cement
Tests undergone
1. Standard protector compact test
2. Liquid limit & plastic limit
3. Specific gravity
4. Unconfined compressive test

5. Direct shear test
6. Moisture content
7. Sieve analysis














A detailed description of the materials used in this project is discussed. The procedure and the
experimental setup used for this study is also briefed. Furthermore, the methodology adopted
to attain the objectives of this project are also explained in detail.


4.1.1 Specific gravity

Determination of specific gravity is very important for engineers since it helps them in
determining the weight – volume relationships of a soil sample which in turn will help them
determine the required soil from the borrow site to take in order to construct at the
construction site. For example this value enters the calculation for embankments or sub-
grade.Moreover, as stated downwards in the theory part, the range of specific gravity also
helps engineers to determine the type of soil to be used in their engineering purposes.

The specific gravity of solid soil is often needed for various calculations. And it is defined as
the ratio of the weight of a given volume of the soil to the weight of an equal volume of
distilled water. The general ranges of the values of Gs for various soils fall within ( 2.6 – 2.9 )

Soil sample Empty Wt. Wt of Wt of Wt of Specific

Of pycnometer pycnometer pycnometer+wate gravity
pycnometer Dry soil w2 + oven soil r
W1 w3 W4
1 644 844 1584 1451 3.2

4.1.2 Moisture content

This method covers the laboratory determination of the moisture content of a soil as a
percentage of its oven-dried weight. The method may be applied to fine, medium and coarse
grained soils for particle sizes from 2 mm to >10 mm. PRINCIPLE The method is based on
removing soil moisture by oven-drying a soil sample until the weight remains constant. The
moisture content (%) is calculated from the sample weight before and after drying.

16 Soil sample Container
1 Wt of container with lid 15
2 Wt of container with 70
lid+wet soil (w2)
3 Wt of container with 68
lid+dry soil (w3)
4 Moisture content 3.77

4.1.3 Liquid limit

This test is done to determine the liquid limit of soil as per IS: 2720 (Part 5) – 1985. The
liquid limit of fine-grained soil is the water content at which soil behaves practically like a
liquid, but has small shear
strength. It’s flow closes the groove in just 25 blows in Casagrande’s liquid limit device. The
apparatus used :-
i) Casagrande’s liquid limit device
ii) Grooving tools of both standard and ASTM types
iii) Oven
iv) Evaporating dish
v) Spatula
vi) IS Sieve of size 425µm
vii) Weighing balance, with 0.01g accuracy
viii) Wash bottle
ix) Air-tight and non-corrodible container for determination of moisture content

Description Soil sample

No of blows 14
Container no 1
Wt of container (w0) 16
Wt of container wet soil (w1) 69
Wt of container+dry oven soil 63
Wt of water (w1-w2) 6
Wt of oven dry soil (w2-w0) 47
Water content =(w1-w2)/(w2-w0) 12.76

4.1.4 Plastic limit

From the 20g sample select a 1.5 to 2 g specimen for testing.

Roll the test specimen between the palm or fingers on the ground glass plate to from a thread
of uniform diameter.

Continue rolling the thread until it reaches a uniform diameter of 3.2mm or 1/8 in.

When the thread becomes a diameter of 1/8 in. reform it into a ball.

Knead the soil for a few minutes to reduce its water content slightly.

Repeat steps 2 to 5 until the thread crumbles when it reaches a uniform diameter of 1/8 in.

When the soil reaches the point where it will crumble, and when the thread is a uniform
diameter of 1/8", it is at its plastic limit. Determine the water content of the soil.

Description Soil sample

Container no 1
Wt of container (w0) 15
Wt of container wet soil (w1) 35
Wt of container+dry oven soil 31
Wt of water (w1-w2) 4
Wt of oven dry soil (w2-w0) 16
Water content =(w1-w2)/(w2-w0) 25

FIG 4.1

4.1.5 Standard proctor compaction test

Compaction is a type of mechanical stabilization where the soil mass is densified with the
application of mechanical energy also known as compactive effort.The mechanical energy
may be produced by the dynamic load, static load, vibration, or by tamping.

During compaction, the soil particles are relocated, and the air volume is reduced.It may also
involve a modification of the moisture content, and in the saturated coarse-grained soil,
moisture content may be pressed out during the process of compaction.Compaction should
not be confused with consolidation;where the density of saturated soils is increased due to a
reduction in the volume of voids brought about by the expulsion of water under the
application of static load.

Descrption Soil sample

Wt of empty mould (w1) 3667
W1 + compacted soil w2 5780
Wt of compacted soil (w2- 2113
Bulk density (w2-w1)/v 2113/1021.24
Water content 0.08%
Dry density rd/(1+w) 1.916

4.1.6 Unconfined compression test

The purpose of this laboratory is to determine the unconfined compressive strength of a

cohesive soil sample. We will measure this with the unconfined compression test, which is an
unconsolidated undrained (UU or Q-type) test where the lateral confining pressure is equal to
zero (atmospheric pressure).
The first step in the procedure is to examine the loading frame. Turn the crank and learn how
to read the load and deformation dial gages. Determine the calibration constant for the
proving ring and the units of the deformation dial gauge. 2. We will be shearing the samples
at a strain rate of 1% per minute. From the length of your soil sample, determine the
deformation at 1% strain. Depending on the units of the vertical deformation dial gauge
(usually 0.001 inches or 0.0001 inches), determine the number of dial divisions per 1 strain-
Practice turning the crank at his number of dial divisions/minute. It is important that the soil
sample not be sheared faster than this specified rate 3. Measure the initial height and diameter
of the soil sample with calipers. It is unlikely that the sample will be a perfect right cylinder.
Therefore, it will be necessary to find the average height and diameter by taking several

measurements in different places along the soil sample. The measurements should be taken
by more than one member of a lab team to be sure that the calipers are read correctly. If you
have any questions about how to take measurements with calipers, ask the laboratory
instructor for instruction.

Compressive dail Proving ring dail Deformation Strain Area Stress

Div Div P =P/A
mm load N/mm
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 0.5 2 0.004 0.05 0.66 9.6801 0.413
100 1 5 0.01 0.1 1.315 9.744 1.020
150 1.5 11 0.022 0.15 1.973 9.809 2.242
200 2 14 0.03 0.2 2.631 9.876 3.037
250 2.5 16 0.032 0.25 3.289 9.943 3.218
300 3 19 0.04 0.3 3.947 10.011 3.995
350 3.5 23 0.05 0.35 4.605 10.080 4.96
400 4 27 0.054 0.4 5.263 10.150 5.320

4.1.7 Direct shear test

Apparatus required for conduction direct shear test are

Shear box

Shear box container

Base plate with cross groves on its top

Porous stones (2 Nos)

Plain Grid plates (2Nos)

Perforated grid plates (2Nos)

Loading pad with steel ball

Digital weighing machine

Loading frame with loading yoke

Proving ring

Dial gauges (2 Nos)


Tampering Rod




Normal stress Shear force of failure Ultimate shear stress

(kg/cm2) KN Kg (kg/cm2)
1.3 13 35.1 0.975
2.4 17 45.9 1.275
5.2 21 56.7 1.575

Fig 4.3

4.2.1Cement Properties

Moisture Content


Wt of container with lid w1 15
Wt of container with lid + wet soil 28
Wt of container with lid + dry soil 26
W=(w2-w3)/(w3-w1)*100 18

4.2.2 Specific gravity

Soil sample Empty Wt. Wt of Wt of Wt of Specific

Of pycnometer pycnometer pycnometer+wate gravity
pycnometer Dry soil w2 + oven soil r
W1 w3 W4
1 644 843 1492 1401 1.25

4.2.3Sieve analysis

Apperature size Wt of soil retain in Uniform Percentage

of grain sieve cumulative
4.75 440 500 100
2.36 25 60 12
1.7 22 35 7
1.18 3 13 2.6
600 5 10 2
450 3 5 1
300 0 2 0.4
150 2 2 0.4
75 0 0 0
Pan 0 0 0

Fig 4.4

Main tests

4.3.1 Specific gravity

Soil sample Empty Wt. Wt of Wt of Wt of Specific
Of pycnometer pycnometer pycnometer+wate gravity
pycnometer Dry soil w2 + oven soil r
W1 w3 W4
8% 644 841 1504 1492 1.064
6% 644 841 1512 1492 1.112
12% 644 841 1498 1473 1.145
15% 644 841 1491 1475 1.08

4.3.2 Unconfined compression test


Compressive dail Proving ring dail Deformation Strain Area Stress

Div Div P =P/A
mm load N/mm
50 0.5 2 0.0054 0.05 0.66 9.6801 0.558
100 1 3 0.0081 0.1 1.315 9.744 0.831
150 1.5 5 0.0135 0.15 1.973 9.809 1.3
200 2 8 0.0216 0.2 2.631 9.876 2.18
250 2.5 10 0.027 0.25 3.289 9.943 2.71
300 3 12 0.0324 0.3 3.947 10.011 3.23
350 3.5 14 0.078 0.35 4.605 10.080 3.75
400 4 17 0.0459 0.4 5.263 10.150 4.5


Compressive dail Proving ring dail Deformation Strain Area Stress

Div Div P =P/A
mm load N/mm
50 0.5 3 0.0081 0.05 0.66 9.6801 0.836
100 1 8 0.0216 0.1 1.315 9.744 2.216
150 1.5 14 0.038 0.15 1.973 9.809 3.85
200 2 22 0.0594 0.2 2.631 9.876 6.014
250 2.5 25 0.0675 0.25 3.289 9.943 6.78
300 3 31 0.0837 0.3 3.947 10.011 8.36
350 3.5 34 0.0918 0.35 4.605 10.080 9.10
400 4 38 0.1026 0.4 5.263 10.150 10.10

4.3.3 Direct shear test

6% replaced

Normal stress Shear force of failure Ultimate shear stress

(kg/cm2) KN Kg (kg/cm2)

1.3 18 75.6 1.35
2.4 24 86.4 1.8
5.2 29 102.6 2.175

15% replaced
Normal stress Shear force of failure Ultimate shear stress
(kg/cm2) KN Kg (kg/cm2)
1.3 28 48.6 2.1
2.4 32 64.8 2.4
5.2 38 78.3 2.885

4.3.4 Standard proctor compaction

Descrption Soil Soil sample Soil sample

sample 6%=150g 9%=225g
Wt of empty mould 3667 3665 3665
W1 + compacted soil 5858 5887 6014
Wt of compacted soil 2193 2222 2349
Bulk density (w2- 2193/1021.24 2222/1021.24 2349/1021.24
Water content 0.08% 0.08% 0.08%
Dry density rd/(1+w) 1.99 2.014 2.13

FIG 4.5

4.3.5 Liquid limit

Description 3%=3.66g 6%=7.2g 9%=10.8g 12%=14.4g

No of blows 14 19 21 19
Container no 3 2 3 1
Wt of container 11 14 15 13
Wt of container 16 29 32 27
+ wet soil w1
Wt of container 14 26 29 22
+ dry soil w2
Wt of water w1- 2 3 3 5
Wt of oven dry 3 12 14 9
soil w2-w0
Water content 66% 25% 21% 55%
4.3.6 Plastic limit

Description 6%=1.8g 9%=2.7g 12%=3.6g

Container no 1 2 3
Wt of container (w0) 14 16 13
Wt of container wet 35 39 30
soil (w1)
Wt of container+dry 31 34 24
oven soil (w2)
Wt of water (w1-w2) 4 5 6
Wt of oven dry soil 17 18 11
Water content =(w1- 23% 31.2% 54.5%


Fig 5.1 specific gravity

Specific gravity
Specific Gravity

8% 6% 12% 15%
Soil sample

Fig 5.2 liquid limit

3% 6% 9% 12%

Liquid limit


Unconfined compressive strength

3% of E-Waste 6% of E-Waste 9% of E-Waste

Stress (N/mm²)

0 1 15 73 31 89 47 99
9 63
00 1.
9 9 5.
0 00 99
00 99
00 99
00 0 49
6 6
6 4.


Direct shear test

Shear stress, Ʈ (N/mm²)

3% of E-Waste 6% of E-Waste 9% of E-Waste

0.975000 1.275 1.575 1.35 1.8 2.175 2.1 2.4 2.885
Normal Stress, σ (N/mm²)


It has been seen that Liquid limit of the sample increases with percentage of addition of E-
Waste. The ideal dry density and the unconfined compressive strength of the soil sample was
found to be at 6% addition of E-waste by weight of soil.

Optimum moisture content increased gradually with addition e-waste at 6 % by weight.

Decrement in plastic limit was observed till the addition of 6% of E-waste and further
addition made it non plastic in nature. The test results show a maximum value for shear
strength in direct shear testing with addition of 6 % of E-Waste along the soil samples. It has
been discovered that there is a most extreme improvement in quality properties for the mix of
E-Waste with cohesion-less soil. This finds an application for mechanical waste to improve
the properties of broad soil both in banks and asphalt developments. E-Waste has great
potential for use in geotechnical application of soils is a demonstrated technique to spare time
and cash on development ventures. The present examination can fill in as a viable strategy to
use E-Waste in par with cohesion-less soil.

Hence from the on top of take a look at results, it may be complete that the cohesionless soil
may be used as a sub grsde soil for construction when soil is stabilized by E-waste material.


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