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Ahmed Medeghri Secondary school Second year FL stream Time: 2 hours

First Term Examination of English

Part I: Reading.
A) Comprehension
Read the text carefully and do the activities.

China has been accused of committing crimes against the

Uyghur population in the north-western region of Xinjiang. This
included limiting participation in Haj to Mecca and forbidding Uyghur
employees working for the government from fasting during
Ramadan’s holy month and even preventing them from praying
whether it be at work or at home. The chinse authorities also dictated
the type of sermons presented in Friday prayers. Beijing convinced
Washington to list the Uyghur Muslim group living in the Xinjiang
region as a terrorist group,
Human rights groups believe China has detained more than one
million Uyghurs against their will over the past few years in what the state calls "re-education camps".
A series of police files obtained by the BBC in 2022 has revealed details of China's use of these camps
and described the routine use of armed officers and the existence of a shoot-to-kill policy for those
trying to escape. The camps have been criticized by many countries for human rights abuses, including
mistreatment, rape, and torture, with some of them claiming genocide. However, China denies all
accusations of human rights violations in Xinjiang.
In July 2019, the UN Human Rights Council penned a letter condemning China for its
oppression of the minorities in Xinjiang. It was signed by 22 countries, including the UK, Canada,
Japan and Spain. However, not a single Muslim country signed it. In a time where millions of people
around the globe are deprived of the most basic human dignity, it’s up to us Muslims to be a voice for
the voiceless. And raise up to support our oppressed brothers and sisters.

1. Identify the type of the text.

The text is a… a) argumentative b) expository c) narrative

2. Say whether the following statements are true or false or not mentioned.
a. The Uyghur Muslims are a Turk-speaking minority group.
b. The Uyghur was listed as a terrorist group.
c. Chinese officers killed anyone who tried to escape the camps.
d. Muslim countries signed a letter condemning China for oppressing the Uyghurs.

3. Answer the following questions according to the text:

a. What did the Chinese crimes against the Uyghur community include?
b. Where has 1 million of Uyghurs been detained?
c. Does China admit the violations of human rights in Xinjiang?
d. How many countries signed the letter condemning China for its oppression of the Uyghurs?

4. Identify the paragraphs in which the following ideas are mentioned.

a. Muslims should speak up for the Uyghurs.
b. The crimes committed inside the re-education camps.

5. Find what or who the underlined words in the text refer to.

a. This §1:….. b. their §2: …………… c. It §3: ………….

B/ Text Exploration:

1. Find words, phrases or expressions in the text whose definitions follow:

a. The talk(s) on a moral or religious subject, by a religious leader during a service (§1) =
b. The murder of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group (§2) =
c. To write something (§3) =

2. Divide the following words into roots and affixes:

committing – mistreatment- reeducation- voiceless
prefix root suffix

3. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1) a. The Uyghurs managed to create advocacy groups outside of China,
b. The Uyghurs ………..
2) a. The imprisoned Uyghurs are obliged to keep quiet in order to stay alive
b. The imprisoned Uyghurs……
3) a. the Chinese government imposed sanctions against Uyghurs, consequently, no aid can reach them.
b. Because of ……
4) a. Football’s authorities criticised Mesut Özil because he spoke up for the Uyghurs.
b. Mesut Özil……………….

4. Ask questions on the underlined words

UN Human Rights Council penned a letter to condemn Chinese crimes against the Uyghurs.
1 2

5. Classify the following words according to the stressed syllable:

fantastic -Background - open-minded- participation- activity- International-
1st syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable 4th syllable

6. Reorder the following sentences to get a coherent passage.

a. He adopted ‘X’ to signify his unknown ancestry
b. He was born Malcolm Little in 1925 but rejected his surname because it represented his slavery past.
c. He became famous around the world. In 1964, Malcolm X was assassinated while making a speech in 1965.
d. Malcolm was a black American activist

Part II: Written Expression

Choose ONE of the following topics:

Topic One: In no more than 80 words, write a paragraph describing the wonderful world you
would like to live in. The following notes can help you:
. Education, home, food and care for all/ Clean environment /No arm making, no wars and conflicts.
Use of nuclear power for pacific purposes. / Land of peace, love and tolerance.

Topic two: Imagine you are a Palestinian child living under occupation, deprived of your basic
rights unlike all children of the world. What are your dreams?

“Every single success you experience is a combination

of two things: your effort and Allah's help”
~Nouman Ali Khan

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