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Reading Intervention Lesson Plan

Student: Steven Tzimbal

Date: December
' 1, 2022

Goal: Given prompts, while reading, the student will be able to describe three events taking
place with at least 100% accuracy.

After completing an informational passage read aloud, the student will be able to identify the
subject of the text and explain three events he encountered while reading with 100% accuracy.

Rationale: I would like to assess the student during oral reading in order to improve his
comprehension. I would like for him to remember events he learned about or found interesting in
order to assess his think-aloud skills.

Pennsylvania State Core Standard(s): CC.1.2.9-10.L- Read and comprehend literary

nonfiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.

Steps of Explicit Instruction:

Tell Steven that we will be working to improve his comprehension today

Introduce The Making of a Legend: The Origins of the Paul Bunyan Story and ask if he had ever

heard of Paul Bunyan

Present the passage to Steven and tell him that while he is reading, I will ask a few questions

"These questions will be directly linked to events that took place in the passage"

Tell the student to begin reading out loud.

- What is a legend?
- Is Paul Bunyan a real person?
- Who is Paul Bunyan based on?

After the completion of the passage, administer the second assessment.

Assessment: As the student reads The Making of a Legend: The Origins of the Paul Bunyan
Story, include stops to check for understanding.

After reading The Making of a Legend: The Origins of the Paul Bunyan Story, ask the student to
explain three events that he found to be interesting

The origins of the Paul Bunyan Story- (n.d.). Retrieved December 16, 2022, from 14/Support Materials/G3 Paul-Bunyan-
The Making of a Legend
The Origins of the Paul Bunyan Story

Paul Bunyan is an American legend. Legends often start

with a real event or person. The story is told over and
over again. People add to the story. Soon it becomes
larger than life-a legend.
So how did the legend of Paul Bunyan start? From from
a mix of tales about two real-life men. Both were French-
Canadian lumberjacks. Both lived in the 1800s.
Bon Jean was a French-Canadian hero. He fought in
the Papineau Rebellion of 1837. Many people knew
and liked Bon Jean. After all, he was a hero. The name
Bunyan probably came from Bon Jean. In French, it is
said like BOHN-JAWN.

*** 2017 Reading Is Fundamental • Con tent and art c rea ted b y Simone Ribke
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Paul Bunyan got his name from

Bon Jean, but his larger-than-life
character is mostly based on stories
about Fabian Fournier. Fabian
moved to Michigan after the Civil
War to work in logging. He was six
feet tall and had enormous hands.
He was very tall and powerful. This made him stand out.
In those days, the average man was five foot seven.
Fabian stood out for other reasons, too-not all of them
good. He was known as a strong axman and lumberjack.
But he had a bad reputation. He often drank and got
into brawls, which are fistfights.

Fabian became famous after his murder in 1875. A

dramatic murder trial followed. It got people talking
about his life. Soon, tall tales about his life began to
spread. For example, they said that he two sets of teeth
and that he would bite off chunks of wooden poles.
Loggers spread tales about Paul Bunyan across the
country. They also made up stories about him as they sat
together around a campfire. They began to compete to
see who could tell the best Paul Bunyan story.
Over time, the legend of Paul Bunyan grew. Soon, it
began to include a giant blue ox. His movements around
the country began to explain how many American
landmarks were formed, like the Grand Canyon and
Great Lakes.

*** Literacy
20 \ 7 Reading Is Funeemenlo l • Conlen l one or\ c reeled by Simone Ribke

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