5633 ДМ англиски пишување август 2017 za Trajanka

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You and your friends want to rent a cottage in the mountains for a week but you need more people to join the
group. Write an e-mail of 100 -120 words to some other friends asking them if they want to come along.
Say when you are going, where to and how much it will cost.
Sign the e-mail with John Peters.

7. Are young people in Macedonia aware of the importance of healthy lifestyle? What do you think? Discuss
your opinion in 180-220 words supporting it with substantial arguments.

6. You and your friends want to rent a cottage in the mountains for a week but you need more people to join the
group. Write an e-mail of 100 -120 words to some other friends asking them if they want to come along.
Say when you are going, where to and how much it will cost.
Sign the e-mail with John Peters.

7. Are young people in Macedonia aware of the importance of healthy lifestyle? What do you think? Discuss
your opinion in 180-220 words supporting it with substantial arguments.

6. You and your friends want to rent a cottage in the mountains for a week but you need more people to join the
group. Write an e-mail of 100 -120 words to some other friends asking them if they want to come along.
Say when you are going, where to and how much it will cost.
Sign the e-mail with John Peters.

7. Are young people in Macedonia aware of the importance of healthy lifestyle? What do you think? Discuss
your opinion in 180-220 words supporting it with substantial arguments.

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