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BSBPMG534 Manage project human resources

Task 2 – Written Report

Task summary
This assessment is to be completed using the case study provided.

 Access to textbooks/other learning materials
 Access to Canvas
 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access

 Your assessor will advise you of the due date of this assessment via Canvas.

 This completed workbook.

Assessment criteria
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily
address all the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked
to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Re-submission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you
have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.

If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you
written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory
performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.

You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt
with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand
any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting
any part of the assessment.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Candidate name:
IH Sydney Training Services Pty Ltd
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS Code: 02623G
Maaz Ibrahim

Candidate ID

Trainer’s Name:

Date Submitted:

Candidate I declare that:

declaration:  I have read and understood all the information provided in relation to
the assessment requirements to complete this unit, the instructions
and the purpose and processes of undertaking this assessment task
 This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or ideas have
been used, I have appropriately referenced or acknowledged them
 I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
disciplinary action.

Candidate signature:

Task 2 – Written Report

In this assessment, you are required to read the case study below and complete the tasks that follow.

Case Study

ABC Corporation has been in the automotive industry for more than 50 years now. It has around 500
employees stationed in 50 different branches around Australia. It has been provided car detailing
services to car owners all over the country.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, its management planned to create an Employee Health and
Wellness team to take care of the health and wellness concerns of all employees.

Employee Health and Wellness team will take care of every employee’s annual medical checkup,
weekly health checks, mental health trainings, wellness program, weekend workout sessions and
yoga sessions held every Friday 5PM-6PM.

The primary goal of having an Employee Health and Wellness team is to ensure every employee is
safe, healthy and able to contribute to the company’s productivity every single day.

Part A - Plan human resources relevant to projects

Create a Human Resources Matrix to outline the following (using the templates provided):

1. Resource requirements for each project task identified in the case study
2. Skills and knowledge of individuals and groups matched with project tasks
3. Personnel allocation to the project according to planned work outputs and project timeline
4. Human resources management (HRM) methods and tools that needs to be in place to support
personnel performance

Human Resources Matrix
Task(s) Resource required Estimated time
To arrange an annual medical - Coordination officer Approx. 2 - 3 hours
checkup for all employees

To ensure weekly health checks - Coordination officer Approx. 2 – 3 hours depending

on the no. of employees in
each branch
To organize mental health trainings - HR Manager Approx 8 hours a month will
- Coordination officer be dedicated to planning and
- Mental Health Experts organizing these meetings

To develop an employee wellness - HR Manager Approx. 4 – 6 hours/week,
program - Legal consultants need-based consultation with
legal department
To arrange weekend workout - Coordination Officer Approx 2 hours for devising a
sessions - Fitness Instructor quarterly schedule for each
One hour on Saturdays &
To organize a yoga session - Coordination Officer Approx 2 hours for devising a
- Yoga Instructor quarterly schedule for each
One hour on Fridays from 5
p.m. to 6 p.m.

Responsibility/accountability matrix

Activities Mental Legal

Coordination HR Manager Fitness Yoga
Health consultant
officer Instructor Instructor
Experts s
To arrange an
annual medical Accountabl
Responsible - - - -
checkup for all e
To arrange for
weekly health Responsible - - - -
To organize
mental health Responsible Informed Consulted - -
To develop an Responsible
employee Informed Accountabl - Consulted - -
wellness program e
To arrange
weekend workout Responsible - - - Accountable -
To organize a
Responsible - - - - Accountable
yoga session

Part B - Implement project personnel training and development

Develop a Project Personnel Training and Development Plan for your project and make sure to detail
the following (using the templates provided):
1. Project role descriptions to organisational personnel as defined and to be communicated to
2. Training and development plan for implementation to project team members including:
 training priorities
 training methods
 expected outcomes
 training providers
 indicative cost
 delivery dates

3. How to measure individuals’ performance against agreed criteria and actions to be undertaken
for shortfalls in performance

The performance of individual members on the project team will be measured using sprint
method. Specific targets will be set to be achieved in a defined time period. This duration of this
period may vary depending upon the number of members involved in the task and the difficulty
level of the assigned task. Sprint method will enhance mutual understanding amongst team
members and allow them to work efficiently under time pressure. Moreover, the project team lead
will be responsible for tracking the sprint performance via online weekly meetings and provide
immediate feedback to each individual in the team.

Self-evaluation tool will also be embedded in the performance evaluation system to compare the
supervisors’ feedback with the individual’s view of his/her performance. This will allow the team
lead and its members to truly reflect upon their successes and failures as a means of upgrading
their existing skill set. Moreover, an individual who is consistently performing below average will
be directed towards relevant training and development programs. For instance, attitudinal issues
will be directed to a professional counsellor or performance issues such as; a skill-deficit will be
directed to a job expert in that field so that he/she may help the underperforming employee in
upgrading his/her skills required for the job.

Position Description

Job Title: Coordination Officer Name: Allen Fisher

Department/Group: HR Department Project: Employee Wellness Program
Reports to: HR Manager Reportable -
Job Description
Purpose: The purpose of this job role is to provide support to the human resources manager in
performing day-to-day activities. Moreover, he/she will be responsible for correspondence with
members of all branches, arranging meetings and trainings, coordinating messages/emails with project
stakeholders and other ad hoc tasks as and when assigned by the supervisor.
Qualifications and Education Requirements:
 Bachelors in Business Administration, Business Management or any other business-related degree
 At least 2 years of experience in relevant field
 Excellent written, verbal communication and presentation skills
 Extraordinary writing, research, editing and grammatical skills
 Ability to effectively correspond with multiple stakeholders
 Ability to handle and resolve conflicts
 Ability to work under pressure

Personal competencies Job competencies

Time management Stakeholder Management

Organization Managing operational tasks
Effective communication Managing information flows
Flexibility Tracking paperwork
Pressure handling Swift correspondence
Monitoring progress

Training Plan
Training Expected Training Indicative Delivery
Courses Priority
methods outcomes providers cost dates
Google Project High Online Project planning Google $39/month 20.09.22 –
Management Resource 20.12.22
Professional allocation Total: $117
Certification Risk for 3
management months
Time Moderate In-person Prioritization In-house Nil 18.09.22
management Tackling
Task scheduling

Establishing High In-person Stakeholder Outsourced $100/hour 11.10.22

effective management
communication Channel Four-hour
channels identification session:
Communication $400

Part C - Lead project team

Assume that you have just implemented the Project Personnel Training and Development Plan, write a
report of not less than 300 words discussing the following (using the template provided):

1. What processes for improving individual performance and overall project effectiveness were
implemented and how did you implement them (complete section in template: Employee
comments and opportunity to evaluate own performance) ?
2. What monitoring and reporting strategy did you use for remedial action of internal and external
influences on individual and project team performance and morale (complete section in
template: Review the major skills required to fulfil this position’s duties AND General comments about
the employee’s performance)?
3. What procedures did you implement for interpersonal communication, counselling, and conflict
resolution (complete section in template: Action plan – goals for next review period AND Additional
information about the action plan/goals for next review period) ?
4. What inter-project and intra-project resource conflict did you encounter and how you managed
the conflict?

Like any other project team, we also faced a number of issues which can either be categorized as
inter-project conflict or intra-project conflict. For instance, at the time of initiation of the project
team, many members on the team were not comfortable in voicing their opinions in front of one
another. Some members were too polite to negate others’ ideas while some were too aggressive to

hold off their ideas and let others participate in the discussion. However, after a month, as the
team members became familiar with one another and their respective working style, all members
were able to cope up with the intra-project conflicts and considered themselves as one unit,
working together to achieve their goal efficiently and effectively.

Later at the project implementation phase, the inter-group conflict surfaced. The project team did
not agree to the terms of finance and procurement department. Since all resources were to be
acquired and dispensed by these departments to the project team for planning and execution of
the employee health and wellness program, at several instances, the resources were not duly
provided or resulted in delays which was directly affecting the performance of the project team.
The team lead dealt with this inter-group conflict by involving the executives of the organization to
settle mutually agreed upon terms with these departments.

Performance Review Form

Name: Allen Fitch
Position: Coordination Officer
Years/months employed in this position: 6 months
Date of this review: 17.08.22 Date of next review: 17.02.23
Reviewer (name and position title): Matt Buckley; HR Manager

Employee comments and opportunity to evaluate own performance

The opportunity to evaluate my performance through self-appraisal form was very effective. It allowed me to
reflect upon my successes and failures in the last six months. I am struggling with task prioritization since the
initiation of the employee health & wellness program at our company. Looking forward to guidance and
support from Mr. Matt in this regard.

Review the major skills required to fulfil this position’s duties

Check the relevant boxes to indicate the employee’s performance in each area. If additional tasks have been
performed, ensure these are added here and also to the employee’s Job Description if required.


Task description

(taken from Job


Description) Comments
Support to HR manager in
Actively coordinates with HR manager on daily basis.
day-to-day activities
Effective correspondence Delivers prompt response to all stakeholders. Keeps everyone in the loop
with multiple stakeholders while disseminating any critical information.
Familiar with organizing both online and onsite meeting sessions. Takes
Arranging meetings
the meeting minutes and shares with all members within 2 working days.
Develops a feasibility of suggested training programs and gives
Organizing training programs
suggestions for choosing in-house versus industry experts.
Establishing effective At times, he faces some difficulty in choosing appropriate
communication channels communication channel for information dissemination. Needs training

Other ad hoc tasks assigned
Effectively manages ad hoc tasks.
by supervisor

General comments about the employee’s performance

Allen is a well-organised and professionally groomed individual who has great potential to succeed in his
career with coaching and a few skill upgrades. His positive attitude towards learning can be clubbed together
with some training courses which can bring him in the high potential employee category in the next two years.

Action plan – goals for next review period

Goal Action required Date for completion

Google Project Management 20.12.22
Register yourself in the online program
Professional Certification
Time management course Coordinate with supervisor 18.09.22
Establishing effective 11.10.22
Register yourself in the workshop using
communication channels
course ABC’s provided ID

Additional information about the action plan/goals for next review period

Progress updates must be shared by the employee with his supervisor in weekly meetings.


Reviewer’s signature:
Matt Buckley

Employee’s signature:
Allen Fitch

Part D - Finalize human resource activities related to projects

Develop a Personnel Performance Review Report discussing the following (using the templates

1. How you plan to disband the project team according to organisational policies and procedures?
2. Human resource issues encountered and what improvements would you like to recommend to
managing the project human resources provided in the case study.

1. As the project coordinator, I intend to disband my team by organizing a project conclusion
meeting under defined protocol;
a. To celebrate the team accomplishments
b. Review personal contributions in the project
c. Discussion upon the problems faced during the project
d. Discussion upon the key learning takeaways by each member from this project
Project Employee health & wellness program Date 15.08.2022
Knowledge Lessons learned What worked well Lessons learned What didn’t work
area that worked recommendation that didn’t work well
Employees will be All employees were Following the The project was
happy to know communicated timeline as planned successfully
about the launch of prior to the project in the beginning of completed with a
this program initiation via emails the project month’s delay

It is a challenge to Weekly online Implementation Implementation

keep all team meetings with in- phase would be was the toughest of
members person monthly easy once the all phases.
motivated meet up worked planning phase is Collaborative
throughout the well in terms of successfully techniques were
project life keeping the team completed then used to
motivated towards achieve a 90%
achieving their goal success rate.


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