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ODU-DCOEPS Core Instructional Lesson/Unit Plan

By Old Dominion University College of Education and Professional Studies

Teacher Candidate:   Nicholas Amend Date Taught:  12/13/2022

Cooperating  N/A School / District:  Norfolk Public

Teacher: Schools

Grade:  7th Field Supervisor:  Mr. Maynard

Unit / Subject:  Health

Lesson Title / Focus:  Circulatory System


Content Knowledge
This lesson was developed based on my research and knowledge of content and the discipline by
knowing what the circulatory systems are and knowing the in-depth information about the
circulatory system. I have taken three courses at Old Dominion University the broke down the
circulatory systems and more. This makes me prepared to teach students about the circulatory

Learner Differences
This lesson was developed because of all of the knowledge and information that I have gained
throughout my time at Old Dominion University. If the students have any questions or are
concerned about anything with the activities or lesson, I will be there to answer any questions
that the students may have. I will be there to help the students work through their
Videos/Presentations if they are struggling with content or ideas for the video. There is a very
simple way to change the lesson depending on what the students are comfortable with. If the
students are not comfortable making a video, then they can take the time to make a PowerPoint
and present their information to the class.

The students will be able to understand what the circulatory system does.
The students will be able to know what each part of the circulatory system does.
The students will be able to work together in a group to make a group presentation or video
The students will be able to explain how each part of the circulatory system is interrelated.
7.1 The student will identify and explain essential health concepts to understand personal
a) Identify and describe the major structures and functions of the circulatory system.
7.2 The student will use decision-making skills to promote health and personal wellness.
Body Systems
a) Describe how healthy food choices and physical activity keep the circulatory system
Resources and Materials
The resources and other materials that will be incorporated into this lesson consist of a
PowerPoint that is required to teach about what the circulatory system is. You can access the
PowerPoint here -
edit?usp=sharing . The students will also require a laptop or phone to research and record the
video. They will also need a laptop to make their PowerPoint if they decide to present a
PowerPoint instead.
Technology will be used to present the power point. Technology will also be used for the activity
where the students are making a presentation or a video.

Learning Environment
To support individual learning and collaborative learning we will break down what the
circulatory system is and why it is important for them to know and understand what each part
does. Each student will have a chance to show their knowledge on the topic before they break
into their groups to start the project. If the students are confused, I will be there to help fill in the
missing information that they need. To promote collaborative learning, I will have the students
break into groups of 5-6. Then the students will be responsible for working together to complete
either a PowerPoint presentation on part of the circulatory system or a video about their part.
This will make the students work together to find the information required for their

Introduction/Activating Strategies
We will engage learners into the lesson by relating the circulatory system to activities and sports
that the students are interested in. This will help individualize the lesson to each student because
it will help the students relate the information that they are learning to the sport or activity that
the students are interested in. Then I will go over how the circulatory system is important for
each of the activities or sports that they are interested in.

Instructional Strategies
Introduction – This is where you will relate the circulatory system to sports or activities that they
are interested in. This should not take that much time as you are just asking the students and
responding with why the circulatory system can be applied to the activities that they mention.
Transition – have the students close everything so that they can pay attention to the lesson
PowerPoint – This should take up about half of the class going over the PowerPoint that is listed
above. This will break down each part of the circulatory system and give them the information
that is needed for the activity later.
Video – This part of the lesson is where you should play the video that is in the power point.
This video is about 8 minutes long but you should pause and check for understanding throughout
the video.
Transition – Have the students break into groups for the presentation or video assignments.
Presentation/Video Creation – You should give the students about 25 minutes to come together
as a group to pick on part of the circulatory system to research and make a presentation or a
video about. They should make sure that they have all of the vital information that is in the
PowerPoint regarding this activity. They should know what the circulatory system is and what
parts coincide with the others.
Presentations – This is where the students should have the opportunity to present either their
video that they made or the presentation that they made. This should take about 10-15 minutes
depending on how many groups there are.
I will bring a closure to the lesson by asking the students to answer the questions that the
objectives are based off of. Then I will again ask the students how this relates to the sports or
activities that they are interested in.

I differentiated instruction by giving the students the option to decide weather or not their group
wants to make a video about their topic or a presentation on their topic. This will help the
students that may not be comfortable with presenting in front of the class because they will have
the opportunity to take their video as many times as they want until the time runs out.

I will measure understanding of the outcomes and standards by the information that they put into
their presentation or video. This will give me the information that they understood and the
information that the students may need a little more time with. This will give me the PowerPoint
or video that the students worked on to grade their knowledge on the topic at hand.


I will evaluate my practice by how well the students did with the presentation or vide. If the
students didn’t get all of the information that I was looking for in the video/presentation, then I
know that I may need to add more information to the lesson or if the students understood and had
all of the information that I may not need to make any major structural changes to my lesson.

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