Lesson 1

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Please call me Beth.

Write about yourself.

My first name is B
My last namo is
Please call me
I'm from --------------
Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer the questions.
1. name your what's last teacher's
What's your teacb_e/s last name ?
My teacher's la.st r1ame is
2. name your what's first teacher's
3. from your teacher where is
4. class your how English is
5. classmates what your are like
Choose the correct responses.
1. A: Hi, I'm Nicole. 4. A: I'm sorr y. What's your name again?
B: Oh hi. I'm Michael.
B: ------------------------
Oh, hi. I'm Michael. K-I-N-G.
What do people call you? Joe King.
2. A: My name is Young Hoon Park. 5. A: How do you spell your first name?
B: ------------------------- B: ------------------------
Nice to meet you, Young Hoon. I'mAntonio.
Let's go and say hello. A-N-T-0-N-1-0.
3. A: Hello. I'm a new club member. 6. A: What do people call you?
B: ______________________ ___
B: ------------------------
Thanks. It's Ken Tanaka.
Welcome. Everyone calls me Ken.
Look at the answers. What are the questions?
1. ________________________ _
Bob: My fir st name's Bob.
2. Jim: What
Bob: My last name's Hayes.
3. Jim:VVho ______________________________________ __
Bob: That's my wife.
4. Jim:What ____________________________________ ___
Bob: Her name is Rosa.
5. Jim: Where ------------------------
Bob: She's from Mexico.
6. Jim: Who ____________ _
Bob: They're my wife's parents.
2 Unit 7
Choose the correct words.
1. They're my classmates. Their names are Noriko and Kate. (They I Their)
2. We're students. _ classroom number is 108-C. (Our I We)
3. Excuse me. What's __ _ last name again? (you I your)
4. That's Mr. Kim. is in my class. (He I His)
5. name is Elizabeth. Please call me Liz. (I I My)
6. Thi s is Paul's wife. name is Jennifer. (His I Her)
7. My parents are on vacation. _ are in Korea. (We I They)
8. I'm from Veni ce, Ua1y. is a beautiful city. (It I It's)
Complete this conversation with am, are, or is.
Lisa: Who a ...... r ..... e_ the men over there, Amy?
Amy: Oh, they _ on the volleyball team. Let me introduce you.
Hi, Surachai, this
Surachai: Pleased to meet you, Lisa.
Lisa: Nice to meet you, too. Where
Surachai : 1 from Thailand.
Lisa Neil.
___ you from?
Amy: And thjs Mario. He _ from Brazil.
Lisa: Hi , Mario.
Please call me Beth. 3
Hello and welcome!
A Read these four student biographies. Then complete the chart below.
Every month, we introduce new students to the. school. Th:iS month, we want to
introduce four new students to you. Please say wllen you see them in scl\ool.
Mario is in En'glish 1dl. He is
from Cali, Colombia. His first.
languageis.Spanish, and he.also
speaks a little.Freneh. He W'ants
tb be on the scb0ol vol:lcyli>all
team. 'l play
very well) but he wants to 1e,arn!
Ejleen is in Marlo's class. She is
from Mozamblque, in southern
Africa. She speaks Swahlli a.o:d
Portuguese. She is studying
English and engineering. '8ne
wants to be an engineer.
says she does not pl(\y 3Jl>Y
but S"he wants to
.a lot of new in her
- .. c
SuY1n is 1n English 102. Sb..e is
from Taiwan. She says she c.an
write-and read EngJish pretty
but-she needs a lot of
:practice speaking English.
HeJ; first language is Chinese. In
her free shew&nts to play
volleyball on the scb.0ol team.
Finally, meet.Alimed. He> is in
Etrglisli 103. He say,.s he can
aJor6fEng11sh, but his
writing .Is ve1y bad! Ah.tned is
fmm LUX,Qr in Egyp,t, and bis
fir.st is Arabia. He is
a bel$eba1l and he wants
to be on the school baseball tean1.
Name Where from? Languages Sports?
1. Mario
2. Mozambique,

3. Chinese and
4. baseball
B Write a short biography of? classmate.
4 Unit 1
Choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation.
0 And what are you studying?
[] No, she's not. She's my sister !
0Hi, Sarah. I'm Rich. How are you?
0 Oh, really? Is Susan Miller in your class?
0 No, I'm not. I'm on vacation. Are you a student?
Sarah: Hello, I'm Sarah.
Rich: H1; Sarah I'm Rich. How are you?
Sarah: Pretty good, thanks. Are you a student here?
Sarah: Yes, I am.
Sarah: I'm studying Spanish.
Sarah: Yes, she is. Is she your friend?
Complete this conversation. Use contractions where possible.
Do not use contractions for short answers with Yes.
Are you from Argentina? Is he from Greece?
Yes, I am. (not Yes, I'm.) Yes, he is. (notYes, he's.)
Alex: Hello. I'm Alex Lam.
And this is my sister Amy.
Tina: Hi. _ Tina Fernandez.
Amy: Are you flom South America, Tina?
Tina: Yes, from Argentina.
Where are you and your sister from, Alex?
Alex: from Taiwan.
Tina: Are you from Taipei?
Alex: No,
Say, arc you in English 101?
from Tainan.
Tina: No, _ ___ . I'm in English 102.
Please call me Beth. 5
Look at the answers. What are the questions?
1. A: ~ o u on vaCJJ.tio<.l.. n.L...L.l h"-'er..:.e_,_ ? __________ _
B: No, I'm not on vacation. f'm a student here.
2. A:
B: No, I'm not. l'm very busy.
3. A:
B: No, we're not From Spain. We're from Mexico.
4. A:
B: No, my teacher isn't Mr. Brown. I'm in Ms. West's class.
5. A:
B: Yes, Kim and Mika are jn my class.
6. A:
B: Yes, it's an interesting class.
7. A:
B: No, t hey're not on the same baseball team. They'1e on
the same vo1leyball team.
Look at the expressions. Which ones say "hello,. and which ones say "good-bye"?
Hello Good-bye
1. How are you doing?
2. See you around. 0 D
3. So long. D D
4. How's everything? D 0
5. Long time, no see. D D
6. See you Monday. D 0
7. Have a good weekend. 0 0
8. Hi there! 0 0
Answer these questions about yourselt Use contractions where possible.
1. .AJ:e you from South America? - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. Axe you on vacation? ----------------------------
3. AIe you a student at a university? -----------------------
4. Is your English class in the morning? ----------------------
5. Is your teacher from England?
6. Is your first name ''popular"? -----------------
6 Unit 1

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