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Directions: Complete an outline using the text “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson along with your

Brainstorming a Thesis assignment. Note: All items in red need to be completed (you do not need to keep the

“The Lottery” Outline

I. Introduction Paragraph

A. Attack Sentence(s) (Catch your reader’s attention by making an interesting statement about the subject of
your essay. This statement should deal with the topic and lead into the story and the thesis, but not be too
specific yet. Hint: For the lottery, a statement about the nature of traditions and communities may work)

➢ Everyone dreams of winning the lottery. People want to win the jackpot because they want their lives
to change as a result.

B. Summary (Introduce the title of the book, the author, and a 3-4 sentence summary of what happens in the
story. This should lead naturally into your thesis statement below.)

Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" was first published on June 26, 1948. “The Lottery” firmly establishes
itself in the classic horror genre as the narrative shifts from the carefree environment presented in the
opening paragraphs to the cruel reality of the local lottery. The opening scene of Shirley Jackson's "The
Lottery" shows the neighborhood’s men happily gathering stones while the women observe and chat
among themselves. The kids are taking a break from their studies as school is out for the summer. As
everyone gathers on the plaza for the lottery, the adults, who are obviously friends and neighbors in the
small community, greet one another. Despite the outward appearance of joy, everyone is very anxious and
focused on the next event that will take place.

C. Thesis (The main argument you will prove in your paper. Copy your thesis exactly as it appears on
your assignment sheet.)

Done for you: In the short story “The Lottery”, Shirley Jackson uses seemingly ordinary details about the
setting, the townspeople, and the traditions associated with the lottery to emphasize her theme that although
society claims to be civilized, it is, in reality, inherently barbaric.

II. Body Paragraph 1:

A. Topic sentence (Write a sentence that is a part of your thesis. Include the main argument from
your assignment sheet at the first area for supporting details )

⮚ In a small community where practically everyone knows one another, there is a horrible custom to
which they commit each year.

1. Claim

⮚ People are eager to conform in order to avoid unnecessary judgment and pressure from

2. Evidence (Record the quote. Include the page number and arrange quotes in
chronological order within paragraphs)

⮚ The villagers want to fit in the norm because they do not want others to judge
them. One evident example of this from the passage is when the narrator illustrates
that “Soon the men began to gather..” (3) People from the village are submissive to
the custom that is happening every year. Regardless of whether they are the ones
who will be drawn out, they will fulfill duties for the betterment of the event.

3. Analysis (Attempt to address the following: What technique(s) is the author using and why? OR How does
the evidence you reference connect to the claim? )
⮚ The author paints a clear image of the characters, surroundings, and events in the story in the
reader's mind. It demonstrates that Jackson wants the readers to feel that they are part of the
story as well. The evidence is interconnected to the claim because the villagers happily
participated in the event in order to not get any condemnation from the neighborhood. Can you
imagine? People seem happy preparing all the necessary things needed in that traditional ritual,
only to find out that, in the end, it is you who will be drawn from the lottery and will be stoned
to death by people you considered family and friends. That is very inhuman and something I
could not imagine.

C. Support 2

1. Claim

⮚ People lose their sense of individuality and guilt when affected by mob mentality.

3. Evidence

⮚ The townspeople who were impacted by the mob mentality did not really care about losing their
sense of identity and conscience which is clearly demonstrated in the story of "The Lottery" by
Shirley Jackson. When people knew that Tessie Hutchinson had drawn a paper with black stain,
they immediately got stones and “Mrs. Delacroix selected a stone so large.” (74) Then she urged
Mrs Dunmar to “come, on and hurry up.”(74) Then, people began to throw stones at Tessie that
leads to the brutal murder of the latter.

⮚ Once again, the author wants the readers to feel that they are also part of the setting, as if they are
participating in the whole lottery drawing up to the throwing of stones. Readers will have
takeaways after they read the story. The evidence is interrelated to the claim because it is evident
that the townspeople are already losing their sense of self and humanity. Mrs. Delacroix, is a
neighbor of Tessie's and earlier, when Tessie arrived, they had a small talk, which suggests that
they are friends, and yet, after Tessie drew the inked paper, she looked excited and did not blink
just once to get the large stone. Delacroix is an example of a person impacted by mob mentality
that will not even think twice about harming other people.

D. Support 3

1. Claim

⮚ Jackson's details about the setting deceive the reader into believing that the village is an
ordinary one.
2. Evidence

⮚ Jackson's descriptions of the setting lead the reader to presume that the village is a typical one.
Introducing the setting and even the people in a small town will make any reader assume that they
are just preparing for an annual event in their community which is full of fancy activities. All
seemed to be excited and ready for the most awaited lottery, but in the end, those expectations
readers have, will be replaced with tension, fear, and anxiety as the whole village is about to face
the plot twist they did not expect. From the happy and excited Mrs. Hutchinson that arrived and
even thinks she’s late for the event but suddenly Mrs.Delacroix assured that "You're in time,
though.” (9) She then turned anxious about the results that she thought "it wasn’t fair."(44) Mrs.
Hutchinson is pleading to have at least consideration to give her husband ample time before the
draw. But Mr. Summers did not listen to her, and he proceeded to the culminating activity. This
demonstrates that the setting of the village is indeed not normal.

3. Analysis
⮚ This is to narrate that behind the small-town harmonious aura, comes a not an ordinary place,
cruel, and barbaric people. The evidence relates to the claim simply because Mrs. Hutchinson is
an evident illustration of the claim we have. At first, people will think that because the village is
small, they are close with others, it is a happy place, it is a harmless place. But the readers had
been deceived all throughout the story.

E. Conclusion Sentence (Explain how the details about the setting you used in this paragraph prove the main

⮚ Therefore, this concludes that anyone can be a blind follower. Anyone can turn a blind eye to
the people surrounding them in order to comply with the customs they used to believe. It really
does not matter if they could possibly harm someone, as long as they are religiously following
what they are supposed to follow to prevent the judgment of other people. Because in the
society that we are, if you are following a norm, you are not a stereotypical citizen, therefore
there is something wrong with you. Believing in the beliefs that we believe does not mean
losing your humanity.

III. Body Paragraph 2:

A. Topic sentence
⮚ Traditional customs can make or break a person. It is important that we knew that what we
believed would not harm anybody.

B. Support 1

1. Claim

⮚ The townspeople’s refusal to change any aspect of the lottery, no matter how violent,
reveals their ignorance (fear of change).
2. Evidence
⮚ The townspeople's unwillingness to change the lottery in any form, no matter how violent,
demonstrates their ignorance because of their fear to change and adapt. In the early setting of the
story, “Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box.” (5) But no one
likes the idea of building a new one. He insists on this, every year “but every year the subject was
allowed to fade off without anything being done.” (5) People are afraid to change or to make a
development because it is a tradition for them and that is somehow a sacred thing for the villagers.

3. Analysis
⮚ Jackson used this writing technique to demonstrate how people react to change. The claim and the
evidence here is interrelated to each other because when Mr. Summers suggests that they should
make a new one, people decline it because of fear of change. Moreover, their fears lead to a
traumatic, cruel, violent crime that happens every year and all those things happen because they
refuse to adapt, they refuse to change.
C. Support 2

1. Claim

⮚ The children appear to be innocent and pure but are used to perpetuate the existence of
a barbaric tradition.
2. Evidence
⮚ The children give the impression of being pure and innocent, but they are currently trained to
support a cruel custom. Children, even toddlers are not exempted in this tradition they are
cultivating annually. It explains that even at a young age, they are already trained to participate
and committing murder. Lucky if they are those who will throw the stones but unfortunate and
heartbreaking to see if they are the ones who will be stoned to death. Hutchison's children are
lucky that they did not draw the inked paper “Nancy and Bill. Jr.. opened theirs at the same time.
and both beamed and laughed.”(72) This was a relief not just for the children but also for the
neighborhood. Somehow, this should also cause them trauma, watching their mother stoned to

3. Analysis
⮚ Jackson wants the readers to see how villagers responded to the cruelty of practicing that
tradition that may cause young children’s death. The claim and the evidence are connected;
people seemed to love and worship the tradition that they forget the possible cause of it to the
young children. It was a violent tradition that murders innocent ones.
D. Support 3

1. Claim
⮚ Jackson gives details to deceive the reader that the lottery is an ordinary and fun event.
2. Evidence
⮚ Jackson provides information to make the reader believe that the lottery is a normal and fun event
but, in the end, readers unveil that it was indeed a ridiculous event. At the beginning of the story
everyone seemed excited and joyful about gathering for the annual event but then again,
afterwards, this swiftly changed into a breathtaking moment ”After that, there was a long pause, a
breathless pause.”(45) The people are really nervous while waiting for the results and “Suddenly,
all the women began to speak at once, saving. "Who is it?”(45) They were just relieved when they
heard the announcement that "It's Hutchinson. It's Bill," "Bill Hutchinson's got it." (45) This
demonstrates the major plot twist in the story, as everyone paused and looked nervous while
waiting for the announcement of the drawn name.

3. Analysis
⮚ The author wants to tell the readers that what they are reading is right, that they have been
deceived, and that this is the plot twist, and the conflict is arising in the story. The claim and the
evidence make sense in this part because Jackson’s goal to deceive the readers are successful. She
deceived her readers by believing that the gathering is a sort of a fun, interactive full of surprises
event, but then again, the only surprise from it is that there would be murder of one person in that
E. Conclusion Sentence
⮚ This concludes that following traditions can either make you as a person or break you and your
principles in life. We are responsible for what we believe in, we must assess whether it would
bring luck or not with us and with the people surrounding us. Following blindly to a tradition that
will harm others is as cruel as a murderer. People are subject to change and so outdated, non-
beneficial traditions should also be subject to revision.

IV. Body Paragraph 3:

A. Topic sentence
⮚ In a place where you should be blending in with the neighborhood, comes selfish and barbaric

B. Support 1

1. Claim

⮚ People are willing to sacrifice others if it means the preservation of self.

2. Evidence
⮚ The townspeople are willing to put others in harm just to protect themselves. One great example
of this is the people in the village. They will not even care if you are friends, or family as long as
they are safe and well. When Tessie knew that it was her family’s name that will be drawn, she
shouted that it was unfair but again Mrs. Delacroix bursted “Be a good sport, Tessie."(48) She has
the nerve to say this because her family is safe from drawing. meanwhile Mrs. Graves also added
"All of us took the same chance." (48) Probably they have said that because they are not Tessie,
and their life is not at stake.
3. Analysis
⮚ Shirley Jackson did not fail to demonstrate the cruelty of the townspeople. The claim and the
evidence clearly explain that people are selfish and that they are always willing to put others'
lives in danger to protect themselves.
C. Support 2

1. Claim

⮚ Old Man Warner represents the influence and persistence of old-fashioned beliefs and
practices despite the problems they pose to communities.
2. Evidence
⮚ Old Man Warner is a representation for the influence and persistence of outdated beliefs and
customs, despite the problems they bring in society. The old man’s belief does not evolve and
remains outdated. When Mr. Adams, who is sitting next to the old man, said "The north village
they're talking of giving up the lottery." (33) Old Man Warner said in a bit disappointment “Pack
of crazy fools," (34) Then suddenly, Mrs. Adams butt in "Some places have already quit
lotteries." (35) But the old man replied gruntly "pack of young fools." he continuously uttered in
an irritated voice stoutly. "Pack of young fools."(36) Some old people remained stagnant on their
beliefs, they believed that tradition should remain as it is, and people should always rely on what
the old man says about the customs regardless of the possible problem that might arise.
3. Analysis
⮚ The author used elements to illustrate the townspeople. The connection of the claims to the evidence is
quite strong. Old Man warner is one of the respected and a pioneer in the traditional customs they are
practicing every year. As for him, traditions should continue as they were in the early age regardless of
modernization of the society. Although he and the whole townspeople knew that the annual gathering
would murder one person, they take a blind eye on that. They did not consider putting an end to that
tradition even though there are problems arising in society for practicing that.
D. Support 3

1. Claim

⮚ Mrs. Delacroix reveals how people can mask their true identity
2. Evidence
⮚ People can wear whatever kind of mask they want when facing other people. Some are wearing
masks of nice and sympathetic people when in fact, they are not. While some wear the mask of a
thoughtful and caring friend but when they remove their mask, true self will be revealed. Mrs.
Delacroix is an example of a deceitful woman. A dangerous, disastrous woman who is capable of
hurting other people. When Tessie’s drawn, she is quick to debunk the claims of Tessie’s claim
of biased draw “be a good sport, Tessie." (48) But this is not just happened once, in the latter part
of the story “Delacroix selected a stone so large she had to pick it up with both hands..”(74) After
selecting a stone to be thrown, she also urge Mrs. Dunbar to "Come on, hurry up."(74) This time,
Mrs. Delacroix already unveil her true self to Tessie and the whole townspeople.

3. Analysis
⮚ The author narrates the true character of Mrs. Delacroix. This has something to do with the
claim and evidence connection. Mrs. Delacroix hides her true character to the neighborhood,
perhaps she also masks herself in front of Tessie for a long time. The evidence demonstrates that
the true identity of Mrs. DelaCroix unfolds when Tessie draws the paper with a spot. Sometimes
people tend to hide their true colors in a mask so that people will be deceived by their fake
E. Conclusion Sentence
⮚ This concludes that in a neighborhood, there are always different kinds of people living in it. First,
there are those who are always willing to sacrifice others for their own benefit. People who would
push you to danger just to save themselves. Second, the old people who know a lot of very old
folklore that originated even before they were born. Old wives’ tales have not been revised. These
are the kinds of people who do not believe in the advancement of technology as well as the
advancement and change in society. Lastly, the most dangerous people in the neighborhood are
the ones who are always wearing masks to fool other people. They are harmful because people
would not know who they really were and when they would unmask themselves and push you into

V. Conclusion Paragraph

A. Restate your main argument. Use different words – do not simply copy your thesis! Read over body
paragraph 1, and restate the best point. Read over body paragraph 2, and restate the best point. This should
give you at least three sentences.

⮚ People lived in places wherein they wanted to have a peaceful and harmonious life with their
family and neighbors. No one really wanted to be in a place where it could bring harm to the
whole family. In the short story, "The Lottery," people had no choice but to accept their fate.
Who would have thought that in a small town, there would be a brutal crime that happens
every year? This is more than just a tradition to follow, this is the inhuman actions of those
who religiously practice that belief blindly. The townspeople are somehow responsible for
putting an end to this practice, but unfortunately, no one wanted to put an end to it. No one
would dare because they are afraid of change. If only there was one who was not afraid to be
criticized by others, as well as someone who would take a risk for the change they wanted, this
would come to an end. After all, they are still humans, and humans need to treat them

B. Implications/Further meaning/Impact – Explain how your argument connects back to your attack sentence
from the beginning. What does the argument show the reader about society? What does the story say about
human nature? What is the author trying to do?

⮚ They said, people who bet in the lottery, are the ones who are quite hopeless in life. They are the
people who really want to have an instant fortune. They wanted to have a change in their life in
just a snap of a finger. Some find the lottery to be therapeutic, as it gives them excitement.
Without even realizing what could be the aftermath of this in the future. Then I realized that it has
something to do with the fictional characters in the short story "The Lottery". One of the
arguments suggest that the author deceives the reader as in the beginning of the story, it seemed to
be a gathering that will be filled with fun and excitement but later in the story, it revealed that
behind a busy men preparing for the event, children who was also playing and waiting for the
event to start, the small chats of the women hides a dark truth about the said gathering. It all boils
down to being deceived by the setting, traditional customs presented, and also by the townspeople.
The argument explains that the society we were in is not prohibited by folklore but we need to be
extra careful in practicing a tradition, we must not follow with a blind eye. The story demonstrates
that humans have an ability to practice inhumane actions toward their neighbors or worse to their
family members. That inhumane act will eventually lead to a brutal death of someone.
Jackson wants people to consider the true significance of their holidays and customs and
determine whether what they are doing is indeed right or wrong.


The Lottery Themes. (2008, January 3). E-notes. Retrieved

Howard, A. (2022, June 18). Analysis and Themes of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. Owlcation.
Retrieved from:

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