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Article on future of Marketing

We're living in a world where Google


beats Gallup."

The age of influence

The influence of Influencers has been predominant and on the rise for a while.
With the ability to speak the same language as their audience and be directly
relatable to their audience, the power of these influencers can’t be overstated.
55% of generation Alpha wants to buy what their favourite influencers wear. If
influencers become retailers themselves, that may result in even more
competition for brands, and would create its own set of challenges. 
Given the rising influence of influencers, marketers will need to bolster their
ability to identify and collaborate with the right influencers to get their message
to their audience. Also, marketers will need to be savvy to ensure that reach and
influence translates into the right customer action. 

The rise of smartness

Different Gadgets like Smart speaker, or online applications in which old
generation was less aware of and don’t know how to use it. New generation
took him less than a week to figure out how to use it for everything. While we
might still be a few years from IoT devices becoming mainstream, it is safe to
assume that smart devices and digital assistants would be deeply ingrained in
the life of the new generation. People want their smart assistant to anticipate
there needs and wants, and buy almost anything at the right time, with little to
no effort on their part! his would mean that the marketers may be marketing
more to AI enabled assistants, instead of actual humans, in the future.
Marketing will increasingly need to be hyper-personalized, one-to-one, real
time and more technology and data driven. The era of intrusive, meaningless,
and irrelevant advertising will be over, and marketing may fully morph into
customer advocacy. As a result, our job as marketers may be to look out for our
customer’s best interests, and as brands, being there in the moments that matter.

In summary
The future often seems more far-fetched than it actually might be. To remain
relevant in future, we must pay attention to these trends and indications and
prepare ourselves for the needs of tomorrow. That may start by understanding
the thought patterns and preferences of children today, who will not only be the
customers tomorrow, but are already shaping our own buying behaviour. We
already know that kids greatly influence a family’s purchases. So, to embark on
your own.

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