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Greenhouse environments monitoring different changes to parameters, the system for this purpose

has been provided and given ability to control on climate of greenhouse. The crop in polyhouse is
higher affected by the surrounding conditions. The significant environmental factors for the quality
and better productivity of the plants growth are temperature, relative humidity and soil moisture.
Continuous monitoring of these factors gives relevant information pertaining to the individual
effects of the various factors towards obtaining maximum crop production. The below video link
shows the connection of Wi-Fi module(NodeMCU ESP 8266 ) with AWS IOT Core using MQTT
Protocol. It shows the NodeMCU ESP8266 programming with Arduino IDE .To communicate with the
NodeMCU ESP8266 device, it shows the connection of AWS IoT Core with device credentials and
specify the topics it has permissions to publish and subscribe on. In this we created a thing in AWS
IOT Core, generating certificates and policy. After that AWS IOT Credentials are converted to .der
format and directly downloaded into NodeMCU ESP 8266 SPIFFS file System. Then we developed a
sketch in NodeMCU ESP 8266 to publish the data to AWS IOT Core using MQTT protocol. The
published data is subscribed in AWS IOT Core MQTT Test Client. DynamoDB is the data storage used
in AWS IOT Core and the stored data can be monitored in AWS Dashboard

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