N2 Tank STEM 1 Checklist

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Record checks and inspection results in all the white sections, and in the order listed.

Document any unsolved issues, repairs or replacements.

STEM 1 Checklist for Nitrogen Tank Skid

Nitrogen Tank Operator
Unit Number: Name:
Mark the individual checkpoints with a V if the task is completed as specified and with the expected result.
Use an X to indicate otherwise and note your comments below, with a reference to the line number. V/X
1 Ensure that the tank is clean
2 Visually inspect the tank to ensure there are no corroded or partially painted areas on the tank itself.
3 Visually inspect the tank for dents, cracks and other signs of damage.
4 Visually inpsect the roof for damage and loose nuts/bolts
5 Visually inspect the skid and frame to ensure there are no cracks or heavily corroded areas.
6 Visually inspect all piping and valves on the unit to ensure these are undamaged and without leaks.
7 Visually inspect all valves to ensure they are correctly labeled and uniqueliy identifiable.
8 Visually inspect the complete unit including drip pan and roof for signs of damage or loose objects.
9 Record the latest certification dates physically marked on the data plates for these three certifications:
IMO major IMO intermediate
10 Lifting Sling/Container DNV 2.7-1:
5 year certification: 2.5 year control:
11 Verift that the tank is labeled with warning signs for cold temperatures and nitrogen content.
12 Visually inspect the tank vacuum burst disc to ensure it shows no signs of damage or failure.
13 Operate all valve handles to verify that they are in good condtion and can be easily opened and closed.
14 Verify that there are no teflon caps on the unit, and that all pipe ends are plugged with a brass cap.
15 Verify that all brass caps are secured to the unit/piping with a chain or wire.
16 Visually inspect all gauges and relief valves for signs of damage or failure.
17 Record the last STEM2/STEM3 date
18 Verify that the PRV's are not frozen up with ice.
19 Test vaporizer and lines for leaks.
20 Verify transport PRV and instrument valves are working.
21 Ensure earth/ground cable is present and in good condition
Open the transport valve, and verify that all other valves are closed. Pressure valve V7 and liquid valve
V8 is open, equalizing valve V9 is closed.

Comments and notes


Operator: ERL/MSV/OAS/MM: Date:

This is a live document, and the latest version of this checklist is available in the Maintenance index on SharePoint.

Page 1 of 1 Revised 10/09-20

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