Civil Engineering

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Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction,

and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including public works such as
roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, sewage systems, pipelines, structural components of
buildings, and railways

Engineering, like many rewarding careers, requires a college degree. To make sure you have the
best chance of success take a well-rounded course load in high school and add in as many extra-
curricular activities as you can manage successfully. There are a number of other things you can
Mdo to make the road easier, and following articles will help give you some ideas. 

Historical Engineers

Long before women engineers were considered something special, some amazing women were
doing great things to pave the way. Although their contributions are sometimes unrecognized,
women with a little ingenuity have always had the power to do great things.

How can I familiarize and expose myself to engineering?

I am extremely interested in creating and learning the science behind how things
work and took an interest in the curriculum for mechanical engineering to be more
precise. As a young girl, I never expected myself to take an interest in math or
science, but as I took higher math classes and immersed myself more towards
engineering topics, I realized that I am and want to be an engineer. I am a second
year student in cc, transferring soon to a university and I recently joined a club. As
many people know, women in stem is often being pushed and I reached out and
joined an engineering club, there I am the only girl with a new interest in engineering
and completely clueless. I feel and look completely lost because the group of guys in
the club have a solid understanding of the new technology releases and the whole
aspect of engineering itself. I feel like I took an interest in this field too late and I have
no support.
What is an engineer?

Engineers are professional problem-solvers. They use math and science along with skills in
communications, critical thinking, and management to find practical solutions that will benefit
people or society. They DO things: design, create, build, improve, invent -- everything from heart
valves and microchips to skyscrapers and space vehicles.

Where do engineers work?

Engineers work in lots of different places. Some work in large corporations, while others own their
own small firms. Engineers are employed at manufacturing plants, hospitals, research labs,
construction sites, and regular business offices. Some engineers work for government agencies
and while others work in foreign countries.

What do engineers wear?

Engineers who work in offices may wear business suits every day, others may dress more
casually - even blue jeans occasionally! Engineers who work in manufacturing plants or on
construction sites may wear hard hats and steel-toed boots. Some engineers wear special
clothes to protect them from dirt or hazardous chemicals.

What if someday I decide I want to do something else?

An engineering degree is good preparation for many different careers - especially ones that
require problem-solving skills. There are several engineers who have chosen to become doctors,
lawyers, or business managers as well as traditional engineers.

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