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ICT spreadsheets worksheet

Prepared by Mustafa Emad

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NO. 1

Task 1 – Spreadsheets

Your manager has asked you to manipulate a spreadsheet about the time and costs involved with

Some of the webpage development.

Files you will need:



1. Using a suitable software package, load the file J9SHEET.CSV

2. Place your Centre number, candidate number and name in the header.
3. In the Webpage column, use a lookup function to show the company name. Use the Code
column for the lookup value and the file J9CODE.CSV for the array. This function must include
both absolute and relative referencing and must not use a named range.

Replicate this function so that the company name is shown for each of the seven codes.

4. In cell C2, use a SUMIF function. If the value in the Pagecode column matches the content of
cell B2, then sum the values from the Minutes column. This function must include both absolute
and relative referencing and must not use named ranges. Do not include any entries in rows 1 to

• Replicate this function into cells C3 to C8 for each of the other codes.

5. In cell D2, use a formula to calculate the number of whole hours. Use the minutes from cell C2 to
help you.

• Replicate this function into cells D3 to D8.

6. In cell E2, use a formula to calculate the number of minutes left when the whole hours are
removed. Use the values in cells C2 and D2 to help you.

• Replicate this formula into cells E3 to E8.

7. Save the data model and print a copy of cells A1 to E23 only, showing the formulae and
functions used. Make sure that the contents of all cells in this range are visible and that the
printout fits on a single page.

• Make sure that your name, Centre number and candidate number are printed in the


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8. Interrogate the data to show only the entries where the Pagecode is HOL or FP Sort this data
into descending order of minutes. Hide rows 1 to 9 inclusive.

• Print this data.

• Make sure that your name, Centre number and candidate number are printed in the


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NO. 2

Task 1 – Spreadsheets

You are going to prepare a spreadsheet model for use by employees of Gloria’s Glorious Gardens.

Files you will need:

• Trees.csv

• Category.csv

• TreeCodes.csv

1. Open these files in a spreadsheet package and examine their contents:




In the Trees spreadsheet place:

• your name, centre number and candidate number on the right in the header

• an automated file name including the file path on the left in the footer.

2. In the Trees spreadsheet, insert three new rows before row 1.

Edit the file so that it looks like this:

• Save this as a spreadsheet with the file name Trees_ followed by your centre number and

candidate number, for example, Trees_ZZ999_9999

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3. Enter a function in cell D5 to look up the Type of tree or shrub from the source file Category.


The Lcode, Tcode and Dcode columns hold codes for whether a tree or shrub Likes, Tolerates or

Dislikes certain environmental factors.

4. Enter functions in cells I5, J5 and K5 to look up the Environment factors from the source file

• Make sure that when these functions are used they do not display any error messages.

• Replicate the functions entered in steps 3 and 4 so that the results are displayed for all


5. Hide columns C, F, G and H

6. Save and print the spreadsheet showing the formulae. Make sure:

• only rows 1-29 are visible

• it is in landscape orientation

• row and column headings are displayed

• the contents of all cells are fully visible.

7. Create a spreadsheet extract from the data to show trees or shrubs that are:

• a small tree, large shrub or medium shrub

• evergreen

• The extract must display only the Common name, Likes, Tolerates, Dislikes, Evergreen and Notes
columns for the selected data.

8. Print the spreadsheet extract showing the values. Make sure the:

• printout fits on a single page

• header, footer and contents of the specified cells are fully visible.

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NO. 3

Task 1 – Spreadsheets

You are going to prepare a spreadsheet for Supa-Scuba. You will use the spreadsheet to create a chart
and calculate the costs of diving trips. Display all currency values in dollars with 2 decimal places.

Files you will need:


1. Using a suitable software package, load the file J1332SHEET.CSV

• Save this file with your Centre number and candidate number, e.g. ZZ999_0001

2. Insert a new row above row 1.

3. In cell A1 enter the title Supa-Scuba Trips 2012-13
4. Merge cells:

• B2 to E2

• F2 to I2

• J2 to M2

• N2 to Q2

Format these cells so that:

• text is centre aligned with a black, 18 point, sans-serif font

• each has a grey background colour and a thin black border.

5. Format cells A2 and R2 so that they appear the same as those formatted in step 5.
6. In cell E4 use a function to calculate the number of trips in April, May and June.
7. In cell E5 use a function to calculate the total income from April, May and June.
8. In cell E6 use a function to calculate the total expenditure from April, May and June.
9. Replicate the formulae entered in steps 7 to 9 to calculate and display the data for quarters 2, 3
and 4.
10. Calculate the profit for each month and each quarter.

[ Profit = Income – Expenditure ]

11. Calculate the total number of trips, income, expenditure and profit for the year.
12. On the left in the footer add your name, Centre number and candidate number. On the right in
the footer add the automated file name and path.
13. In cell B9 use a function to display the greatest monthly profit.
14. In cell B10 use a function to display the lowest monthly profit.
15. In cell B11 use a function to display the average monthly profit.
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16. Apply appropriate formatting to all cells except row 2.
17. Edit the formula in cell B11 so that it also rounds this value to the nearest whole dollar.

Display the contents of this cell so that it shows only integer values.

18. Save and print the spreadsheet showing formulae. Make sure:

• it is in landscape orientation

• the row and column headings are displayed

• the contents of all cells are fully visible.

19. Print the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure:

• the printout fits on a single page

• the contents of all cells are fully visible.

20. Update the spreadsheet with the following data for December:

• The income was $45 000

• The expenditure was $42 000

21. Print the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure:

• the printout fits on a single page

• the contents of all cells are fully visible.

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NO. 4

Task 1 – Spreadsheets

You are going to prepare a spreadsheet for the Goa Elephant Sanctuary to manage employees’ wages.

Use the most efficient formulae. Display all currency values in Indian rupees to 2 decimal places. For

example, 12.00 or INR 12.00

rupee = 100 paisa

Files you will need:



1. Using a suitable software package, load the file 1632sheet.csv

• Save this file as a spreadsheet with the file name 1632_ and your Centre number and

candidate number. For example, 1632_ZZ999_9999

• Place an automated file name which includes the file path, on the left in the footer.

2. Insert 2 new rows between rows 12 and 13.

3. In cell A14 enter the title Goa Elephant Sanctuary
4. Merge cells A14 to H14.

• Format this cell so that the text is centre aligned with a black, 24 point, serif font.

5. Make the contents of cells in rows 1, 2, 15 and 16 bold and italic.

6. In cell D17 enter a function to look up, from the external file 1632jobs.csv the job description

of the employee.

7. In cell E17 enter a function to:

• look up from the Pay grade table the annual Pay rate for this employee

• multiply this by the value in the Works column.

8. In cell G17 enter a formula to display:

• Full time if the Works column contains 1

• Not started if the Works column contains 0

• Part time if not 0 or 1.

9. In cell H17 enter a formula to calculate the weekly wage in rupees, rounded down to the

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nearest paisa.

1 rupee = 100 paisa. 1 year = 52 weeks.

10. Replicate the formulae entered in steps 6, 7, 8 and 9 for each employee.
11. In cell H48 enter a function to add the total weekly wage bill.
12. Apply appropriate formatting to all cells.
13. Sort the weekly wage table into descending order of Annual salary then ascending order of

Job description.

14. Save and print the spreadsheet showing the formulae. Make sure:

• your name, Centre number and candidate number are entered in an appropriate

place on your spreadsheet

• it is in landscape orientation

• the row and column headings are displayed

• the contents of all cells are fully visible.

15. Print the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure the:

• printout fits on a single page

• contents of all cells are fully visible.

16. Change the data so that:

• Orrjit Dutta works 0.6 of a week

• Rujul Rangan works full time

• Pravar Subramanium works 0.8 of a week.

17. Save and print the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure the:

• printout fits on a single page

• contents of all cells are fully visible.

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NO. 5

Task 1 – Spreadsheets

Tawara Web use a spreadsheet to record the hours worked each week and calculate each employee’s

pay. All currency values are in dollars with 2 decimal places. Use the most efficient methods to create

this spreadsheet.

Files you will need:


1. Open and examine the file 1731emp.csv in a spreadsheet package.

• Save this file as a spreadsheet with the filename 1731emp and your candidate number, for

example, 1731emp9999

• Place your name, Centre number and candidate number, centre aligned in the header of the


• On the left in the footer add the text Last edited on followed by today’s date (automated) and

time (automated).

2. Merge cells A1 to G1.

Format this merged cell so that:

• text is centre aligned with a white, 24 point, sans-serif font

• it has a dark green background colour.

3. Use cells A5 to B14 to create a named range called JC.

4. In cell D18 enter a function to look up the job description for this employee.
5. In cell G18 enter a formula to calculate the pay for this employee. This will look up the rate of pay
from the Pay rates table and multiply it by the number of hours worked. This formula must include
an absolute range, two relative references and must not include a named range.
6. Replicate the formulae from steps 13 and 14 for all employees.
7. In cell F60 enter a function to calculate the average number of hours worked by the employees.

• Display this to the nearest whole number.

8. In cell G61 enter a function to calculate the total weekly wage.

9. Apply appropriate formatting to your spreadsheet.
10. Save and print the spreadsheet showing the formulae. Make sure:

• it is in landscape orientation

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• it fits on a single page wide

• the row and column headings are displayed

• the contents of all cells are fully visible.

11. Print the spreadsheet showing the values. Make sure:

• it is in portrait orientation

• it fits on a single page

• the row and column headings are not displayed

• the contents of all cells are fully visible.

12. Hide rows 3–15 inclusive.

13. Hide rows 60 and 61.
14. Extract only the employees where the job description includes developer and who work more or
less than their contracted hours.

• Sort this data into ascending order of name.

15. Print only this extract showing the values. Make sure the:

• printout fits on a single page

• contents of all cells are fully visible.

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