Shakespeare Lesson

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EDU 580 TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATIONS FOR EDUCATION Name: Bailey Power Lesson Title: Emotions in Shakespeare Subject: English

Language Arts, Grade 9 Standards: ELA Writing Core Standard 6: Students will use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others. ELA Speaking and Listening Core Standard 6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. ISTE Standard 2 Communication and Collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. Lesson Objective(s): 1. Students will interact with Shakespearean period theatre and dress using the websites listed below. The students will collect at least one fact from each. 2. Students will perform a scene from Shakespeares Twelfth Night with emphasis on the use of different emotions. 3. Students will create a flier in Microsoft Publisher about what they learned from each activity. Date: 07/28/11

Introduce the Learning Activity: A. I will put the lesson objectives on the board for students to see as well as verbally communicate them to the students. The lesson will begin with the improv activity titled Emotion Party (directions found below) which will hopefully communicate to the students that the use of emotion in acting is important. This improv activity will

familiarize them with acting if it is not something that they have not previously experienced. It also works as a team building exercise that will help them work as a team that is about to read a script together. B. Emotion Party Improvisation Activity: Explanation: The host of a party and the guests acquire the emotional state of whoever enters the party. How to Play: One person begins, as the host, with a neutral emotion. The first guest knocks or rings the bell (saying "knock-knock" or "ding-dong"), and enters in highly charged emotional state. Emotions that work well with this exercise include excitement, fear, anger, jealousy, joy, sadness, etc. As soon as the host picks up on the emotion, she "catches" it, and interacts with the guest. The next guest enters with a different emotion, and the host and guest "catch" it. Things get more chaotic as more guests enter, as each new guest causes a different emotion to permeate the party. Once the first guest has entered, the participants can interact with different people until they notice a change in the emotion, and then they must adapt that emotion. The participants should not watch the new guests for the emotional state; rather, they should let the emotion "travel" to them as it will. To make things really tricky, two guests could enter at the same time with different emotions. The participants will be really wired after this game, so plan accordingly to use that energy. Provide Information: C. I will tell the students after the improv activity that they are now going to experience some of the life of Shakespeare firsthand. First they will go to an Interactive Globe Theatre and learn about where plays were performed for the Queen and townspeople. D. Next, the students will visit a site that will help them learn about the types of dress that would have been worn by the actors. E. The students should gather at least one fact from each of the websites to be used in their flier that they will create in Microsoft Publisher. This information will be accompanied by the emotion they were assigned, and what it was like to act using that emotion with their provided character. Provide Practice: The students will then look over their script and try their best to perform with their given emotion. I will inform the students that this was originally a comedic play, so generally the lines were delivered with happy emotions. One of the students will have happy.Once the script is read, the students will have a chance to respond to what it was like to act with the character and the emotion. I will then direct them to open up Microsoft Publisher and create their flier with the facts they accumulated from the websites as well as the acting activity. Provide Knowledge of Results: A. After the short scene is performed, and the flier made, I will engage in a Q and A with

the students, asking them how they thought it went. I will provide verbal feedback based upon their response and reactions. Review the Activity: A. The students will share what they have written on their flier using Microsoft Publisher. Method of Assessment: A. The fliers would be turned in for formative assessment purposes.

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