Essay About Hotel

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Essay About Hotel

A hotel and Restaurants are the place where providing products such as food,
accommodation and services to the guests who willing to pay for whatever consumed
or experienced by them.

Basically when the people like to stay or eat out of the home, first they expect the good
services, quality products and satisfaction because of this the classification systems is
introduced to in hotel and restaurant Industry. Once we search about why people using
the classifications systems in hotel and restaurants;

The people can find the hotel and restaurant in easily according to their budgets,
because every one can’t stay in five star hotels and they can’t eat in luxury restaurants,
so they can find the hotels and restaurants in their capacity.

Most of the people they like to stay and eat at quality and luxury hotels and restaurants,
because they like to keep their high range so this classification system is most useful to
find the highest range of hotels and restaurants also.

Everyone has a expecting the different facilities, so according to some of classification

systems they can find the facilities,

Eg; swimming pool, sports access, live music, Wi-Fi Internet access conference facilities,

*specially disable people expecting the assistance or disable access in room and

Accessible to a wheelchair user travelling independently.

Accessible to a wheelchair user travelling with assistance.

Accessible to someone with limited mobility, able to walk a few paces and up a
maximum of three steps.

The every traveller interest to visit to different kind of places so it’s very helpful to find
the accommodations and quality restaurants in their interested places.
The people can make sure their own health and safty,via the classification system
because the classification systems are have some of basic law and rules because of that
they are checking the quality of food and products, after that only their register with
them that industry,

And as a same time this classification system is helping to the Hotel and restaurant
industry also,

Every customers are checking the range of facilities and the quality of products, so their
taking the classification guides in their hand before their leaving home so this is the best
way to advertise the industry,

It’s the best way to publish their business, once the hotels or restaurants are registered
with this systems their publishing their qualities of products, and their services, and they
can show the range of their industry

Eg; one – five stars hotels, one – three roses’ restaurants

The classification system is reaching to all the customers as a tour guides, so when the
Hotel and restaurants are register with this the industry don’t want to advertise their
products and services as a result the industry promote the business automatically via the
classification system.

In this guides their using lots of simple symbols to easy to identify the range or
standards, qualities, services, prices and facilities of the hotel and restaurant industry. Eg;

The classification systems are having different structures;


Every Form of licensing which may or may not demand a minimum standard. Eg; Safety
and security, Cleanliness, Maintenance, Physical Quality, Hospitality, Reservations, Prices
and Billing, Housekeeping Services, Food Quality, Menu and Pricing, Heating and
Temperature Control, Lighting, Communication and Business Services and Alcoholic
Drink Services/Licences


Separation of different types and ranges of accommodation as one To five stars hotel
this several categories based on a range of criteria according to these five aeries such as
cleanliness, service, food, bedrooms and bathrooms.
And also we can divide the Hotel accommodations as five to seven categories to be
applied. – Other forms of accommodation e.g. motels, guest-houses and self catering
apartments seldom justify more than two or three classes.

Grading: Often combine with classification; this is a quality assessment awarding a

symbol to denote an above average service to an accommodation facility.

Eg; Green globe classification systems for environment, product the global warming,

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