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Summary - "JMU SLP Assessment"

This survey is used to document the graduate student's performance of specific clinical skills. Using the rating scale, the student will be rated at midterm and final. This information
will be used, in part, to determine a semester grade. Refer to the Handbook for Graduate Students and course syllabus for more information on grading policies.

Please use the following scale to rate each competency/skill in the area of EVALUATION

(Note: Minimal clinical competencies have an asterisk in front of them.)

1. No/Limited Opportunity N/A: Not enough opportunities to rate student performance.

2. Unacceptable (U): Demonstrates unacceptable performance: unresponsive and/or unable to make changes given extensive feedback.
3. Emerging (E): Competency/skill is emerging. Requires consistent supervisory modeling/intervention.
4. Emerging/Developing (E/D)
5. Developing (D): Competency/Skill is present, but needs further developing. Requires intermittent supervisory monitoring and infrequent supervisory instruction.
6. Developing/Refining (D/R)
7. Refining (R): Competency/skill is developed, but needs refinement and/or consistency. Requires infrequent supervisory monitoring.
8. Independent (I): Competency/skill is well developed and consistent for entry level clinician. Requires minimal guidance and/or consultation.


Statistical Mode in Additional Mean Total Percentage

BOLD N/A Unacceptable Emerging Emerging/Developing Developing Developing/Refining Refining Independent Comments [1-7] Points Score

2. *Demonstrates 33.3% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 66.7% (2) 1 7.00 14 100.0%
ability to accurately (1)
conduct screening
and prevention

3. *Collects case 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 66.7% 33.3% (1) 1 6.33 19 90.5%
history information (0) (2)
and integrates
information from
family, caregivers,
teachers, relevant
others, and other

4. *Selects 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 66.7% 33.3% (1) 2 6.33 19 90.5%
appropriate (0) (2)
procedures and

5. *Appropriately 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 66.7% 33.3% (1) 2 6.33 19 90.5%
administers (0) (2)
procedures (non-
standardized tests,
standardized tests,
and instrumental

6. 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 66.7% 33.3% (1) 2 6.33 19 90.5%
Organizes/manages (0) (2)
sessions: *adapts
procedures to meet
client/patient needs.

7. *Scores, analyzes, 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 66.7% 33.3% (1) 0 6.33 19 90.5%
and interprets all (0) (2)
diagnostic data,
including behavioral
observations, to
develop diagnoses

8. *Provides 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% 66.7% (2) 2 6.67 20 95.2%
organized, effective (0) (1)
presentation of
information with
for intervention
and/or referral.

OVERALL 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 9 10 6.48 129 92.5%


Respondents 3 Skipped 0
For each evaluation competency rated Refining or Independent, please check the area(s). You only need to complete the competencies rated as either Refining or Independent.

*Demonstrates ability to accurately conduct screening and prevention procedures.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 1

Voice and Resonance 0

Receptive and Expressive Lanugage 2

Hearing 2

Swallowing 0

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 1

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 100.0% 2

Fluency 50.0% 1

Voice and Resonance 0.0% 0

Receptive and Expressive Lanugage 100.0% 2

Hearing 100.0% 2

Swallowing 0.0% 0

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 50.0% 1

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 50.0% 1

Respondents 2 Skipped 1
*Collects case history information and integrates information from clients/patients, family, caregivers, teachers, relevant others, and other professionals.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 1

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 1

Cognitive Aspects of Coummunication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 1

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 33.3% 1

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 33.3% 1

Cognitive Aspects of Coummunication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 33.3% 1

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 33.3% 1

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
*Selects appropriate evaluation procedures and materials.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 1

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 0

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 1

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 33.3% 1

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 0.0% 0

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 33.3% 1

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 33.3% 1

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
*Appropriately administers evaluation procedures (non-standardized tests, standardized tests, and instrumental procedures).

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 1

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 1

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 33.3% 1

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 33.3% 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 33.3% 1

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 33.3% 1

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
Organizes/manages session: *adapts evaluation procedures to meet client/patient needs.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 1

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 1

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 33.3% 1

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 33.3% 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 33.3% 1

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 33.3% 1

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
*Scores, analyzes, and interprets all diagnostic data, including behavioral observations, to develop diagnoses.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 1

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 1

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 33.3% 1

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 33.3% 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 33.3% 1

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 33.3% 1

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
*Provides organized, effective presentation of information with appropriate recommendations for intervention and/or referral.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 1

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 1

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 33.3% 1

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 33.3% 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 33.3% 1

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 33.3% 1

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
Please use the following scale to rate each competency/skill in the area of INTERVENTION

(Note: Minimal clinical competencies have an asterisk in front of them.)

1. No/Limited Opportunity (N/A): Not enough opportunities to rate student performance.

2. Unacceptable (U): Demonstrates unacceptable performance: unresponsive and/or unable to make changes given extensive feedback.
3. Emerging (E): Competency/skill is emerging. Requires consistent supervisory modeling/intervention.
4. Emerging/Developing (E/D)
5. Developing (D): Competency/Skill is present, but needs further developing. Requires intermittent supervisory monitoring and infrequent supervisory instruction.
6. Developing/Refining (D/R)
7. Refining (R): Competency/skill is developed, but needs refinement and/or consistency. Requires infrequent supervisory monitoring.
8. Independent (I): Competency/skill is well developed and consistent for entry level clinician. Requires minimal guidance and/or consultation.


Statistical Mode in Additional Mean Total Percentage

BOLD N/A Unacceptable Emerging Emerging/Developing Developing Developing/Refining Refining Independent Comments [2-8] Points Score

10. Thoroughly 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (3) 1 8.00 24 100.0%
reviews client's file (0)
and identifies
pertinent information.
Makes contacts as
appropriate to secure
and update necessary

11. *Develops 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 66.7% 33.3% (1) 0 7.33 22 91.7%
intervention plans (0) (2)
with appropriate
measurable and
achievable goals.

12. *Collaborates with 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% (1) 33.3% 33.3% (1) 3 7.00 21 87.5%
clients and relevant (0) (1)
others in the planning
and treatment

13. *Implements 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% 66.7% (2) 3 7.67 23 95.8%
intervention plans, (0) (1)
using a variety of
materials, strategies,
and instrumentation.

14. *Measures and 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% (1) 33.3% 33.3% (1) 2 7.00 21 87.5%
evaluates client's (0) (1)
performance and
progress by
accurately collecting

15. *Accurately 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 66.7% 33.3% (1) 1 7.33 22 91.7%
completes required (0) (2)
documentation of
intervention results
(i.e. soap notes,
summarization and
interpretation of data).

16. *Modifies 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% 66.7% (2) 1 7.67 23 95.8%
intervention plans, (0) (1)
strategies, materials,
or instrumentation as
appropriate to meet
the needs of clients.

17. Identifies and/or 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 66.7% 33.3% (1) 1 7.33 22 91.7%
provides appropriate (0) (2)
suggestions for carry-
over activities to
client/caregivers to
encourage skill
generalization. *Refers
for additional services
as appropriate.

OVERALL 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 12 12 7.42 178 92.7%


Respondents 3 Skipped 0
For each intervention competency rated Refining or Independent, please check the area(s). You only need to complete the competencies rated as either Refining or

Thoroughly reviews client's file and identifies pertinent information. Makes contacts as appropriate to secure and update necessary information.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 2

Voice and Resonance 0

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 0

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 2

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 100.0% 2

Fluency 100.0% 2

Voice and Resonance 0.0% 0

Receptive and Expressive Language 100.0% 2

Swallowing 0.0% 0

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 100.0% 2

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 100.0% 2

Respondents 2 Skipped 1
*Develops intervention plans with appropriate measurable and achievable goals.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 2

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 2

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 66.7% 2

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 33.3% 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 66.7% 2

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 66.7% 2

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
*Collaborate with clients and relevant others in the planning and treatment processes (interprofessional practice).

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 2

Voice and Resonance 0

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 0

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 2

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 100.0% 2

Fluency 100.0% 2

Voice and Resonance 0.0% 0

Receptive and Expressive Language 100.0% 2

Swallowing 0.0% 0

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 100.0% 2

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 100.0% 2

Respondents 2 Skipped 1
*Implements intervention plans, using a variety of materials, strategies, and instrumentation.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 2

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 2

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 66.7% 2

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 33.3% 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 66.7% 2

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 66.7% 2

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
*Measures and evaluates client's performance and progress by accurately collecting data.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 2

Voice and Resonance 0

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 0

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 2

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 100.0% 2

Fluency 100.0% 2

Voice and Resonance 0.0% 0

Receptive and Expressive Language 100.0% 2

Swallowing 0.0% 0

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 100.0% 2

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 100.0% 2

Respondents 2 Skipped 1
*Accurately completes required documentation of intervention results (i.e. soap notes, summarization and interpretation of data).

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 2

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 2

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 66.7% 2

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 33.3% 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 66.7% 2

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 66.7% 2

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
*Modifies intervention plans, strategies, materials, or instrumentation as appropriate to meet the needs of clients.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 2

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 2

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 66.7% 2

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 33.3% 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 66.7% 2

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 66.7% 2

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
Identifies and/or provides appropriate suggestions for carry-over activities to client/caregiver to encourage skill generalization. *Refers for additional services as appropriate.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Answer

Articulation 2

Fluency 2

Voice and Resonance 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 2

Swallowing 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0

Social Aspects of Communication 2

Augmentative and Alternative

Communication Modalities

Response Percent Response Total

Articulation 66.7% 2

Fluency 66.7% 2

Voice and Resonance 33.3% 1

Receptive and Expressive Language 66.7% 2

Swallowing 33.3% 1

Cognitive Aspects of Communication 0.0% 0

Social Aspects of Communication 66.7% 2

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities 66.7% 2

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
Please use the following scale to rate each competency/skill in the area of PROFESSIONALISM

(Note: Minimal clinical competencies have an asterisk in front of them.)

1. No/Limited Opportunity N/A: Not enough opportunities to rate student performance.

2. Unacceptable (U): Demonstrates unacceptable performance: unresponsive and/or unable to make changes given extensive feedback.
3. Emerging (E): Competency/skill is emerging. Requires consistent supervisory modeling/intervention.
4. Emerging/Developing (E/D)
5. Developing (D): Competency/Skill is present, but needs further developing. Requires intermittent supervisory monitoring and infrequent supervisory instruction.
6. Developing/Refining (D/R)
7. Refining (R): Competency/skill is developed, but needs refinement and/or consistency. Requires infrequent supervisory monitoring.
8. Independent (I): Competency/skill is well developed and consistent for entry level clinician. Requires minimal guidance and/or consultation.


Statistical Mode in Additional Mean Total Percentage

BOLD N/A Unacceptable Emerging Emerging/Developing Developing Developing/Refining Refining Independent Comments [1-7] Points Score

*Communicates 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% 66.7% (2) 1 6.67 20 95.2%
respectfully, (0) (1)
recognizing the
needs, values,
preferred mode of
communication, and
background of the
client, family,
caregivers, and
relevant others.

*Collaborates with 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% 66.7% (2) 0 6.67 20 95.2%
other professionals in (0) (1)
case management.

Demonstrates 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (3) 1 7.00 21 100.0%
initiative in clinical (0)
management and
independently seeks
information and

*Articulates education 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% 66.7% (2) 0 6.67 20 95.2%
within SLP scope of (0) (1)
practice to clients,
family, caregivers, and
relevant others.

*Adheres to the ASHA 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (3) 0 7.00 21 100.0%
Code of Ethics; (0)
site specific policies
and procedures.

Completes all clinical 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (3) 0 7.00 21 100.0%
practica (0)
responsibilities and
paperwork by due
dates and follows
prescribed clinical
procedures. Prepared
and on-time for all
clinical assignments
and meetings.

*Maintains appropriate 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (3) 0 7.00 21 100.0%
professional (0)
(professional image,
dress, and behavior).

Is approachable and 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (3) 0 7.00 21 100.0%
responsive to (0)
communicates with
the supervisor in an
appropriate and non-
defensive manner.

Carefully edits and 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% 66.7% (2) 0 6.67 20 95.2%
proofreads written (0) (1)
documentation and
reports before
Statistical Mode in Additional Mean Total Percentage
BOLD N/A Unacceptable Emerging Emerging/Developing Developing Developing/Refining Refining Independent Comments [1-7] Points Score

Responds to and 0.0% 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 33.3% 66.7% (2) 0 6.67 20 95.2%
integrates supervisor (0) (1)
feedback in all clinical
areas (evaluation,
intervention, and

OVERALL 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 2 6.83 205 97.6%


Respondents 3 Skipped 0
Please rate the student's overall performance:

Multiple Choice - Single Answer

100.0%: Performance has


Response Percent Response Total

Performance has been above expectations. 100.0% 3

Performance has been satisfactory and met expectations. 0.0% 0

Performance has not met expectations. An improvement plan will be established immediately. 0.0% 0

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
Please comment on the student's Strengths and Areas to Improve.

Text Entry - Open Ended

Respondents 3 Skipped 0
Total points for all rating scale questions: 512 (Each main question equally weighted)
Mean percentage score for all rating scale questions: 94.3% Responses as of 12/16/2022 4:10:41 PM ET

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