Military Corruption

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Military corruption refers to the abuse of power by members in the armed forces, in order for
career advancement or for personal gain by a soldier or soldiers. One form of military
corruption in the United States Armed Forces, is a military soldier being promoted in rank or
being given better treatment than their colleagues by their officers, due to their race, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, social class or personal relationships with
higher-ranking officers in spite of their merit. In addition to that, the US military has also
had many instances of officers sexually assaulting fellow officers and in many cases, there
were allegations that many of the attacks were covered up and victims were coerced to
remain silent by officers of the same rank or of higher rank.
Another example of military corruption, is a military officer or officers using the power of
their positions to commit activities that are illegal, such as skimming logistical supplies such
as food, medicine, fuel, body armor or weapons to sell on the local black market. There have
also been instances of military officials, providing equipment and combat support to criminal
syndicates, private military companies and terrorist groups, without approval from their
superiors. As a result, many countries have a military police force to ensure that the military
officers follow the laws and conduct of their respective countries but sometimes the military
police have levels of corruption themselves.

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