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Battle Mode Scenario

The Stormcloaks have created a distraction to lure limit (so in a 150-septim game, the Stormcloak player
the Imperials from their camp. When the Imperials would have 180 septims to spend).
return, weary from their toil, the Stormcloaks plan to
The Imperial force must be led by one of the Heroes
strike at them in their own encampment!
from the following list – no other Hero in the party
❖ Round Limit: 6 may be of a higher Gold Septim value than the
❖ Environment: Wilderness Party Leader:
❖ Playing Area: 36” x 36”
❖ General Tullius
❖ Legate Rikke
CAMPAIGN PLAY ❖ Imperial Captain
❖ Hadvar
If both players agree, this scenario can replace the
Light up the Night scenario in the Blood on the The Stormcloak force must be led by one of the
Snow campaign. Heroes from the following list:

❖ Ulric Stormcloak
❖ Galmar Stonefist
❖ Ysarald Thrice-Pierced
The Attackers are Stormcloaks, the Defender are
❖ Stormcloak General
Imperial Legion. Choose a Gold Septim limit as normal
– we recommend a minimum Septims limit of 150.
The Attacker adds an additional 20% to the agreed

Attacker’s Deployment Half



Defender’s Deployment Edge


Set up battlefield terrain as described in the Quests VICTORY CONDITIONS
Book. Place terrain to represent six small tents Players gain Victory Points in the following
within 8” of the center of the board to represent the circumstances:
Imperial Camp.
❖ Enemy Champion removed from battle: 3 VP
Alternate placing these no closer than 2” to each other, ❖ Other enemy model removed from battle: 1 VP
beginning with the Imperial player placing the first
one. No other terrain may be placed within this circle. OATHS
The rest of the board should be populated with natural The player can choose to complete as many of the
terrain such as trees, hills, pools and rocks. following Oaths as they wish during the game. Each
Oath can only be completed once. If, by the end of the
Starting with the Defender, players take it in turns to
game, the player has not completed an Oath, they lose
place one model at a time in their deployment area
1 VP from their total.
(for the Defender, this is in contact with the marked
Deployment Edge; for the Attacker, it is anywhere in the
marked half of the board, but outside of the camp).
(Defender Only)
My Party will not Reinforce during this battle.
The Defender uses the Reinforcements (2) and
3 VP
Treasure Special Rules.

The maximum number of Treasure Tokens in this
My Party will resolve more Treasure Tokens than
scenario is 6. Treasure Tokens must be placed in
the opposing player.
contact with a tent, no more than one per tent. A model
1 VP
must be in contact with a Tent to Search the token,
treating the whole footprint of the terrain piece as part
of the Treasure Token.
(Attacker Only)
My Party will win the game without removing an
enemy Hero from the battle.
3 VP

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