Class 5-Speech About HERO

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In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
‫هّٰلل‬ ‫هّٰلِل‬
ِ ‫َح ْم ًدا َو ُش ْكرًا ِ َواَل َح ْو َل َواَل قُ َّوةَ اِاَّل بِا‬
ِ ‫صاَل ةُ َوال َّساَل ُم َع ٰلى َرس ُْو ِل‬ َّ ‫ثُ َّم ال‬
‫َو َع ٰلى ٰالِ ِه َواَصْ َحابِ ِه َو َم ْن َّوالَ ْه‬
Good morning
Judges and audiences
Dear my parents whom I love very much,

First of all, let’s pray and thank unto our God Allah SWT who has been giving us mercies and
blessing. So, we can join this competition in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW the last
messenger of Allah, the best man in the world who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.
I’m ……………… from class ……… Well guys, I’m going to talk about HERO. Do you know
Spiderman? Bat man? Yup they are heroes. But, do you know that in our surrounding we have
many real heroes? They are our Dad, our mom, teachers, soldiers, doctors and so on. So What is
Hero is a person who stays strong even in the hardest times of life. A Hero can be afraid of
something, but when it is time to show courage, they are all up for anything. Every one of us can be
a Hero. We have the power inside us.
In my life, My father is my Hero. He’s not just my inspiration, but many others too. He is a
wonderful father, amazing husband for my mom, and leader in my family. I love and respect him so
much, and I am also blessed to have him as my all time Hero. Heroes are everywhere, especially our
parents. That doesn’t mean, we should forget about other Heroes who help us, teach us, and keep us
from danger.
So my friends, let’s be a Hero! It’s time for us to be Heroes for others. Make life exciting
and be the Hero for changing the world with our knowledge.
That’s all my speech. I hope, it will be useful for us. Thank you!
Wassalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

By excellent Team

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