DRMG 238

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The Halls of Amusement

ack in the distant days of middle school, Greg was one of treasure was so good that we didn’t complain. Until we
my first players to take a turn behind the DM’s screen. We reached the central chamber.
were all eager to see what he’d do, and I couldn’t wait to play The place was huge, with a raised platform in the center.
my own characters, a min-maxed high elf fighter/magic-user The walls were covered in black flock, and the floor was tiled
named Windrhymer the White and an even more min-maxed with some weird glowing material that changed patterns.
fighter/magic-user/thief half-drow named Ralph the Rogue. When Greg pointed out the spinning mirror-balls on the ceiling
(Yes, I’m still embarrassed about it all.) All we knew for sure we became nervous. When he described the huge black
was that Greg had drawn all over a ream and a half of graph dragon wearing the white leisure suit, dancing upon the high
paper. He called the dungeon “The Halls of Amusement.” platform; we realized he had gone way too far.
My elves had pals, naturally. Tom played a pair of fighters “The Disco Dragon!” someone cried. We fell over each other
named Harry and Burt, or something equally English. Someone to kill the beast, not so much for fear of our lives, but because
else was stuck with the cleric and another character. While the even at that age we realized that a reptilian John Travolta was
PCs didn’t find a lasting place in my memory, certain moments an abomination that must be destroyed. (Sure, he redeemed
of the dungeon will haunt me until my dying day. himself years later, but how were we to know then?)
It started out all right, I guess. We marched into the place, When the fight was over, we gave Greg our most baleful
and Greg dutifully mapped out the entrance chamber, carefully looks, warned him that this had better not get any sillier, and
concealing the real map behind his bunker of three DM’s continued our exploration. Greg only giggled. The encounters
screens. There were doors everywhere, and of course it was all grew worse and worse, until eventually we all rebelled and
perfectly symmetrical. We picked Door #1. insisted on a different campaign.
Our thieves all took turns checking for traps, listening at the Years later, upon discovering the old character sheets and
door, making a lot of noise, and finally opening the door. The maps from the Halls of Amusement, I finally realized why we
eight-headed hydra put up a good fight, but we killed the loved that adventure in the beginning but hated it at the end.
thing, took its treasure, healed our wounds, and continued. It’s the same reason you can laugh at a comedian for an hour
Everything seemed perfectly normal, until we learned upon but would probably throttle him in his sleep if he came home
returning to that room that the hydra sprang back to life with and did his routine for you all day long. Humor is a
an extra head each time we shut the door. Okay, that was odd, wonderful diversion from an otherwise straight adventure
but it wasn’t too silly for a dungeon. campaign, but there’s a reason it’s called comic relief.
And so it went, with a tribe of blue kobolds with one female Last year we tried balancing the April issue with both
and an old bearded fellow, slurpee-colored green slimes, and humorous and straight AD&D® game articles, and the reader
pretty much every other monster you could find in the old response was great. Here we go again, a little later than April,
Monster Manual — each with a twist. When we met the stone with what we hope is just enough of a good thing to give you
golems in French maid outfits, we though that was pretty a few belly laughs and still provide plenty of straight game
weird. When a few of the Federation’s finest accosted us with material for your own not-too-terribly-silly campaigns.
phasers, we pummeled them until they
begged Scotty to beam them back up.
We laughed a bit, but we groaned Dave Gross
even more. Something in us knew
that this was wrong, but the

Publisher Associate Publisher Editor-in-Chief Editor Art Director

TSR, Inc. Brian Thomsen Pierce Watters Dave Gross Larry Smith

Associate Editor Editorial Assistant U.S. Advertising Subscriptions

Michelle Vuckovich Lizz Baldwin Cindy Rick Linda Baerbock

Printed in the USA

DRAGON #238 3
August 1997
Volume XXI, No. 9
Issue #238

Lawrence R. Wenzel
Mess with this non-player
character and you’ll be sent to
your room without supper!
Page 8

Villains, Like Fine Wine

Lloyd Brown III
Make sure that your ancient villains
improve with age.
Page 16

Bard on the Run

The Bard is back,
and he’s punnier than ever.
Page 23

Gangsters of
the Underdark
Keith Francis Strohm
Sir Eliot of Kness opens the Hex-Files.
Page 34

The Return of the

Wizards Three
Ed Greenwood
The new Wizards Three meet once more
to swap spells over pizza and ice cream.
Page 42

4 AUGUST 1997
Bazaar of the Bizarre:
The Rewards
of Villainy
Wolfgang Baur
Magical items for villains.
Page 28


Ed Greenwood
They call him “The Flying Misfortune.”
Page 50
Dragon’s Bestiary:
Spawn of the Sewers
John Baichtal
Right under your feet.
Page 68
Dragon’s Bestiary:
The Other Mummies
Richard Pengelly and Brian Walton
Hard-hearted killers from bogs and glaciers.
Page 84
Rogues Gallery:
Silent Sheehan FAQ!
Jason Kuhl Answers to the most
A despicable NPC from the Frequently Asked Questions
RAVENLOFT® setting. about the acquisition of TSR, Inc.
Page 88 Page 55
Dungeon Mastery: Other Material
Villainy and lntrigue
Steve Miller & Sue Weinlein Cook 99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knights of the Dinner Table
Start with your villain, and then weave a 1 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DragonMirth
cunning plot for your players.
Page 90 1 0 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gamer’s Guide
1 0 4 ....................................................... Floyd
1 1 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TSR Previews

62 Nothing But
Ed Greenwood
The notorious Mirt the
Moneylender finds more
than he bargained for.

DRAGON #238 5
the Yearning. I wanted to know which Holding Out on You?
names for these two years was correct. I Dear DRAGON Magazine,
would appreciate an answer directly by I really like the AD&D® game with its
e-mail. Thank you in advance. different campaign worlds, although
Clarke Hughbanks gaming is a very expensive hobby. Every
Via e-mail time you buy a product, you will recog-
nize that some important parts are miss-
First, an answer from the article’s author, ing, which are then presented in a later
Steven Schend: product or the DRAGON Magazine (see the
“Elminster tenders his abject apologies “Artifacts of Athas” article in issue #234).
for the errors of his chroniclers. Apparently, If this is some sort of selling tactic,
the mage’s crabbed handwriting was too please stop it. I enjoy your magazine
difficult to read properly (i.e., I screwed up!). very much, but what happened with
“The Year of the Dawn Blades and the “Forum”? I think it is too short. There are
Year of the Burnt Spear are respectively 465 only two pages of feedback now. The
and 466 D.R.; the years listed in The Seven letters of other readers are very impor-
Sisters are correct.” tant for new clues, questions and com-
And an editors note on e-mail letters: ments to specific topics. Without it your
lf you have a comment, opinion, or ques- While we love receiving letters and even magazine loses one of its best parts. I
tion for the editors of DRAGON® Magazine, questions via e-mail, we can only rarely hope you think about it.
write us a letter We’d love to hear from you. reply directly. If you ask us a question we Bjoern Dobbelstein
In the United States and Canada, send can answer without leaving the keyboard or Berlin, Germany
letters to “D-Mail,” DRAGON Magazine, 201 opening a book, there’s a chance we’ll reply
Sheridan Springs Road, Lake Geneva, WI via e-mail. Otherwise, the best we can do is While we can see why one might mis-
53147 USA. In Europe, send letters to consider it for “D-Mail.” take “Artifacts of Athas” for a portion of the
“D-Mail,” DRAGON Magazine, TSR Ltd., 120 Also, please don’t send change-of- product of the same name, Kevin proposed
Church End, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge CB1 address notices via e-mail. Because of the and wrote the article after the supplement
3LB, United Kingdom. large number of messages we receive, it’s was finished. Whenever we present an arti-
You can also send e-mail to us at actually faster to send a postcard directly to cle that supports a recently-released prod-
tsrdragon@aol.com. Requests for writers subscriptions at the magazine address. Do uct, the requirements are the same: It must
guidelines should go to tsr.mags@genie.com. please keep sending “D-Mail” and “Forum” be a good useful article that can stand
Please use regular mail for change of address letters, as well as article proposals, to our alone, even if it is related to the product. We
notices or subscription orders. address at tsrdragon@aol.com. think ‘Artifacts of Athas” fits the bill.
Remember, you can send letters to “Sage As for “Forum,” we’d love to print a
Dating Ourselves Advice” via e-mail also (see this month’s col- longer installment from time to time (as with
Dear DRAGON Magazine, umn for the address), though the Sage, too, this issue), but to do that we need
I am an avid reader of DRAGON is unable to make personal replies. letters from you. Send more!
Magazine and was delighted when I saw
the new DRAGON Magazine Annual. I am A Prodigal Returns Take My Letter, Please
especially interested in articles about Dear DRAGON Magazine, Dear DRAGON Magazine,
Toril. One such article was published in I have to say that the quality of Let me start out by congratulating the
the Annual, “Gem of the North: The High DRAGON Magazine has steadily improved entire staff on the great job of redecorat-
Palace of Alustriel.” The reason I am over the course of 1996. I have let my ing the magazine. I have bought an issue
writing is because there is a problem subscription run out because the quality here and there in the past, but when I
with some of the years stated in the arti- and entertainment value was no longer discovered the new look, I finally sub-
cle. The Year of the Dawn Blades (765 there, but after reading the last four scribed — and not just for one year, but
D.R.) and the Year of the Burnt Spear (766 issues or so, I think I am ready to resub- for three. I was especially impressed with
D.R.) were mentioned in the second para- scribe. I am sure you guys hear all kinds issue #229. The article with Emil Duli
graph of this article. From the FORGOTTEN of negative feedback, and I just wanted Wonk was a kick to read. I got a whole
REALMS supplement The Seven Sisters on to give you my positive. Keep up the slew of ideas (as well as a few good
page 7, 765 D.R. was stated to be The good work. laughs from Cletus and his lich master)
Year of the Cowl and 766 D.R. THE Year of Terry J. Green from the “Curses” and “Survival of the
Arlington, TX
DRAGON® Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is published monthly except by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distribution to the book trade in the made payable to TSR, Inc., or charges to valid MasterCard or VISA credit
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6 A UGUST 1997
Smartest” articles. And I won’t forget to We mentioned your idea of including
mention the amusing short story by COUNCIL OF WYRMS statistics to Ed, and
David Wise. Keep up the great work, and though you won’t see them in the regular
I will gladly resubscribe in three years. articles, we’re thinking about a special
Now I would like to put in my dollar’s “Wyrms” article in future. In the meantime,
worth (so to speak) on what more I wish we would love to see a good COUNCIL OF
to see in future issues. Having an elven WYRMS submission for “Campaign Classics.”
mage PC, I would naturally like more
material on elves and, well, mages. I am Rogues and Wizards Three
sure that many other players out there Dear DRAGON Magazine,
would agree with me. I would also like I’ve been reading your magazine for
to see more in the “Role-Playing quite a while now, and I wanted to tell
Reviews” column, since it was the rea- you how pleased I am with the current
son I purchased the Night Below adven- result. It seems that you have something
ture, and I am not disappointed with it for almost every type of role-player in
in the least. every issue. Your articles on discontin-
Thanks for your time in reading my ued campaigns such as the GREYHAWK®
letter. If you print this one, there just and AL-QADIM® settings have proven to
might be a nice check in the mail with be excellent, while articles on current
your name on it . . . perhaps. campaign worlds such as “Wyrms of the
E.J. McGhee North” for the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting
Ellsworth AFB, SD are an asset for almost any DM. I espe-
cially like the emphasis that has been
All right, E.J. We’ve lived up to our part of put on character development and would
the deal. Just don’t skimp on the zeroes like to see more articles dealing with it.
when writing that check! Although it was originally in the new
format’s line-up, I have noticed that not
More Wyrms many of the issues following have fea-
Dear DRAGON Magazine, tured my favorite part of the new for-
One of the departments I use most is mat: “Rogue’s Gallery.” Are the charac-
Wyrms of the North.” I DM and play in ters depicted in this feature sent in by
both the FORGOTTEN REALMS® setting and the players around the world? Are they
COUNCIL OF W YRM™ campaign. The ques- taken from the RPGA® Network? Do the
tion I have is this: Will you start putting in staff at TSR provide some of their own
your articles a stat sheet with the dragon’s characters for the article?
ability Scores, proficiencies, class, level, Speaking of favorite articles, will Ed
and hit points? This way I could use the Greenwood continue to write “The
dragons in both settings. Also, a brief Wizard’s Three”? Or has that been dis-
sketch of their lairs in addition to your continued? It has been one of my
descriptions would be very helpful. favorite although infrequent parts of the
Keep up the good work, and may magazine since it first appeared. Let’s
your dice not remain idle. see the return of both of these columns!
William “Bug” Muncy John L. Combs
Richmond, KY Mena, AR

The reason Ed doesn’t include more “Rogues Gallery” articles have come so
game statistics or lair maps (and the reason far from readers, a TSR staffer, and one of
we haven’t asked him for them) is that the TSR’s most popular novelists. This issue sees
DM really should have some secrets left up “The Return of the Wizard’s Three,” and
his sleeve when using the dragons pre- you’ll see more of both “Rogues” and
sented in “Wyrms of the North.” We don‘t “Wizards” in upcoming issues.
want to give away too much.

licited submissions of written material and artwork; however, no respon- States and Canada, contact: Advertising Coordinator, TSR, Inc., 201 of TSR, Inc. Therefore, TSR will not be held accountable for opinions or
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DRAGON #238 7
The Mother as NPC
by Lawrence R. Wenzel
illustrated by Valerie A. Valusek
id you notice when you were young that your mom Mothers never adventure, remaining instead where they can
could do really spooky things? For example, when you study the family unit in its natural environment — the home. It
tried to raid the cookie jar at night, your mom suddenly is highly unlikely that a Mother NPC will travel with an adven-
appeared half-asleep from her bedroom, ran down the steps, turing party unless she has exceptional need and a written
and hauled you back to bed by the ear. How did she know that excuse from her chapter. The order frowns on any Mother who
you were up? What about the monsters under your bed that abandons her charges without their express consent and daily
instilled the fear of dangling your legs or arms over the edge — arrangements for babysitters.
because you might pull them back shorter than before? How Weapons available to this NPC class are limited to cleaning
could your mom come in to tuck you in, her ankles untouched aids and kitchen utensils. Most Mothers, however, prefer psy-
by the gaping maws? And then there was the day when you chological warfare over brute weaponry and have developed
fell off the fence playing “follow the leader.” Your friends innate, spell-like abilities that duplicate mundane practices
assured you the only life-saving measure was to amputate mothers perform daily. The general population remains oblivi-
your leg. Your mom appeared, kissed the red spot under the ous to the truth and dismisses factual accounts reported by
knee, and seconds later you went dashing off with the others children as “daydreams” and “childhood fancy.” The following
to jump across Death Gorge. Maybe your mom isn’t just a spell-like powers are granted to the Mother NPC. Reverse
mom; maybe she’s really a Mother NPC. forms of these powers are granted only to Mothers of evil
“Mother NPC” refers to a very select class of females who alignment.
train secretly in the rites of Motherhood, a cabalistic profes- Berate: This empowers the Mother to verbally abuse any-
sional order for women that combines elements taken from one for 1d4 rounds, three times per day, reducing the victim’s
the Templars and the Free Masons with all the sinister aspects morale by -25% for the next 8 hours.
of a daycare center. Mother NPCs strive to understand all crea- Detect Lies: A Mother is able to divine at will whether some
tures, to classify their basic needs and desires, to codify the one is telling a lie and, if so, what color and size (Table 1).
dark rites used to raise children from the crib, and to apply this Listening to the person’s conversation is a mere formality,
dread knowledge beyond the nursery. The order has gained a since a Mother usually knows the truth before the speaker
vast pool of knowledge over the centuries, knowledge that even opens his mouth. Base chance is 20% plus 5% per level.
applies to any race or society; thus a Mother NPC can be of any The reverse, Hide Lies, prevents the detection of falsehoods by
race, age, or alignment. In order to be considered a candidate, accusing others of similar crimes, blanketing everyone in a
one must first and foremost be female. Candidates need not be cloud of shame and denial, making specific guilt difficult to
raising families of their own, but those who do make better ascertain.
prospects. A minimum Intelligence of 11 and a Wisdom of 13 Gossip & Rumor Mill: Through a network of backyard, over-
are required to become a Mother. The prime requisite for the-fence sources, a Mother can divine the name and intimate
Mothers is Wisdom; a score of 15 or higher earns a 10% bonus particulars of anyone, anywhere (see Table 1). The sphere of
in experience awards. knowledge the Mother can draw from increases at each level,
The chosen candidate is made aware by a member Mother extending to other planes at higher levels.
from the local chapter that she has been chosen to join the Hindsight: This ability, which can be used three times per
Maternal Order of Motherhood (M.O.M.). Once day, allows a Mother NPC to sense what’s going on
inducted, the initiate begins training. Mothers not only behind her back but even in another
advance using the same tables as priests. room or outside, down the street, over the

D RAGON 238 9
Shout: The Mother can raise her
voice and be heard clearly by all crea-
tures within a one-half mile radius, three
times per day.
Turn Children: At 1st level, the
Mother can turn children of the same
species, effectively sending them off to
their rooms (Table 2). A turned child is
sent to their room for 1d6 turns or to
bed for the rest of the night; an auto-
matic turning (T) means the child
departs without whining kicking, or
screaming; grounded (G) means the
child cannot leave his room for 1d4
days + 1 day per level of the Mother.

Mother Proficiencies
Mother NPCs may choose four initial
non-weapon proficiencies from the gen-
eral group and learn another proficiency
every four levels thereafter. They can also
choose from the following additional
non-weapon proficiencies. Cooking and
cleaning are considered requisite profi-
ciencies for Mothers and do not count
against the initial number.
Budgeting: A Mother learns how to
pay bills, juggle figures, balance a
checkbook, track finances through any
record, use and manipulate double-
entry finances, and justify refurbishing a
living room instead of buying a fishing
hill, beyond the meadow, in the hay- Mothering: At will, a Mother NPC can Child Rearing: This ability allows a
wain (range is ¼ mile per level). examine one creature per level and find Mother to handle random encounters
Kisses of Healing: When a creature something wrong (attire, hair style, involving children. A Mother has a base
presents a minor injury to a Mother, she cleanliness, attitude, love life, career, chance of 25% plus 5% per level above
kisses it and declares, “It’s all better!” etc.), point it out, divine and exaggerate first to identify the situation and deter-
This charm cures 1d4 hp damage and the consequences at length, and then mine what measure or weapon to use.
dulls the pain. The reverse, kisses of say “I told you so” when these things Identifying the situation does not guar-
smearing covers the child in 1d6 big, actually come to pass. antee that any measures taken are suc-
red, gross kiss marks, which the child Power Word, Middle Name: If the cessful, but they do have a greater like-
must spend the next 2d4 rounds trying Mother knows the middle name of a lihood of success. Additionally, a Mother
to wipe off to the exclusion of all other creature (Table 1), she can summon him gains the ability to change diapers and
activity. before her to give him a piece of her potty train.
Lullaby: A Mother NPC can calm any mind, once per day. If the creature fails Cleaning: This proficiency grants
upset child with the lullaby (children its save vs. spells at -4, it appears before Mothers two skills: Find/Remove stains
older than eight years old are granted a her and must bear the wrath of the and Clean/Straighten. To remove a stain
saving throw). The Mother NPC need avenging Mother. Afterward, the crea- from a garment or item, a Mother must
only start humming a few strains to ture must perform some domestic ser- first Find (identify) the unknown stain(s),
catch the attention of any child within vice “to build character.” Creatures who with a base chance of 29% plus 4% per
hearing, silencing the child as she sings successfully save evade the call but risk level. An identified stain can be removed
softly for 3d4 rounds. At the end of the angering the Mother further. When used without harming the affected material. If a
lullaby, the Mother may choose to have with berate, the effects are doubled. Mother attempts to remove an unidentifi-
the children fall asleep and wake 1d8 Spittle of Cleansing: This extraordi- able stain, there is a 20% chance, minus
hours later, refreshed and cheerful, or nary and unusual ability allows a Mother 1% per level, that the stain sets and
remain awake, quiet, and in an agree- to clean the face of one child at will, dis- becomes permanent. Mothers are also
able mood for the same duration. The solving any dirt, blood, mud, tar, ecto- able to clean and straighten a room in a
reverse of this ability upsets all children plasm, or similar substance. A Mother matter of rounds, a house in turns, and a
within hearing, causing them to erupt dabs a bit of cloth repeatedly to her castle, labyrinth, or child’s closet in a few
into fits of screaming and bad temper tongue and scrubs the face of one crea- hours. The room(s) becomes pristine: win-
for 4d10 rounds, unless soothed by a ture. This ability also makes everyone dows sparkle, books are dusted, and flow-
counter lullaby. witnessing this display slightly nauseous. ers are placed strategically to brighten up

10 AUGUST 1997
the interior. In the course of cleaning a Table 1: Mother NPC Abilities
Mother may find something worthy of the
gossip & rumor mill (25%), an item previ- Detect Find Know Know1,2
Level Title Lie Stain Rumor Name
ously lost for ages (100%), or something 1 Mater 25% 33% 50% relatives
nostalgic that delays cleaning for 1d6 2 Madre 30% 37% 53% 33% of town
3 Mutter 35% 41% 57% 66% of town
turns (50%), if not halting cleaning alto- 4 Mere 40% 45% 60% 33% of region
gether (1% cumulative chance per nostal- 5 Om 45% 49% 63% 66% of region
6 Bonda 50% 53% 66% 33% of race
gic item found). 7 Mor 55% 57% 69% 66% of race
When cleaning, Mothers may ran- 8 Mother 60% 61% 72% 25% of world
9 Abuela 65% 65% 75% 50% of world
domly suffer a wild purge. A simple 10 Oocho 70% 69% 78% 75% of world
straightening of the throw pillows on a 11 Babushka 75% 73% 81% 10% of plane
12 Eldrama 80% 77% 84% 33% of plane
sofa can erupt into a housewide flurry of 13 Jaddah 85% 81% 90% 57% of plane
feather dusters, mops, and brooms. 14 Nenda 90% 85% 93% 75% of plane
15 Grandmother 94% 89% 96% 90% of plane
Walls are whitewashed or replastered, 16 Great-Grandmother 96% 93% 97% 2 planes
floors are scrubbed, and entire rooms 17 Great-Grandmother 98% 97% 98% 3 planes
18 Great-Grandmother 99% 99% 99% 4 planes
are suddenly rearranged. Wild purges
have a 2% chance of occurring normally 1. Includes 100% knowledge of areas under current level.
(modified by +10% if the weather is nice 2. Separate checks must be made to know middle names.

or by +25% if a child has gone away on

example, letting out a girdle of giant (each heals 1d8 hp damage); elixirs of fruit-
vacation) and last for 3d8 hours. There
strength for the paladin who’s put on a flavored medicines, junk drawers of holding,
is a 10% probability that items of value
little weight). mustard plasters of elemental fire, pot holders
are lost during the wild purge.
Shopping: A Mother learns how to of fire protection, spoons of accurate mea-
Cooking: This proficiency grants
shop for the best buys from ordinary surement, spoons of medicine, ultimate deter-
Mothers the ability to wield recipes and
goods to rare items, how to haggle with gent, and vapor rubs of choking and stinking.
create meals. A 1st-level Mother is pro-
merchants, how to power shop for a
vided with a cookbook and a few 1st-
level recipes. A Mother memorizes
number of hours equal to their The Grandmother NPC
Constitution score, and how to detect Before completing 8th level, the
recipes in the same manner as a wizard
the worth of goods to determine if the Mother NPC may be nominated by her
memorizes spells. Unlike wizards and
items are overpriced. If a Mother sees a chapter to become a Grandmother. A
priests, Mothers may cast recipes from
sale, she must make a saving throw vs. review committee considers the candi-
their cookbooks without penalty,
petrification at -4 or she succumbs to an date’s status, background, progress, and
although there is a 5% chance of stain-
impulsive buying spree. achievements in service of Motherhood.
ing the recipe while cooking, thus ren-
The following unique magical items Then, if the candidate can host her
dering 1d4 ingredients illegible. A recipe
are available to Mothers through their review committee for three days, prepar-
wielded without prior memorization has
order: aprons of protection (+1 vs. fire, +2 ing all meals from scratch, the nomina-
a 50% chance, reduced -1% per level of
vs. nonmagical stains, +3 vs. children, +4 tion is then put to the local M.O.M. chap-
the Mother, of ruining the food.
vs. pets, +5 vs. spitup), brooms of sweeping ter for approval. If a Mother does not
First-level recipes are easy to prepare,
(+1 vs. nonmagical dirt, +2 vs. dust bun- achieve Grandmotherhood, she remains
require simple material ingredients, and
nies, +3 vs. toys, +4 vs. pets, +5 vs. at her current level until she is able to
provide a basic taste and nutritional
unwashed laundry), Bucknard’s everfull toy adequately host a dinner party. Upon
value. Higher-level recipes grow more
chest, Bucknard’s mother‘s everfull milk bot- attaining Grandmotherhood, additional
exotic in taste and nutritional benefits,
tle, chicken soup of healing and cured ham spell-like powers are conferred.
and they require greater preparation
times and rare ingredients. Magical items
such as pouches of dried grains, instant Table 2: Mother Turning Children
brown puddings and gelatinous cubes,
Mikor Waifs magnificent oven, Githyanki Age of Level of Mother
Child 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91
knives of vorpal sharpness, and the venera- less than 2 10 7 4 T T G G G G
ble Bede Kraahger’s Cookbook of Arcane 2 13 10 7 T T G G G G
3-4 16 13 10 4 T T G G G
Recipes are boons for Mothers. As they 5-6 19 16 13 7 4 T T G G
become more experienced, Mothers can 7-8 20 19 16 13 7 4 T T G
9-10 - 20 19 16 13 7 4 T T
research new recipes for magical pot 10-12 - - 20 19 16 13 7 4 T
roasts and multi-course dinner parties. Teenager2 - - - - - - - - 20
Seamstress/Tailor: This standard 20-21
nonweapon proficiency has been per- 30-49 - - - 20 19 16 13 7 4
fected by Mothers. This version confers 50-69 3 19 16 13 7 4 T T G G
70+3 4 T T G G G G G G
the knowledge necessary for creating,
mending, and adjusting garments for 1. Progression continues beyond 9th level.
2. Teenagers are a special age group that are impossibly hard to get to do anything let alone going to their
any creature. A Mother knows how to rooms.
repair clothes slashed to ribbons in 3. This applies only to the senile. Crabby old codgers who won’t take lip from anyone certainly won’t take
it from a Mother.
sword fights, how to make costumes for
priest-school plays, and even how to Creatures of other species are affected as if the Mother were one level lower; extraplanar creatures are
hem and fit magical garments (for affected as if the Mother were two levels lower.

D RAGON 238 11
leaves of soothing, of healing, and of div-
ination, and teapots for summoning hot
water elementals.

The Great-Grandmother NPC

Before completing 16th level, a
Grandmother receives a social call from
a group of her peers who stay as her
guests and enjoy her hospitality for a
week. If food, drink, social graces, and
gossip are abundant and exemplary, the
Grandmother may then become a
Great-Grandmother. Otherwise she must
remain at her present level until she is
able to prove her social goodwill.
Upon attaining 16th level, a Mother
immediately relocates to an unknown
area to lead a hermits life, rarely to be
heard or seen from again. This con-
tributes to the popular misconception
that Great-Grandmothers do not exist,
which is of course patently false. They
do exist; most people have simply not
been told of them. Great-Grandmothers
build up an immense collection of mem-
orabilia which, since these objects were
things they collected when they were
younger, are now regarded as antiques.
Great-Grandmothers also do not speak
the current form of common; their
grammar is so archaic that it is no longer
comprehensible. Interpretation must be
provided by an attendant Grandmother
Charm Creature: Once a day, a Protection from Cleaning Purges: or a comprehend languages spell. Great-
Grandmother can favor a target creature Grandmothers never suffer from wild Grandmotherhood confers these addi-
with an endearing smile. If the creature purges as they are meticulously neat tional abilities.
fails its save vs. spell, it dotes on the and tidy. Arcane Gossip/Rumor: This power
Grandmother for the next 24 hours. Once the Mother becomes a grants knowledge of all rumors, news,
Note that after the charm wears off, the Grandmother, she usually settles down and social, political, and metaphysical
affected creature feels no ill will toward in a quaint little house some distance events in the world, such as the last time
the Grandmother. from her relatives (over rivers, through the drow and other elves had charitable
Divine Favorite: Allows a Grand- woods, in wolf-infested countrysides, things to say of one another. This infor-
mother to divine the favorite food, etc.). A Grandmother refrains from trav- mation is always whispered, generally
drink, or item of one creature, once per eling and attracts 1d8 Mothers who set- over watercress sandwiches and tea.
day. Divining food or drink in this man- tle nearby to attend to her needs. Bestow Present: This ability allows a
ner allows the Grandmother to prepare Nevertheless she still has access to the Great-Grandmother to confer anony-
it to the creature’s liking; divining Gossip & Rumor Mill — news of births, mous gifts to their favorite relatives in the
objects yields the location of a favorite weddings, affairs, illness, and deaths form of magical items, large quantities of
object, which has a percentage chance come to her by her attendants, visiting gold or platinum, or handwritten notes
equal to the Grandmothers level of relatives, and local delivery boys. temporarily excusing someone from the
experience of actually being in her However, when propriety demands a experience needed to attain the next
possession. social call, the Grandmother can per- experience level (the creature is treated
Gaze Attack: Three times per day, a suade others to provide transportation as having obtained the needed experi-
Grandmother can sternly gaze at any for her. ence). These presents can be received
creature, reducing them to a childlike Additional magical items available to only once in a creature’s lifetime.
persona for 2d6 rounds. Grandmothers are: Bucknard’s Grand- Know Family: Great-Grandmothers
Immunity to Backstabbing: Who mother’s everfull candy dish, kettles of have an exacting knowledge of family
would backstab a Grandmother? hot tea and hot chocolate, knitting needles lineage with the most current information
Pampering: This ability gives a of accuracy, patchwork quilts of protection on remote and forgotten family mem-
Grandmother license to pamper and (+1 to +5, cast color spray in the form bers. A complete recitation of the family
spoil children of other parents or Mother of quilt patterns once a day), rocking tree takes a number of days equal to the
NPCs with impunity. chariots of Sustarre, shawls of comfort, tea level of the Great-Grandmother +1d4.

12 A UGUST 1997
Protection from Cleaning Urges: This Table 3: Fairy Godmother Levels
power grants protection from any
Experience Level1 Hit Die (d4) Title
impulse to clean. 0 16 1 Godmother Initiate
Protection from Scrying: This ability 500,000 17 2 Godmother Adept
1,000,000 18 3 Godmother Sister
confers proof from detection through 1,500,000 19 4 Godmother Superior
any magical means, spells, or devices, 2,000,000 20 5 Demi Godmother
short of supernatural agents unless the 2,500,OOO 21 6 Lesser Godmother
3,000,000 22 7 Greater Godmother
Great-Grandmother wishes to be found. 3,500,000 23 8 Fairy Godmother
Regenerative Sleep: A Great- 500,000 for every 24 9 Fairy Godmother 23rd level
level above 22nd 25 10 Fairy Godmother 24th level
Grandmother regenerates hit points by
sleeping, recovering 2 points per turn; as 1. Indicates corresponding wizard level for spells.
a consequence, Great-Grandmothers
lapse into a regenerative sleep when- trodden little girls to live happily ever Tales from the Crib
ever needed, especially in the middle of after and so on. Once accepted, the Fairy Recent rumors also indicate the exis-
an intense conversation. Godmother wears pastel-colored cloth- tence of another echelon of Mother
Timelessness: a Great-Grandmother ing, gains a wand for polymorphing any- NPCs, known only as Anti-Mothers or
radiates an aura of serenity and time- thing into anything else (works only for the Step-Mothers. They are rumored to be a
lessness; all actions within her house are Fairy Godmother, creates glitterdust with branch of evil Mother NPCs who seek to
slowed to one round equals one turn all functions), and the following abilities: cause children endless mischief and
(healing and spell recovery occur at nor- Borrow Magic: Once per day, a Fairy slander the name of M.O.M. Mother
mal rate). All who are affected remain Godmother can “borrow” magic from NPCs rarely speak of Anti-Mothers and
acutely aware of the change. Thus it not other sources in order to cast a spell she never invite them to play bridge; all
only feels like time is dragging by, it knows but has not memorized. The Fairy other information is hidden in the chap-
actually is. Godmother sings a rhyming, nonsensical terhouses of M.O.M. It is hoped more
Once the Great-Grandmother has little song that invariably appeals to will be discovered about this evil sect
resettled, she sets out a tin of milk and small children. All borrowed magic and what they are capable of doing.
attracts 4d8 cats. These cats are not returns to its original sources at the end
familiars, but they remain in her of a specified time, although some per- Mother NPC
company and follow her from room to manent, physical trace of the spell cast Spell-like Abilities
room, occupying any furniture, window by the Fairy Godmother remains (usually
sill, lap, or other horizontal surface. Great- in the form of footwear). Change Diaper
Grandmothers have all sorts of magical Fairy Powers: Fly, teleport without error, (Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning)
items lying around their houses collecting enlarge/reduce, haste, invisible at will. Level: 1
dust, although rarely are these items use- Immunity to Poison: Fairy God- Range: Touch
ful, charged, or both. A typical Great- mothers have an automatic save vs. poi- Duration: Instantaneous
Grandmother’s home may include the son, including instantly fatal types. A Area of effect: One infant per level
following: Bucknard’s Great-grandmother’s successful saving throw allows a Fairy Components: V, S, M
everfull jars of mint ochre jelly, crushed sprigs Godmother to turn and give the perpe- Casting Time: 1 round
of eternal hope, lace doilies of protection, trator a good smack on the wrist or poly- Saving Throw: None
Rary’s first spellbook (with illustrations on morph other; otherwise the Fairy With this spell, the Mother NPC can
every other page), Heward’s magnificent Godmother takes a quick catnap, giving change one infant with fouled diapers for
toy piano, live cockatrice feather dusters, her a well-deserved rest for 1d6 rounds each level of experience. The Mother NPC
naga-hide recliners, marzipan and ginger- while the poison wears off. grimaces and says “Phewww!” or “Oh!” or
bread figurines of wondrous taste, stinking Longevity: Fairy Godmothers gain something similar while sprinkling the tar-
cloud mothballs, and Vecna’s dentures. longevity equal to their level in decades get infant with talcum powder. The diaper
(16th level = 160 years). is automatically cleaned and re-scented,
The Fairy Godmother NPC Fairy Godmothers trade their cook- any excrement is disposed of in the near-
Upon reaching 16th level, a books for actual spellbooks, which are est dung heap, and the infant’s skin is
Grandmother may decide not to become replete with all the spell levels that their oiled and powdered dry.
a Great-Grandmother and may choose Intelligence and level of experience
instead to join the magic-using chapter of allows. They are permitted to use spells Detect Worth
the Mother order, the Fairy Godmother to teach lessons or to make mischief (Divination)
subclass. To be eligible for this, a (such as polymorphing someone into a Level: 2
Grandmother must be of good alignment, frog). If a Fairy Godmother causes per- Range: Touch
possess a minimum Intelligence of 16, manent injury or death that cannot be Duration: 1 round/level
and be willing to drop all previously justified through good triumphing over Area of effect: One object (or creature)
gained experience, although all previously evil or someone living happily after, the per round
gained abilities and hit points are Godmother is stripped of her status, abil- Components: V, S, M
retained (Table 3). ities, and experience as a Fairy God- Casting Time: 1 round
Further review is required by the mother; furthermore, she is reduced to a Saving Throw: Special
chapter of Fairy Godmothers before beginning 15th-level Grandmother and When a Mother employs this ability,
admittance is allowed, making certain is forever banished from the Fairy she is able to determine the actual worth
the candidate has helped nice, down- Godmother subclass. of one item per level of experience each

D RAGON 238 13
round. If the ability is applied to living or higher) and must immediately appear Components: V, S
dead creatures, their actual worth or before the Mother performing the sum- Casting Time: Special
potential in life shall be known, as well moning. The creature will automatically Saving Throw: None
as whether that potential has been real- be submissive and obedient; protective When a Fairy Godmother uses this
ized. A saving throw is allowed for live circles are not required. The Mother NPC ability, she draws magic from other mag-
creatures, a successful save vs. spells may then upbraid and harangue the ical sources all around her, including
canceling the entire spell. A Mother must creature for the duration of the spell, functioning spells, magic items (dormant
take the item or creature’s head in hand asking it, for example, what it uses its or operational), and artifacts. The amount
and peer at it in intense scrutiny while head for other than as a hat rack. At the of spell levels or charges drawn is equal
“hmphing or “um-huming (the material end of the spell, the Mother may compel to the level of the spell the Fairy
components are not consumed in the the creature (e.g., a geas) to show some Godmother intends to cast. The affected
casting). improvement in behavior or perform objects or spells temporarily cease func-
some domestic service “to build charac- tioning or are drained of the charges until
Power Word, Middle Name ter” before being released from her some specified time, for instance mid-
(Conjuration/Summoning) scrutiny. The service lasts the number of night of the same day, when the borrow
Level: 5 hours it takes to regenerate half of the magic spell expires. All borrowed magic
Range: Hearing range creature’s ego points (5% per hour). returns to the sources which resume func-
Duration: 1d10 rounds Should the creature make its initial save, tioning or regain their charges as if noth-
Area of Effect: One creature no damage is taken and the call may be ing had happened. The verbal compo-
Components: V ignored, although this only makes the nent must be sung in the form of a
Casting Time: 1 segment Mother angrier and reduces the crea- rhyming, catchy tune; afterwards the
Saving Throw: Negates ture’s save by -2 to every successive spell inexplicably leaves behind some
When power word, middle name is summoning. Creatures with magic resis- permanent aspect as evidence.
cast, a Mother recites the creature’s full tance will discover that it doesn’t save
name, including the middle name. The them from their own Mothers.
summoned creature is filled with a sense
of dread and must save vs. dragon Borrow Magic
breath at -4. If the creature fails the (Alteration, Evocation/Invocation) Although the author plays a mage in the
save, it loses 25% + 5% per level of the Level: 9 GREYHAWK® setting, he is currently working
summoning Mother of its ego points in Range: Unlimited on a non-weapon proficiency in art history
crushing damage (ego points are equal Duration: Special to battle the Old Masters, medieval manu-
to Intelligence or Charisma, whichever is Area of Effect: Special scripts, and his thesis review committee.
16 AUGUST 1997
Ancient Adversaries in Your Campaign

ust like player characters (PCs), the best villains seem to be History, the Starting Point
magnets for trouble and have exciting, dangerous lives. Any creature older than most countries likely has a rich and
How much more so those that live for hundreds of years colorful history. When describing the villain’s history, the DM
and see tremendous changes in politics, religion, magic, learn- should check his campaign record for existing historical events
ing, art, and possibly even geography? Too often, a Dungeon and decide which of these the villain was around to witness.
Master (DM) allows PCs to bump blithely into a creature that, Then the DM can decide, on the villain’s role, if any. He may
has lived for 500, 600, or 1,000 years or more; then present have been a bystander, a champion, or even a victim of politi-
this villain with no more depth than any other wandering mon- cal upheaval, magical destruction; natural disaster, or a new
ster. Long-lived villains should have a background as full and religion. Perhaps the lich was one of the Suel wizards who
detailed as the most successful of PCs. brought about the Invoked Devastation on Oerth, or maybe the
This is not to say, however, that the DM must spend hours DM’s stone giant villain witnessed the break of Thay from dis-
creating every hag, giant, fiend, or lich that encounters his PCs. integrating Mulhorand. If the DM uses his own world, having a
After all, not every creature with the potential to live over 500 record of major historical events helps give a little background.
years is encountered at that age. Most are met (and often These events all have some impact on the old villain’s life (or
killed) well before they reach such venerability. Those met only undeath) and may seriously affect his outlook or behavior.
briefly, however, may have more ability than indicated by the After the effect of these major events, minor events can be
MONSTROUS MANUAL™ tome description, and those who are major added to flesh out the character even more. These are local
figures in the DM’s world should have much more behind them l events, like the founding of a minor city, a marriage of gentry,
than a mere list of statistics. the establishment of a temple, or building a dam. These also
include personal events that had a major influence on the vil-
Ancient Villains lain. The death of a loved one, a serious defeat, or great dis-
To start with, an ancient villain should have the potential for covery. An elven vampire from the RAVENLOFT® setting may
long life — at least 500 years. Hags, rakshasas, dark elves, cer- have once been so beloved a champion that he was given a
tain giants, and intelligent undead all have the ability to survive rare suit of magical elven chainmail. After he turned to evil, he
at least that long. Some creatures, such as fiends, may poten- had to flee his home to escape the bands of warrior/wizards
tially live forever. Other monsters do not have their lifespan who came to reclaim their prize. Subsequently, as a domain
clearly delineanated in the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome, but there is lord, he may forbid all elves from entering his lands. This may
no reason to assume that they necessarily have short lives. make things difficult for elven PCs.
These include yuan-ti, nagas, and aboleths. Curiously, dragons As part of the ancient villains history, the DM must include
are not included in any of these examples because they are where he has been, as well as when he has been there. If the
assumed to enter their last stage of life at a mere 400 years. DM wishes for a hag to have had a major part in two events
Their inclusion is up to the DM, of course. If he wishes, dragons that were 2,000 miles apart, then she will have had to travel
can be immortal, assuming that they “ripen” at about 400 and from one to another somehow. And along the way, she had
have many years of vigor left to them. Like everything else, it is the opportunity to learn languages, proficiencies, meet possi-
the DM’s discretion that determines how much of these guide- ble allies and enemies, engage in trade, learn of new spells and
lines may be applied to those slightly younger villains who play magical items, and quite possibly improve her tactical skills
a major part in his campaign world. through combat. If the PCs can do it, the villains can, too.
Another major criterion is that the creature singled out for The history of an ancient villain may be the most important
detail must be an important figure with whom the PCs will part of his character. This may determine what motivates him,
interact. The DM should never spend a great deal of time how he tends to react to events, his fears and desires. It gives
detailing minor figures that the PCs meet only the DM some insight as to which skills his ancient
briefly. His attention is better directed at other villain may have. The Complete Book of Villains
parts of the campaign. gives excellent advice on how to flesh

D RAGON 238 17
out the villain’s personality. Although which she uses to bait a trap. The other methods that evil-aligned creatures use
usually only a little of this may be items are potentially useful: a rope of to obtain loyalty differ from the meth-
learned by the players, this information constriction, a brooch of shielding, and a ods of good-aligned creatures, but they
can aid immeasurably in role-playing necklace of missiles, for example. can still be effective.
the ancient NPC, making him unique These items need little work on the At the very bottom tier of the ancient
and memorable to the players and their DM’s part. In the case of the necklace, character’s retinue are slaves and
characters. the hag would simply make sure that charmed victims. These are unwilling fol-
she uses it above ground. The rope lowers who probably revolt if given the
Wealth would probably not be used if her ogre opportunity and some hope of success.
Over many years, a villain accumu- allies were in close contact with the For this reason, they are given menial
lates a choice selection of treasures. He enemy. In some cases, however, an item jobs and little or no trust. They have
may have had to flee from enemies sev- is so powerful or so uniquely affects the close supervision, and their failures are
eral times over the centuries, but most ancient villain’s powers that its use must acted upon immediately. Most ancient
likely he has had a chance to grab a few be taken into consideration from the monsters have at least one or two
items of low weight and high value. start. If the hag discovered a deck of slaves, but drow have as many as they
When met by the PCs, however, the many things and drew the Throne (rais- can keep. Giants tend to have a small
ancient villain probably is near the com- ing her Charisma to 18 and granting her group of slaves, and fiends may even
pletion of his plans and has collected a a keep), the circumstances of her have lesser fiends to serve them. Nagas
tidy sum of wealth. This wealth is not encounter with the PCs would be altered and certain fiends keep charmed fol-
likely to be in coin, because vulgar accu- considerably. Naturally, as time goes by, lowers, as do vampires and many spell-
mulation of cash is hardly sufficient the selection of magical items, while not casters with the appropriate spells.
motivation for an evil creature that must necessarily growing until it looks like a Followers who are loyal of their own
be thwarted by heroes. Most likely, the shopping list, is increasingly useful and choice usually have magical items if it is
villain has a small, portable cache made appropriate. possible for their master to acquire them.
up of gems, jewelry, and some coins for Any rakshasa, ever wary of crossbow Naturally, the master saves the best for
quick spending. bolts, does whatever possible to avoid himself, but he gives lesser items to
Instead of gold and silver, valuable missile weapons. Gloves of missile snaring those followers who can best use them.
tools and equipment are the order of the take on new importance. A cloak of dis- When it comes to normal equipment,
day. Servants must have good equip- placement would be invaluable. Consider loyal followers tend to have the best that
ment to help in their job. Previously a spellcaster who creates a magical staff gold can buy. Armor, weapons, and
gained treasure has been traded or spent that, although it has no magical bonuses, steeds are the best quality available.
on services, equipment, or magical items. allows the user to extend his spells deliv- Such gifts are a cheap price to pay for
Instead of the 20,000 gold pieces that ered by touch through the weapon, continued loyalty. Willing followers are
may be indicated by a treasure type thereby negating the terrible penalties an aware of their master’s wishes and
description, the villain may have had a unarmed attacker suffers for attacking an endeavor to live up to his expectations.
secret passage dug, a curse removed armed opponent. He’s thinking cause light They are alert, follow directions to the
from a lieutenant, explosive runes cast on wounds and shocking grasp. The vampire best of their ability and intelligence, and
a scroll, or perhaps he bribed officials in that takes it from him is thinking differ- fight fiercely to protect his interests.
high places. ently. The DM is advised to consider the Ancient villains also typically have
The villain may have a false treasure villain’s natural strengths and weak- allies of varying degrees. Some share
room filled with false guards and enough nesses carefully when deciding which identical goals, while others have ambi-
treasure to convince intruders that they magical items the creature is given, and tions that only marginally coincide with
have found the real thing. A key point is to consider how it will affect his tactics, the ancient villain’s. A rakshasa slaver
that the false treasure consists of coins aggressiveness, and even surroundings. might know a mind flayer to whom he
and lesser jewelry, so thieves are heavily had sold slaves on occasion. In return
burdened as they are pursued. Allies, Followers, and Slaves for a couple of choice elves, some tough
The most important kind of wealth — Loyal followers are the most valuable dwarves, and a brilliant gnome, the
magical items — is a special considera- “possessions” these villains can have. mind flayer might provide the rakshasa
tion. Consider a greenhag who has lived Undoubtedly, a betrayal at some point with some adamantite from the
nearly a full life of 10 centuries. If she in the past has cost our ancient villain a Underdark, release the rakshasa’s wild
engages in combat only once a year great deal. Certainly, magical items are talent, or use his psionic powers to take
(and survives each ordeal), she has helpful, but these can be found, stolen, the rakshasa to another place or plane.
defeated close to a thousand enemies. If bartered for, or made. Followers, on the One loyal servant very important to a
only a handful carried magical items, other hand, must (in most cases) be monstrous villain is a human or a human-
she still has probably more than she can courted, recruited, and trained. They appearing creature who can interact with
carry. Undoubtedly, most are consum- represent a great investment in time and human society. Humans have (in most
ables — potions, scrolls, and one-shot energy. They are allowed or encouraged worlds) the largest centers of population,
items. Some are cursed and give her to grow powerful in order to serve bet- and much trade goes through their hands.
more trouble than their previous owner. ter, but they are watched carefully to see They also have powerful magic and many
Some can’t be used and are traded or that they do not gain enough power to humans can be found who are willing to
given away. She gives the leather armor become a threat to their master. This is deal with evil creatures or who don’t care
+1 to a wood elf she is trying to corrupt. not to say that these villains are kind about good or evil.
The crossbow bolts are traded for gold, and benevolent to their minions. The

18 AUGUST 1997
General Tactics This situation can be integrated into an more of humans are almost certainly
Eventually, persistent PCs should cor- adventure that has already been played magical. They may have been custom
ner even the wiliest of opponents and by linking an adversary the party has made and not usable by others. They
force them into what the players hope defeated In the past to our villain. The may have special properties or custom
will be a final battle. They will not be the PCs may disrupt a slavers henchman’s enchantments. it is easy to imagine a
first to do so. Given the myriad out- smuggling operation, unwittingly kill an dark elf with a short sword +3, but if the
comes of combat and the infinite possi- NPC who happened to be a major con- sword also has protection from law (simi-
bilities added by magic, even the might- tributor to a cultist, or arrest the warlord’s lar to protection from good), it may con-
iest fall if they take their chance on the chief recruiter. In this way, the villain can fuse and confound the drow’s enemies.
battlefield off en enough. have an edge on the PCs because sur- The ancient villain’s skill level varies
Avoidance of unnecessary combat, vivors of this previous adventure can with class, race, personality, and age.
therefore, becomes a primary goal of provide the villain with descriptions and Those that belong to the Fighter class or
our ancient enemy. Some fighting may maybe the names of the PCs. Since the that have few magical abilities (drow,
be unavoidable, and some may be the villain has a long list of enemies of some vampires, mummies or giants) are
very purpose of our enemy’s existence. greater importance, the PCs aren’t likely most likely to be specialists, masters (see
A mummy may be on a quest to track to be noticed at first. This earlier adven- the PLAYER’S OPTION™: Combat & Tactics
down the last defilers of his masters ture can then lead to another adventure rules), or even more skilled combatants.
tomb, or a giant may wish to destroy a involving the villain’s own plans. Those with magical abilities use them
dwarven enclave too near his personal Since the ancient villain is more con- more frequently than melee combat and
gemstone mine. cerned with surviving than with a quick so have not developed fighting skills to
Unnecessary combat, however, is del- victory, he is most likely to flee an initial the extreme of their non-magical coun-
egated to those capable servants, allies, encounter with the PCs, as already men- terparts. Liches, ghosts, and rakshasas
or others who excel in it. Slaves and tioned. His capable lieutenants are left do not rely heavily on physical skill to
charmed victims are used as shock behind to deal with the meddlers. And, overwhelm their enemies.
troops. Loyal followers are held back to depending on the DM’s intention, the Many of these monsters may special-
throw into the battle at a crucial PCs’ actions!, and possibly chance, this ize in unarmed combat, either by personal
moment, or they might be allowed to situation could result in victory for either preference or to capitalize on their innate
use special abilities to remove a particu- party. In either case, the villain now deadly touch. A mummy who is a high
larly potent foe. Allies are watched takes direct notice of the PCs and should master of wrestling would overwhelm vir-
intently, because their loyalty is never make some accommodation for their tually any single foe. He would seek to
entirely assured. Their powers, though, next meeting. If the PCs were unsuccess- come to terms on the outcome of a duel,
probably far outmatch any followers, ful in stopping his plans, the villain takes confident in his ability to defeat any mor-
and they can be a deciding factor in moderate action. Victorious PCs have tal. A vampire with multiple attacks due to
many fights if employed properly. cost him a great deal, and he is sure to specialization could quickly weaken an
At least one escape route is available take them into consideration from the entire adventuring party. Others, like abo-
to an ancient villain at all times. This beginning when he starts over. The leth or nagas, have no arms and so may
might be a mundane path, like a chute ancient villain has a long memory and develop new attack forms. The aboleth
that takes the villain to a stable of fine will not appreciate a subsequent meet- may use his tentacles to steal weapons
horses, or it could be magical, like a fly- ing with those who have defied him in from his enemies or uncork a potion bot-
ing carpet on a tower roof. As in every- past. Any more interruptions by the tle. The naga may entwine about one
thing else, the ancient villain’s natural same group of PCs undoubtedly con- enemy, bite another, and use her tail to
strengths and weaknesses must be vinces the villain that removing them is trip a third.
taken into consideration. Undead can vital to completing his plans. The DM should be sparing with how
travel underwater, since this is often dif- he doles out skill levels, but older ene-
ficult for other creatures but doesn’t Personal Combat mies have already proven that they
harm the non-breathing undead at all. When the ancient villain is forced have something their dead contempo-
Fiends may be able to teleport away or into personal combat, his exact moves raries lack, so the skill of those that still
cover retreat with pyrotechnics. are dictated by alignment, personality, live should be higher than average.
An ancient villain’s escape route is and abilities. One thing remains con- Thus, those ancient enemies mentioned
also protected. Besides the standard mag- stant: The ancient villain makes full use here should have a slightly greater
ical defenses (glyphs of warding, fire traps, of all of his unique abilities, including occurrence of specialization (and greater
etc.) cunning and deceit are used enthusi- physical attacks, inherent abilities, prowess) than other, younger, monsters.
astically. One of the horses in the stable spells, and magical items. Giants may The determining factor, as always, is the
might be a nightmare, waiting for pur- have huge chasms separating rooms in effect on the DM’s campaign. If the vil-
suers to try to mount it. in similar fashion, their stronghold — a small leap for the lain is the finale for a single adventuring
there may be a rug of smothering beside giant, but a major obstacle for man- session, he should probably not have
the flying carpet on the tower roof. sized creatures. Fiends and undead tend more than one level of specialization. If
to maintain an inhospitable atmosphere he is a major villain or the major cam-
in their lairs that makes simple survival paign villain, high mastery or grand
The Sequel difficult for beings without their particu- mastery is certainly appropriate.
Keeping the escape contingency in lar immunities. Knowledge and tactics are also
mind, ancient villains become ideal for a The weapons, if any are used, of a important. There are factors besides
recurring villain who plagues the PCs. foe who has seen 20 generations or THAC0 and hit points in a battle, and the

D RAGON 238 19
older enemies are aware of this fact. may acquire if they defeat the villain. If an ancient villain has the ability to
Those with infravision or the blind-fight- The DM is advised that psionics work do so, some time and effort might have
ing proficiency might prefer to fight in best with creatures without access to been spent customizing his spell selec-
the dark. strong magic or combat ability. The DM tion. To the DM this means that he can
Considering the age and experiences may decide that specialization is not select spells from other sources, like the
of some of these monsters, the DM appropriate for his ancient villain and Oriental Adventures, AL-QADIM® setting,
should be liberal in allowing special pro- allow him to learn the psionic devotion Drow of the Underdark, or even the
ficiencies as mentioned in the Combat & accelerate to give him a combat bonus SPELLJAMMER® campaign sourcebooks,
Tactics book. Wouldn’t it be a treat for in a tight spot. If a smaller degree of whichever and whatever is appropriate
the players to meet a monster for whom “boost” is needed, the DM may allow given the monsters history. These can
humans are a “species enemy” and graft weapon or displacement. be used to augment those spells in the
attacks with at +4 bonus! An ancient Player’s Handbook or may take prece-
rakshasa might be the last master of a Innate Abilities dence over the PHB, depending on the
lost style of martial arts that allows for a Many of the monsters capable of exact age and origin of the monster in
free trapping move every round. A giant attaining great age, especially those from question. Fortunately for DM’s, there is
might sometimes use his 18’-long spear other planes, have a number of innate now a full encyclopedia of spells to
to trip up several opponents and then abilities that they can use as well as choose from when creating unique spell
attack them while prone. The possibili- humans can use speech. With this in lists for NPCs.
ties are limitless. mind, the DM should allow them to make Spells that are available to wizards or
DMs looking for a table to determine the, best use of such abilities. A fiend who creatures with the innate ability to cast
how many proficiencies villains should can use pyrotechnics for example, can spells will be used by ancient villains.
have based on age will be disappointed. make it a point to keep an open flame Doors to their lairs are likely wizard
There is none. Instead, this should be nearby. Creatures who can charm by gaze locked and/or fire trapped. Explosive runes,
based on the history of the villain and his or touch might constantly make the sepia snake sigils, permanent illusions,
importance in the campaign. If the DM is attempt, even if they do not actively exer- magic mouths, and other permanent
still at a loss, compare the Hit Dice of the cise control over the victim. Those who spells will be present. Spells from
monster to the same level of whatever can change self, polymorph self or use illu- sources other than the PHB are probably
class is appropriate (fighters for most) sion to disguise their appearance could also used to protect the person or prop-
and compare to a player character of the have a well-developed alter ego, com- erty of the ancient spellcaster. The spell
same level and add one proficiency plete with cover skills and personality. A books of an ancient villain are nearly
(alternate weapon/nonweapon) for covey of hags, with the ability to animate impossible for PCs to find, but they can
every 50 years or so, not counting inac- dead, might have dozens of skeletons in be quite a coup if captured. They may
tive time for undead. Don’t forget to add the area around their swampy home. be hidden on other planes, sequestered,
extra proficiencies for high Intelligence. One of the hags always keeps a mind covered by illusion, or in a form that is
blank active, since it has a duration of 24 difficult to identify. Perhaps the PCs,
Psionics hours and can be used once a day. searching a half-buried pyramid, find
A monster that knows it has a long or Extra-planar creatures can always strange hieroglyphics on every wall.
potentially endless lifetime is willing to gate in help appropriate to their situa- Their spells cannot translate them, and
devote much more time to an invest- tion. Where they are required to be dis- their rogues do not recognize them.
ment for later, return. A lich may con- creet, they might have little help avail- Hundreds of feet later, deep in the cen-
sider 20 years of spell research the same able. Where they don’t care if they ter of the tomb, the party stumbles upon
way that a human views two years at a attract attention, they probably have a stone sarcophagus. The characters
university. In this light, spending a large numbers of gated creatures at ready their Greek fire and prepare to
decade or so attempting to bring out a hand. Normally, although any number attack the inevitable mummy. Their
latent wild talent becomes a viable can be summoned this way, those gated dying realization as the ice storm hits
option. Especially on Athas, psionics can in can rebel or take credit for the task them is that the secret to the lich’s magic
often be a vital edge. Aboleths, yuan-ti, from the summoner, so they are tolerat- was in front of their eyes the entire time.
tanar’ri, and baatezu are the prime can- ed only when absolutely necessary. (This As with the example with the lich, the
didates for psionic ability, but others problem helps explain why two or three DM must keep in mind that these cun-
may have developed a wild talent that fiends haven’t gated in enough of their ning adversaries always look for ways to
can be used to augment or complement peers to completely take over the Prime use their advantages against the mortals
their inherent abilities or skills. A wraith Material Plane already.) that wish to thwart them. Undead love to
with the ability to shadow walk, for use cold-based spells at point-blank
example, would have amazing travel Spell Selection, Research and Use range. Naturally, they also like things like
capabilities. A giant with complete heal- Many of the creatures mentioned poison gas (cloudkill, stinking cloud), flood-
ing could recover from an inconclusive here can cast spells as a standard wiz- ing, and charms that affect enemies but
battle faster than the PCs, returning at ard. These creatures are potentially not them fear, charm, hold spells).
full strength while the PCs are still much more deadly than those who can The DM should always keep in mind
wounded. only use certain innate abilities, because that the experience point reward for
Psionics also have the added benefit they can learn or create new spells, use defeating these ancient monsters should
(from the DM’s point of view) of giving different spells for different purposes; be increased if he adds abilities or gives
the monsters extra abilities without giv- and possibly create their own magical them an extreme situational advantage
ing them magical items that the players items as well. over the PCs. If they have to work much

20 AUGUST 1997
harder to defeat their enemies, they Slavery is often the path of a villain who probably has magical methods of
should be better rewarded as well. has suffered a great defeat at the hands detecting falsehood in effect when
Common attributes which warrant an of a clan or community of a certain race. negotiating with strangers. The slaver
experience point increase for defeating Even a great setback at the hands of a does not necessarily give away the fact
these monsters include high hit points, particular individual may lead a villain that he has identified his enemies. He
Intelligence that affects combat, spell to generalize his anger against an entire may choose to insinuate a “sleeper”
use, magical items usable against the race. agent with any slaves the PCs buy (prob-
party, or any other ability the DM gives These villains live in better conditions ably with the noble intentions of freeing
the monster over and above the stan- than many others, openly displaying the them and getting more intelligence from
dard. But the characters should earn this gulf between their. own excess and the them). An ogre mage, jackalwere, or
extra award. The PCs must use every bit pitiful lack of the slaves. They have a doppleganger can cause chaos among
of vigor, cunning, skill and luck they select few henchmen who they can actu- the party or sow misinformation that
have to defeat the oldest and wisest of ally trust, characters usually motivated by could cause a major strategic error.
their enemies. promises of more gold. Slaver allies usu- Many of the ancient slavers are capable
ally do not have great individual power, of assuming human or demihuman
Archetypes of Villainy and they tend to be few and uncoopera- form themselves. They might have a
While the best villains are always tive. None of these greedy folk wish to lieutenant pose as themselves while the
unique individuals, with a personality add another factor into their split of the slaver boldly enters the party’s camp
and history of their own, certain general profits. Below the henchmen and allies with some of his own freed slaves!
categories are useful to DMs construct- are the enforcers, those who actually Ancient slavers endeavor to outthink
ing a new villain. Here are a few of the stand in the pits with. the slaves and rather than outfight their enemies.
most common. enforce obedience. These are typically Although their great wealth enables
powerful, low-Intelligence humanoids: them to purchase the loyalty of highly
The Slaver bugbears, ogres, even trolls, depending skilled bodyguards, there is no money
Slavers seek to make a profit on the on the power of the leader. to be made in fighting. They may seek
sale of intelligent life, usually humans PCs may try to pose as slave traders to bribe enemies into leaving them
and demihumans. Many slavers also in order to infiltrate the ancient slaver’s alone or even joining the slaver as
take pleasure in the degradation of organization. The ancient slaver has henchmen. Those naive enough to fall
spirit and humiliation of their victims. seen this technique many times and for this old trick are assassinated in their

D RAGON 238 21
sleep unless the slaver can find some on the battlefield. Troops are dispatched causing the PCs to choose between allo-
way to coerce their good behavior. The to find and neutralize Invisible or hidden cating spells for survival or suffering
slaver seeks to maintain loyalty among enemies. If he must enter battle person- damage each round. Similarly, the tem-
his followers somewhere between the ally, the warlord is the ancient villain ple could be kept magically dark, foggy,
“carrot” of plentiful gold and the “stick” most likely to have multiple levels of spe- slippery, or animated. Columns might
of death in the night. cialization or special talents. No penalty reach out and strike unbelievers, missile
Common races found as slavers when attempting a disarm, for example, fire might fall to the ground harmlessly,
include rakshasa, spinagons, abishai, means that the PCs lose their precious magical fire might be diminished in
nabassu, alu-fiends, cambions, hags, magical weapons early in the battle. The effect. The altar or other priestly accou-
yuan-ti, aboleths, nagas, stone giants, ability to behead an opponent on a nat- terments might be magical as well, usu-
and dark elves. Many of these races pre- ural “20” with an axe or two-handed ally bestowing a combat advantage on
fer to use humans and their ilk for their sword might not affect every combat,, the loyal followers who fight within sight
own ends (food, mostly) in addition to but even once might be enough to force of it. A permanent chant might be sung
the benefits to their ego and purse. the survivors to reconsider their motiva- by special magic mouths that come out
tion for staying around. of the walls of the temple.
The Warlord This is a common profession among The weaker followers of the cult are
The warlord is a belligerent individual Villains: rakshasas, stone giants, vam- the first enemies invaders meet. While
who sets his organization up along mili- pires, liches, mummies, dragons, cam- they are thus engaged, the cult’s spell-
tary lines. This villain’s activities focus bions, mariliths, nalfeshnees, amnizu, casters prepare a counter-attack. Blessed
on the assimilation or destruction of cornugons, and drow all have the ability and aided junior priests or allies join the
large areas of land and groups of peo- to become crafty generals. Possibly the battle, throwing unholy water at paladins
ple. He may wish to take over a particu- greatest of all are balors and pit fiends, and priests as they charge. Followers
lar land, race, or geographic area — or who command unimaginable numbers probably employ a rotation system, so
he may aim at nothing less than the of troops in the endless Blood War. that the wounded can be healed and
entire world. If undead, this villain might Fortunately, these vile creatures. spend returned to battle. Fallen foes may be
try to regain the lands he ruled or con- little of their precious time developing animated. Similarly, fallen servants may
trolled when alive. Since villains do not their tactics on the prime material plane. be reincarnated, raised, or even resur-
necessarily declare war or restrict their rected, depending on their value. Innate
attacks to military targets, they are often The Cultist abilities, spells, and granted powers are
thought of as brigands or pirates until Cultists are ancient villains who wish used liberally in battle with the PCs. This
they gain considerable power. to revive or spread a faith with evil tactic both destroys the enemy and
Most warlords do not often enter com- tenets and illegal practices. The leader is impresses the cultist’s followers at the
bat personally. If a party were to infiltrate often a priest of this religion, possibly same time.
the army surrounding him, he would even a hero, as defined in Legends & Contemporary priesthoods are not
assume that it was through subterfuge or Lore. Mummies, vampires, clerical liches, the same as priesthoods from the distant
powerful magic rather than through mili- wraiths, spectres, yuan-ti, and most past, so DMs can be creative when
tary force. His scouts and wizards would fiends with average or higher intelli- assigning new spells and unique and
have detected an army nearby, but gence can fulfill this role. deadly granted powers. The DM has
maybe not a handful of spies. If a party When threatened, a cultist attempt to quite a library to refer to for ideas on cre-
does find its way to the warlord’s pres- converts his enemies first, by persua- ating unique priesthoods: The Complete
ence, he immediately attacks, regardless sion, by force, or by magic. Those who Priests Handbook, Legends & Lore, PLAYER’S
of the circumstances. fail to see things the villain’s way are OPTION™ Skills & Powers.
The enemies are first subjected to an usually considered heretics fit only to be
area-affecting spell, to disrupt spellcast- destroyed. Offensively, the cultist
ers and identify opponents with special demands that his followers use, any
immunities. Those who look like wizards political power they have to imprison,
are showered with missiles, magical assault or harass the offenders. Lloyd Brown III is a gamer from
ones if possible. Warriors have their Merchants who belong to the cult refuse Jacksonville, Florida. He writes in his spare
movement restricted so that they can be services or goods to their enemies, pos- time, and though he can’t claim to have
dealt with individually, by ranged sibly accusing them of theft or assault. penned the Dead Sea Scrolls or the works of
attacks, since a powerful fighter’s com- Undead may be plentiful, depending on Shakespeare, he can point to a few articles
bat advantage is often lessened if he can the nature of the cult and its beliefs. If in DRAGON® Magazine.
be attacked at a distance. Priests’ spells so, antagonistic PCs may be visited by a
are slow to cast and therefore difficult to variety of unliving foes.
use in combat, so they are a secondary When the PCs become aggressive
target during the initial battle. They are and bring the attack to the cultist, he
engaged in battle by weaker opponents undoubtedly wishes to be in his own
and separated from the rest of the party temple. This temple should have protec-
so that their cure wounds spells (which tive magics, either by personal spell,
must be delivered by touch) will be use magical item, or faith magic. Special
less. The military master always assumes magical effects are designed to maxi-
that there are hidden attackers — an mize the cultists strengths. The temple
ambush is something he never falls for may be kept at a freezing temperature,

22 AUGUST 1997
Still Gamin After All These Years
The AD&D® Game It’s four in the morning
(with apologies to Paul Simon and My life is
“Still Crazy After All These Years”) Boring
I'm longing for games to play.
I met my old DM Where is my dice bag?
On the street last night. My PHB . . . ?
“Have you gamed since college?” Can I play the thief?
He just smiled.
And we talked about our old games So I went to my hobby shop
And I couldn’t believe my ears: And I played some D&D.
He’s still gaming after all these years. “I get to roll my damage —
Still gaming after all these years. “1d8!”
I’m right back in the dungeon
Now I’m the kind of man Fighting orcs with giant spears.
Who’d rather socialize. I’m still gaming after all these years.
I left behind those Oh, stiIl gaming
Old familiar games. Still gaming
And I gave up slaying dragons Still gaming after all these years.
Without shedding any tears.
I’m not gaming after all these years.

D RAGON 238 23
Can’t Cast This Healing Baatezu
or The PLANESCAPE®campaign setting
“The Cleric’s Lament” (with apologies to Olivia Newton-John and ‘Xanadu”)
The AD&D Game
(with apologies to REO Speedwagon and A race
“I Can’t Stop this Feeling”) The scariest that I know
They come from the planes below
I can’t cast this healing any longer They’re called baatezu-u-u-u-u.
And yet we’ve still ten levels left to go.
What started out a SideTrek has grown deadly For them
I only hope that stupid treasure lies below. Baator’s the place to be
It sounds more like hell to me
I tell myself that this quest can’t last forever. They are baatezu-u-u-u-u,
I say there is no reason for my fear.
But then the fighter rushes thirteen ogres. A million fiends are fighting
I know my life’s direction — On planes afar
It’s time for me to heal. It’s so bizarre.
An everlasting war
And always as we wander With their enemy
I keep the thief in sight. The tanar’ri.
I bandage up the fighter
And cure the wizard’s blight. Baatezu.
And I’m wasting more spells than I ever thought I might. Baatezu-u-u.
(They feed on fear) The baatezu-u-u.
And I can’t cast this healing any more. Baatezu.
I’ve forgotten what we’re down here fighting for. Baatezu-u-u.
It’s time to find ourselves an open door (Hope they don’t hear) The baatezu-u-u.
And leave this dungeon floor Baatezu, their evil plots entwine
Forever. ’Round you, baatezu-u-u!

’Cause I can’t cast this healing any more. The law

I’ve forgotten what we’re down here fighting for. Corrupted with hate and woe
And if l have to call upon Great Thor Pure Order is aIl they know
And cast dimension door* They are baatezu-u-u-u-u.
Then I won’t be here for healing any more.
So, berk
My life has been such a bloodbath since I joined them. If a balor is drawing near
I’ve been turning every zombie that we find. Your best bet’s to disappear
And it always seems that I’m resurrecting someone For he’s a baatezu-u-u-u-u.
As they take me through these dungeons,
Lost tombs, abandoned mines . . . A million tortures waiting
For clueless sods
And always as we wander Pray to your gods.
I keep the thief in sight. It’s everlasting pain
I bandage up the fighter ’Course, it’s best to flee
And cure the wizard’s blight. If you ask me.
And I’m wasting more spells than I ever thought I might.
And I can’t cast this healing any more Baatezu-u-u.
I’ve forgotten what we’re down here fighting for. (Their evil’s clear) The baatezu-u-u.
It’s time to find ourselves an open door Baatezu.
And leave this dungeon floor Baatezu-u-u.
Forever. (Stay far from here) The baatezu-u-u.
Baatezu, their evil plots entwine
’Cause I can’t cast this healing any more. ’Round you, baatezu-u-u!
I’ve forgotten what we’re down here fighting for.
And if I have to call upon Great Thor Oh no, they’re here
And cast dimension door* The end is near
Then I won’t be here for healing any more. Baatezu.
Oooooooo . . . Oh no, they’re here
Pack up your gear
*Yes, we know that clerics can’t cast dimension door, but word of recall doesn’t Baatezu.
Baatezu-ooo-ooooooo . . .

24 AUGUST 1997
The Day the Magic Died Now the pungent air was thick and hot
or As Brightblade tried for one good shot
“Palin’s Song” We needed Chaos blood
The DRAGONLANCE® Saga Oh, but it landed in the ‘mud!
(with apologies to Don McLean and “American Pie”) My Usha bore the gem of gray.
A kender made the Father pay.
A long long time ago Do you recall that fateful day?
I can still remember when that magic The day the magic died.
Seemed to me unclear.
But I knew if I had had more time We’d all be singin’, bye-bye
That I could make that magic mine Three moons gone from the sky
And make my uncle proud, if Sought the power at the Tower,
He were here. From the Tower, a sigh
As wizards all raised up their voices to cry
But summer chaos left me hollow Praying, “Gods of magic, answer us — why?
My heart could harbor only sorrow “Won’t someone explain to us, why?”
Death lived all around me.
Would life always be this empty? Oh and there we were all at the tomb
I can’t remember if I tried A people who escaped their doom
To cast the spells that Fate denied Or did we just delay the end?
But I know I thought the gods had lied So come on, Sir Steel Brightblade
The day the magic died. Tanis too
Tas, Flint, tell us what to do
So, bye-bye ’Cause Krynn is ours alone now to defend.
Three moons gone from the sky
Sought the power at the Tower, Oh and as I worked to find the key
From the Tower, a sigh His words, they echoed back at me
As wizards all raised up their voices to cry “Make magic born anew.”
Praying, “Gods of magic, answer us — why? Is that all I must do?
“Won’t someone explain to us, why?” And as the pale moon climbed into the night
I raised my fist and cursed its light
Did you ever cast a spell, I saw Chaos laughing with delight
Feel the powers that within you dwell? The day the magic died.
(That’s how magic works, you know.)
And do you believe that you could fly? I was singin’, bye-bye
With magic I would touch the sky Three moons gone from the sky
And, then I’d make the ground come nigh Sought the power at the Tower,
Real slow. From the Tower, a sigh
As wizards all raised up their voices to cry
Well I know I was entranced with him Praying, “Gods of magic, answer us — why?
When I saw him in my dreams so grim. “Won’t someone explain to us, why?”
He had hour-glass eyes
Well I thought him evil but wise I saw a face with hourglass eyes
Oh, I was a lonely frightened White Robed mage And I asked how I could find my prize
With my uncle’s staff from long-gone age. But he just smiled and turned away.
Still I knew I would write my page I knocked upon the Wayreth door
But then the magic died. Where he’d passed his Test before the War
But the Master said it never went away.
So, bye-bye
Three moons gone from the sky And in those days I rarely slept
Sought the power at the Tower, While clerics prayed and wizards wept
From the Tower, a sigh And, lo, did I at last see
As wizards all raised up their voices to cry The magic all around me!
Praying “Gods of magic, answer us — why? And the man whom I admired most
“Won’t someone explain to us, why?” The archmage, Raistlin, raised a toast
To sorcery, no more a ghost
Helter-skelter in the summer swelter No more has magic died!
Chaos spawn gave us no shelter
Till we flew into the Rift And we were singing: On high,
We came out in the Abyss New moon shines in the sky
We’d never seen a sight like this Found the power at the Tower.
Knights on dragons fighting Chaos — he was miffed! “Wield the power!” I cry.
Let wizards all lift up their faces and sigh

D RAGON 238 25
Knowing, “Sorcery is never to die. What a life of fright!
“Sorcery is never to die.” Under the moon tonight
Will we be meeting a ghost,
We were singing: On high, Werewolf, vampire, or a foul death knight?
New moon shines in the sky Down here in Ravenloft.
Found the power at the Tower.
Wield the power!” I cry. Sabua, G’Henna
Let wizards all lift up their faces and sigh This ain’t no Vienna.
Knowing, “Sorcery is never to die. In Forlorn and Dementlieu
“Sorcery is never to die!” Dark lord’s gonna get you.
Barovia, Markovia
Strahd is gonna love ya!
Ooo I wanna get us out of Ravenloft!
We got here fast but we will die here slow.
Why can’t we up and go
Right out of Ravenloft?

Domains of dread
Now we’re as good as dead.
RAVENLOFT® All the mortals fear
The RAVENLOFT Campaign Setting The demiplane called Ravenloft
(with apologies to But undead like it here
the Beach Boys and “Kokomo”) Come, get away from it all.
Come to Ravenloft.
Sabua, G’Henna
This ain’t no Vienna. Sabua, G’Henna
Forlorn and Dementlieu Who wants old Vienna?
Dark lord’s gonna get you. In Forlorn and Dementlieu
Barovia, Markovia Dark lord came to get you.
Strahd is gonna love ya! Barovia, Markovia
G’Henna — Strahd, you know we love ya!
Ooo I wanna spend unlife in Ravenloft!
In the shadowy Mists We got here fast but then we died here slow.
There’s a place called Ravenloft Now we will never go
Tough place, so don’t get soft Right out of Ravenloft.
You may go mad from it all.

Bodies in the ground

Crawling back up, shambling around.
We’ll be fleeing in fear
As we listen to our heartbeats pound
Down in Ravenloft.

Sabua, G’Henna
This ain’t no Vienna. The Ranger or “Drizzt’s Song”
In Forlorn and Dementlieu The FORGOTTEN REALMS® Campaign Setting
Dark lord’s gonna get you. (with apologies to Billy Joel and “The Stranger”)
Barovia, Markovia
Strahd is gonna love ya! Well, he cloaks his dark face
Ooo I wanna get us out of Ravenloft! One he cannot hide forever.
We got here fast but we will die here slow. He must venture forth, confront his past
Why can’t we up and go Or all his friends could die.
Right out of Ravenloft?
With his scimitars of steel
In Sithicus And his boots of well-worn leather
They’re coming to get us! In the sunrise stands the ranger,
Then he leaves the world of sky.
We will break and flee
And we’ll escape the Vistani All his life he had no home
But you and I may say ‘bye Now his new home is in danger.
To a little of our sanity. All his path is paved with secrets,
Private torture for the elf.

26 AUGUST 1997
(Roll the die. Roll the die, die, die, die, die.)
“How can I be surprised?” (Roll the die. Roll the die, die, die, die, die, d-d-d-d-die.)
Thought the white-haired, green-clad ranger.
“Did I ever leave behind me Wanting only fame and riches, I go seeking a new job
“Menzoberranzan — myself?” But I get no offers.
Just a come-on from a wench
He’s not afraid to travel down Who’s serving luke-warm ale.
To the land of night. I must admit I was shocked when she attacked, me
To the land. of drow. And the DM rolled a hit!
(Mmmm, mmmmm)
He lived there oh so long ago (Roll the die. Roll the die, die, die, die, die.)
Seems another life (Roll the die. Roll the die, die, die, die, die, d-d-d-d-die.)
And a younger soul.
Now I’m tearing out the tavern door,
Once he used to believe The barmaid at my heels,
He would never find his answer What’s the deal?
Then he met up with an old dwarf Now two orcs appear before me,
And a band of surface friends. Growling threat’ningly.
Resignedly, I face the three.
When they pressed him to stay with them
In the hall of Battlehammer In the roadway lies my long sword,
It was then this lost drow ranger Bent and broken the first blow,
Found a home, his journey’s end. And my body lies unmoving
Thanks to fumbling three times in a row.
He’s not afraid to travel down I’m cut down, and I cry out —
To the land of night, “How come my fighter never wins?
To the land of drow. “You have killed him. You have killed him!”
He lived there oh so long ago But the DM only grins.
Seems another life,
And a younger soul.

He will never understand,

This brave ranger, why his kinsmen
Must live all their lives in evil,
Must live all their lives in hate.

As he ventures ever deeper

In the realms of mold and spiders Tanar’ri
He is driven toward the driders. The PLANESCAPE® Campaign Setting
Nods the ranger, “Toward my fate.” (with apologies to the cast of “Annie”)
We baatezu hate tanar’ri.
Bet your bottom gold piece that tanar’ri
Hate us, too.

Just fighting against tanar’ri,

Bash their sneering faces till they’re sorry,
It’s what we do.

The Fighter Tanar’ri, tanar’ri

The AD&D Game We hate you, tanar’ri.
(with apologies to You’re only a plane away.
Simon and Garfunkel and “The Boxer”)
Tanar’ri, tanar’ri
I am just a poor elf, and my story’s often told. We hate you, tanar’ri.
I have slaughtered all the king’s men You’re only a plane away.
For a belt, pouch full of coinage
(Copper, steel, and gold).
I’m laying low
Skulking from the scene of battle
Just as fast as I can go
Roll percentile dice and I elude my foe.

DRAGON 238 27
by Wolfgang Baur
illustrated by Bob Klasnich

Magical items intended for use by

heroes are common fare in AD&D® cam-
paigns, and items made especially for
good-aligned paladins are, if not exactly
common, then at least known from
bardic legends and heroic tales.
However, the AD&D game contains very
few magical items crafted by and for vil-
lains, brigands, blackguards, and betray-
ers. Since evil wizards seem positively to
infest most campaigns, someone must
be enchanting arms and armaments for
the dark side. Here are some of those

The experience points values listed Betrayer’s Shroud

for these items are not provided for cre- Made of the funeral wrappings of a
ating these items, since it is unlikely that murderer, a thief, and an oathbreaker,
a PC would want to make one of them. these rotten rags are deeply magical
Instead, the experience points listed and useful to the minions of evil. They
below are for destroying the items. How allow the wearer temporarily to tap into
difficult it is to destroy these sources of a target creature’s basest and most evil
evil varies from item to item, but instincts simply by speaking softly to the
destroying the most powerful items target, who is entitled to a saving throw
would certainly be an adventure in its vs. death magic. Good characters and
own right. lawful characters gain a +4 bonus to this
Of course, not every adventurer will saving throw (lawful good characters
want to destroy powerful magical items; gain +4). Chaotic and evil characters
some will be tempted to use them or will suffer a -2 penalty (chaotic evil targets
not realize their true nature. Many of suffer -4).
them could be used by neutral PCs, but If the saving throw fails, the creature
most will simply be consigned to the obeys one reasonable and evil sugges-
scrap-heap by decent and heroic adven- tion from the shroud’s owner. In this
turers. Those who give in to the tempta- case, though, “reasonable” simply means
tion may suffer alignment or other any suggestion that is not directly self-
penalties, at the DM’s option. destructive: poisoning one’s liege lord is
Finally, neutral PCs or PCs Ignorant of acceptable, poisoning oneself is not. If
what they possess may want to sell the saving throw succeeds, the target
these items for money. The gp values realizes the true nature of the owner’s
given represent what an evil NPC would suggestion and may oppose it with right-
pay to acquire the item. As with using eous anger, gaining +1 to any attack or
the items, selling them could endanger a saving throws against the owner.
good PC’s alignment. XP Value: 500 GP Value: 2,000

28 AUGUST 1997
Black Crystal Ball Chain of Command
While its color isn’t truly black, this This chain of steel links, invariably
form of crystal ball is carved from dark connected to a spiked iron collar, is used
gray crystal. These magical items are to keep large and potentially dangerous
sometimes enchanted to include a beasts or people enslaved by the chain’s
single glowing eye floating in its center: owner. It is usually used on dragons,
Unlike a normal crystal ball, the black wyverns, or whatever large and rebel-
crystal ball is usable not only by wizards; lious creatures the owner has available.
any being with an Intelligence score of 9 Most chains of command are kept by the
or more can use the ball’s scrying wizards who made them, and their value
powers. Also unlike normal crystal balls, is confirmed by the strange story of their
however, a black crystal ball shows its origin. Legends say that the very first
owner a strangely distorted and per- chain of command was forged by a wizard
verse version of reality, one that reveals who served an evil warlord; when the
only the direst of “news”: friends seem chain was completed, the warlord had it
treacherous, evil seems triumphant, and placed around its makers neck, guaran-
danger lurks in every dark corner. teeing his loyalty and continued services.
To an evil-aligned creature, the ball’s Any person or monster wearing a
tainted view of reality seems normal, chain of command serves loyally but
not surprising or shocking in the least. somewhat stupidly. The chained crea-
Any evil creature using the black crystal ture obeys all of its owners commands
ball gains true seeing with regard to every very literally, its effective Intelligence
creature and object viewed through the and Wisdom both drop by 2 points, and
ball. In addition, evil creatures using the it loses one level of spellcasting ability (if
ball can detect good on creatures and it had any to start with); these losses last
objects seen in the ball once per day. only while the chain of command is in
Otherwise, the item works as a normal place.
crystal ball. Any creature made to wear a chain of
The black crystal ball’s shadow of the command is entitled to a saving throw vs.
truth is obvious at first to any good- spells to resist its effect; if the saving
aligned creature who makes a saving throw succeeds, the creature still suffers
throw vs. rod, staves, and wands (neu- the ability score losses, but it suffers no
tral creatures save at -3). However, if a compulsion to obey the chain’s owner.
good-aligned creature fails its saving As long as the chain remains around a two functions by speaking a command
throw, or if it continues to use the black creature’s neck, it must make a new sav- word. These lanterns are often found in
crystal ball despite the evil it saw within ing throw as often as given on the charm the throne-rooms of lich-lords or priests
it, the ball works its cursed magic on the person table (see Player’s Handbook), but who control great masses of undead.
owner’s mind. use Wisdom instead of Intelligence. XP Value: 500 GP Value: 2,000
Over time, the black crystal ball slowly As a result of the chain’s relentless
shifts the users alignment to evil. For attack on a resisting mind, smart evil wiz- Bloodbane
every failed saving throw against death ards throw the collar on a monster or a Made from the specially enchanted
magic, the owner’s alignment shifts one newly-captured adventurer, then teleport blood of yugoloths, this poison is a slow
step closer to evil. Wisdom bonuses and it into the dungeon until it obeys. The col- and painful killer that magically rots the
penalties apply to this saving throw, and lar can be removed only by magic, such victim from within. The poison is a sticky,
the black crystal ball preys on weaker as a, knock or disintegrate spell, or by the crumbly, rust-red powder that must be
minds far more than stronger ones. command of its owner. The chain and injected into the victim’s bloodstream to
Creatures with less than 5 levels or Hit collar expand or shrink to fit any neck. be effective. If examined closely, the par-
Dice suffer an additional -2 penalty to XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 4,000 ticles of the poison can be observed to
the saving throw. move slowly, almost like water beading
The corrupting power of the black Darkfire Lanthorn on glass. Unless the victim makes a suc-
crystal ball has no effect on the victim’s Also called a ghoulfire lantern, this cor- cessful saving throw vs. poison with a -1
alignment with respect to the ethos of roded bronze lantern burns oil taken penalty, the rot begins within a round.
Law and Chaos, and the shift occurs in from good-aligned creatures. The result- The victim quickly becomes pale, hag-
stages rather than all at once. For exam- ing magical flames have one of two pos- gard, and slowly thinner, until literally
ple, a lawful good creature must fail two sible effects, according to the will of the nothing is left but skin and bone; the
saving throws before becoming lawful owner. It either sheds magical darkness skin then slowly disappears.
evil, because its alignment turns to law- in a 60’ radius that allows only undead Bloodbane inflicts 1 hp damage/turn
ful neutral before it can shift all the way and evil-aligned creatures to see as if it until both dispel magic and neutralize
to awful evil. The curse of the black were daylight, or it sheds normal light poison are cast on the victim; neither
crystal ball has no effect on creatures and dispels all invisibility and invisibility to spell alone is effective. Dispel magic plus
that are already of evil alignment. undead spells within its glow. The owner slow poison reduces the damage to 1
XP Value: 2,000 GP Value: 7,500 of the lanthorn may switch between the hp/hour. A holy word cancels its effect
instantly. No other curative magic has

D RAGON 238 29
any permanent effect, though cure light possesses its owner, the sword’s greatest ture no longer makes saving throws
wounds and other healing spells may power is revealed. For as long as the automatically after the first round, and
help delay the inevitable. Experience sword is unsheathed and possesses its suffers a cumulative -1 penalty each
and gold values are given per dose. holder, it becomes a danger to everyone round thereafter. When the victim’s hit
XP Value: 200 GP Value: 700 and everything near it. The controlled points reach zero or when its ability
warrior holding the blade gains 1 scores drop below 3, the victim dies. The
Gravebringer hp/round for every living creature within victim literally bums through its entire
Gravebringers are swords forged deep 20’ (and loses 1 hp/round for every lifespan in minutes. flesh and skin wither,
underground using night-black adaman- undead creature within that range). All and hair turns white and falls out.
tite, and tempered by cooling their red- that life energy comes with a price; every The only way to stop the deadly spiral
hot blades in paladin’s blood. in the creature within 20’ automatically loses 1 of a brightstar dagger is with a limited wish,
hands of any character other than a hp/round to the swords vampiric power. wish, or Mordenkainen’s disjunction, or by
chaotic evil warrior, this weapon per- The hit points disappear at the end of placing the victim in some form of mag-
forms simply as a sword +1. it increases combat, often leaving the warrior ical stasis (a statue, tree, or time stop spell,
an evil wielder’s Charisma by 2 points. exhausted and possibly even uncon- petrification, or the like).
When wielded by a chaotic evil war- scious, though never quite dead. After A brightstar dagger is destroyed when
rior, the gravebringer burns with bluish- all, the sentient blade wants to keeps its it strikes and its magic begins; each can
black fire. its combat bonus increases to owner alive to commit ever greater and be used only once. A few rumors claim
+4, and the dark blade deflects arrows more heinous evils. Eventually, the that a 7th-level spell known to evil
and missiles of all kinds from its wielder, wielder becomes a physical wreck, at mages called guttering candle creates a
just as if he were protected by both pro- which point the blade forces him to give similar effect, but the spell’s formula, if it
tection from normal and protection from it to another, stronger warrior. Without was ever known, has been lost. It was
magical missiles (as per the spells in the the blade to prop up his failing health, used to make minions unstoppable in
PHB and Complete Wizard’s Handbook). the discarded warrior soon withers and combat; their death thereafter did not
In addition, many gravebringers are dies. concern the caster.
sentient blades, with an Intelligence of XP Value: 5,000 GP Value: 25,000 XP Value: 2,000 GP Value: 8,000
12-18 and an Ego of 16 or more. These
swords are inhabited by fiends or by the Brightstar Daggers Enchanter’s Knife
spirits of great evil warriors. If the spirit With blades forged of meteoric steel This small, ceremonial knife is usually
and honed to a fine edge, brightstar dag- made of mithril and embellished in gold
gers do the one thing that all villains long and precious stones. it can be used by
for: they snuff out good lives. When any wizard enchanting a magical item to
thrown, brightstar daggers become bright avoid the Constitution loss that some
streaks of light that fly to their target with times accompanies making an enchanted
great accuracy, attacking with a +3 item’s dweomer permanent through the
bonus. When they strike successfully, permanency spell. Doing so, however,
they are destroyed. requires using the knife to take blood
Creatures struck by a brightstar dagger from a sentient creature. This blood must
gain a saving throw vs. death magic, then be used as part of the permanency
with a -4 penalty for good creatures, -2 spell’s material component; any Consti-
for neutrals, and no penalty for evil crea- tution loss is suffered by the victim cut by
tures. if the saving throw succeeds, the the enchanter’s knife, rather than by the
daggers merely inflict normal damage wizard casting the permanency. This
and provide the effect of a strength spell allows the wizard to enchant many more
to the target. if the saving throw fails, permanent magical items than usual
the brightstar dagger actually helps its without any of the attendant risks, and
target, infusing the creature it struck so these items are highly sought after
with magical positive energy. The tar- among evil wizards, who are known to
gets skin begins to blister and bubble steal the knives whenever possible and to
from within, as the daggers energies murder each other to possess them.
fight against being contained. The target XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 6,000
gains 18 in each ability score (18/00
Strength for warriors), maximum hp for Ebony Helm
its level or Hit Dice, and makes all sav- These helms are favored by warriors
ing throws automatically. serving the most powerful scions of evil.
However, this incredible new power is Their faces are shaped into twisted
strictly temporary; each round after the forms or skull-like masks, and they both
first, the creature loses a level and loses a hide their wearers identity and strike
point from each ability score (percentile fear into the hearts of enemies. Their
Strength drops to 17). in addition, the secret is that they belong not to the war-
creature loses a number of hit points lords who wear them but to the wizards
equal to its class’s maximum: 10 for war- that they serve. An ebony helm has sev-
riors, 8 for priests, and so on. The crea- eral powers, all usable by any wizard.

30 AUGUST 1997
The ebony helm’s most basic power sures. The plate armor is specially provides its protection to non-evil crea-
allows the wizard to see and hear what- enchanted to deceive magical probing; tures when used against minor foes,
ever the wearer sees and hears; thus, it responds to identify spells as if it were those with as many or fewer levels or hit
the helms are usually given to favored plate armor +2, and it can be donned dice than the wielder. When used in com-
and trusted lieutenants. normally. The armor is meant to seem bat against more powerful enemies, the
In addition, an ebony helm allows the helpful and innocent — but it’s not. shield has a 5% per encounter cumula-
wizard to cast spells through the helm Once the last piece is strapped into tive chance of failure. Alternatively, the
against his enemies. All spells cast place, spikes magically appear inside the DM may rule that the shield’s failure
through the helm have a 5% chance of armor, piercing the hapless wearer in always occurs when it will have the great-
success per level of the wizard; if the dozens of places as if he had been est dramatic impact, such as in the final
helm is worn by a creature with spell- thrown into the implement of torture that battle of a long adventure, when the
casting abilities, the helm provides an gives the armor its name. The spikes adventurers confront the master villain.
additional 10% bonus. Spells that fall inflict 8d10 hp damage, with a saving When the shield fails its owner, it
simply fizzle; the spell energy dissipates throw vs. death magic for half damage. If becomes a cursed shield -4, which the
without negative effects. more than 50 hp damage are inflicted, owner cannot discard unless a 9th-level
An ebony helm allows the wizard to the wearer may suffer death from mas- or higher priest casts a remove curse spell
cast dominate on the helm’s wearer sive damage (see Chapter 9 in the DMG). on him. In addition, when the shield of
once/day. Evil creatures wearing the Once put on, the armor can only be the faithless fails, it curses its bearer with
helm are not entitled to a saving throw, removed by a remove curse or dispel magic a -4 penalty to all saving throws and
neutral creatures save with a -2 penalty, that overcomes the level of the armor’s proficiency checks.
and good creatures save normally. maker. Until then, healing spells have XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 4,500
Finally, removing an ebony he/m is at only half their usual effect, since the vic-
the discretion of the owning wizard. If he tim remains wounded until the armor is Staff of Bones
permits it, the helm can simply be lifted removed. Moving while wearing the This item is always carved of aged and
off. If not, the helm can be removed only armor inflicts 1d4 hp damage/turn and polished bones, joined together in a lami-
if a remove curse is cast on it first. requires a successful System Shock roll to nated series of rings; a dragon’s thigh-
XP Value: 2,000 GP Value: 7,000 avoid falling unconscious from the pain. bone is always used to form the staff’s
XP Value: 3,000 GP Value: 10,000 core. Used to raise undead armies, the
Honeydrop staff of bones allows an evil priest to ani-
This potion tastes as sweet as its name Shield of the Faithless mate and command ten times the normal
and can easily be concealed in food or The shield of the faithless is a powerfully number of undead. In addition, while
drink — it must be ingested to be effec- enchanted shield carried by Andelar, a holding the staff, an evil priest automati-
tive. Any creature so much as tasting great paladin of ancient times. It cracked cally succeeds in commanding or turning
food or drink laced with honeydrop must and fell from his arm during a battle any undead he could normally influence;
make a saving throw vs. spell or poison against a fiend, and Andelar received his no turning or command roll is required.
(whichever is more difficult) with a -4 death wound. He had just enough The staff can also be used by any intelli-
penalty for the potion’s magical power. strength left in him to lay a curse with his gent undead with spellcasting ability, such
The potion can be detected by both last breath. Rather than accept responsi- as a lich, spellcasting vampire, or the like.
detect magic and detect poison spells. bility for his failure in battle, he blamed The staff’s connection to dragons is
If the saving throw fails, the poisoned the shield, cursing it to fail its owner in his more than just coincidental; it is the
creature suffers a -4 penalty to saving time of need. Since then, the shield of the source of the legend of the dragon’s
throws vs. enchantment/charm spells, faithless has served evil masters well, but teeth, which says that dragon’s teeth can
illusions, phantasms, and all forms of it has betrayed every good warrior who be turned into unfailingly loyal warriors.
mental control. If the saving throw result ever carried it. The staff of bones transforms any dragon’s
fails on a 4 or less, any character with a The shield is made of stout mahogany tooth into a giant skeleton; doing so
Charisma of 15 or greater can make a covered with a layer of iron and rein- requires a single round and drains one
creature poisoned with honeydrop obey forced by a mithril rim. When wielded by charge from the staff. The resulting skele-
its commands simply by speaking. The an evil-aligned warrior or priest, the ton serves faithfully until destroyed.
effects last for 1-6 hours or until nulli- shield provides a +4 AC bonus and If touched by a good-aligned priest,
fied by a dispel magic. increases the wielder’s attacks by 1/2 the staff inflicts 4d6 hp damage to the
If the saving throw succeeds, honey- per round (from 1 to 3/2, or from 3/2 to priest per touch, with no saving throw.
drop has no effect other than causing a 2, for example). For evil creatures, these Priests of gods whose spheres include
mild drowsiness, easily shaken off. The powers are dependable. The shield of death are immune to this effect.
potion’s recipe requires honeycomb from the faithless always registers as “faint XP Value: 2,000 GP Value: 8,000
a giant bee’s hive and succubus blood. evil” on a detect evil spell, because its evil
XP Value: 500 GP Value: 1,500 is always held in reserve.
However, for good or neutral crea-
Iron Maiden’s Plate tures the shield of the faithless is unreliable.
This trapped armor seems to be a suit When used by a paladin, ranger, or a Wolfgang has been accused of being a
of magical full plate armor, but many good-aligned priest, it inflicts 2d6 hp low-down, dirty sneak; a sadistic monster:
evil-doers add it to their treasure hoard damage to the wielder per touch and also and a vile, gibbering creature of darkness.
as a form of revenge against anyone eliminates the characters Wisdom bonus So far, his infernal attorney has gotten him
bold enough to steal the makers trea- to spells. For other creatures, the shield acquitted on all charges.

32 AUGUST 1997
Most Wanted,
by Keith Francis Strohm
illustrated by the Brothers Filbach
eep inside the heart of Abeir-toril lies a realm of such
labyrinthine complexity and foul horror that even the
mightiest beings of the Realms hesitate to explore its
twisted expanse. Within this place of evil, known to Faerûnians
far and wide as the Underdark, lurks a host of powerful crea-
tures dedicated to the complete destruction of all that is good.
And yet, the taint of corruption runs deeper. As last years
startling expose revealed, there exists within the various cul-
tures of the Underdark an alliance of evil that transcends
mere racial or political boundaries. Beyond the dark prophe-
cies of the drow and the conquest-filled dreams of the abo-
leth, beyond the embittered grumblings of the duergar and
the half-mad thoughts of the illithid, stand the true rulers
of that infernal realm: The Gangsters of the Underdark.
Once again, this intrepid bard takes a peek inside
the heart of darkness, offering you a revealing look at
the lives and thoughts of those mysterious gangsters
— and the men and women devoted to their down-
fall. This time, a source close to the Forthright Band
of Investigators (FBI) intercepted several intra-
departmental missives detailing the FBI’s latest
information. Thanks to the hard work of this source (who
goes by the name Deep Moat to protect his identity), the peo-
ple of Faerûn can now put a face to the evil that menaces them
from below. Be warned that this information is
highly sensitive. Remember: Trust no one.

34 AUGUST 1997
Da Pen brood. The overly intelligent youth soon
grew tired of spinning the same, boring
Underdark Godfather
plans of world domination and struck out
Strength: Unknown
14 on his own. Wandering the twisted cav-
erns and winding tunnels of the
Constitution: 16
Underdark, the observant aboleth quickly
Intelligence: 19
discovered the true power behind
Wisdom: 14
Underdark society — the various gangster
Charisma: 16
families. Using his natural talents, urbane
AC: 4
wit, and psionic ability to dominate other
THAC0: 13
minds completely, the young aboleth
Move: 3, Swim 18
quickly climbed the ranks of the gang-
Hit Points: 64
ster hierarchy.
Alignment: Lawful evil
Da Pen’s rise to fame may have
Special Attacks: Psionics
ended with his simply controlling one
Special Defenses: Nil
gangster family, were it not for a
Magic Resistance: Nil
chance meeting with a powerful
Size: H (20’ long)
wizard. This wizard had just
Special Abilities/Bonuses: As an abo-
completed research on a pow-
leth, Da Pen possesses the following
erful new construct called a
psionic abilities: false sensory input,
contract, a magical item with
mass domination, and mindlink. Because
the ability to bind its victims
of his fierce reputation as the leading
to a certain course of action.
Underdark powerbroker, Da Pen radiates
Da Pen quickly dominated
fear in a 20’ radius, and his laugh often
the wizard and took the
disconcerts friend and foe alike.
contract for his own.
Weapon Proficiencies: Da Pen views
With the help of
himself as a consummate businessman
this item, the
and financier. As such, he disdains the
cunning aboleth
use of weapons and personal violence
soon controlled all of
to achieve his ends. In fact, the aboleth
gangster society.
often warns his opponents that “Da Pen
Equipment: As the business
is mighteah dan da sawd.” Despite this,
manager of a vast financial empire,
he is quite adept at using hired muscle
Da Pen always has a number of business
when his reputation fails to impress. Regardless of the results of the saving
accouterments on his person. The abo-
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bureau- throw, creatures exposed to a deadline
leth’s attaches (as well as other syco-
cracy, gaming intimidation, reading/ quake pathetically in fear (as the spell).
phants) are always on hand to provide
writing survival (business). Victims who fail their save suffer several
needed items.
Physical Appearance: No one has days of insomnia, bar the entrance to
Magical Items: Da Pen always carries
ever seen Da Pen up close, but sources their dwelling with any item available,
around his tome of contracts. This magi-
have identified him as an imposing abo- and often snap at close associates.
cal item allows him to produce one con-
leth. Like all aboleth, Da Pen possesses Many affected creatures invent wild sto-
tract every turn. These contracts force
4’-long tentacles attached to his body. ries and far out excuses in hopes of
victims to perform prearranged actions—
According to our information, the thwarting this terrible dweomer.
in effect placing a geas on the signatory
Underdark Godfather has a shock of Unfortunately, these tactics never help.
— if the victim fails a saving throw vs.
black, curly hair atop his head, a decid- Role-playing Notes: Currently, Da
spell. There is currently no known way
edly mammalian trait. It is unclear Pen lies at the center of Underdark life,
to escape the binding power of a con-
whether this is a genetic trait or simply quietly spinning a complex web of busi-
tract short of a wish spell. However, dis-
an affectation designed to place his ness deals designed to imbue him with
satisfied factions within gangster society
business associates at ease. Whatever more power. He is quite simply the most
are currently working on a high-level
the case, it seems that Da Pen often feared man in all of gangster society.
dweomer called create lawyer. It is
slicks back his hair using a thick, gelati- Despite repeated attempts, the FBI has
unknown whether this spell will have
nous substance. An unconfirmed report never succeeded in apprehending him,
any effect on the tome of contracts.
states that Da Pen often speaks as if his nor have they found anyone willing to
Sources close to the rebellious wizards
mouth were stuffed with several soft cot- inform on him (despite repeated
have revealed that costs for research on
tonballs. Some sages attribute this phe- attempts by the FBI’s wizards to poly-
the create lawyer spell are extremely high
nomenon to the fact that Da Pen once morph these worthies into pigeons).
and soaring by the hour.
lost several teeth — including two teeth Favorite Quotes: “No problem. Just
Da Pen also wields a mysterious item
of Dalhvar-Nar — during combat with a sign on da dotted line.” “I’ll make ya an
(developed by the aboleth’s pet wizard)
shadow dragon. Perhaps the cotton offah ya can’t refews.”
known only as a deadline. This deadline
relieves the Godfather’s aching jaw.
causes any creature with the reading/
Background: Da Pen once lived his life
writing proficiency to save vs. spell or
as a normal member of an aboleth
death magic (whichever save is lower).

D RAGON 238 35
Special Abilities/Bonuses: As a for- harsh travel and deadly encounters,
mer monk, Tortello is a very competent Tortello found the tome. Without pause,
student of unarmed combat. If forced to Tortello read the book, devouring its
fight, something he is loathe to do, ancient secrets. To his delight, Tortello
Tortello can strike with his hands for discovered that the magical Tome of All
2d6 hp damage and kick for 2d8 hp Knowledge filled his head with an almost
damage. In addition, his mind/body limitless amount of odd information.
training allows him to resist the effects Unfortunately for the monk, the book
of Da Pen’s psionic domination and to also possessed a powerful curse, caus-
consume food deemed too toxic for nor- ing him to expound publicly on a variety
mal humans. of different subjects.
Although filled with almost infinite On returning to his monastery,
knowledge, Tortello often engages in Tortello soon found that the books
detailed expositions of arcane curse made monastic life difficult; his
facts. Creatures exposed to endless exposition on various and
such an extended dis- sundry topics drove his more contem-
course must save vs. plative brothers to distraction. With
spell or suffer the great sadness, the abbot of Tortello’s
effects of a feeblemind monastery released the monk from his
spell. vows and sent him on his way.
Weapon Unfortunately, Tortello soon found him-
Proficiencies: self exiled from most surface communi-
Although trained ties as a result of his curse, so the ex-
in several monk decided to live his life in the
different styles of Underdark.
unarmed martial It wasn’t long before the Underdark
arts, Tortello possesses the fol- Godfather known as Da Pen discovered
lowing proficiencies: bo-stick, nun- the brilliant but troubled human. The
“Tommy Gun” Tortello chaku, short-bow, and sai. shrewd businessman quickly realized
Exclaustrated 7th-level Monk Nonweapon Proficiencies: Ancient the human’s potential and, after several
Strength: 14 languages (6), ancient history, astrology, failed attempts at domination, offered
Dexterity: 16 bureaucracy, craftsmanship, herbalism, Tortello a position as his “consilare” or
Constitution: 15 healing, poetry, and many more. advisor. It is primarily Tortello’s brilliant
Intelligence: 23 Physical Appearance: Tortello is a advice that has kept Da Pen one step
Wisdom: 17 quiet, unassuming human with a gentle ahead of the law.
Charisma: 14 demeanor. Though he is second-in- Equipment: Tortello rarely carries any
AC: 0 command of the largest business con- equipment other than his clothes.
THAC0: 12 glomerate in all of Abeir-toril, Tortello Would-be antagonists have quickly
Move: 12 often wears simple, unadorned robes learned that the advisor’s open hands
Hit Points: 40 and understated sandals. Recently, are quite dangerous by themselves.
Alignment: Lawful neutral Tortello has taken to wearing part of his However, the brilliant advisor recently
Special Attacks: Extended discourse hair long. He pulls this excess hair back completed work on a multi-firing cross-
Special Defenses: Resist domination into a ponytail near the top of his head. bow which he calls a Torque Operated
Magic Resistance: Nil Although false, local legend suggests Mauling Machine (or T.O.M.M.Y. gun for
Size: M (5’8”) that this high queue is the source of short). Tortello’s TOMMY gun has revo-
Tortello’s intelligence. lutionized assassination and gang war-
New proficiency: Bureaucracy Background: The man whom most fare in the Underdark, becoming the
(Intelligence -1) consider the second most dangerous weapon of choice among hit men and
This proficiency allows a character to sur-
round himself with a dizzying array of commit- individual in gangster society began his other “heavies.” The TOMMY gun fires
tees, sub-committees, administrative assistants, career as a humble monk. In his youth, up to 12 crossbow bolts in a single
and procedural miscellany. On a successful profi-
ciency check, any creature attempting to speak
Tortello hungered for knowledge — both round and takes three rounds to load.
with or otherwise engage in any form of non- of the world and of his own being. This Magical Items: The Tome of All
magical communication with the proficient char- hunger led him to the far shores of Kara-
acter wastes 1d10 turns as it vainly tries to follow
Knowledge disappeared after Tortello
the bureaucratic “red tape.” Such bureaucratic Tur, where he studied for many years in read it. However, its effects still remain
obfuscation is possible up to five times a day. distant, mountaintop monasteries. with the consilare. The book raised his
Creatures “lost” in this way cannot undertake any
actions until the proper amount of time has During the course of his monastic stud- Intelligence to 23 but laid a dreadful
elapsed. ies, Tortello received a powerful vision curse upon him. Tortello must expound
In addition, this proficiency enables a character
to hide his or her involvement in any action that revealed to him the location of an out loud on any given topic five times a
through the creation of a “paper trail.” Creatures ancient artifact known as the Tome of AIl day for a period of about two turns or
that possess the confound bureaucracy proficiency
can see through this paper trail on a successful Knowledge, written by the revered sage go insane. As noted above, this extend-
proficiency check (made with a -2 penalty). R. Limbaw. ed discourse causes all within hearing
Rangers who possess the corporate tracking skill
automatically discover the Bureaucrats involve- The young monk left immediately to range to save vs. spell or suffer the
ment — though this process takes 1d4 days. pursue this vision. After many months of effects of a feeblemind spell.

36 AUGUST 1997
Tortello’s fondness for herbs and gar- Special Defenses: Nil ing, Furli always carries a heavy cross-
dening led to his development of an Magic Resistance: Nil bow. However, his inability to use the
incredibly fiery plant known as the Size: M (5’6”) weapon, coupled with his aversion to
habanera. When Tortello consumes one Special Abilities/Bonuses: Furli pos- violence, forces him to keep the bow
of these plants, it acts as a potion of fiery sesses all the abilities of a standard 4th- unloaded. He does carry two crossbow
breath. Anyone else who foolishly eats level fighter. For some unknown reason, bolts in his backpack — though he has
this plant must save vs. poison or suffer he can also polymorph himself into a fish. an 87% chance to drop the bolts down
6d10 hp damage as their internal While in this form, Master Furli retains a hole or in an underground lake, or
organs burst into flame! the power of speech. lose them in the darkness, when con-
Role-playing Notes: Although gener- Weapon Proficiencies: Although he fronted with a tense situation.
ally happy with his current position, has attempted to learn the use of vari- Magical Items: Deputy-squire Furli
Tortello sees himself as the head of Da ous weapons, Furli has no weapon pro- possesses one magical item of which he
Pen’s business consortium in a few ficiencies to speak of — though he does is unaware. This item appears in the
years. Using his magically-enhanced occasionally, make reference to his skill form of a diaphanous purple cravat that
intellect, the consilare quietly plots at unarmed combat. Furli wears everyday. The cravat func-
against the Godfather, striking secret Nonweapon Proficiencies: Begging, tions as a brooch of shielding.
deals among the various gangster complaining, intimidation (poorly), and Role-playing Notes: Despite his obvi-
Houses. It won’t be long before people whining. ous inability, Furli perceives himself as a
call “Tommy Gun” Tortello the Godfather! Physical Appearance: Furli is a rather towering figure in the law enforcement
Tortello’s Favorite Quote: “Not many homely human with large, bulbous eyes community. As a result, he often attempts
people know dis, but . . .” and overly purplish-red lips. This squire to intimidate creatures that are far more
usually wanders around pulling up his powerful than himself. This often forces
Master Furli tights and flashing his exceptionally vac- Sir Eliot into confrontations he’d rather
4th-level Squire (Fighter) uous smile. In addition, he always car- not deal with.
Strength: 9 ries his unloaded heavy crossbow Favorite Quotes: You’d better look
Dexterity: 9 attached to his belt. out! These hands are certified lethal
Constitution: 9 Background: Born and raised in weapons.”
Intelligence: 5 Mayburr, a small hamlet nestled beneath
Wisdom: 6 the jagged splendor of Mount Peylot, Furli Vanyard “The Fox”
Charisma: 4 grew up idolizing the local law enforce- 9th-Ievel Thief (Investigator)
AC: 9 ment agent — a man known as Gryphon. Strength: 13
THAC0: 17 After a brief career as a deputy sheriff (the Dexterity: 16
Move: 12 hamlet of Mayburr released him from ser- Constitution: 15
Hit Points: 9 vice, citing philosophical differences), the Intelligence: 18
Alignment: Lawful good young law enforcement agent applied for Wisdom: 8
Special Attacks: Nil admission to the Forthright Band of Charisma: 17
Investigators. It is unknown exactly why AC: 7
the FBI accepted this obviously sub-par THAC0: 16
__ candidate — though many speculate that Move: 12
several days of constant whining and Hit Points: 49
begging. as well as some string-pulling by Alignment: Chaotic good
Gryphon, softened up the admissions Special Attacks: Nil
board. Special Defenses: See below
Not knowing exactly what to do with Magic Resistance: Nil
Furli, Jayedgar Hoover assigned him to Size: M (5’6”)
Sir Eliot of Kness as a deputy-squire Special Abilities/Bonuses: In addition
hoping that the dark, evil nature of the to his incredibly deductive and agile
Underdark would frighten the young mind, Vanyard possesses a mystical
agent. Unfortunately, it appears that connection to his partner; Danna the
Furli does not possess sufficient intel- Skull. Whenever Vanyard finds himself
ligence to realize the constant dan- in a deadly situation, Danna mystically
ger he is in. The deputy-squire has teleports without error to his location and
assisted Sir Eliot on several mis- rescues the beleaguered investigator. He
sions and managed somehow to also has all of the abilities of the investi-
botch each one. Furli’s most gator kit.
notable gaff occurred when Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, short
two grimlocks outsmarted bow, and short sword.
the young squire and Nonweapon Proficencies: Confound
held him hostage with bureaucracy, disguise, obfuscation,
his own unloaded reading/writing, spellcraft; and trailing.
crossbow. Physical Appearance: The Fox is a
Equipment: In an rather short, wiry agent with a conserv-
attempt to appear impos- ative hairstyle. For some unknown

38 A UGUST 1997
through the ranks of the FBI. However, Special Defenses: See below
Vanyard’s obsessive behavior and disre- Magic Resistance: Nil
gard for rules has brought him into con- Size: M (5’6”)
flict with his superiors numerous times. Special Abilities/Bonuses: Danna
Because of these conflicts, the bureau possesses a mystical connection to her
transferred Vanyard to its magical phe- partner, Vanyard. Whenever Danna
nomena division, a, low-profile, fringe finds herself in trouble, Vanyard mysti-
department jokingly called the Hex Files. cally teleports without error to her loca-
The Fox’s current obsession revolves tion and rescues the imperiled investiga-
around some new information regard- tor. Danna also has all of the abilities of
ing pa Pen. Special agents discovered the anatomist kit found in The Complete
that The Godfather once lost two Necromancer’s Handbook.
Teeth of Dalhvar-Nar during a battle Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, dart,
with a shadow dragon. Vanyard and staff.
believes that these teeth (the front Nonweapon Proficiencies: Embalming,
one in particular), could act as the forensics, grave robbing, reading/writing,
focus for a magical item which spellcraft, and trailing.
would enable agents to locate Physical Appearance: Danna is an
the whereabouts of Da Pen and attractive (for a necromancer) human
track the Godfather’s move- woman. Her pale skin and red hair
ments. Vanyard has sworn make her a favorite at bureau soirees.
not to rest until he can dis- However, her features take on an
cover the location of Da intense cast when she engages in any
Pen’s front tooth. As such, professional activities. More than one
he has attached himself to would-be suitor has walked away
Sir Eliot of Kness. ashen-faced after seeing Danna hard at
Equipment: Vanyard work. Danna’s hairstyle changes often,
carries the standard sometimes within the span of a week. It
equipment of an FBI is unknown whether this phenomenon
field agent. relates to her study of the powers of
Magical Items: death or is the result of some other
reason, members of the opposite sex The investigator possesses a specially arcane influence.
seem to “fall all over” the somewhat prepared pouch of magical dust that
nerdy looking investigator. allows him to see the residue left by the
Background: Vanyard grew up rather hands or claws of certain creatures. This
normally as the son of a brilliant wizard dust of fingerprinting functions only under
on the Island of Lantan, near the West a purple light.
coast of the Realms. This was all to Role-playing Notes: Vanyard is not a
change on the fateful day that Vanyard popular bureau agent, and he knows it.
witnessed several black-robed spell- However, this investigator will not stop
jamming thugs kidnapping his sister — until Da Pen is behind bars. Vanyard fre-
though only years later was he was able quently witholds information from Sir
to access that memory. Through an Eliot and other bureau personnel and
arcane technique known as hypnotic often breaks procedural rules. It is only
regression, the young man soon remem- his obvious ability that keeps him within
bered the kidnapping and identified the the FBI.
persons responsible as agents of an Favorite Quotes: “The tooth is out
Underdark crime family. After months of there.”
research, the investigator traced the kid-
napping back to the mysterious figure Danna the Skull
known as Da Pen. it seems that the 9th-level Necromancer (Anatomist)
Underdark Godfather wished to appro- Strength: 11
priate certain magical items created by Dexterity: 15
Vanyard’s father. It is unclear whether Constitution: 14
there exists any connection between The intelligence: 18
Fox’s father and Da Pen’s pet wizard. The Wisdom: 14
evidence so far presents a convoluted Charisma: 16
picture filled with conflicting theories. AC: 5
At the moment of this discovery, The THAC0: 18
Fox applied to the Forthright Band of Move: 12
Investigators and dedicated his life to Hit Points: 33
bringing Da Pen to justice. The investiga- Alignment: Lawful good
tor’s intelligence and ability rocketed him Special Attacks: Nil

D RAGON 238 39
New Proficiency: Equipment: Danna carries the stan-
Confound Bureaucracy dard equipment of an FBI field agent.
(Charisma -2) Magical Items: Danna possesses a
Characters proficient in confound bureau- powerful magical item called the skull of
cracy evidence a blatant disregard for established
procedures and rules of conduct. More often than numbing. The item consists of a strangely
not, the use of this proficiency either rockets a shaped skull attached to a chain. When
proficient character to the top of his profession,
or lands him an uninterrupted term cleaning activated, the numb skull causes all crea-
garderobes and mucking stables. tures within a 15’ radius to lose feeling in
However, a successful proficiency check allows
a Character effectively to cut through bureaucratic their bodies for a period of 53 rounds.
red tape as if he wielded a corporate vorpal sword. This affliction forces the numbed crea-
Successful checks indicate that a character may tures to fight at -4. In addition, the numb
immediately communicate with any creature that
attempted bureaucratic obfuscation. skull reduces its victims’ Wisdom to 4.
This reduction manifests itself as a
powerful lack of common sense; affect-
Background: Danna, a brilliant stu-
ed creatures say and do things without
dent of magic, gave up a promising
thinking of the consequences.
career with the Red Wizards of Thay to
Role-playing Notes: Danna is a hard-
join the FBI. Unhappy with the direction
working no-nonsense FBI agent. Though
taken by Szass Tam and his cronies, the
more open to the possibilities of unex-
young necromancer eagerly accepted
plained phenomena because of her expe-
Jayedgar Hoover’s personal invitation to
riences with Vanyard, the necromancer
join the bureau.
still eschews superstition and wild specu-
Dedicating herself to the study of the
lation in favor of logical thinking.
corporeal body as it relates to death,
Danna is oftentimes frustrated by her
Danna soon distinguished herself as the
partner’s unorthodox methods and
bureau’s foremost forensics expert.
chaotic brilliance, but she stands by his
Recently, Danna received special
side no matter the odds. Her recent
orders from a mysterious figure in the
experiences with the spelljammer
bureau. On short notice, the necro-
implant have heightened Danna’s desire
mancer was transferred to the bureau’s
to see Da Pen brought to justice. Both
low-profile Hex-Files division, a branch
she and Vanyard have made it their pri-
of the bureau that investigates phenom-
mary objective.
ena unexplainable by magical or scien-
Favorite Quotes: “Fox, look out!” and
tific means. Apparently, Danna’s level-
“Vanyard, look at this.”
headed behavior and her devotion to
reason came to the attention of several
*Special Agent’s Note: I have not
high-ranking bureau officials who
been able to ferret out much informa-
wanted to keep an eye on the brilliant
tion about this mysterious figure, though
but unorthodox Vanyard “The Fox.”
reliable sources confirm that he stinks of
Danna was assigned to work with
pipeweed. I shall send you a file on this
Vanyard and submit a detailed report
individual, code-named “Pipeweed-
each week to these officials, ostensibly
Smoking Man,” as soon as new data
“debunking” Vanyard’s wild accusations
of a strange spelljamming conspiracy.
Danna and Vanyard have worked
together for several years. Over the
course of this time, the two have become
close friends. Unfortunately, Danna’s
Keith “Pinball” Strohm would like to thank
objectivity and professional skepticism
all the boys down at Luigi’s Deli for their help
have become compromised as a result of
gathering information for this article.
their relationship. Danna now claims
that a group of spelljamming creatures
kidnapped her for reasons unknown.
Whether or not this is true, the fact
remains that FBI healers have discovered
a mysterious device implanted in
Danna’s neck. These healers are unsure
of the device’s nature. However, recent
tests show that the young necromancer
suffers from the early stages of the shak-
ing plague, a virulent disease that
recently struck the village of Scardale.
Some agents attribute this sickness to the

40 AUGUST 1997
by Ed Greenwood
illustrated by David Day

gamers,” an all-too-familiar voice said suddenly from He nodded to it in polite greeting, and then returned his
behind me, “have dirty minds.” gaze to me. Can ye keep a secret?” he growled.
I barely managed not to jump. It was hours before Elminster I put on my best innocent look and spread my hands. “Of
had said he’d appear in my study, and the place was festooned course.”
with — well, all right, buried under — the usual mess of untidy “Ye and the hundreds of thousands of gamers who read yon
stacks of books, game maps, notes about the articles not yet writ- periodical?” he asked dryly.
ten and sourcebooks half-done. I turned, feather duster in hand, Ah, well. If one must deliver an obvious lie, make it a good
and asked with my best air of nonchalance, “Oh? How so?” big one. “Assuredly,” I told him blandly, trying very hard not to
Elminster replied, “I meant the chatter on what ye call “the blink as I met his sharp old eyes.
net”— comments about thy last account of our meetings. Lewd They twinkled, just for a moment, before the Old Mage
assumptions about what two dignified, arthritis-ridden arch- spoke. “Ye lie like a Waterdhavian official,” he told me. “So I’ll
mages — and a younger, supercilious, and overly fastidious tell thee: the privacy — and the wards I threw up after ye were
elven colleague — would get up to with Mordenkainen’s three in the bag as it were — are necessary because of a rather
young apprentices, after I ushered thy spying gaze safely away. undignified game mages play with colleagues and apprentices
Well, if you’d let me watch, I could have ‘reported it all,” I they can trust.”
said innocently. I raised one eyebrow. “It mustn’t get played very often, then.”
Elminster’s snort nearly sent the duster flying out of my “It doesn’t. It’s called ‘Twenty Transformations.’ Everyone
hand. “Thy fancies are betimes little better than the wild imag- takes off all their clothes — ”
inations of these poor typists on this net,” he told me firmly. I raised the other eyebrow.
“Besides, ’tis simply not done, to compromise the dignity of “Ah, yes; I forget ye have these silly notions about the human
young ladies in such a manner. Even wizards have rules.” body,” Elminster said with a sigh. ‘How d’ye enjoy strolling in
I blinked. “You do? What are they?” the warm spring rains, then, with all those clothes on,?”
He waggled a finger at me. “Ah, no — I’ll not be trapped into “We don’t. Go strolling, that is, trying to get wet.”
listing such things by thy goading disbelief Suffice it to say that if “Mad, quite mad — it’s how all growing things know the
ye publish one more account of our meetings in yon magazine — warm season has come again,” Elminster explained, as if to an
He inclined his head toward a nearby stack of DRAGON® idiot child.
Magazines that were (as usual) threatening to slide into a rather Then he sighed, shrugged, and continued. “As I was saying,
more horizontal pile. everyone disrobes — to keep from ruining our clothes, ye can
“— I want ye to make one thing perfectly clear. No intima- tell all those prurient folk — and stands in a circle. The oldest
cies — er, beyond washing each other’s backs, afterward, in thy mage (or, ahem, the one who’ll admit to being eldest) begins,
stream — occurred between any of us six.” and from him around the circle, widdershins, all the mages in
“So why the privacy?” turn change shape. The idea is to top the shape taken by the
Elminster’s pipe chose that moment to rise silently out of a last changer, in an amusing manner, while using — or echoing,
pocket somewhere in his robes and hover beside his mouth. or parodying — at least one element of that shape.”

D RAGON 238 43
The gaunt old archmage slumped into A breath or two later, it subsided. I noon sun stabbing down through the
my best chair and propped his booted heard a few muffled thumps in the dis- tiny window in the back parlor, and said,
feet on the ring of my sword-stand (other tance. The study was pristine in its gleam- “Ye do us proud. Is there any small boon
folk have umbrella-stands; I have a stand ing emptiness; all of the books in the I can grant thee?”
ready to accommodate the blades of room were neatly arranged on full book- “Well,” I said slowly, “yes. You men-
heavily-armed visitors. Elminster once shelves, there was nary a piece of paper tioned two spells in your remembrances
persuaded a sultry lady adventuress to or untidy stack of anything in sight, and of Myth Drannor, and I’d like to know
leave her broadsword behind, but that’s the table was bare and freshly polished. their details, if I may . . .”
another story). As I gaped, a bowl of fresh flowers His smile, if possible, grew even
“I daresay ye can picture the chaos — appeared on it. I winced, recognizing brighter. “So ye’d like me to share them
and the vulnerability assumed by the which neighbors front window display here, this even? Capital! Much better to
participants. Those are two more rea- those blooms had been plucked from. hazard forth than the spells I’d been
sons why privacy is essential. Besides — Elminster ignored my expression. thinking of handing to my colleagues;
would ye desire an unwanted audience “Ye’ll feel right at home later,” he said young Dalamar, especially, I’m a trifle
looking on when ye want to just relax reassuringly, “I but moved all the mess reluctant to trust with — but ne’er mind
and have fun?” into thy bedroom. Ye can sleep on this which spells, now. A good thought,
“Fun?” I echoed, trying to goad him table tonight, if ye aren’t feeling up to friend Ed.”
into saying more. His last few remarks major excavations.” He puffed upon his pipe approvingly,
had been delivered in a tone of finality. He frowned, seeming to study some- and then added, “I think ye can eaves-
“There’s generally a lot of levity,” the thing in the air before him. “Thy larder drop by the farscry method again, rather
Old Mage explained. (My ploy had seems depleted,” he said disapprovingly. than filling up the boots of thy old armor
worked.) “Everyone changes as often as “And thy wine cellar! Ye’ve been drinking with sweat. I can site thy eyes upon my
they can, until there’ve been twenty some of the best!” eversmoking pipe, here, if ye can find a
transformations. Then everyone tries to “My apologies,” I said sardonically. “I place rather more distant than thy bed-
change one last time, combining all the wasn’t aware, after your last two visits, room to lay thy lumbering body down
elements they liked the most from the that you’d left any ‘best stuff’ undrunk — in.”
shapes they’ve seen taken or them- except the last two inches in the jug of I could, and I did.
selves assumed. Giant rooster heads, ice-water.”
corkscrew pigtail arms, elephant-snout The Old Mage waved a finger.
tails, and centipede feet all at once . . . “Bitterness ill becomes thee! You expect
that sort of thing. Then we all sing old me to serve this ‘black cherry pop’ swill
songs and hoot a lot; if we were near a of thine to a lady?” It was a little later than the usual time
village, back home, we’d chase each “No,” I replied, heading for the bed- when something rose out of the flames
other through it and give the locals a room, and the box of bottles in its back in the fireplace, grew with menacing
good scare and some new monster tales closet (Christmas gifts whose labels had speed, and acquired two heads.
to tell around their hearthfires.” frankly scared me) that his prying spells As the fiery apparition melted into a
“Great fun,” I agreed, hoping the Old obviously hadn’t discovered yet. man and a woman with their arms
Mage wouldn’t see through my false I swung open the closet door. In the about each other’s shoulders, Elminster
enthusiasm. He did, of course. The gaze distance, almost immediately, I heard nodded in polite greeting to his visitors.
he leveled in my direction was quite his whistle of respect. Paranoid arch- “Be at ease, both of ye. Has the Lord
fierce. wizards! He was obviously watching my Mage taxed thy mind overmuch these
“Tag is usually a part of such games, every move from afar, in case I tried last few moons, Rautheene?”
and tickling,” he said severely, “some- some treachery. “I live yet, Lord Elminster,” the lady on
times occurs. The throwing of food is I put on my best hurt look and Mordenkainen’s arm replied serenely, as
also often a popular feature.” clanked back the way I’d come. Along the last flowing flames fell away to reveal
Then he acquired an almost boyish the way, two bottles rose from among a stunningly beautiful lady as slim and
grin, and added fondly, “They liked thy the others, dusted themselves off into slender as an upright serpent, and half a
ice cream very much, though.” His pipe my face, and flew ahead of me. head taller than either wizard. Black hair
gave forth a blue ring of smoke. He Puffing at the spiderweb across the swirled down over her shoulders, framing
regarded it sourly; he hadn’t put it to his bridge of my nose, I followed them into the low bodice of a clinging black gown.
lips yet. “Impatient contrivance,” he mut- my study. The gems upon the fine chain that encir-
tered, crooking a beckoning finger. It slid Elminster was sitting regarding the cled her hips glittered a glossy black. The
obediently toward his lips. labels on my two bottles of wine; as tiny dragon earrings that dangled from
“I hope ye’ll be cleaning up this sty they floated in front of his nose. He was her ears were jet black. Even her large
rather more thoroughly than usual,” he nodding slowly. and liquid eyes were black. Her smile,
added, “because we’ll be entertaining “Good,” he said. “Very good indeed. however, was a gentle thing.
one of the ladies again this night.” May I inquire as to the health and abun- “Moreover,” she added, “I have no
The air around me erupted into a dance of thy stock of ice cream?” complaints at all about my education
whirlwind of flying books, pencils, “Good and lots,” I replied elegantly. under the greatest mage of Oerth.”
papers, teacups, and magazines. I nar- “Pralines’n’cream and butter almond are Mordenkainen coughed. “I don’t
rowed my eyes and hunched down well represented.” think I’d go so far as to use a word such
beside a chair as the conjured tempest The Old Mage turned a smile on me as ‘greatest’ in connection with myself,”
raged around me. that was as bright and as sudden as the he ventured.

44 AUGUST 1997
“Well, I would, Lord,” she said firmly. up to where his snowy hair began. “And pledge not to throw any food about
“Lord Elminster, lower your eyebrows learned some spells from her?” he asked tonight — unless food is first thrown at
this instant!” softly. Then he leaned forward, put on me.”
“I was but easing a facial itch, Lady,” an easy, open, debonair smile — some “Done,” Mordenkainen said promptly,
the Old Mage said smoothly, with a unkind folk might almost have termed it and then asked pointedly, “Where are
twinkling smile that fooled no one. “Pray a leer — and said, “Lady, I understand ye the bottles?”
be seated, both of ye.” have a weakness for a delicacy of this “Oh, hanging around somewhere,”
His gaze flicked over to meet the eyes world known as ice cream ... in Elminster replied innocently, as his spell
of Mordenkainen. “We’ve known each particular, that possessing the flavor took effect and seventy or so bottles
other for some time now,” he added, ‘pralines’n’cream.’” descended from the ceiling in smooth
“and I can tell when there is trouble on Rautheene ran a very red tongue over unison.
thy mind. Pray share it?” her lips. “Don’t tease me, Elminster,” she Rautheene gave an admiring little
Mordenkainen inclined his head in said huskily. “I’ll trade any spells I have laugh, which grew into a chortle at the
grave assent. “Dalamar will not be join- for a good big bowl of that delight ... look on her masters face.
ing us this night,” he announced, as both and you know it, old rogue!” When she could speak again, it was
he and his apprentice took their seats. Elminster winked. “Compliments, to ask softly and intently, “Lords? What
“There is magical trouble on Krynn — m’lady,” he purred, “will get ye every- would it take, to win a place at this table
very great magical trouble. His own fate where.” He waved a hand, and my largest whenever you meet around it?
and future are uncertain.” bucket of pralines’n’cream ice cream “Ah, now — that’ll certainly give us
Elminster frowned. “Just when I was drifted smoothly into the room and came something to discuss this even,”
beginning to like the little sharptongue, to an obliging hovering halt in front of Elminster told her — but the lady appren-
too,” he murmured, her. As it settled gently down to the table tice’s dark eyes were fixed anxiously on
“Sentimentality, Lord?” Rautheene top, a placemat and a spoon appeared the face of her master.
inquired innocently. up over the edge of the table like eager “I don’t mind admitting that these
Mordenkainen fixed her with a cold rats and raced in underneath the bucket. little get-togethers are for me something
and level eye. “Ne’er forget he can turn Rautheene smiled down at the lid, eyes of a break from you and your fellow
you into a few wisps of smoke. Only sparkling like those of a little girl, as it ’prentices, lady, as well as all my other
archmages can afford to offend arch- slowly peeled itself back. Then she looked cares of Oerth,” Mordenkainen of
mages — and then only one at a time. from one archmage to another, and said Greyhawk said slowly, ‘but if you could
“Sometimes ‘not even one,” Elminster formally, “I shall lay full particulars of the see your way clear to undertaking little
murmured. spells scourge of stars and turnblade before expeditions and finding new spells to
Rautheene flushed, clear down to you both, ere we leave this place. share with us, each time, I think I could
where her low bodice began. “True “Then we may as well get the horse- find myself in enthusiastic support of the
enough. Forgive me, I pray, both of you.” trading out of the way right now,” notion. You’re certainly easier on the
“Thou hast it, and more,” Elminster Mordenkainen replied. “I can smell pizza.” eyes than Dalamar.”
rumbled. “For this meeting speak as freely “Extra garlic,” Elminster told him The unladylike whoop that rang off
as if I was thy younger brother. Chide, brightly. my rafters then was still echoing around
scold, sneer — I give ye license. Thy lords Rautheene looked up from dreamy the room when Mordenkainen’s sleek
warning was a good one, but I find it a lot contemplation of the pralines’n’cream and elegant eldest apprentice sprang
more fun trading jests with a spitfire than and asked, “Pizza? What is pizza?” across the table like a lunging warrior,
listening to soft, evasive emptinesses “Something wonderful,” the Lord both hands extended to catch hold of his
mumbled by a frightened servant.” Mage of Greyhawk told her. “But ye can face so she could begin raining kisses all
Rautheene looked to Mordenkainen, only have it after the soups. My two over it.
who shrugged. “The host sets the rules,” spells are flredart and backshift.” Thankfully for the ice cream, pizza,
he said. “So long as you set these meet- “Which soups might those be? soup and bottles, Elminster was alert
ings aside from your everyday conduct.” “Cream of mushroom with turkey,” and ready, and so were his whisking-
“Speaking of which,” the Lord Mage of Elminster said with a flourish, indicating out-of-the-way spells.
Greyhawk added smoothly, “in the two steaming tureens that were flying in
absence of our colleague of the Conclave, through the doorway, “followed by a For Your Campaign
I propose that Rautheene stand in his chaser of hot-and-sour. My two spells The next morning I had no trouble at
place, as full equal to us both.” are Mystra’s unraveling and spell echo.” all in getting a mellow Elminster to tell
“No argument here — yet she’s hardly Rautheene leaned forward to sniff at me enough of the six spells shared to lay
going to be able to trade spells with the the incoming tureens. The huge circular AD&D® game details of them before you.
same facility as our absent elf,” Elminster platter of pizza was right behind them. All I had to do was promise not to pass
responded, “seeing as thy hand put what “No ice cream until after both of these?” on to anyone on the net some of the
spells she has into her grasp.” she asked almost plaintively. tales told by the two older mages once
Mordenkainen replied, “Actually, “There’s no reason ye can’t spread they started really competing with each
Rautheene took a little trip after you thy ice cream on the pizza,” Elminster other to impress the lovely Rautheene.
dried her off with that clever warming said soothingly. (She left looking rather dazed, as over-
spell, last time. She went from the banks “Oh yes, there is,” Mordenkainen whelmed as I was. Have you any idea
of yonder stream straight to Faerûn, and growled. “My gorge!” how many wild pranks, mistakes, and
there met your Magister, Noumeà.” “Oh, be a brave wizard!” Elminster crazy schemes two wizards can get up to,
Elminster’s eyebrows climbed almost remonstrated. “If ye give in on this, I’ll over the space of several centuries?)

46 AUGUST 1997
Spell Echo its caster that requires somatic and mate- harmlessly, wasted. One that strikes
(IlIusion/Phantasm) rial components. The whip appears as a deals 1d4 hp piercing damage and is
Level: 1 band of shadow dotted with thousands quenched, its magic expended. The tar-
Components: S of tiny, twinkling motes of light, and it get is allowed a saving throw vs. spell,
Range: 0 strikes silently. It can’t be grasped or and if (and only if) that save fails, the
Casting Time: 1 snagged on things, and its reach is the dart also inflicts 1d4+1 hp fire damage.
Duration: 1-2 rounds length of the casters appendage plus 10’. A caster can elect to hurl each firedart
Save: None A scourge of stars strikes with, a THAC0 at a different target, or group them in
Area of Effect: Special 6 points, better than that of its caster, attacks against various targets, or even
This spell creates a silent illusory and it deals 2d4 hp damage per round. “save” some to attack on the second
scene that depicts the operation Any damage it inflicts is bestowed on its round of the spell. All of the firedarts van-
(unleashing) of a previously-launched caster as extra or healing hit points (any ish when they miss or hit, or if they
magic. The duration and size of the excess hit points vanish When the haven’t been fired when the spell
scene varies according to the nature of scourge does, but until then, all damage expires (the firedart spell ends instantly if
that previous spell’s effect, but it always suffered by the caster is taken first from the caster casts another spell during that
includes its caster (or magical item acti- these extra points). The scourge may second round). Decisions about the tar-
vator) if he was present at the time of strike only once in a round, can never gets of firedarts saved until the second
the original magic taking effect, and any harm its caster, and has no tangible round need not be made until that sec-
creatures in the immediate vicinity who existence (i.e., it can’t be tied to any- ond round, but the targets are still
were affected by the spell. thing, or be cut by an opponent, or used limited to creatures visible to the caster
Any amount of time can elapse to entangle a weapon). when the spell is first cast.
between the original spell and the cast- The material component of a scourge A common use of this spell is to strike
ing of the echo, but the caster of the echo of stars is a string of nine diamonds or out at a group of warriors attacking the
must occupy some part of the precise other clear, colorless faceted gemstones caster, saving some firedarts to send
area of effect of the original spell, or the of any type and value. The gems must against warriors who are still attacking
spot in which its caster or activator be pierced and have a single, continu- after the first “wave” of firedarts have
stood at the time, or the spell fails with- ous chain or cord running through each struck.
out effect. If multiple spells have taken stone to link all of them. Other gems The material components of a firedart
effect in the area or have been cast from and adornments may be present, but all, spell are a fragment of flint and a
the spot chosen by the echo-caster, the are consumed in the spellcasting. feather. The feathers may be of any size
caster is made aware of the race of the and from any source.
caster or activator of each, the school or Firedart
sphere of each magic, and the approxi- (Evocation) Turnblade
mate time, and must choose to display Level: 4 (Alteration)
just one of the previous magics from Components: V, S, M Level: 4
that information. Multiple spell echo Range: 300 yards Components: V, S, M
spells can be cast in the same spot to Casting Time: 2 Range: Special
“sort through” multiple previous Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 7
enchantments, without affecting the Save: ½ Duration: 8 rounds
“recalls.” This spell works only in Area of Effect: Special Save None
Realmspace. This spell brings into being one fiery Area of Effect: One weapon
A spell echo is purely an illusion, but it is dagger per level of its caster. These look This spell allows its caster to trans-
known to be a true illusion, not suscepti- like 4”-long knives whose blades are form any weapon (any object that one
ble to alteration by any known magic — wavering tongues of flame and which being can lift and wield, that has in the
and therefore acceptable as evidence of flicker into existence around the casters past been used to cause damage to a liv-
who did what to whom in the past. head and shoulders. They can’t harm ing or undead creature, whether it is a
the caster who creates them or cause rock or a garden stake or a broadsword)
harm to any non-living material (they into any weapon of his choice.
Scourge of Stars can’t ignite wood, cloth, paper, or any- The “new” weapon must be a copy of
(Alteration, Evocation) thing else) but are deadly to living and an item the caster has personally seen
Level: 3 undead targets. before. Its size, appearance, composition
Components: V, S, M These firedarts fly at targets chosen by and construction (e.g., silver-coated,
Range: 0 the caster. They must be visible to the non-ferrous, or specific to a left- or right-
Casting Time: 6 caster as spellcasting begins, but they handed user) conform to the turnblade-
Duration: 12 rounds need not be so after; the firedarts follow casters desires, but the new weapon
Save: None and seek them, at MV Fly 20 (A), THAC0 has no magical properties beyond hav-
Area of Effect: Special 4, two attacks allowed (the second only ing +3 bonuses on all attack and dam-
This spell brings into being a weight- if the first misses). Contact with any age rolls. Its base damage is that of the
less whip extending from an appendage magical barrier or spell effect, or passing weapon-form chosen, regardless of size.
of the caster. It need not be grasped by out of spell range, causes a firedart to For damage purposes, treat all weapons
the wizard (who can hold other items in a vanish instantly and harmlessly. not easily classified as a standard
hand that it may extend from), but it does A firedart that misses on both its weapon type as either a quarterstaff or
preclude other spellcasting on the part of attack attempts fizzles out and vanishes, a club, depending on rough overall size.

DRAGON 238 47
This spell is most commonly used to backshift spell itself doesn’t prohibit ages are to non-living items, those items
transform a dagger into a long sword +3 them. are yanked fully into the plane wherein
or a two-handed sword, or to turn a dag- At the end of the third round, the vic- the unraveling is cast. All portions of a
ger into an axe when the latter weapon tim of a backshift is allowed a saving large item are affected if any part of it is
is needed as a tool (i.e., to chop through throw vs. spell. If the save succeeds, the within range of the unraveling.
a door to freedom). The weapon can be spell ends, and the creature is instantly This magic has no effect on magical
wielded by anyone (even against the returned to the form it had at first con- items touched by the caster during cast-
caster, or in defiance of the caster’s tact with the spell. ing or carried on the caster’s person. It
wishes) and — even if the caster deliber- If the save fails, the caster of the spell also leaves untouched spell effects not
ately chooses to forego the magical can freely choose any one of the four attached to an item, including those that
bonuses the spell affords — is considered forms (the initial one and the three originated in magical item discharges.
a +3 magical weapon for purposes of forced “returns”) as the target creature’s An unraveling reveals the multiple pow-
determining what creatures it can hit. new form. As the magic expires, it puts ers of artifacts (to the mind of its caster
A turnblade spell can’t be ended the target creature into the chosen form. only) in precise and fine detail, but it
before the weapon it affects has existed This change is permanent unless altered doesn’t affect or harm them — beyond
in its transformed state for eight full by later magics, though the chosen form the fact that its touch won’t activate an
rounds. The weapon affected is the isn’t the creature’s “true” form, a simple artifact, regardless of the artifacts nor-
material component of the spell — and it dispel magic causes the creature to revert mal conditions for activation.
is consumed by the magic, vanishing to its true form. Alternatively, an unraveling can be
forever when the spell expires. Once a backshift has been cast, its cast with a different incantation word. In
caster is free to undertake other activi- such cases, it leaves magical items and
Backshift ties during later rounds (while its victim artifacts completely untouched, and it
(Alteration, Necromancy) is undergoing the spell effects). The works only against enchantments. It can
Level: 8 death of the caster frees the target from affect such magics regardless of their
Components: V, S, M the backshift immediately, but move- age and origin, even if they are quies-
Range: 30 yards ment out of spell range does not. cent, awaiting later activation, within an
Casting Time: 1 turn The material components of a back- area or a being. Such an unraveling suc-
Duration: Special shift are a strand of spiderweb, a whole, cessfully destroys multiple linked
Save: Special raw egg and a fragment of shell from enchantments without triggering their
Area of Effect: One creature an egg that has hatched. Both the whole magics, penetrates all known barriers
This spell forces its target (who must egg and the shell fragment may come (including prismatic effects and antimagic
be visible to the caster when casting from any egg-laying creature, and they shells), and is roughly the equivalent of
begins) back into previous body shapes need not both be from the same indi- four dispel magic spells.
the target has assumed. If it is cast on a vidual or even species.
creature that has never changed its This spell was originally developed to
shape, the spell is wasted. Purely illusion- unmask individuals who employed
ary disguises, and minor changes to the shape-changing magics to conceal their
nature of a targets body such as in identities when they openly carried out The look on Elminster’s face as he
growing and aging do not count as crimes. For safety reasons, a backshift finally stumbled back toward the fire-
“changes in shape.” spell is usually memorized by at least place (through which he likes to fade
The backshift spell forces its target one senior participant prior to any away), pipe floating obediently behind
back into the last three body shapes it “twenty transformations” game. him, tells me he enjoyed the Lady
has assumed that weren’t the targets Rautheene’s company almost as much
own. If the target has taken fewer than Mystra’s Unraveling as her proud master Mordenkainen did.
three shapes since birth, the spell dis- (Alteration, Enchantment) It seems likely she’ll be present at future
plays all forms it has taken. The target Level: 9 meetings of the Wizards Three — but
creature appears into these shapes in Components: V, S whatever befalls, I’ll keep you posted.
reverse chronological order (that is, the Range: 0
most recently-taken form first) for one Casting Time: 1
round each. If there are fewer than three Duration: Instantaneous
shapes available, the spell cycles Save: None
through them, never including the form Area of Effect: 30’ radius Ed Greenwood is a busy writer who loves
the creature was using when first struck This spell instantly destroys all spells good books, strong old cheddar cheese,
by the backshift. and enchantments linked to, focused on, magic flying swords, dancing elven maid-
There is no saving throw against this or held within items. Imprisoned beings ens, moonlight gallops through the woods,
initial part of the backshift, and this spell are set free, magically-preserved items black cherry pop, Celtic music, clever comics
can force creatures into shapes not are exposed to all the aging they’ve about aardvarks, and properly-fitting armor
adapted for survival in the current sur- been protected from, and so on. Magical — but not in that order, of course.
roundings (such as aquatic forms, on dry items automatically lose their powers,
land). Target activities, such as spell- and barriers and wards connected to
casting and weapon use, may be ham- doors, anchor points, or other solid
pered or aided by the forms taken things collapse. Items connected to other
(dropping weapons is common), but the planes lose those connections; if the link-

by Ed Greenwood
illustrated by Storn Cook

not often that the famous for instance, or Zhentarim wizards riding young dragons were raiding their first vil-
explorer, mageling, and some- feywings rise aloft from Darkhold in lages, Felgolos was lying atop crags using
time travel guide writer Volo admits to great numbers, to mount a spell attack spying spells to look around villages and
puzzlement about something in the on some hapless city or other). Through learn how these strange creatures called
Realms. However, Elminster chuckled years of this sort of peering about in per- humans and half-elves lived. His parents
frequently over the bewildered nota- petual wonderment, Felgolos seems to encouraged him to go on independent
tions, queries, and counter-notations in have led a charmed life. Although he forays. When he wanted to play, they
Volo’s entry on Felgolos, a dragon has often been hurt and even forced to cast spells that linked their three minds
known to some sages and long-lived fight or flee in earnest many times, he and then worked magic together.
inhabitants of the western Heartlands has survived poking his nose into one This upbringing has given Felgolos
and eastern Amn as “the Flying danger after another and continues to three unusual qualities: a carefree self-
Misfortune” because of his long career of blithely do so despite many warnings reliance that steers him well clear of the
crashing into things, causing mayhem, (and threats) as to his fate. treasure-grasping paranoia that afflicts
and appearing in the midst of draconic Born to a pair of magically-mighty so many dragons, a knowledge
battles, clashes of armies, archmages’ bronze dragons who’ve since used their (matched by few elves and even fewer
spell-duels, and other spectacular events. Art to travel to other planes (where, pre- humans) of everyday life of all things on
Felgolos is a juvenile male bronze sumably, they still flourish), Felgolos was the surface of Faerûn, and a mastery of
dragon of sleek build, unshakable taught to experiment, to observe, and to magic far beyond the norm for his age.
curiosity, and unfailing good nature. He play with magic. When other hatchlings In AD&D® game terms, from what
refuses to make enemies or to be pru- were exulting in tearing apart their first Elminster tells us, Felgolos can be con-
dent, and he wanders Faerûn, intruding cattle, Felgolos was tinkering with a sidered the equal of a 14th-level wizard.
on the territories of other dragons and “pluck-and-grab” teleport spell that could (That is, the roster of spells that he
venturing into situations of great peril uproot trees and stumps at his behest, so knows, and the ranges, damages and
(when Dragon Cultists have urged a dra- that he could make fences around his other particulars of the magics he casts,
colich into making its first raiding flight, own stolen herd of cattle. When other are identical to those of a 14th-level

D RAGON 238 51
mage — regardless of the norm for Felgolos seems almost not to think of for a picnic luncheon, scooping up a few
young bronze dragons.) Like most himself as a dragon and to have no specimens, and then wending his way
dragons, however, Felgolos requires interest in others of his kind — other than home to Narthtowers, a mountainside
slumber rather than study to replenish to regard bronze dragons as trustworthy keep in northern Halruaa that simply
his spells, but he can choose which friends on sight. bristled with intelligent carnivorous
magics “return” from a large selection of The archmage Malchor Harpell once bushes, vines, and similar deadly speci-
spells known to him. Eiminster estimates commented that Felgolos “seems to mens. Felgolos was happy to take him
that the Flying Misfortune has mastered have more bounce (buoyant good on such “poking around seeing things”
about 30 spells of each of the first six humor and optimism) than anyone I’ve jaunts, and they got on famously —
spell levels, including some unique ever known — and probably more than despite several close calls, such as the
enchantments (two of which appear in any entity active in Faerûn today, short time they landed in the middle of an
these pages) that he either developed or of Tymora herself.” Certainly the adven- encamped orc horde one night, or the
modified from those given to him by his turer Toross of the elves, known for his time they interrupted a conclave of hun-
parents. boundless energy and high spirits, tried dreds of gathered spirit naga in a jungle
If he ever turned to evil — or to any to accompany the Flying Misfortune for valley deep in Chult.
aim or scheme in a determined, persis- a time (riding on his back, as a trusted Such adventures made Stormspells
tent way — Felgolos would be a formi- friend) and later described the experi- aware that Felgolos could make them
dable foe. He seems incapable of this ence as “exhausting ... his gusty high both far safer if certain enchantments
sort of behavior, however, treating spirits wore me down as winter gales were worked upon his draconic steed.
opponents he faces again and again as tear through leafless branches.” So he cast a mighty and permanent
some sort of amusement “laid on” for Felgolos has never shown any evi- manyfold enchantment on the bronze
him — never as enemies to be hated, dence of cunning or prudence, but great dragon. The spell’s secrets have presum-
feared, or slain. good luck seems to accompany him — ably, with Stormspells’ death, been lost
Instead, Felgolos spends his days always preceded by clumsiness and a — though some of their secrets may
wandering aimlessly about the Realms, pratfall or two. He is said to be quick and exist in written form, somewhere within
peering at this and that. He stops from expert in his use of spells, especially the now-overgrown Narthtowers.
time to time to feed or whenever he when surprised and attacked, but he interested adventurers are warned that
sees something that interests him. seems to have few other accomplish- the plants growing there have slain sev-
Trading information about what he’s ments beyond sensitivity to the needs of eral young and ambitious Halruaan
seen with folk he meets for other news. others, wisdom in the ways of ail sur- mages. This powerful magic has three
Felgolos is without guile and never lies face-world living things, and accom- effects, detailed hereafter.
outright, though he’s often cryptic and plished storm flying. He loves to ride the All magics (including magical
omits important things for pranksome wild winds of gales, lightning storms, item discharges, psionic effects, and
fun or to protect those he considers his and even hurricanes. He never seems to natural spell-like powers) of the
friends. Certain hermits, sages, Harpers, take harm from the crackling aerial dis- Enchantment/Charm school cast at
and isolated mages (from Malchor charges or tearing winds, however, no Felgolos have no effect other than to
Harpell to Elminster of Shadowdale) are matter how furious the weather. give the dragon additional hit points,
among his favorite hosts; they always Some sages have even advanced the equal to one point per spell level of the
have news to impart. Many of these theory that Felgolos is the avatar of “a magical attack. These extra hit points
learned friends, of course, aren’t above sleeping god” or “a child of Akadi.” No serve to heal any damage the dragon
using Felgolos as an information-gatherer, “certain death” dealt to him seems to be has already suffered, or they remain as
or aiming him (rather as one goads a final, and no foe seems to be able to phantom “extra” hit points for a full day,
goat, or obliquely suggests something to destroy him utterly, though he has been waiting to offset any other damage
a restless child without saying it directly badly beaten many times. His typical Felgolos may suffer during that time.
and thus being refused) at particular response to these defeats is to forget All Necromancy magics cast at
places or folk, to have him “stir things about the battle — though not who his Felgolos have no effect other than to
up.” foes were — rather than to seek revenge. cause him to regenerate 1 hp per spell
Elminster, for one, admits to sending if there is some hidden divinity to level of the necromantic attack, once
Felgolos to “annoy and crash through” Felgolos, or even just a favor of Tymora every 6 turns, for a full day (24 hours, or
the work of the Zhentarim operating out guarding him, the Hying Misfortune is 144 turns). This effect has brought the
of Darkhold (one of the reasons the honestly unaware of it. dragon back from apparent death more
Black Network hasn’t been more domi- Elminster says the secret behind than once. Note that as with the healing
nant in the Far Hills area) or to check on Felgolos’ astonishing survival dates from boon of Enchantment/Charm attacks, this
activity in the vicinity of Hellgate Keep, the twenty-odd years following the regeneration is cumulative. Thus, if a wiz-
and Hellgate Dell). departure of his parents. They tried to ard were to attack Felgolos with a
The sage Velsaert of Baldur’s Gate (a keep him safe by offering his service as finger of death (a 7th-level spell), and
rising authority on the history of dragons a steed to a certain archwizard of another hostile mage later used a vampiric
up and down the Sword Coast) describes Halruaa, one Thongameir “Stormspells” touch on the dragon (a 3rd-level spell), nei-
Felgolos as “an eternal wide-eyed blun- Halargoth. ther wizard would harm Felgolos in the
derer, ignorant of draconic etiquette and Stormspells was a kindly old collector slightest (or, in the case of the touch, gain
ways, but more learned in the doings of of rare plants and mosses who liked any hit points, from him). Also, for a day
men and treants and hedgehogs than nothing better than to fly across half thereafter, Felgolos would be regaining 10
the wisest sage alive.” Elminster says that Faerûn looking at wilderlands, stopping hit points (7 every six turns after with-

52 AUGUST 1997
standing the finger, and 3 every six turns Mountains, Felgolos frequents moun- Felgolos’ Domain
after his contact with the touch). These tain-locked high valleys where he can Felgolos roams Faerûn more or less
boons occur in addition to the normal drink from lakes and keep free-ranging freely, ignoring the territories claimed by
healing that rest brings to him, or any herds of stolen rothé, sheep, goats, and other dragons or creatures. By and
healing magics he may choose to cast on cattle for food. The one in the Thunder large, such entities have learned that it is
himself. (Several observers have attested Peaks has a mountainside cavern large easiest to ignore the intrusions of the
that Felgolos seems to command at least enough to hold Felgolos (if he crawls in) Flying Misfortune; fighting or trying to
one sort of healing spell.) and some keepsakes. These include a entrap him always carries a cost, and
All Alteration magics cast at huge canopied bed (for humans to sleep the bronze dragon clearly has no inten-
Felgolos have no effect except to in relative comfort, if the dragon should tion of carving out a domain of his own,
empower the dragon instantly to cast an bring them here), a small sailing ship (in seizing treasure, or competing in any
additional spell by silent act of will case Felgolos ever finds someone who lasting manner for food.
(casting time 1): a teleport without error needs one), and even a castle draw- The bronze dragon is, however, sen-
spell that can take along any number of bridge the Flying Misfortune once tore sitive to the needs and desires of others,
creatures directly touching the Flying away from a fortress so that he could and he tends to avoid the home ranges
Misfortune, along with any items he or spill the mounted knights on it into the of mated dragons whom he knows are
they are wearing or carrying, so long as moat, one by one, after giving them an rearing young. The danger of war, wiz-
these additions weigh no more than a entertainingly wild ride in his claws as ards’ duels, and the like is not a deter-
ton (extra weight is left behind at ran- he dove, looped, and swooped around rent to Felgolos, however — news of
dom, non-living items first). Felgolos can the battlements. such things is likely to attract him.
choose selectively to exclude creatures In another cave somewhere along
or items touching him from this journey, the Sword Coast, Felgolos has a growing The Deeds of Felgolos
so as to leave behind foes. This power collection of wagons gained from The favorite prey of Felgolos is any
was formerly used to take the dragon to Zhentarim. Whenever he swoops low to sort of herd animal he can swoop on
the top of a rock pinnacle directly above look at a caravan owned by the Black from above when he comes upon them
Narthtowers, but the dragon uses it to Network, its guards fire crossbow bolts in his wanderings; he finds having to
“jump” to other locales in Faerûn more or spells at him. The Flying Misfortune hunt deliberately for food to be tire-
often these days; he finds revisiting the responds by snatching up a souvenir some. He doesn’t seem to have any
home of his dead master a saddening wagon, beasts of burden and all, and favorite spells, watering holes, or hunt-
experience. Note that multiple Alteration- taking it away to add to his hoard. If it ing grounds — doing things differently
school attacks upon the Flying contains people (Zhents often transport (and recklessly) all the time is life itself to
Misfortune give him multiple teleport bound captives under other cargo, and the Flying Misfortune. His lack of plan-
spells, to be used at any time thereafter. sometimes they ride in their own wag- ning and prudence often leads to the
if beset by persistent foes, Felgolos can ons, particularly when guarding pre- mishaps that have earned him his nick-
“jump” repeatedly hither and thither in cious goods) or food, Felgolos often name — but it is fatal to believe that
Faerûn. He often does this to drag oppo- empties it en route. Zhents are typically Felgolos never learns from his battlefield
nents from frigid mountaintops to blaz- dropped into a lake after a terrifying mistakes nor recognizes individuals
ing hot deserts or tiny, bare rock islets in dive toward its waiting waters, but oth- who’ve done him harm in the past.
midsea — and leaves his foes in any or erwise Felgolos does nothing but store Felgolos spends most of his days
all (if they’re a group) such places, to find the stolen wagon. He doesn’t care if wandering the Realms, spying on the
their own ways to comfort and safety. others find his “ghost caravan” and pilfer deeds of others, playing pranks on them
If he knows his foes, Felgolos may from it. indeed, he often plucks a wagon or aiding them as the whim takes him,
mischievously take them to places dan- up to take to a traveler on the road and looking for fresh fun (or at least
gerous to them (the topmost turret of whose own conveyance has lost a interest).
the castle of an enemy, for example) wheel or overturned. Felgolos is famous for two things:
and perch nearby to watch the fun (if In all of the Flying Misfortune’s lairs tearing off the tallest tower of the
necessary, by the use of spying spells, one may find odd coins (even a chest or Citadel of the Raven and using it as a
while remaining hidden). The Flying coffer of wealth in the “ghost caravan”), club to swat enraged beholders out of
Misfortune isn’t cruel, however — he but Felgolos doesn’t collect or value the sky (after they rose all around him),
wouldn’t drop a foe onto rocks from coins, gems, or jewelry. and for the frame teleport spell he (or per-
high in the air, or into the pen of a hun- Felgolos seems to be a contented haps Stormspells) developed — which he
gry monster. loner, but he sometimes teams up with a uses to enter (or partially enter, for a
bored archmage (even one of the Seven good look around) areas whose
Felgolos’ Lair Sisters, perhaps, seeking a momentary entrances are too small for his body. He
It could be said that the Flying vacation of sightseeing and prank- has used this spell to eavesdrop on
Misfortune has no true lair but rather a playing) for an adventure or two, or even covert meetings of conspirators (in one
score of favorite sleeping-spots. Most of comes to Shadowdale or Candlekeep for instance posing as a “stuffed dragon
them are shallow depressions in high aid. The sages of Candlekeep so value head” on a wail), bedchamber confer-
mountain ridges, where he won’t be his knowledge that they now eagerly ences, secret priestly rituals, and even
disturbed. He does, however, have a few trade lore with him; Eiminster or Jhessail wizards at work on their spells.
places where he keeps things, and some can furnish him with a little spell-muscle
might judge these to be “lairs.” in both or a human ally.
the Thunder Peaks range and the Troll

D RAGON 238 53
Felgolos’ Magic move just one wheel, leg, or other com- what is occupying a frame (such as a
The Flying Misfortune has always ponent part of an intact item, and there- picture, mirror, or closed door), and it
been interested in magic — both watch- fore cause the item to collapse, begin to causes no harm to the material within
ing others work it and experimenting on move, or be torn apart. the frame. The spell doesn’t guarantee
his own. He prefers to develop his own The spell places the moved item safety thereafter, however, if the area on
spells rather than to gain them from oth- exactly where the caster desires — the far side of the far frame is (for
ers via seizure or trading; however, though a midair chosen location will of instance) underwater, or filled with a rag-
spellbooks, spell scrolls, and magical course mean that the item promptly falls ing fire, or being used for target practice.
items are among the few things the from there (with an attendant item sav- The user of this spell can pass entirely
Flying Misfortune does like to acquire in ing throw and possible damage to through the far frame (ending the spell
his wanderings. Where he keeps them, things beneath). if the caster elects to instantly) or pass only partially through it,
no one knows. move an item to the same spot it was in leaving part of his body behind by the
previously, it is considered to have “left” original frame. This second option allows
the spot for half a round. Therefore, the caster to withdraw to the original
(Alteration) other beings or items can move through location at any time during the three
Level: 6 the temporarily vacated area; if one is rounds after the round of casting. Before
caught in the area upon reappearance that time, the caster can take or leave
Range: 90 yards
Components: V of the item, treat as for direct impact, as items, observe, speak, reach, grasp
Duration: 1 round described hereafter. things, and even cast spells or launch
Casting Time: 1 A snatchport creates enough of an air attacks in the new location (on the far
Area of Effect: One item of up to 600 lbs. disturbance that even unwitting creatures side of the far frame).
Saving Throw: Special directly under or in the spot of arrival are If the caster remains in “both places”
This spell enables its caster to take allowed a Dexterity check to avoid the when the spell expires, he is catapulted
any one item within spell range and arriving item (unless they are constrained through both frames into the “new”
place it at another spot within spell from moving or are asleep). The damage location, suffering 4d4 hp damage, and
range. For the purposes of this spell, a from the direct impact of a snatchported the link with the old frame vanishes.
collection of items fastened or held item depends on its weight and size, but While the caster is “in both places,” he is
together — for instance, a wagon com- it is never less than 4d4 hp damage or a vulnerable to attacks at both locations
posed of wood bolted and strapped crushing blow saving throw. and suffers double normal damage from
together, or a chest and its contents — is all harmful occurrences in the “new
considered “one item.” Only non-living Frame Teleport location. A frame teleport protects its
items may be moved about by means of (Alteration) caster against any need for System
snatchport spells, though they may once Level: 7 Shock survival rolls or Constitution
have been living. Enchanted items, and Range: Special checks (for whatever reason) while it is
items directly worn by or in the grasp of Components: V operating.
a living creature (such as weapons or Duration: 1-4 rounds
Casting Time: 1 Felgolos’ Fate
belt-purses) can’t be snatchported.
A snatchport moves the chosen item Area of Effect: Special Whim, curiosity, and a desire to revel
through extra-dimensional space, Saving Throw: None in constant fun govern every act of
“around” intervening obstacles such as This spell allows its caster to teleport Felgolos. He is likely always to find fresh
walls (though it cannot pass unbroken his body between two closed wooden trouble to blunder into, and he will
magical barriers such as wardmists). it frames of any size that are any distance always like helping creatures who are
also has the power to “pluck up” fas- apart on Faerûn. The caster must touch lost or in need. Sooner or later, such acts
tened items if its caster makes a suc- one frame directly as the spell is cast and are bound to bring him his death, yet he
cessful Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll. Three must visualize the other (i.e., it must be a has cheated certain doom so often that
attempts to pluck a fastened item may frame the caster has either touched or it is hard to say what, if anything, can
be made, with any modifications cur- seen previously, though such viewing destroy him. Perhaps the claims of sages
rently available. in this manner, snatch- may have been by means of a scrying about his divine nature are true.
port can be used to tear loose dead trees spell or similar means of remote scrutiny).
or stumps, lashed-down catapult arms, if either of the frames has a gap or
moored boats, locked doors, etc. break in it, the spell simply won’t work
When a tethered item is torn free by and is wasted. If either of the frames
means of this spell, it must withstand a bears an enchantment, or arrival through Ed Greenwood is a journalist, library
“fail” saving throw or be structurally the far one is into an area filled with an clerk, writer, artist, and game designer
damaged (cracked). Depending on its operating magical ward or barrier, that whose work on the FORGOTTEN REALMS®
nature, this can mean that any subse- remote magic is unaffected, the frame setting has taken him all over the world
quent fall or harsh use destroys it, or teleport fails, and its caster suffers 2d6 hp meeting gamers, whom he describes as “the
that it will survive just one more normal damage from a magical backlash. best hope and indication that our planet will
usage intact, or that it breaks apart and The spell otherwise operates safely, have a thinking, caring future.” He also likes
collapses into component pieces upon silently, and without peril to its caster, squeaky bath toys.
delivery to the location chosen by the allowing his body to emerge from
caster. A snatchport can’t be cast so as to frames much too small to allow its phys-
ical passage. Arrival is safe regardless of

54 AUGUST 1997
The Future of TSR with Wizards of the Coast
ince Wizards of the Coast, inc. What will happen to DRAGON® The AD&D® Game
acquired TSR, inc. in June of this Magazine and DUNGEON® Adventures? Will AD&D 2nd Edition continue as
year, practically every fan of the two What about the money or issues sub- is? Will Wizards of the Coast continue to
companies has been asking, What does scribers are owed? produce the current AD&D lines? Are
this mean?” If we waited until we had The magazines will continue to be you planning to support all game lines,
the answers to every question, it would published and will probably be the first or just ones based on the AD&D rules?
be months before we could share them things on the shelves. If you canceled What creative ideas do you have in
with you. Here, then, are the answers to your subscription, you’ll be reimbursed store for the AD&D game?
the most common questions asked so as quickly as possible. If you’ve held on Right now, the first priority is to get
far — straight from the Wizards them- to your subscription, you’ll begin receiv- TSR back up and running. That means
selves. Keep an eye on these pages for ing issues as they’re printed. Remember figuring out where we stand with pro-
more information in the months ahead. that subscriptions run by the magazines’ jects currently in production and putting
issue numbers, not by month, so you’ll products on the shelf as fast as we pos-
New Product Schedules still receive all of the issues you’ve sibly can. WotC doesn’t want to drop
When will new products and maga- bought: 12 per year for DRAGON Magazine anything as result of the merger, but we
zines ship? and 6 per year for DUNGEON Adventures. will do the type of analysis that any com-
As soon as possible! We’re gearing pany does in looking at the performance
up to ship as fast as we can. There are Which of the products announced of the various product lines. We didn’t
plenty of completed products just wait- for 1997 on the TSR homepage will be come in with any “agenda” for changes
ing to be printed and shipped to distrib- produced? Will a new schedule become in that regard. As far as new creative
utors. On the other hand, we don’t want available? ideas go, they’ll evolve as we begin to
to flood the market by releasing too All projects listed for 1997 are under work with the TSR staff to examine
many things too quickly. The adjusted consideration, and a new schedule’s where we are and where we’re going. As
release schedule will probably reflect a being developed right now. That revised with all businesses, we’ll look at what’s
more-or-less “typical” TSR release each schedule will be made public and best for both the company and the con-
month in the number of products that released online as soon as its completed. sumer in making these decisions. And
are shipped. That means some projects we’ll certainly continue to invest in any
will be pushed back into 1998, but that’s Will backlist products be reprinted? product that’s doing well for the compa-
better than forcing the consumer to Yes. Part of the schedule process ny and that people are interested in.
choose between a years worth of prod- includes assembling a list of key backlist Essentially, the game remains the
ucts in six months. products to be put back into distribution. same — only the names have changed!

D RAGON 238 55
What’s this talk of a “3rd Edition be produced. That’s a sensible strategy company that lets us really connect with
AD&D” that I keep hearing about? for any business: You have to support the players. Anyone familiar with WotC
The idea of a 3rd Edition was being profitable product lines, promote new knows that we love to become involved
discussed by creative staff and manage- ideas, and be cautious about lines that with the players and to support them in
ment at TSR long before the merger, and aren’t selling well. any way we can, so the redevelopment
it’s still under discussion now. For the of the the RPGA Network is an important
moment, the idea’s being debated with The GEN CON Game Fair concern. The return of POLYHEDRON
no specific plans. Will the GEN CON Game Fair 1997 go Newszine will probably be a part of that
on as planned? What about the Game process.
The Fate of Your Favorites Fair in 1998 and further in the future?
Is the new ALTERNITY™ RPG still in the Since Origins and the GEN CON Game Will you provide the AD&D game
works? Fair are close together, both geograph- with the same customer support as the
Yes. Like the TSR staff, we consider ically and temporally, will one or the MAGIC: THE GATHERING game?
the ALTERNITY game to be one of the most other be phased out or moved to the Definitely. This is one of the things
important new projects on the schedule West Coast? WotC’s very good at, and TSR’s products
and intend to give it our full support. This year’s GEN CON Game Fair — the will gain WotC’s experience and programs
The latest plan for the ALTERNITY game: 30th anniversary of that Show! — will go for customer support. We’d like to empha-
We intend to preview the game at the on as planned. At this point, we have no size, though, that WotC doesn’t consider
1997 GEN CON® game fair and do a lot of intention of moving the show from itself “the perfect game company” with all
research at the show and beyond. Why? Milwaukee; it’s a location that’s served the answers; there’s plenty we can learn
First, to ensure that it’s the best game it the Game Fair, TSR, and the whole game from TSR’s staff and experience, as well.
can possibly be; and second, to get the industry well, and it’s accessible to peo- We’re working to make this a true merger
customers involved in the development ple from all parts of the country. so that we can learn from each other and
process. Any changes required by feed- Origins will remain a separate show. make all the products — the MAGIC: THE
back we receive at the show will be The two conventions have been com- GATHERING and AD&D games and every-
implemented before the product is bined in the past for specific years; that thing else — better.
released. The Wizards staff is very excit- may occur again at some point, but not
ed about this game and the marketing on a regular basis. What sort of cross pollination of the
departments are working together to product lines can we expect? Will AD&D
maximize the research and the effective- When can we expect to see GEN CON game creatures and characters appear
ness of the launch. WotC’s contributing 1996 exhibitor and judge refunds? How in the MAGIC: THE GATHERING game? Are
its marketing expertise to the process, about Winter Fantasy? there any plans for an AD&D game set-
but the creative end of things — like con- All outstanding debts will be handled ting based on the world of Dominia?
tent and product development — is still in a timely fashion. We’ll have to wait and see. We’re
being driven by the TSR staff members already having some preliminary discus-
who’ve been involved with the ALTERNITY Do you intend to support the sions on these ideas. Again, our first pri-
game since it was first proposed. European GEN CON Game Fair this year ority will be to bring TSR’s production up
and in the future? Do you see the to speed and get the products out there
What will be the fate of extinct prod- European side of the RPGA® Network as quickly as possible. Once things have
uct lines such as the AL-QADIM®, DARK developing? What will happen to the evened out a bit, we’ll examine these
SUN®, GREYHAWK®, MYSTARA® and TSR outpost in Great Britain? Will you options carefully.
SPELLJAMMER® settings? change the European distribution policy? But we have determined that the core
Each of these lines will be examined One of Wizards’ key beliefs is that of both product lines will remain pure.
on a case-by-case basis after we’ve fin- gaming isn’t (and shouldn’t be) restricted You won’t see a Serra Angel in the
ished with current schedule issues. to one country; it’s a world-wide hobby MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM®, and you won’t
and deserves to be supported as exten- find an Elminster card in the next MAGIC:
What will happen to TSR’s book lines? sively as possible. We’ll definitely sup- THE GATHERING expansion. At the same
The novels are some of the strongest port the Euro GEN CON Game Fair. The time, the most intriguing idea for a kind
parts of the TSR family of products, and European RPGA Network will be devel- of “cross pollination” involves publishing
we’ll certainly continue to publish these oped concurrently with the U.S. branch. a world of Dominia under the AD&D
books as usual. The TSR outpost in Great Britain will be rules system, similar to the way other
integrated into the WotC UK office in game worlds are treated. That option will
WiII the SPELLFIRE® game survive? Maidenhead and the operations will be undoubtedly remain at the top of the list
What about the DRAGON DICE™ game? merged. WotC intends to build on TSR’s of potential projects for the time being.
Do these continue even though they existing distribution systems while com-
“compete” with the MAGIC: T HE bining operations under a common TSR and Wizards of the Coast
GATHERING® game? European management. Will TSR remain its own company?
Like everything else on the TSR prod- What will happen to the TSR name and
uct list, these projects are being exam- What plans (if any) does WotC have logo? To what extent will the two com-
ined. We don’t have preset notions for the RPGA Network? What about panies be merged?
about any particular products. Lines that POLYHEDRON® Newszine? TSR’s brand names will remain dis-
are profitable — both for the company We have big plans for the RPGA tinct entities within the WotC organiza-
and for the consumer — will continue to Network. It’s a very important part of the tion. The products will retain both the

56 AUGUST 1997
TSR name and logo. But we’re now one Will TSR be moving to WotC HQ in determine those things: the creative
company, not two. Renton, Washington? Which of the TSR staff. There’s already a three-year-plan
people will join WotC? What about the in place for TSR projects, and that’ll form
What changes will you make in how people who were let go in December? the basis for revised schedules and
AD&D products are distributed? Will TSR operations will relocate from product decisions.
you attempt to introduce AD&D along- Wisconsin to Washington. We’re cur-
side MAGIC in stores where it has not rently in the process of interviewing TSR Will TSR’s Code of Ethics remain the
been offered before? employees and seeing who’s willing to same or be changed?
For the moment, Wizards will contin- make the big move to the Seattle area. In fact, Lisa Stevens is heading up a
ue to use existing game distribution Obviously, we’re hoping that most of task force consisting of TSR staff to dis-
channels. We’d absolutely like to extend the staff can continue doing what they cuss that very issue. They’ll consider the
those channels into new markets, and do so well! Once that’s sorted out, we’ll pros and cons of keeping or changing
that’s something we’ll be working on in look at the staff that remains and see the Code of Ethics before they make any
the months ahead. where we stand. decision. We’re very aware of all the
ramifications of this question and intend
What about WotC products? Will the Policies and Philosophies to give it serious thought before making
MAGIC: THE GATHERING game continue to Will you maintain the philosophic any definite statement.
be produced and released? and original thematic purity of the
Nothings being pushed aside on the major TSR game worlds (including the Will any changes be made to TSR’s
WotC end. We’re intending to go BIRTHRIGHT®, DRAGONLANCE®, FORGOTTEN policies on the use of their intellectual
through with all the plans and projects REALMS®, PLANESCAPE®, and RAVENLOFT® properties by gamers in their own pub-
we’ve been working on. The TSR acqui- settings)? Players don’t want their lished works?
sition essentially just adds a large bunch worlds to change because they’re The policies will be reviewed. In gen-
of products to WotC’s release schedule. “under new management.” eral, its a good idea for a company to
That’s a valid concern, but we want protect and defend its copyrights; other-
How will this affect TSR’s online everyone to know that we didn’t buy wise, it doesn’t have a business!
policies, presence, and the Web site? TSR with the intent of completely chang-
The online policies are being ing everything the players know. We’ve Are there any plans for RPG-related
reviewed and updates will be released got a lot of love and respect for the computer, movie, or TV projects?
online. TSR’s online presence and the products and want to see them grow. It’s no secret that WotC wants to make
Web site will remain very much the We’re working with the TSR creative gaming as big as the movie industry. We’ll
same. We’ll continue to maintain a sep- staff and learning about the game be pursuing opportunities as they arise.
arate TSR site apart from the WotC site. worlds, but product content will remain
in the hands of the people who usually
feuding Creators have polarized into two
groups. One group is headed by Aten,
the other by Anya. Both sides use human
and alien pawns to achieve their ends.
The feud escalates into interstellar war,
and Orion finds himself in charge of a
squad of a hundred artificially bred sol-
ders. With them, he must obey Aten and
survive the deadly enemy long enough
to find Anya.
Ben Bova is a master of military and
political science fiction, and this book
moves at breakneck pace as Orion
works to thwart Aten, find Anya, and
discover the hidden goals of the cre-
We’ve been reading some good books west of the future, once again filled with ators, all while trying to keep himself
lately, and here are the ones we recommend. colorful characters, gun fights, and more and his troops alive.
To give us a tip about a good recent book, excitement than a John Wayne movie. Orion Among the Stars is a splendid
drop us a line at “Bookwyrms,” DRAGON® The added ethical question of cloning for new chapter in the Orion saga, one that
Magazine, 201 Sheridan Springs Road, profit is a nice twist, and both Widow- will have old readers impatient for more
Lake Geneva, WI 53147. makers (the infirm and the clone) are and new readers searching for the earlier
wonderfully interesting characters. B.T. novels. P.W.

The Widowmaker 3001: The Final Odyssey

by Mike Resnick Orion Among the stars Arthur C. Clarke
Bantam Spectra $5.99 by Ben Bova Del Rey Books $25.00
About ten years ago, Mike Resnick Tor $5.99 2007: A Space Odyssey was the first
wrote a science-fiction novel called Orion Among the Stars is the newest movie that I can remember seeing where
Santiago, which told the story of the addition to Ben Bova’s Orion saga, in I realized that I didn’t really understand
search among the stars for a legendary which god-like beings known as the everything that was going on and there-
outlaw (in the vein of Pancho Villa). The Creators travel through time, trying to fore had to read the book in search of
galactic frontier was a perfect futuristic change history to their benefit. One of answers. After close to 30 years, Clarke
old west, complete with native guides, the mightiest of these Creators is Aten, has chosen to bring the Odyssey series
bounty hunters, and numerous larger- who created Orion to serve as his tool. to a close (if one is to believe the title)
than-life heroes and villains. Mike has Throughout the saga, the reader travels and answer a few more of the questions
set other stories in this future frontier, with Orion to many historical or leg- that have kept readers coming back
and his most recent is The Widowmaker. endary times and places, where Orion through 2070: Odyssey Two and 2067:
The plot in a nutshell is that a leg- must alter history to suit Aten’s goals. Odyssey Three, while leaving ample room
endary gunslinger, “the Widowmaker,” Orion has powers of his own, however, open for further explorations within this
has been cryogenically frozen to forestall and he is not always as malleable as Aten time line, as every answer leads to new
the lethal outcome of a deadly disease in would wish. Hopelessly in love with Anya, questions and possibilities.
hopes of a cure being discovered. When another of the Creators, Orion sometimes Roy Poole, the astronaut set adrift by
his bank account begins to run out, he is ignores Aten’s orders to make Anya Hal, the run-amok computer of the first
temporarily unfrozen so that he can be happy — and sometimes, Orion dies. chapter in the series, is brought back
cloned, and a new Widowmaker can Orion Among the Stars differs from and the riddle of the monoliths and an
earn a bounty to continue to pay the most of the other books in the saga, impending crisis of world-destroying
bills. As with Santiago, this is the wild since it is set in the future, when the import is resolved. That’s the basic plot,

58 AUGUST 1997
and it’s definitely okay even if it isn’t the struggling to maintain his individuality the evil presence known as “Tak.” In addi-
breathtaking climax many of us have on a world in which status is everything. tion to keeping the surprises coming,
been waiting for. If this is indeed the As he gains his majority, he searches for King also manages to explore man’s rela-
Final Odyssey, it’s an okay place to stop. his past, aided by two spacemen, former tionship with God, family, and temptation
Where the book really succeeds, how- policemen, and a down-on-her-luck in a masterfully involving page-turner
ever, is as wonderfully convincing vision Clam Muffin. The quest leads them all to that ranks up their with the best of this
of the future, illustrating the evolution of the star Nightlamp and the world called storyteller’s previous work.
socio-political thought (religion, prison Fader, Jaro’s birthplace. On Fader, Jaro Note: The “writer character” in
reform, etc.), scientific innovation, and and his companions must deal with the Desperation is on an author tour via
integration into everyday life (VR tech as strange culture of the Roum while seek- motorcycle, not unlike the one King did
the principle means of education and ing the answers to Jaro’s questions. himself, and it is a mark of King’s pow-
communication, terraforming, etc.), and For fans of Jack Vance’s other work, ers of storytelling that this author-
a future history of space travel, research, Nightlamp tickles in all the right places. character identification never gets in the
and innovation. For new readers, it offers glimpses of way. B.T.
Just as Roy Poole is treated to a street strange and wonderful worlds. The soci-
level view of the world a century eties of Gallingale and Fader, for all their
beyond his “death,” we are allowed to strangeness, remind us that our own cul-
go along for the ride, and its a ride tures are no less strange when viewed
worth taking. B.T. from the outside. While watching the
mystery of Jaro’s past unfold is enjoyable,
the real delight of Nightlamp is the trip
through the worlds of Jack Vance. P.W.

The Regulators
by Richard Bachman
Dutton $24.95
The character names are the same
(though playing different roles), the evil
Nightlamp presence’s name and source are the
by Jack Vance same, and the overall themes are the
Tor $23.95 same — yet this is a very different book
In many of his novels, Jack Vance pre- Desperation from Desperation, as further evidenced
sents the peculiar human culture of one by Stephen King by King’s choosing to publish this vol-
of countless settled planets. Those far- Viking $27.95 ume under his Bachman pseudonym.
thest from the “Gaean Reach,” the center King is back in terrifying top form with The action of the book takes place
of humankind, are the most distinct and a tale set in one those isolated desert during a typical summer in Wentworth,
unusual. Vance’s stories show the con- hamlets that exist just off the main drag Ohio, when the peace and tranquility of
flict between these cultures or between of any one of America’s roadways (in this an average neighborhood street is vio-
an individual and the status quo. case Highway 50). It all starts with a fam- lently disrupted by the arrival of several
In Nightlamp, Jaro is a young boy who ily on vacation who are pulled over for otherworldly vans whose occupants
has endured hardships to the extent of speeding by a monstrous cop who open fire on the blocks unsuspecting
losing his memory of certain important decides to bring the family in for ques- inhabitants. Thus begins a surreal tale of
events. He grows and learns under the tioning on a possible drug charge. The terror and the unknown where the
care of foster parents on the world of cop is, of course, more of a monster than deadly threat to the neighborhood
Gallingale. There, the majority of the anyone could have imagined, and from seems to be derived from an old west-
population strives for social advance- that point on the tension doesn’t stop as ern film named The Regulators and a
ment, or “comporture.” Membership in a disparate group of characters struggle weekday afternoon children’s program
social clubs such as the Tattermen, the to escape an all-powerful evil presence à la The Power Rangers.
Clam Muffins, and the Quantorsi is the that seems to have escaped from the Reminiscent of Dan Simmon’s The
most desirable. Jaro himself seeks no bowels of the earth. Hollow Man, The Regulators is more akin to
status, so he is shunned as a “nimp.” He Peopled with the King archetypes fans Kings The Langoliers and lnsomnia than to
is tolerated so long as he does not have come to know and love (the writer, his more traditional works of contempo-
become a “schmeltzer,” pretending to the mother, the precocious kid, etc.), rary gothic horror. Nonetheless, it too is a
have more status than he deserves. Desperation barrels forward leaving no page-turner and a marvelous companion
Throughout the story, Jaro searches character unscathed as the ranks of the piece to Desperation. B.T.
for the truth about his early life while good are winnowed away in the wake of

D RAGON #238 59
page-turner and an enchanting master-
piece of epic fantasy.
Lord of the Isles (available in hardcover
in July) is the new BFF of 1997. Accept no
substitutes. B.T.

Lord of the Isles

The Sandman: by David Drake
Book of Dreams Tor Books $25.95
edited by Neil Gaiman and Ed Kramer Though it is always a thrill to discover
Warner Books $22.00 a new author of exceptional talent (such
I was a little bit worried when I first as a Terry Goodkind or a J.V. Jones), it is
picked up The Sandman: Book of Dreams. equally exciting to revisit an old pro, par- Neverwhere
I didn’t think the editors could put ticularly when he is trying something new. by Neil Gaiman
together an anthology that would be For the past few years I have been pleas- Avon $23.99
consistent with the quality of the comics. antly surprised by superlative change-of- By stopping to help an injured girl
Gaiman and Kramer have done just that. pace books by some of my favorite named Door, Richard Mayhew falls
I have always thought that the art was authors. Fantasy world-builder Tracy helplessly away from his comfortable if
necessary to the story, but I was wrong. Hickman changed gears with his extraor- rather dull life into the grotesque, fan-
The stories are exceptional. Each is dinary science-fiction novel The Immortals. tastic world under London. There he
another peek into the realm of the Horror/SF star George R.R. Martin outdid encounters oddities ranging from dis-
Dreaming, with more understanding of himself with the first book in his fantasy gusting rat-speakers to noble lords of
the mythology that Gaiman has created. series, A Game of Thrones. Now, the undis- subway cars. His only hope of returning
Delirium is one of the more popular puted master of military science fiction, to his previous life lies in helping Door in
siblings of Dream. George Alec Effinger David Drake, author of the Hammers her, quest to survive the killers who
writes a fairy tale from a child’s point of Slammers series, has tickled my taste- murdered her family and in learning
view, where Delirium is a playmate. buds with another unexpected delicacy. why they were sent.
Karen Haber makes Delirium a savior Lord of the Isles is a BFF, “a big fat fan- Like Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space
of sorts. Tad Williams and Mark tasy.” BFFs are noted for their bulk (way Odyssey, Neverwhere is a novel written
Kreighbaum write about teddy bears over 400 pages), their fully realized after its screenplay. In this case, the novel
and why we should all have one. Caitlin world (e.g., Krynn), and a gradually follows its BBC mini-series of the same
R. Kiernan writes about one of my per- unfolding plot that only partially name. While both have been available in
sonal favorite characters, a raven resolves itself in a single volume so as to the U.K. for some time, Neverwhere has
named Matthew, in a very sad story allow numerous revisitations to the been tantalizing Gaiman’s American fans
about friendship and loss. same world (e.g., Raymond Feist’s ever since. (It appears in its US. hardcover
They are all inviting tales, but two Magician, Robert Jordan’s The Eye of the edition in July.)
stand out in my memory because of World). Drake’s latest work succeeds on Readers of Gaiman’s previous work
their uniqueness. “The Witch’s Heart” by all of these accounts, and it is a winner. will be familiar with the novel’s crisp and
Delia Sherman is a tragic love story with Lord of the Isles is set on a classical fan- clever dialogue, as quick to conjure
a massive dose of heartbreak and a lot tasy world where political and elemen- smiles as shudders. The imagery is as
of soul. The second story just plain tal forces are on the verge of colliding. vivid as in any issue of The Sandman,
scared the wits out of me; “Splatter” Two young people pursue separate proving yet again that naked prose can
takes the reader back to a familiar story quests for identity, during which the be as evocative as any illustration.
from Gaiman’s The Doll’s House collec- scope of their own powers are made The most obvious pleasures of
tion. Be sure to read this one during the clearer, as are their distinct roles in their Neverwhere lie in the bizarre cast of sec-
day with all of the lights on — and what- world, as the elemental forces empower ondary characters and villains, but its soul
ever you do, don’t take a nap afterward. new heights of magic that both threaten lies in the inept but decent protagonist.
Overall, I am pleasantly surprised and defend not just their world and lives Richards endurance and ultimate trans-
with this anthology and highly recom- but also those that exist on other planes formation echo the simple moral prophe-
mend it. You don’t need to be familiar as well. Secret lineages, lost heirs, sied by an old woman upon Richard’s
with the comic in order to enjoy The scheming politicos, and a shadowy fig- departure for London: “You’ve a good
Sandman: Book of Dreams. L.B. ure known as the Hooded One all come heart. Sometimes that’s enough to see
into play in a novel that is a marvelous you safe wherever you go.” D.G.

60 AUGUST 1997
Cons & Pros
This column is a service to our reader!
worldwide. Anyone may place a free
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the following guidelines must be
In order to ensure that all conven-
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2. Site and location Events: role-playing, card,
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Convention flyers, newsletters, and Chantilly, VA 20153 or e mail with the largest show ever. Midway Hotel, Milwaukee.
other mass-mailed announcements novag@mail.com. More than 1,500 gaming Guests: Kaja and Phil Foglio,
will not be considered for use in this events are scheduled, includ- Margaret Weis, Mike Davis
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Bubonicon 29 ing several national champi- and Robert Bloch. Events:
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Our wide circulation ensures that over board, and miniatures
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D RAGON 238 61
62 AUGUST 1997
other Tethla’s Turret Club for
Adventurers was currently
the most cozy gathering-
place for “lads and lasses of
the sword” in all the fair city
of Waterdeep. Its rooms were
crowded with comforttable old chairs to sink into,
handy tables to put your boots up on, and good
wine, better beer, and hot, dripping butter-and-
bacon sandwiches to consume. There were even
eels in honey sauce. Still slithering, of course.
It would be nice to see Teshie again, after all this
time. A certain far-too-famous mage of Shadowdale
had chosen a good place for their meeting. Now, if
Khelben didn’t get wind of any of this until they
were done, things would be just fine. If not . . .
Mirt the Moneylender shrugged. Disaster would
come; he’d learned there was little one could do
beyond frantic scrambles to get out of its way.
Whatever befell, he’d see Teshie again . . .
With a smile of ready anticipation on his bat-
tered face, Mirt glanced up at the soft summer

Ed Greenwood stars, beckoned to the cloaked and hooded figure

climbing in his wake, and launched himself into
one last, lumbering charge up the final flight of the
Club’s outside stairs.
Mother Teshla’s Turret Club had but one
drawback: it was in a turret — and turrets tend to
involve climbing.
Gauntleted fists punching the air and mail-girt
paunch wobbling indomitably, Mirt wheezed his
way to the landing, leaned against its low parapet,
and gasped for air. When his ragged moustache
was no longer whistling in and out, the stout Old
Wolf of Waterdeep reached out one metal-clad
finger to slide open a cover on the door in front of
him, snarled two words into the hole thus revealed,
and beckoned again to his cowled follower.
Then he opened the door — to be greeted by a
chorus of oaths from the dimness within. Several
swords flashed out, seeking his face!
So he grabbed them in his gauntleted hands and
Artwork by Terry Dykstra hauled, hard.
With startled cries, the swords’ owners flew past
him and over the parapet, headed for a swift ren-
dezvous with the cobbles of the courtyard below.
No sooner had their cries died away than an icy
voice from the depths of the room beyond the
door asked, “Just why, Mirt, are you killing the
proud young nobles of our fair city this time? They
were paying promptly for their drinks, mind you —
unlike some stout Lords I could name!”
“I said the pass-phrase, Teshla,” Mirt growled a
little sheepishly, “and then gods be-damned if they
didn’t attack me!”

D RAGON 238 63
He was as smitten at the sight of her as he’d Teshla stormed past him like an angry thunder-
been the first time, two dozen summers ago. She cloud, glanced over the rail, and sniffed.
stood just a little taller than the proudest curve of “Well, I don’t know how you did it,” she said,
his belly, a slender ramrod of fiery spirit. Her skin looking up from about the level of his belt buckle
was milk-white, her eyes snapping black pools, and with her eyes still afire, “but I want no more ‘experi-
her petite form eye-snaring in its liquid grace. She mental spells’ — or slain patrons — this time, O
wore purple silk that clung to her slimness in ways lovelight of my past. You may as well come in, after
that left nothing to Mirt’s imagination. His eyes fell all . . . you and your quiet friend.”
to her jeweled cloth-of-gold slippers as he remem- Glancing at the silent, cowled figure, she turned
bered another night when she’d been wearing only back to the door, then added over her shoulder as
purple . . . but not ail that much purple. she went in, “Oh, yes: the pass-phrase just now is
“‘Beldarra’s buttocks hasn’t been the pass- ‘Idiot come calling.’ Nothing personal, you
phrase since two summers ago,” Mother Teshla told, understand.”
him even more coldly, coming to the door. Meeting “Er, no. No, of course not,” Mirt rumbled heartily
the sharp black points of her eyes as they drew to the empty doorway. Then he beckoned the
nearer, Mirt began to understand just how one of hooded figure impatiently and strode into the
his hogs felt when the butcher came into the Turret Club.
swine-yard, knife in hand, and looked its way. Teshla had vanished; Mirt was standing in a
He opened his mouth to say something, but all room that held only several unshaven, sour-looking
that came out was a sort of sizzling, rustling sound, men. All of them were bristling with weapons, all of
like a giant beetle calling to its young. them were glaring at him, and none of them wore
He might remember Teshie with fondness, but it friendly looks.
was clear she didn’t share his warm memories. “Be ye thinking of sitting down here, Old Wolf?
Women were different . . . a man with an eyepatch asked with a crooked
“So you’ve slain three young noblemen of smile, as his pet snake slithered lazily up one arm.
Waterdeep for nothing,” Teshla snarled, “in a “I’d think again, if I was you.”
manner that’ll have the Watch up here in less than “And I’d wish I’d kept my mouth shut, Bollard,”
a candle-down. My thanks, O lion among adventur- Mirt rumbled serenely, as he casually planted his
ers. How are you going to put this right?” right boot deep into the shadowed flesh under the
Mirt tried to speak again. “Ugluckle!” he said man’s protruding belly, “if I was you.”
heartily. There are seasoned adventurers in Faerûn who
‘Ugluckle’ is the favorite comment Lords of can laugh in the face of disaster, grin merrily at
Waterdeep use when confronted by particularly swift-approaching, certain death, and shrug and
glowing examples of their own stupidity. He tried a walk away from calamity. Bollard was not one of
smile, but he could feel it sliding down off his chin them.
as he met Teshla’s waiting gaze. She was a woman He fought briefly for breath enough to scream
whose level stare was capable of making a charg- but managed only a sort of whistle. Looking pale
ing dragon snort and shy away. and haggard under his thick coat of pimples,
Long ago he and Teshla had been lovers, and Bollard tried again. He uttered a sort of rattling
he’d thought they were still old friends, but right groan and, liking the sound of it, gave vent to
now Mirt was beginning to doubt it. To say nothing another.
of the wisdom of coming here in the first place. “Anyone else have something clever to say this
He glanced gloomily down into the courtyard evening?” Mirt inquired jovially, looking around the
and found it empty of all but a curious cat, looking room.
back up at him. No one spoke; and no one met his eyes. With a
Trying not to show how astonished he was, the loud snort, the stoutest Lord of Waterdeep
veteran Lord of Waterdeep gestured grandly down swaggered across the room to its far door. The
at the empty — and unstained — cobbles below. hooded figure following him silently.
“No harm done, Teshle,” he boomed. “Look you, No swords greeted him when he opened this
and behold! Three young gallants whisked away to door, which was almost something of a disappoint-
the beds of their beloveds by a little spell we’re ment. Almost.
experimenting with — er, for the security of Instead, he found himself facing a purplish, mid-
Waterdeep, y’understand. They’ll find a few coins in air shimmering that he recognized as a curtain of
their palms when they arrive, for their troubles, and silence. Beyond it, a young woman who hadn’t
all will be well.” managed to put on all that many clothes before

64 AUGUST 1997
starting work was dancing around a certain table. “Nay, nay, Teshie; I’ve only just sat down!
The table named for the meeting he’d come here Orgaz here has kindly caught one o’ me blades,
for — the table where one of his oldest enemies that fell from its sheath as I approached,” Mirt
was unexpectedly sitting. assured her.
Truly the gods seemed to be smirking at Mirt the “I’m sure,” Teshla replied, in a tone of voice that
Moneylender tonight. a noble lady of Waterdeep might use to tell a
Orgaz the Boar had cold eyes, ruthless habits, servant that a giant tick seemed to have found its
and two protruding lower teeth or tusks that had way into her salad.
inspired his nickname. He also had several score She glanced at Orgaz. He still looked decidedly
thousand gold coins of Mirt’s money, a fast ship like a corpse that had been floating in Waterdeep
that some critics had dubbed the home of “the Harbor for several hot days — but at least it was
dirtiest Sword Coast pirate unhanged” — and an now a corpse that had decided to try smiling.
arsenal of personal spells that had kept him safe Slowly.
from the Old Wolf and several dozen other “When you’re done, would you kindly clean the
creditors. But right now, he had his back turned. blood off my table?” she asked him.
Mirt grinned and sidled forward, like a large Orgaz, who’d managed to say nothing thus far,
stone pillar trying to glide stealthily across a room. continued to do so — but nodded hastily, looking at
The radiance of the magical curtain flickered as he Teshla, and then across the table at Mirt.
passed through it — and Orgaz turned his head. Chin resting in one hairy hand, Mirt gave him a
Knife already in hand, Mirt smiled tightly and kindly smile. He was dreaming of Orgaz sliding
threw. The blade flashed through the air and bit helplessly down a steep and slippery castle turret
deep, pinning the Boar’s hand to the table. The roof, crying out for Mirt to throw him something —
hand that had been darting toward the wand that and Mirt obliging with the only portable thing in
Mirt’s second knife now sent flying. the room: a full chamberpot.
“Well met, old miser,” Mirt rumbled, striding Orgaz gulped at Mirt’s wolfish grin, looked back
forward. at Teshla, and chirped, “Take me with you.
Orgaz stared back at him, looking as stunned as Downstairs”
a knight who’s dug in his spurs and roared at his Downstairs was where Teshla sold disguises and
horse to charge — only to have it turn its head and equipment to needy adventurers. She gave the
calmly inform him that it isn’t in the mood just Boar a look of disbelief, then got up, yanked Mirt’s
now, thank you. dagger out of the pirate’s hand, and plucked at his
The dancing girl watched dagger and wand flash sleeve. Yowling in pain, Orgaz was dragged from
past her, stopped singing huskily, and tried screaming the room in the space of a swiftly-drawn breath.
instead — with immediate and impressive success. Wiping his bloody dagger clean on the table-
Mirt had just time to sit down at the table beside cloth that covered the fallen dancing maiden, Mirt
Orgaz and swing his feet up onto a nearby vacant sighed and turned to the cowled figure. “None too
chair before the noise the girl was making brought soon, that. Sit down, lad. Elminster’ll be here right
Mother Teshla back into the room. soon, now.”
“Stop that,” Teshla snapped, poking the maiden’s “I’m here already,” the chair Orgaz had been sit-
supple, bare stomach with one bony finger. ting in said rather testily, as it started to shift its
The maiden shuddered but did not cease her shape. “Long enough ago, in fact, to keep three
screams. Mirt winced. Her shrieks were reaching young nobles from spreading their brains all over
notes that needed to have a fast brace of arrows yonder courtyard. If ye carved any wider a path
fired through them . . . or some intrepid adventurer through the good citizens of Waterdeep, Old Wolf,
to leap off a turret, catch hold of their rising ye’d soon have nobody left to be Lord over!”
cacophony, and wrestle it to the ground until the “No doubt, no doubt,” Mirt grunted, “but I’m run-
Watch came along to cart them down to the har- ning late, just now; could you save the lecture and
bor and drown ’em deep. see to the lad, here?” He grabbed the sleeve of the
Teshla evidently thought so too, for she deftly cowled figure and rumbled, “Unhood, Bergos.”
snatched up a tablecloth, tossed it over the maid- Obediently the figure pulled back its cowl and
en’s head, and followed it with a hard-swung chair. blinked at the mightiest mage in Faerûn. Elminster
The girl toppled in sudden silence. looked back at him and sighed. Being born wealthy
“Mirt, if you’ve been attacking my guests —” and noble doesn’t make a young man handsome,
Teshla began, threateningly, as she lowered the polite, or gallant, but the young man seldom
girl’s shrouded form to the floor. realizes this.

D RAGON # 238 65
The eyes of young Bergos were bulging and star- going to have to, keep us both hidden and act like
ing, his cheeks as red as the embers of a roaring a little spitfire for a month or more to cure him. The
hearthfire. spell’s a good one; just smashing it would leave his
Mirt took one look at him and reached for the mind in ruins. D’ye know what better things I could
nearest decanter. He was in love, all right. This be doing, with an entire month?
would be, let’s see, the third time this summer that “Wait!” the Old Wolf rumbled, as wizard and
Bergos Brossfeather had fallen into eternal, undying ardent young noble began to fade away together.
love with a young noble lady of Waterdeep. Er, if it “Who cast the love-spell on Bergos?”
was a young noble this time. Or a lady. “She did,” Elminster replied, pointing, before he
“He’s smitten,” Mirt growled. “Some foe cast a was entirely gone.
spell on him that makes him lovesick. He falls helm Mirt spun around, following the Old Mage’s
over heels for someone new every time there’s a pointing finger.
new moon. I need him cured; politics.” The Lord of Teshla was standing in a doorway, hands on
Waterdeep held up his decanter thoughtfully. Ever a hips. She was smiling brightly, an expression often
glutton for punishment, he stared at himself in its assumed by women engaged in slipping something
reflective depths. past the wits of their loved ones.
The Brossfeathers owed Mirt rather more gold “Hello, Old Wolf,” she said huskily.
pieces than what Waterdhavian nobles called a Mirt got up hastily, decanter in hand. “Why,
“thousand thousand” (usually with white faces; Teshie? Why’d you do it?”
gulps; and pursed lips). If Bergos, who’d signed the “It finally got you here, didn’t it?” she replied, a
deeds of debt, didn’t come to his senses, Mirt would familiar flame kindling in her eyes. As she glided
have to tear Brossfeather House apart stone by forward, humming a tune he remembered, Mirt
stone to see his money back. And that would make wondered if Elminster had left behind another tele-
him enemies in almost every noble family in port, to save him if he dove into the courtyard . . .
Waterdeep. Mirt just didn’t feel like having that “No,” Teshla told him a little smugly, “He did not.
many foes right now. He even laid this spell on me, to let me read your
“Who is it right now, Bergos?” Elminster asked mind. You can’t escape me any longer, Old Wolf. Sit
quietly, moving his fingers ever so slightly. down.”
The young nobleman grew still, his staring eyes “Oh,” Mirt replied a little faintly. “Oh, well ...”
seeing someone not in the room. And he sat down.
The Old Mage nodded as if he could see that
someone, too. Then his face seemed to melt and
run, dissolving slowly into the features of a young,
sapphire-eyed lady with a sparkling grin.
“The things I do for Waterdeep,” Elminster Ed Greenwood is the creator of the original FORGOTTEN
growled, as Bergos flung himself across the table to REALMS® setting and a man who is often surprised by
embrace his newly revealed love. From under a how real its characters seem, and what they get up to.
rain of kisses, the mage growled, “Ye owe me one, He insists that there is no truth to the rumors that he’s
Mirt.” grown fatter than Mirt, and he promises that you’ll see
In a conjured voice that only the old merchant more of the colorful old moneylender in the future —
could hear, the great mage added, “I’m probably whether you want to or not.

66 AUGUST 1997
by John Baichtal
illustrated by Tom Baxa
umor speaks of a wizard’s guild,
secretive and nameless, that
manipulated peasant, merchant,
and king alike from its underground
school deep beneath the city. Entering
and leaving through the sewer pipes, the
wizards remained cloaked in mystery for
years. One day, a civil war broke out
among their ranks. An evil necromancer,
cruel and hungry for power, attempted to
take over the school. By the end of that
day, every other member of the guild
died rather than submit to his rule.
In time, the necromancer met his
own special doom. Old age overtook
him, and he wasted away in the solitude
of his underground kingdom. As the end
approached, the necromancer began
working frantically, trying to discover
the secret of lichdom before death took
him. He conducted experiment after foul
experiment, and the waste from these
projects was casually dumped into the
sewer or thrown into a shadowy corner.
With the last of his strength, the necro-
mancer stirred his iron cauldron, staring
hopefully at the crimson goop bubbling
within. Without warning, the goop slith-
ered out of the pot and rushed up the
old wizard’s arm, enveloping him, plug-
ging his nose, and surging into his
mouth. It clung to his skin like a coat of
blood. In seconds, the necromancers
wicked spirit flew howling into Acheron.
Most people in the city above were
cozily ignorant of these events. Indeed,
no one would have learned of the
necromancer’s experiments had he
been more tidy. As it was, decades of
alchemic pollution had permanently
altered the denizens of the sewers. They
had become tougher, smarter, and
almost immune to magic. The first sign
of trouble was when the rats fled to the
surface . . .

68 AUGUST 1997
Necromantic Sludge
DIET: Life energy
TREASURE: C (incidental)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil


ARMOR CLASS: 10, 8 as zombie
MOVEMENT 1, 6 as zombie
THAC0: 17
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d4+2 and poison, 1d8 as
SIZE: M (4’ diameter)
MORALE: Elite (14)

Necromantic Sludge is a black puddle of vile goo, an acciden-

tal byproduct of the necromancers experiments in the pursuit
of extended existence. Rather than creating potions that could
transform him into an undying lich, the necromancer ended up
with this foul mess, which he dumped into the sewer.

Combat: Necromantic sludge can sense sentient humanoid life

within 100 yards, and it attacks relentlessly with little regard for Habitat/Society: Necromantic sludge exists only in the sewers,
its own safety, seeking to feed on the life energy of its victims, close to the old necromancer’s lair, but lately some has been
This keen perception makes it impossible to surprise the mon-
strous goo. Necromantic sludge is poisonous to the touch, and because of their singular behavior, but some speculate that
casual contact inflicts 1 hp damage per round. In melee, the they attack because of some nameless necromantic urge to
sludge lashes out with a pseudopod, inflicting 1d4+2 hp dam- destroy life. Others suggest that necromantic sludge attacks
age per successful strike. If the sludge slays an opponent, it because of an urge to fulfill its “purpose” of bestowing undeath
attaches itself to the body to be absorbed through the skin, on its creator. Groups of necromantic sludge display some
which turns dark gray within one round, regardless of the vic- intelligence in the way they interact. They employ crude tactics
tim’s original skin color. The body becomes a zombie in all sometimes, with one sludge lying still upon a sewer floor while
respects, under the control of the sludge. After a few months, in zombie form, with the others lurking nearby to attack when
the decaying zombie body is discarded, unless a fresh body is foolish intruders investigate the “corpse.”
encountered earlier. Necromantic sludge reflects spells as a ring
of spell turning, except that it reflects 100% of a spell’s or magi- Ecology: These monsters have little place in the noisome food
cal item’s effect. The sludge is vulnerable to normal weapons, chain of the sewers, since they can subsist only on humanoid
but magical attack and damage bonuses are not counted. In lifeforce. They never bother mundane animals or other mon-
zombie form, the sludge sometimes employs a weapon, but sters, unless attacked. Since they are composed of magical,
like normal zombies, it inflicts 1d8 hp damage regardless of inedible slime, they are not themselves preyed upon by other
whether it uses a weapon. spawn of the sewers.

D RAGON 238 69
Plague Moth
DIET: Blood

NO. APPEARING: 1-20 (special)

THAC0: 18
SIZE: T (1’ wingspan)
MORALE: Average (8)

These peculiar creatures were created by the wizard in an

attempt to manufacture potions “naturally.” The moths turned
out less than perfect, with a tendency to produce bad potions
and an intense craving for blood. They are huge gray moths
with luminescent green eyes. They feast on blood much as do
stirges, but their magical venom slays more often — and more
spectacularly — than does their physical attack.

Combat: Plague moths typically attack in large swarms, but no

more than three moths assault the same target — the others Habitat/Society: Plague moths live in swarms that are dor-
seek out other victims rather than fight over the same prey. mant half the time, hunting the other half. As they live in the
While plague moths are agile and nearly immune to magic, sewers, day and night have no meaning to them. On the very
their greatest asset is a magically venomous bite. Each moth rare instances in which plague moths have emerged from the
has its own venom, equivalent to a randomly-determined sewers, they have been active only at night.
potion from Table 89 in the DUNGEON MASTER® Guide. Treat any
result of potion of healing, any oil, or any potion with an XP Ecology: As a blood-drinking predator, the plague moth tends
value of 300 or higher as a potion of delusion (of extra healing, to attack all living things and therefore has a huge impact on
giant strength, or some other beneficial effect). The most dan- the food chain. However, being fairly weak, they are easily
gerous result of a plague moth attack comes when a victim is killed by other monsters and have so far failed to overrun the
bitten by more than one moth; then the victim must roll on sewers. The more intelligent sewer creatures have learned not
Table 111: Potion Compatibility, ignoring the rule that makes a to eat the plague moths after witnessing or experiencing first-
potion of delusion compatible with all other potions. Plague hand the dangerous and unpredictable effects of their venom.
moths are immune to the venom of all of their kind. Note that Attempts to harness their potion-generation ability have thus
unlike stirges, plague moths typically wait until their prey is far failed by those few who have managed to capture one
dead before feeding. alive, as the moths soon wither and die in captivity.

70 AUGUST 1997
Albino Crocodile
ORGANIZATION Solitary (pack)
DIET: Carnivorous

NO. APPEARING: 1 (10% chance 2d4+1)

MOVEMENT 9, Swim 12
THAC0: 17
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Attack with surprise, trip
SIZE: M (4-5’ diameter)
MORALE: Steady (11)

Miniature albino crocodiles are descended from the pets of the

master wizard who presided over the school decades ago.
After their master was slain, the crocodiles quickly escaped into
the sewer. The necromancer made token attempts to hunt
them down and slay them out of malice, but he met with little
success, and the creatures have thrived over the years. The pol-
lution from the necromancer’s experiments has altered the
crocodiles subtly, giving them a special resistance to magic.

Combat: Albino crocodiles are surprisingly ferocious, and they wall of force or a prismatic sphere as if those barriers did not exist.
are nearly equal in strength to the full-sized crocodiles of the While the crocodiles are not very intelligent, they do know that
outer world. They are notoriously unpredictable and sly, two-legs who cast light from their hands are easy prey, so spell-
usually finding a way to ambush their prey. In such situations, casters are often targeted by these creatures.
victims suffer a -3 penalty to surprise rolls. The albino croco-
diles have two main attacks, a bite inflicting 2d4 hp damage Habitat/Society: Albino crocodiles are typically loners, but they
and a tail slap that causes 1d6 hp damage. Since the latter sometimes congregate in groups of 3-9 when the pickings are
attack is usually at leg-level for most humanoid opponents, especially good. Ironically, this is when it is safest to encounter
any successful strike against such a foe forces the victim to them, for they do not attack unless hungry or threatened.
make a save vs. paralyzation or be tripped and lose all actions When not hunting, albino crocodiles tend to stay near the bot-
for the remainder of the round. The albino crocodile’s main tom of a water-filled channel, waiting for new prey or digesting
power is a total immunity to magic, gained from generations the last.
of constant exposure to the magical waste of the sewers. The
only spells that can harm them are those that create effects Ecology: Albino crocodiles subsist mainly on rats and other
that are not themselves maintained by magic. For example, a small animals, attacking humans only when very hungry or
Wall of thorns can harm an albino crocodile, but not a magic when attacked.
missile spell. If a waIl of stone falls on one of these creatures, it
suffers harm, but the same monster could walk right through a

D RAGON 238 71
Water Cat
DlET: Carnivorous
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (Good)

MOVEMENT 12, Swim 5
THAC0: 19
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d2/1/1/1/1
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poisonous bite
SIZE: T (1’)
MORALE: Average (9)

Water cats are descended from the familiars of several of the

wizards who died at the hands of the necromancer during his
overthrow of the guild. Like many other creatures of the sew-
ers, they have been warped by the magical pollution. Unlike
most others, however, the cats are still benign and retain a
strong affinity to man. Rumors speak of water cats guiding lost
delvers back to the surface.

Combat: In many respects, water cats are unchanged from

ordinary cats. They attack with their claws and bite, and these
are not especially dangerous, except for their poison.
Interestingly, water cats’ fangs are hollow like a snake’s, and
poison is injected with every bite. If a save vs. poison fails, the with others of their kind, except for mating. They communicate
victim is affected as by the 2nd-level Wizard spell ray of with each other in the manner of normal cats, but a select few
enfeeblement. Furthermore, human, demi-human, or humanoid actually understand common, a gift from their extraordinary
victims must make a second save or gradually transform into forebears.
a mongrelman over the period of a month. Rats, giant rats,
wererats, and other rat creatures are slain instantly upon a Ecology: Rats, mice, and other small mammals make up the
failed saving throw. Water cats are the prominent cause of so majority of the water cat’s food, but occasionally they will nib-
many giant rats fleeing the sewers recently; normal rats are ble on a fallen monster or other creature. Water cats serve
better at avoiding their predators, but many of them have also admirably to limit the rat population, and should one ever be
fled to the relative safety of the surface. captured and taken to the surface, it would make an incom-
parable mouser.
Habitat/Society: Water cats, true to their name, live in and
around water. Unlike their normal cousins, they have no
qualms about getting wet. They are secretive creatures who
rarely allow themselves to be seen. Water cats rarely interact

72 AUGUST 1997
Lich’s Blood
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Magic

THAC0: 16
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to weapons and
all magic
MORALE: Fearless (20)
XP VALUE: 1,400

The lich’s blood is an artificial monster created by the necro-

mancers final experiment. Fittingly, the first monster slew its
maker before slinking off to find more of his kind, planning to
take out its vengeance on all of its creator’s ilk. Thus, this crea-
ture is a menace to all wizards. Lich’s blood looks like a pool of
animated blood that slowly oozes or drips around, searching
for wizards and magical items.

Combat: Lich’s blood attempts to coat a wizard, running down

his throat, blocking his nostrils, and suffocating him as it drains
his spells. This suffocation takes the form of 1d4 hp damage per Habitat/Society: Lich’s blood has no society, working individu-
round, with no attack roll needed to hit after the first successful ally. These monsters heed magic as a human needs water. A
attack. Each round the victim is coated, he must save vs. spells lich’s blood can survive indefinitely by coating a permanent
or lose 1d4 spells from his memory, starting with the highest- magical item, living off the magical emanations of the object.
level spells memorized. Even after the victim is devoid of spells, However, the best source of such sustenance is a wizard, and
the lich’s blood continues to coat him, draining every last bit of a lich’s blood will never miss an opportunity to attack such a
magic from his body. Only after five rounds have passed after being. Upon feasting on a wizard of 6th level or higher, lich’s
all spells have been drained does the lich’s blood leave the vic- blood divides much as an amoeba does. The separate entities
tim alone. Because of its liquid state, lich’s blood is immune to then go their own ways, each to seek out more sustenance
all weapon-based attacks. Thanks to its magic-draining nature, alone. Lich’s blood may exist in any environment, but it prefers
all spells cast on it are absorbed harmlessly. The only way to kill the darkness of underground setting. Sunlight is painful but not
a lich’s blood is to use nonmagical acid, fire, or the deprivation damaging to the creature.
of magic. A dispel magic spell cast on lich’s blood causes 1d6 hp
damage per level of the caster; an anti-magic shell cast on one Ecology: Lich’s blood has no natural predators and no prey
destroys the creature immediately. other than spellcasters.

D RAGON 238 73
The Fear of Death Additionally, the DUNGEON MASTER®
Roni Saari’s letter in DRAGON Magazine Guide stipulates that the person to be
issue #234 raises an interesting point in raised must be “of similar faith or belief,”
that in too many campaigns, death is and this means that the caster and the
not feared as it should be. PC should share the same ideals and
The AD&D® game is not like a game suchlike, not just the same alignment.
of chess where a PC is merely a pawn to Even then, there will invariably be some
be carelessly sacrificed in one game and service required. In any ‘event, what do
then taken back out of the box for the the Gods think of all this coming and
next — the fear of death should be a real going from their domains? Maybe they
risk that haunts PCs (and players), not won’t want to release the soul now that
just a minor inconvenience that the heal- it has gone to its just reward (or just
Forum welcomes your comments and ers at the local temple will fix up in a jiffy. desserts). And most pantheons would
opinions on role-playing games. Without the risk of death, there can be boast at least one God of Death who
In the United States and Canada, send no real challenge, no real thrills, and any might not take kindly to those who
any correspondence to “Forum,” DRAGON® rewards become hollow and shallow. would steal back any souls that belong
Magazine, 201 Sheridan Springs Road,
lake Geneva, WI 53147 U.S.A. In Europe,
send mail to “Forum,” DRAGON Magazine,
TSR Ltd., 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton, The AD&D® game is not like a game of chess where a
Cambridge CB1 3LB, U.K. You can also send PC is merely a pawn to be carelessly sacrificed ... the
e-mail to tsrdragon@aol.com.
We ask that all material be neatly typed or fear of death should be a real risk ... not just a minor
handwritten. You must give us your full name inconvenience that the healers at the local
and mailing address if you expect your letter
to be printed (we will not consider a letter sent temple will fix up in a jiffy.
anonymously), but we will withhold your
name if you ask us to do so, and we will not
print your full address unless you request it.
But to keep PCs in constant fear of a to him. In my campaign, loosely based
death from which there is no return, the on the Celtic Mythos, Arawn has been
Spellbook Sizes
usual magics involved in bringing a known to send his Avatar forth in pur-
I’d like to respond to Ian Bloomsburg
character back from the dead must per- suit of souls snatched away from him.
letter about spellbook sizes in issue
force be limited. One way, as Roni sug- Also, the people of my world believe
#234. I agree that if you use the type of
gested is to set the campaign in a low- in reincarnation, and no priest would
paper used in this marvelous magazine,
or dead-magic world, but in my opinion dare to interrupt the Wheel of Life with-
you would get a very thin (about 0.5 cm)
this deprives both players and DM of a out express instructions to do so from
spellbook. But as I think most readers
major part of the rich fabric that so col- their deity. However, reincarnation is an
understand the paper quality of the fan-
ors many fantasy worlds. ideal way of introducing a players new
tasy worlds are not to compare with this
A better alternative, I feel, is to take a character into the campaign with a mini-
mundane worlds paper especially, the
closer look at the two spells that allow mum of fuss: the new PC gets the memo-
fine and thin sheets of this magazine.
characters to return from the grave: raise ries, half the hit points, and up to half the
And if one would be able to make this
dead and resurrection. The 5th-level Priest levels of the old character: going against
sort of paper, then the wizards would be
spell raise dead is the one most likely to the will of the gods is one thing but hur-
reluctant to use it in a spellbook. “Why is
be available to PCs, but it has specific rying them along a little is not so bad.
that so?” you might ask. Well this is a
problems for any elven PCs, requires the Go on — put the fear of death back
book that the wizard would have to use
body to be “whole,” and also entails the into your campaign!
every day to be able to memorize his
spells, and therefore it requires more per- loss of a precious point of Constitution. Kevin McMahon
sistent paper. So I looked for paper that The 7th-level Priest spell resurrection Kelmscott
would respond to the sturdy demands does not suffer from these drawbacks but Western Australia
that I set in my mind and eventually I has a biggie of its own: that the caster
found a reasonably good type of paper ages three years per casting. Given the Magic in the Campaign
that with 100 pages would get the thick-, level limits for non-human races, that I have several to say regarding the
caster is in all probability going to be a balance of magic in campaign worlds. I
ness of 4 cm. If you add the covers, it
would get the overall thickness of 5 cm human, who can ill-afford to lose three agree with both Michael D. Bugg (issue
or 2 inches; this is how I think the TSR years of life just to bail out careless adven- #232) and Lucas Ashlar Lee (issue #234).
designers thought when they set the pre- turers, nor did they work devotedly for Magic should not rule completely over
sent spellbook size. many years in the service of their deity any campaign world. I am speaking from
simply to provide a “back-to-life” service experience. Although I have been gam-
Peter Johansson
for PCs (or anyone else): there would be ing for only a little over a year, I have
Tuppekullegatan 4146158
such a demand that the unfortunate priest role-played in many a campaign in
would barely last a month before age which the DM used magic as an infinite
took its toll. source of torture against his players.

74 AUGUST 1997
After battling about 500 wizards (which, accepting any venture, even from poor and is bound to his liege in unswerving
I must admit, gave me a pretty good villagers. loyalty. He is a noble, a born leader rec-
cache of experience points), it got boring. How about the wizard? Oh, no. That ognized by all. It is his birthright, as a
With examples, such as the FORGOTTEN kind of magic costs money. There are nobleman, to lead. Those below his sta-
REALMS® setting, where powerful wizards research costs, material costs, compo- tion will follow even if it is to their death.
like Elminster and Khelben are allowed nents to be prepared, and the wizards He will defend his honor as well as the
to dominate the game, it can become safeguarding to say the least. So, who is honor of those he has sworn his service
rather humdrum. I’m not saying that I left? too. He seeks responsibility as a chance
hate the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting, so I The obvious answer is the chivalrous to excel and promote his reputation. He
don’t want any angry fans showing up cavalier. But he has been truant from will complete his task meritoriously and
on my doorstep with a rope! the game table these past couple of then refuse any sort of compensation
The DRAGONLANCE® setting has a steady years. His kit is collecting dust as players other than praise.
balance of magic, especially in the Fifth seek to play fighters not bound by In order to save this kit, we must
Age, now that the gods have vanished. honor, and humility, and whose combat grant the cavalier specialization. This
As it stands, there are only three note- prowess is beyond reproach because of will allow him to compete with average
worthy mages left on Krynn, and perhaps specialization. warriors and place him back into his
there will be four, since Ulin Majere has The Second Edition has done a great rightful status as the ultimate warrior. In
taken up the study of magic. The only injustice to the cavalier kit, making him addition, he must retain the ability to
mages that ever threatened to tip the bal- less desirable to the players. The cava- raise his Strength, Constitution, and
ance were Raistlin and Fistandantilus. lier is hard enough for them to play Dexterity by his own merit. Finally, as he
is the savior of the oppressed and
bound by strict code of honor not to
retire from physical combat, he should
In order to save this kit, we must grant the cavalier retain the ability to function at negative
hit points. We can breath life back into
specialization. This will allow him to compete with this great character kit with these addi-
average warriors and place him back into his rightful tions to his kit.
This will not destroy game balance; it
status as the ultimate warrior. may even put the game back into per-
spective and make his kit more appealing
to players. I cannot imagine an AD&D
game setting without the gallant and
As Mr. Lee states in his letter, the over- because of the honorable codes he must chivalrous cavalier (knight). I challenge
balance of magic makes the world seem follow. To remove any of the benefits anyone to thumb through any given
less magical. The inhabitants and adven- granted the kit by the Unearthed Arcana DRAGON® Magazine and not find a picture
turers become too accustomed to the art is to force him into subjugation. Why of a knight on one of its pages. The cav-
of magic and no longer fear it or live in should the player play a cavalier, given alier is too great a kit to have filed away
awe of it. For example, in the DRAGONLANCE all his restrictions, when he could play a by players because normal warriors
saga, the Knights of Solamnia always straight warrior and deal out twice as retain more combat power through spe-
detested mages because they did not trust much damage, then confiscate all the cialization. After all, who will save us?
them. Magic was a mystery to them, and treasure for himself? Second Edition has Just for the record, no I don’t believe
they feared it. removed the cavalier’s ability to attack that paladins and rangers should be
The way I see it, magic should always five levels higher with his weapon of allowed to specialize. They are sub-
be considered something mysterious, choice. Gone is the bonus of attacking classes and by definition cannot special-
something to be feared and admired. It one level higher while mounted. He can ize. They have too many special abilities
might even be used as an unexpected no longer train to improve his Strength, already. To begin with, a paladin can
twist. Magic adds a bit of spice to a cam- Constitution, and Dexterity with each elect to take the cavalier kit as his kit,
paign world. That’s only my opinion. new level gained. And where in the thus absorbing all of that kit’s special
Amber Decker PHBR1 does it say that the cavalier can attack bonuses, etc. The ranger can
Hedgesville, WV function while at negative hit points? attack with two weapons nearly without
The cavalier is supposed to be the penalty; spend a couple of proficiency
Ode to the Cavalier ultimate warrior, but we are in great slots and make him ambidextrous and
Who will save us now that the cava- danger of allowing this character kit to he attacks twice in a single round, with
lier is filed away in the archival portfolios slip into the halls of the AD&D game’s the same length weapon without penalty.
of the players? past. We must not let this occur; this The cavalier has none of this, and my
The warrior? He does possess the game was founded on gallant knights, players are beginning to lose heart with
strength and skill-at-arms through spe- captured maidens, and fearful dragons. the kit because their subordinates kill
cialization that afford him the combat Lest we not forget the articles, “The Code the bad guy leader before their one
prowess to conquer nearly any oppo- of Chivalry,” by Mark Easterday and attack per round will allow them to get
nent in physical combat. However, the “Glory, Danger, and Wounds,” by Gary there.
average warrior is nothing more than a Hamlin, in issue #125. The cavalier com- 1 LT Bruce F. Beyers
mercenary. He continuously makes bines courage with humility, prowess 114 Zuckerman Street
inquiries about compensation before with gentleness, he respects all ladies Fort Benning, GA 31905

76 AUGUST 1997
Wild West Specialization Each cigar must be of high quality and awareness that players have as to which
Okay, first of all, I didn’t like the spe- cost no less than 1 sp. Shooting them levels are required to cast certain spells
cialization rules found in the Player’s via a modified drow hand crossbow is (and their ability to plan accordingly),
Handbook. Thus when I started my infa- also effective. and the second concerns a non-standard
mous “Wild West Drow Campaign,” I cre- Well, so long, and watch out for form of the magic missile spell.
ated levels of specialization. Normal spe- those flying cigars and golf balls! Imagine, if you would, that you were a
cialization (2 slots) provides a +2 to hit, Chuck Moffat 3rd-level wizard in a campaign, and your
+2 to damage, and 3/2 attacks per round Formose, Canada 5th-level opponent just cast cone of cold
at 1st level; expert level (3 slots) is a +4 to
hit and damage with 2/1 attacks; master
level (4 slots) is +6 to hit and damage
with 5/2 attacks per round. These all go
up in number of attacks according to the He specialized in golf clubs and created a batch of spells
specialization chart in the Player’s
Handbook. The exception is a Doctor level
like magic golf balls, fire ball, lightning ball, and poison
specialization (6 slots, +8 to hit and dam- ball. The only trick was to make sure he didn’t roll a “1.”
age and 4/1 attacks), but it is available
only after 15th level and only to warrior
classes. (Drizzt Do’Urden, in my book,
would have eight attacks every round).
Needless to say, the word “Doc”
NPCs and the Rules (which requires at least a 9th-level caster).
Mr. Donovan states (in issue #231) that You are going to want to know just how
scares my players quite easily now.
he’s “always believed in the maxim that your opponent did that. You might even
I’m also going to add my two cents to
NPCs needn’t follow all the same rules as devote a lot of time to the problem
Nathan Kirschenbaum (issue #229) and
the PCs all the time.” This is something because of the obvious benefits such an
Chris Leon (issue #236) and comment
with which I disagree whole-heartedly. ability would give your character. Maybe
on the roles of females in the game.
Mr. Donovan uses two examples to you would never figure it out — that’s fair
Knowing there was only one female in a
show why he believes that allowing enough. But what if you learned that
Palladium campaign last year, I became
NPCs to break the rules occasionally is there was no way to figure it out? That the
determined to prove the worth of
worthwhile. The first concerns the DM just broke the rules for that character?
female PCs despite the comments of the
others, so I created Olivia, a Spanish spy
akin to James Bond (because she rarely
got hit, rarely missed, and was a chau-
vinist). I also received many comments
on Olivia’s far-fetched tactics and came
away with this advice for other players
who want to play female characters: Try
to avoid being a bimbo!
People shouldn’t be afraid to try new
things, however, and one character that
comes to mind is an elven fighter-mage
in our group. He specialized in golf clubs
and created a batch of spells like magic
golf balls, fire ball, lightning ball, and poi-
son ball. The result? A character who
could dump a bag of golf balls on the
ground and hit opponents at extremely
far ranges with fireballs, lightning bolts,
and magic missiles. Note also that with
specialization he could throw more than
one fireball per round. The only trick was
to make sure he didn’t roll a “1.”
A similar character is my own Marque
Draque a drow fighter/mage/thief which
I used as a NPC in my Wild West cam-
paign. He smoked cigars and threw
them at opponents at close range; thus
Marque Draque’s exploding cigars became
a 4th-level spell that causes 3d8
+1/level damage to a 5’ radius of
impact. They are enchanted ahead of
time of course which meant a full pack
of cigars could be deadly to a dragon.

D RAGON # 238 77
In the second case, where the oppo- High Elves and Gray characters should make plain to his play-
nent casts two magic missiles, each caus- Having only recently acquired issue ers prior to the start of a campaign that
ing 12 hp damage. Obviously, this is a #230 of DRAGON Magazine, I hope that I they may experience a certain amount
variant spell (an idea which, by the way, am not too late in voicing my own of hostility from the human population,
exists within the rules — as spell thoughts regarding the issue of high and and from their own kind who may con-
research). The group’s wizard will obvi- gray elves brought up by Peter Heyck in sider them traitors. Jealous stonemason
ously want a look at this character’s “Forum.” While his argument appears guilds will harass their dwarf PCs, and
spell books when (if) he is defeated. sound from a FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign bratty teenagers will beat up the
What if the new spell is not in there? perspective, where many non-human halflings. “Sorry sir, the inn is full. Why
What if there is only the standard magic races are common, I would point out don’t you and your elf loving friends go
missile? How will the players feel? that in order to find a reasoning for the sleep in the woods?” I wouldn’t recom-
The fact is that there is no reason to naming of the elvish sub-races, he mend a constant barrage of this, but
change the rules for NPCs. In an AD&D should put himself in the shoes of a once or twice per gaming session should
game, most DMs create all kinds of cam- human living in a fantasy realm. In vir- suffice to remind players that their
paign-specific rules, many of which are tually all such worlds, the elves are seen non-human characters are very different,
not known to the players. The deities of as great teachers, but have suffered not just someone with a pair of Spock
a given campaign world, for example, schisms when addressing how they ears who can see in the dark!
John Cudmore
Bristol, United Kingdom

Multi-classed Humans
Jealous stonemason guilds will harass their dwarf PCs, I really hate to open that old issue
and bratty teenagers will beat up the halflings. about multi-classed humans, but I sup-
pose I really didn’t bring it up this time.
“Sorry sir, the inn is full. Why don’t you and your This is response to Chris Leon’s letter,
elf-loving friends go sleep in the woods?” published in the issue #236.
In his letter, he mentions that he sees
no reason why humans should not be
allowed to multi-class; he allows multi-
classed humans in his campaigns and
are capable of all kinds of “rule-busting” should interact with the younger races has no problems. If that works for him,
acts, yet the existence of these deities is (including humanity). Those creatures of that’s fine. I, however, have my
part of the rule structure of the cam- light that helped and nurtured mankind objections.
paign world. If Mystra wants to give with their knowledge and art would thus The primary reason not to allow
Elminster special powers, that is not well deserve the name of high elves multi-classed humans is, of course,
against the rules. However, if a PC wiz- from their beneficiaries, even if it result- game balance. I personally quail at the
ard wants to investigate just how one ed in a loss of racial and cultural purity. thought of a high-level Paladin/Bard,
becomes the Chosen of Mystara, the DM It follows that those elves that remained who would have virtually every skill in
should have a better answer than “You aloof in their woodland fastnesses, the game. Even multi-classed
can’t; NPCs only.” NPCs and PCs are a shunning contact with those upstart demi-humans may only have three
game construct; Mystara should have humans would then be treated with classes. The human Paladin/Bard has
better methods of choosing her Chosen. superstition and awe, and thus become effectively all four. And before anyone
In my own campaign, I have devised gray elves, creatures of the shadows. A objects, I will point out that a
an evil god whose portfolio is point I would like to make is that there Paladin/Bard combination, like the
Knowledge Man Was Not Meant To are far too many fantasy worlds that are Ranger/Druid combination (see the
Have. This god works to corrupt wizards over-populated with fantasy races, a Complete Ranger’s Handbook), is indeed
(PC and NPC alike) by giving them secret sort of racial “Monty Haulism”: When possible. Paladins have been known to
knowledge for a price. If the PCs wish to there are elves at the bottom of every be other alignments than
pay the price, they too may cast cones of garden and dwarves in every tavern, the lawful good, depending on the deity,
cold at 5th level . . . but I make sure that fantastic becomes the mundane. and there is a Bard class somewhere,
the price is obvious in the villains they Meeting an elf should be as magical an the Welsh Bard, I think, that allows the
face. This is the difference between arbi- experience for characters as it was for bard to be any non-evil alignment. With
trary rulings and allowing the PCs choice Sam Camgee in Tolkien’s Fellowship of the multi-classed humans, the Paladin/Bard
and consequence. Rings. This argument flows quite effort- combo is viable, and scary.
Mr. Donovan states that “Anything the lessly into the recent discussion on level While speaking of Paladins and
PCs can do, my NPCs can do too.” This is limits and non-human characters. If, as it Bards, need I point out that both of
a good rule of thumb. However, the PCs appears, many DMs experience difficulty these classes are effectively multi-
can have secrets that the NPCs have to resisting player calls for upping the limits, classed humans? The paladin, made for
work to discover, and vice versa. In the remember that these limits are there for humans only, is effectively a
end, the PCs and NPCs must operate the very good reason of play balance; Fighter/Cleric (remember the demipal-
under the same “rules of nature.” otherwise, few adventuring groups adin rules in the Complete Paladin’s
Daniel Bishop would possess a single human character. Handbook?). True, his abilities are some-
Toronto, Canada DMs wishing to discourage non-human what less than a true Fighter/Cleric, but

78 AUGUST 1997
he advances almost twice as fast. The of luck, because all candidates for his do that, he needs to roll and hit an AC
bard, allowed only to humans and search have died of old age! Sorry, equal to or better than the one his
half-elves (who are half-human, too), is chum! attacker did — in this case, AC 0
basically a Mage/Thief. He, too, is slight- I hope this puts a fresh perspective The nature of the modifiers is also
ly weaker, but advances much faster. on an old topic. If not, and I’ve just simple. For each step of difference of
Other single classes that allow bored everyone, I apologize. I welcome size between the weapons and oppo-
multi-class abilities can be easily made correspondence, responses, arguments nents, apply a modifier of 3 (maybe 2 or
using the Custom Character Class — but no hate mail, please. 1 if the weapons are close in size, like a
optional rules in the DUNGEON MASTER® Alexander Fontenot Bastard sword and a two-handed
Guide. 1224 S. Brandt Drive sword).
Next come the historical reasons. Indianapolis, IN 46241 For example, to parry a two-handed
One must remember that we are dealing sword with a dagger, (If the DM even
with a medieval society here. Young Parrying allowed it!) would be at a penalty of -6.
humans are made apprentices, virtual Parry, parry, parry. Most rules I’ve Parrying with or against flail and chain
slaves, to master craftsmen who, in seen need a lot of calculation and are type weapons should also have a modi-
return, teach their ward skills for life. much too complicated. The system fier. When parring with a shield, it has a
Only two methods allow young appren- we’ve been using has no tables, and the bonus equal to the number of attacks it’s
tices to multi-class. The first involves only new things you need to learn are good against. But remember, bucklers
being apprenticed to two (or more!) the logic of the basic roll and the nature are Small, small and medium shields are
masters simultaneously. Given that each of the modifiers. size Medium, and body shields are Large.
master would be very jealous of the Let’s say that someone rolls to hit Terrain might also give someone a mod-
other, not to mention that the poor sod and succeeds in hitting AC 0. Since the ifier.
would have full round-the-clock targets AC is greater then 0, he’s been That’s it. Just hit an AC equal to or
taskloads from each of them, this hit. Whether the, attacker had a high better that the one your opponent hit,
method does not work too well, if at all. THAC0 and rolled high, or a low THAC0 and apply any modifiers you see fit.
The other is even more difficult. The and rolled low, his blow was of such pre- Paul A. Schreiber
young human must apprentice himself cision that it hit AC 0. What the target Riverside CA
to a multi-classed master. Given the wants to do is make a parry of such pre-
poor race relations on most campaign cision that it puts his weapon between
worlds, a demihuman master is out. his body and his opponents weapon. To
That leaves a multi-classed human mas-
ter. Remember that characters do not
gain followers until around 9th level or
so. This is partially because the charac-
ter does not have enough reputation
until that point in his career and partial-
ly because the character cannot effec-
tively teach skill until he himself has,
essentially mastered them. For both of
these reasons, the master of our appren-
tice would have to be not just 9th level,
but 9th level in both (or all) of his class-
es. As is explained below, human multi-
classed characters don’t tend to live
quite that long.
A third choice exists. The character
could always apprentice himself to one
master, graduate, then apprentice him-
self to another. This is called dual-class-
ing and is not really multi-classing, but
humans are allowed to do it.
Lastly, the very physiology of
humans deters them from multi-class-
ing. As we all know, humans age very
fast when compared to demihumans. In
a normal campaign, several years of
game time are spent to gain a single
level. Any human somehow becoming
multi-classed, in spite of all of the above,
may very well find himself old and with-
ered by the time he reaches the middle
levels. The youth above, still searching
for a high-level human multi-class, is out

D RAGON 238 79
this until all his ability scores were 25. Is
this something all druids do or just a
slip in the rules found and exploited by
my resident rules lawyer? Do you have
any suggestions for preventing every
new player character in my campaign
from becoming a druid and repeating
the process?
Let’s pause for a brief aside before we
begin. Are you aware that increasing all
a character’s ability scores to 25 would
require at least 660 wishes assuming that
by Skip Williams all the character’s ability scores started at
18? That’s because a wish never raises an
If you have any questions on the games affected creatures moved physically or ability by more than a full point. Actually,
produced by TSR, Inc., “Sage Advice” will emotionally? Is this spell part of the a wish often does not raise an ability by
answer them. In the United States and War or Combat sphere? The spell a full point at all. The wishing character
Canada, write to: “Sage Advice,” DRAGON® description lists the sphere as War, but gains a full point only when the affected
Magazine, 201 Sheridan Springs Road, Appendix 4 of the Spells & Magic book ability score is 15 or less. If the ability
Lake Geneva, WI 51347, U.S.A. In Europe, lists the spell under the Combat sphere. score is 16 to 20, it takes ten wishes to
write to: “Sage Advice,” DRAGON Magazine, The word “transported” in the spell raise it one point and if the score is 21 or
TSR Ltd., 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton, description would seem to be an error; more it takes 20 wishes to raise it a full
Cambridge, CB1 3LB, U.K. You can also the spell’s recipients don’t move in any point. See chapter 1 of the DMG for
e-mail questions to tsrsage@aol.com. physical sense. details on this rule (though the part con-
We are no longer able to make personal I recommend you include righteous cerning ability scores of 21 or more has
replies. Please send no SASEs with your wrath of the faithful in the Combat sphere been erroneously dropped from the
question. SASEs are being returned with instead of the War sphere. most recent printings). Anyway, your
copies of the writer’s guidelines. druid would have to cast conjure fire ele-
Join the Sage for his traditional April My lupin fighter (from the SAVAGE mental something like 5,500 times to get
look at the year’s most unusual questions. COAST™ campaign setting) has just killed that many wishes from efreet.
All questions were submitted on paper or a werewolf — which is good because So, the first way to prevent players
e-mail by readers. No gamers were harmed lupins hate werewolves. Unfortunately, from abusing conjure fire elemental is to
during the production of this month’s my character also contracted lycan- make them play out each casting of the
column. thropy during the fight. Since lupins are spell. It’s a good bet the other players in
canine humanoids, what will happen to your group will resent all the time this lit-
Please define “spasms, shocked, and my character when the lycanthropy tle charade is wasting and will intervene
scorched” in game terms. finally manifests itself? to stop smart aleck. If not, it’s an even
Assuming you refer to specific Your character will suffer all the better bet that some local is going to
injuries from the critical hit tables for effects noted in Chapter 15 of the object to the parade of fire elementals (in
spells in the Spells & Magic book, these DUNGEON MASTER® Guide. A lupin/werewolf a medieval town, a being composed of
three injuries usually have the following probably would look more wolflike than elemental fire can do a whole lot of dam-
effects: a human/werewolf once the curse of age without even trying) and put an end
Spasms distract a character for several lycanthropy sets in, no matter what form to the druid’s shenanigans permanently.
rounds. If the critical hit table does not the werebeast assumes. Even when not Of course, efreet are not the most
specify a duration, the spasms last 1d4 actually in the throes of the curse, the agreeable creatures in the multiverse. If
rounds; a character suffering from character would look decidedly wolflike. an efreeti appears in response to a con-
spasms has a -2 penalty to attack rolls Note that other lupins can detect the jure fire elemental spell, it expects to find
while they last. characters condition and will become the druid in real trouble or faced with
Shocked characters usually fall down, distrustful and suspicious at best. On the some grave difficulty. If capriciously
though they sometimes drop something other hand, a lupin infected with lycan- asked for a wish or three, the creature
instead. If the critical hit table doesn’t list thropy is no more difficult to cure than will ask what the wish is. If it the wish is
an effect, the victim falls down (see any other infected lycanthrope. something the efreeti can pervert in
Knockdowns, page 121 in Spells & Magic, some way, it will do so — just to teach
for details). A druid in my game recently found
that when summoning a fire elemental silly priest a lesson. If the wish is reason-
Scorched characters suffer a -2 ably airtight, the efreeti simply stalls until
penalty to attack rolls until the injury (with the 6th-level spell conjure fire ele-
mental) he had a 4% chance to get an the spell’s duration (one turn per caster
heals. A cure light wounds spell or magic level) ends, and then it leaves, probably
capable of restoring 5 lost hit points efreeti. He then proceeded to cast the
conjure fire elemental spell at every vowing to get revenge someday.
heals a scorch. A scorch heals naturally Seeing as how the efreet in your cam-
as if it were a wound of 2d6 hp damage. opportunity — usually during rest peri-
paign have seen fit to humor the druid, I
ods in town — and when an efreeti actu-
The spell righteous wrath of the ally arrived, he demanded three wishes can only guess that they have some
faithful “transports” allies. Are the unpleasant surprise in store for him. Put
from the creature. He continued to do
yourself in the efreet’s place and try to

80 AUGUST 1997
think up some way to get even with this defense are considered unarmored for make a generous donation to your local
presumptuous mortal. Perhaps the purposes of modifying their thief skill children’s hospital.
efreet need an agent to perform a long scores.
Could a wizard put a sepia snake sigil
and arduous task (or series of tasks) on On the other hand, when using the
on his hand and use it to attack?
the Plane of Elemental Water (hardly SkillS & Powers character generation rules
No. The sigil must be added to a piece
prime terrain for efreet). Perhaps the you should not allow any character to
of writing, and activates only when
druid should wake up one morning and claim extra character points for a limita-
someone reads that writing.
find that he has to consume a couple of tion that does not actually affect him. I
thousand gold pieces worth of rare recommend that you tell your players the One of the players in my game has an
gems each day to maintain his superhu- “no armor” limitation isn’t available to apparatus of Kwalish. He uses it above
man existence (the actual amount them — even the ones that don’t own ground (since it can Ievitate) and tows it
should slowly increase over time). bracers of defense. Whenever you apply a with a horse (since it can’t, move very
Perhaps both of these events — and sev- complex rule retroactively, you’ve got to quickly on its own). He is almost always
eral more — await the character. It’s pos- be careful lest you alter your game too in it. In fact the character sleeps in it and
sible that some efreeti has decided to much. In this case, you probably don’t hoards all his treasure and equipment in
enslave the druid and has arranged to want characters. who’ve been wearing it — right now it contains about two
boost all his ability scores so he’ll make armor to suddenly give up the habit. Your dozen unstrung longbows. The charac-
a better servant. A party of efreet might players should be selecting abilities that ter takes cover in the apparatus during
even now be forming up to capture the reflect their characters’ game histories. every encounter, where, the player says,
druid and haul him off to the City of You are correct in assuming that -10 no attacks can reach him. If that weren’t
Brass, where his penchant for calling fire is the limit for Armor Class in the AD&D® bad enough, we’re now engaged in an
elemental creatures into service will game. There are a few creatures that argument over exactly how much dam-
undoubtedly be amply “rewarded.” exceed the limit, but characters have to age the thing can sustain. The item
In any case, the character should dis- stick to it. I am amused, not offended, by description says 200 hp damage is
cover that he can keep his increased abil- your offer of a “token of appreciation.” enough to stave in a side. But the player
ity scores only so long as he agrees to This marks the third time I’ve been argues that the apparatus has more than
whatever the efreeti propose. If the druid offered a bribe (though only the second one side. Finally, I ruled that 400 hp
tries to escape his fate through the use of time I’ve mentioned being bribed in damage would destroy the apparatus.
another wish, the attempt should either print). lf this answer makes you espe- The player said no big deal, he’ll just take
fail or strip him of his boosted abilities. cially joyful, please do not hesitate to it to a blacksmith and have the appara-
In the past, I have not considered
bracers of defense as true armor. This is
presently causing some difference of
opinion. I have just introduced the char-
acter generation rules from the Skills &
Powers book and I’m allowing the play-
ers to rework their existing characters.
Most of the characters already have
bracers of defense and their players now
want to choose a limitation on armor to
gain extra character points. Of course,
the magical bracers would make the
(imitation irrelevant. So, are bracers of
defense armor? In this case, it seems to
me they are. Can wizards wear bracers
of defense? How do bracers of defense
affect thief abilities? If you print my
question in the magazine, I would
appreciate it if you would make refer-
ence somehow to the statement in the
Player’s Handbook that says, “Armor
Class is measured on a scale from 10, the
worst (no armor), to -10, the best (very
powerful magical armors.” This implies
a limit of 10 for armor class — yes?
Please? Pretty Please? With sugar on
top? Would you be offended if I offered
a small token of my appreciation?
Bracers of defense are not a type of
armor; characters normally prohibited
from wearing armor, such as wizards,
can use them. Thieves wearing bracers of

DRAGON 238 81
tus patched up. Since when would a aura that can overcome an opponents questions you get, stuff 29 tiny marsh-
blacksmith be able to patch up a magical resistance to normal weapons. mallows up your nose and try to sneeze
item? What would he use to do it? A The PLAYER'S OPTION™: Combat & them out. Wouldn’t that make things
blowtorch? I know that a Daern’s instant Tactics book includes information on the easier for you?
fortress can’t be repaired except with a damage shields inflict when used as Nah, deciding which nostril gets the
wish. weapons. If you don’t have this book, odd marshmallow would cause too
First, although the item description just assume the shield inflicts a moder- much stress.
for the apparatus of Kwalish includes a ate amount of damage, say 1d3 or 1d4
table that uses the term “levitate,” the points. Note that many DMs do not give
What does a DM do when he has a
item is actually a miniature submarine enchanted shields damage or attack
10-year-old player who has a character
and has no ability to rise into the air. The bonuses when characters use shields to
with high Intelligence and Wisdom
apparatus can move on land by walking attack.
scores and the player can’t answer a
on its mechanical legs, but only at rate If a creature counts as a magical
riddle which the character most likely
of 3; the backward rate of 6 depends on weapon, it can attack and damage crea-
would be able to figure out?
Believe me, its not only 10-year-olds
the combined action of the device’s legs tures hit only by magical weapons, pro-
that can have characters smarter than
and tail, and it works only in water. vided their immunity is not stronger
they are (see next question). If a player
If the apparatus suffers 200 hp dam- than the attacking creature’s “plus.” The
becomes frustrated with a riddle or puz-
age, one side collapses and the device attacker may or may not be subject to
zle and suggests that his character could
becomes completely inoperative. special damage when striking an
solve it, its okay to allow a Wisdom or
It would be entirely reasonable to opponent. A character striking a green
Intelligence check to determine whether
require a wish to repair damage to the slime, for example, can expect to get
the character figures it out. The DM also
apparatus, but the DM might allow an some slime on his hand. In the case of
can suggest an ability check if a the
armorer (not just a blacksmith) to repair energy-draining undead, however, the
party’s failure to solve a riddle or puzzle
the device at the rate of one hit point a energy drain occurs only when the
threatens to derail the adventure. The
day. Each point repaired should cost undead monster makes a successful
DM should decide how difficult the solu-
150-200 gp (for unusual materials, spe- melee attack vs. the defenders normal
tion is and assign an appropriate modi-
cial fuels, and intense labor). Also, the Armor Class. Creatures do not suffer any
fier to the ability check. It usually best to
armorer should make one proficiency energy draining when striking the undead
allow the party only one roll to find the
check, and the apparatus should attempt creature with fists or natural weapons.
solution, though if several characters are
a saving throw vs. crushing blow (an
apparatus of Kwalish makes item saving
I have been reading “Sage Advice” for working on the problem, you can allow
throws as metal, with a +2 bonus). Make
some time now. And I wish you to keep the character making the check a bonus,
the proficiency check first, at the begin-
up the good work I would like to give say +1, for each helper. As an alternative,
ning of the process. If the check fails, the
my own interpretation on the frisky you could allow each character involved
armorer cannot repair the current dam-
Chest spell as discussed in issue #225. with the riddle a roll but require a certain
age to the particular apparatus he’s
The problem was that the DM thought number of successes for the party to
working on, though he could try to
the spell would have to cause the object solve the riddle as a group. In any case,
repair another apparatus or new damage
to run from the players who were trying if the roll fails the group should have to
to the current apparatus. Make the sav-
to get it out of the dungeon. Think on wait at least a day before attempting
ing throw at the end of the process; if
this, the spell was made to stop people another roll. Particularly difficult riddles
the device fails its item saving throw, from stealing the object it is cast on, so or puzzles might, allow a roll only once a
something goes awry and the item
the only thing that should cause the stat- week, once a month, or even longer.
ceases to function, regardless of the suc-
ue to move is a titan or large dragon. I
mean, what character, or even group of What happens if someone is foolish
cess or failure of the repair attempt. enough to swallow an entire vial of sov-
Also, you might note that the appara-
10 characters, is able to steal a statue
that weighs several tons? Try this next ereign glue? I killed the genius mage
tus can hold only two man-sized crea- who did it with no saving throw.
tures. There might not be room inside
time the players use that ploy. When
they go up to “spook” the statue into Here’s another case of the character
for the character and all his treasure probably being smarter than the player
equipment, especially if it includes about
moving, have it just stay there. ‘If you
(see previous question). No matter how
two dozen long bows.
really want to be cruel have the statue
foolish the player is, the character is pret-
scare them into backing off. What player
ty much bound to notice that ‘the viscous
A PC attempting to hurt a spectre wouldn’t have his character run from a
liquid sliding over his lips and tongue isn’t
had no magical weapons but did have a giant statue of gold that could squish
drinkable. I suggest a saving throw vs.
shield +4, so he attempted to bash the him like a bug. I would not let the play-
poison to determine whether the charac-
spectre with his shield. Does the spectre ers use this to create golems, but it will
ter has the presence of mind to spit out
suffer damage? If so, how much? And stop them from stealing the statue.
the stuff. If the player was dopey enough
what about a ninja whose hands count I think players who cast frisky chest on
to say his character was slamming down
as a +1 weapon? Will he be level- a statue might have reason to gripe if the
the glue, you might want to assign a
drained when he hits? statue moves toward them. On the other
penalty to the saving throw, say -4.
If your campaign allows shields to hand, the deity granting the spell might
If the character spat out the glue, he
function as weapons, then an enchanted object to the spell’s misuse and decide to
probably should suffer no lasting conse-
shield counts as a magical weapon when play with the characters’ minds a little.
quences, as the glue takes a full round to
used to attack — the item has a magical
If you ever feel stressed with all the set (see item description in the DMG),

82 AUGUST 1997
though the DM is fully justified in assess- character hit point increases according ing on what optional rules the campaign
ing some temporary penalty, such as the their level advancement with the state- uses). If the character with 110 hit points
character’s lips being glued together ment that characters learn to “roll with suffers 20 five-point hits, he has around
until the character spends a round pry- the blows” etc. rather than having an 20 minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises, but
ing them apart. Alternatively, the con- overall tolerance of more wounds. If this remains otherwise healthy. Some of the
tainer of glue could wind up stuck to the is the case, why don’t priest healing characters “wounds” might not be visible
character’s lower lip. spells work more effectively with higher at all — the character might simply have
If the saving throw failed, the charac- level characters and why don’t higher strained himself a bit while getting out of
ter might die, or he might be rendered level characters heal naturally faster? harm’s way. The situation is similar to
unable to speak (tongue glued to the A healing spell repairs the same what happens to you when you overdo
roof of the mouth or tongue glued to the amount of “damage” no matter who some physical activity and wake up with
glue bottle) until he can arrange to have receives it. aches and pains the next morning.
the glue dissolved with universal solvent It’s true that hit points a character
gains as he rises in level do not represent
Can you bring back a character from
or oil of etherealness.
the character’s slow transformation into
negative hit points with a shocking
Note that even a casual inspection
a mass of indomitable flesh. Instead, the
grasp spell? If so, what are the rules and
should reveal that sovereign glue isn’t
characters resistance to damage comes
where is it written?
No, a shocking grasp spell won’t work
from an increasing ability to avoid fatal
The description of the priest spell injury through skill or just plain luck. A
as a fantasy defibrillator.
cure disease says: “Note that the spell high-level character who has endured a
does not prevent reoccurrence of a dis- series of blows still collects his share of
ease if the recipient is again exposed.” cuts and bruises, but the blows that deliv-
Third level is a little low to expect the ered those cuts and bruises would have
spell to create permanent. disease slain a lesser mortal. Consider two char-
Skip Williams notes, with hand clamped
immunity, but if the spell is cast later in to forehead, that the annual April Fool’s col-
acters, one with 10 hit points and one
the course of the disease, wouldn’t the with 110 hit points. If the first character
umn generates more responses than any
recipients immune system have devel- suffers two hits that each inflict five hp
other column. He sfands prepared for this
oped at least some antibodies (if it’s a year’s reaction, computer and aspirin at the
damage, he has one or two very large
normal disease), or does the spell wounds and the damage to his body is
supersede this? either mortal or life threatening (depend-
Receiving a cure disease spell does not
automatically make the recipient perma-
nently resistant to whatever ailment laid
him low. On the other hand, the spell also
does not necessarily prevent the recipient
from developing resistance or immunity
to the disease either (but the DM can play
it that way if he wants to). I recommend
that if a creature gets a disease and
receives a cure disease spell before the
symptoms fully manifest themselves, the
creature’s system has no time to develop
any special resistance to the disease. If a
character with a full-blown disease
receives a cure disease spell, the DM might
grant the character resistance to or
immunity to the disease if the DM also
determines that the creature would have
recovered without the spell.
Can a paladin still lay on hands if his
hands are cut off?
Yes. The paladin need only touch
someone to heal damage or cure disease.
Many DMs might wish to require the pal-
adin actually to use his hands (as opposed
to his nose, his feet, or whatever) to pre-
vent abuse of the power. In the case of a
paladin who has lost his hands, the
stumps or even prosthetic hands — pro-
vided they are no larger than a normal
hand — count has “hands” for purposes of
using the paladin’s healing powers.
You have answered past questions on

D RAGON #238 83
by Richard Pengelly
and Brian Walton
illustrated by Tom Baxa

ractically every gamer has a

creepy interest in the undead.
Perhaps that’s because the death-
less monsters compel us to remember
our own mortality. Perhaps its that
awful feeling that with the appearance
of the undead, the laws of nature that
make life predictable have been sud-
denly broken.
From the time western people first
became aware of them, Egyptian mum-
mies have been the subject of endless
fascination. The heroes or villains of
countless stories, mummies bring the
thrill of the exotic as well as the chill of
the tomb. But what if the AD&D® game
included undead from the long past and
from much nearer to home?
About a quarter century ago, some
peat-cutters in Belgium unearthed a
grisly sight. They discovered the remains
of a man who had been strangled and
thrown into a mere — nearly 2,000 years
before. From the clothing and posses-
sions found with the body, as well as
from Roman records of the time and
place, we know that the people who
lived in that area two millennia ago
were known as Celts. The druids of the
Celts sometimes practiced human sacri-
fice, and this bog man could have been
one of their victims. Over the centuries,
the shallow, freshwater lake filled with
peat moss. The mild acidity of the peat
tanned the skin of the dead man, pre-
serving him and his possessions.
Later, other bog-preserved men and
women were found. A number of bogs
in Holland and Belgium have yielded
remains like those of the first one found.
Every feature is preserved on these
corpses, right down to the eyelashes
and fingerprints.
There have been other miraculously
preserved mummies discovered far from
Egypt, from the frozen Austrian Alps to
Ireland’s Newgrange. No longer must all
mummies lie buried beneath sun-
bleached monuments, awaiting the
intrusion of explorers. Here are two new
types of mummies for your campaign,
shambling out from glacial mountains
and boggy moors, along with a selec-
tion of bone-chilling new spells with
which to bolster their villainous designs.

Bog Mummy
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate Wetland
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: None
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
THAC0: 13
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-10/1-10 or by weapon type +3
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fear, suffocation, and see below
SIZE: M (6’)
MORALE: Champion (15)
XP VALUE: 3,000

The skin of the bog mummy is leathery, tanned by the mild

acid of the peat bog. It is clothed in tattered rags, and the
remains of the thongs that bound its hands and the strangling
cord that bit deeply into its neck dangle from its body. It may
carry and use any weapons or magical items that went into the
mere with it. Any weapons it uses cause an additional +3 dam-
age as the result of the monster’s great strength. Although
capable of using any weapons it could use in life, the mummy
prefers to garotte its victims when it can do so without attract-
ing the attention of other living beings. Death by strangulation
takes two rounds. To escape the garotte, a victim or his rescuer
must make a successful Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll in either of
the two rounds.

Combat: The bog mummy is eyeless but capable of sensing round the victim remains in its grasp. The opponent must also
sentient life as far as a mile away. Although it hates all living save vs. poison or be suffocated to death in 1d4 rounds.
beings, it reserves its greatest animosity for priests, especially
druids, who sent it to its doom. The bog mummy stalks prey Ecology: The bog mummy is created through an intricate set of
with infinite patience and great stealth. Virtually without intel- events. The death that causes one is never natural. Bog mum-
ligence, it practices a simple cunning to keep itself safe and to mies are the product of a ritual killing. The victim is strangled
bring itself upon its prey when that person is alone. with a garotte to avoid spilling blood and offending the
Nevertheless, it is not without its protections and weapons. gods. The body is then cast, while still alive, dying as the leather
As a result of its extreme pliability, the mummy suffers no thong or cord cuts off its breath. Perhaps the victim was a crim-
damage from blunt weapons such as maces and staves. inal or other evil individual. Perhaps he was some feared enemy
Thrusting and edged weapons cause only half damage.Water captured in battle who was sent back to his gods with all of his
has no adverse affect on bog mummies, and they take advan- possessions. Whatever the circumstances, as life ceases,
tage of this by lurking in pools, lying in wait in the shallows at undeath begins.
the edge of a stream, or blending with the dark water of a way- Too strong-willed to die, the bog mummy lies waiting for the
side swamp or marsh. It can rise from its hiding place without a day when it is freed from the peat. Then, as one of the undead,
sound and moves with silence wherever it goes. Although the the monster seeks revenge on all sentient living creatures. As
chill of cold water does not harm it, cold-based spells may the product of a druidic culture, the bog mummy may have a
immobilize a bog mummy by freezing its constituent water. The golden torc around its neck, just below the strangling thong. It
soggy monster is not affected by normal fire and suffers only may have a distinctive jeweled brooch holding together the
half damage from magical fire, saving for no damage. Protected tatters of its cloak or a great silver buckle attached to its
against fire and water by the very nature of the bog from which ancient belt. Disturbed by peasants cutting peat for fires, the
it comes, and resistant to most weapons, it is fearless. Anyone bog mummy rises to begin its reign of terror. Night after night,
seeing the mummy, however, must save vs. spells or be affect- fear grows as the humble, superstitious peasants wait to see
ed as by the fear effect of a normal mummy. who will be gone in the morning.
A single blow from the fist of a bog mummy causes 1-10 hp Surely tales of such disappearances travel far, and fear takes
damage. If both hands strike, the mummy has grabbed its hold in any boggy region. Disappearances in the bogs are
opponent and causes an additional 2-8 hp damage for each often attributed to the bog mummy, even where none exists.

D RAGON 238 85
Ice Mummy
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Mountain glacier
DIET: None
INTELLIGENCE: High to genius (11-18)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
THAC0: 12
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-12 or by weapon type +1
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fear, breath weapon, withering
touch, spell use
SIZE: M (5’-6’)
MORALE: Champion (15)
XP VALUE: 4,000

Leathery, desiccated brown skin is drawn tight over the bones

of an ice mummy. The hair and clothing remain intact but
show the effects of centuries of entombment. The clothing and
weapons are ancient, perhaps including a flint knife, a copper-
bladed ax, a spear with a stone points, or arrows with obsidian
heads. The eyes are sunken and opaque, though open and vis-
ible, filled with a blank hatred. The ice mummy’s mouth is
agape in an eternal scream.

Combat: The ice mummy is intelligent as well as cunning. It cre-

ates false trails to lead travelers onto fragile snow bridges over
crevasses. The only warning of its attack may be the brief
glimpse of a figure traveling through the fog on a glacier. When
the figure staggers and falls, travelers may go to its aid, only to
stumble into its ambush. The ice mummy seldom fights at a dis- imbued. Removing the barbed arrow of an ice mummy without
advantage. When it has its intended victims isolated, it strikes. the help of a character with the healing proficiency inflicts an
If the fear it generates has not sent all of the ice mummy’s prey additional 1d6 hp damage. A dispel magic, limited wish, or wish
into a trap, it uses magic or resorts to its breath weapon, a cone spell negates the chill effect completely.
of cold that blasts from the hideous, gaping mouth. It then If encountered without weapons, an ice mummy can strike
moves away to wait for the cumulative effects of the magical for 1d12 hp damage with its cold fists, which also cause dam-
cold and the natural cold to take their toll. If any brave souls are age as per a staff of withering. Three times a day, an ice mummy
still able to pursue, so much the better. can breath a blast of cold that inflicts 4d6 hp damage to all
Although ice mummies are so rare that one can spend a life- within its area of effect, a 20’ long cone that is 10’ wide at its
time traveling the high mountains and never encounter one base.
outside of old songs and stories, most of them have the power The supernatural cold exuded by an ice mummy numbs all
to work magic as a 9th-level wizard, except that the mummy warm-blooded creatures that come within 25’ of the creature.
can employ only spells of 3rd level or lower. Furthermore, ice Non-magical weapons used against the creature must save vs.
mummies can never use spells that involve fire as a weapon. crushing blow each time they hit the creature or freeze so cold
Thus, an ice mummy can cast affect normal fires to reduce the that they shatter. Additionally, those who remain within 25’ of
campfire lit by a group of travelers, but the monster cannot the ice mummy suffer 1d3 hp damage per round from severe
cast a fireball spell to attack them. Ice mummies are known to frostbite. Finally, ice mummies cause fear as do normal mum-
use the following unique spells as well as those commonly mies.
employed by human wizards: slippery slope, ice shatter, and call
blizzard. Ecology: Ice mummies are the freeze-dried remains of trav-
If forced into melee combat, an ice mummy uses weapons. ellers who lost their way in the icy wastes of the mountains.
Its inhuman strength lends a +1 bonus both to THAC0 and to Bitter and afraid, they died alone, hating those who never
damage rolls. Missile weapons used by an ice mummy, usually came to their rescue. At every opportunity, they seek to punish
barbed arrows, also enjoy a +1 THAC0 bonus and also cause those who mock their demise by traveling the same dangerous
2 hp damage for each round they remain embedded in the vic- terrain that once ruined them.
tim, because of the supernatural cold with which they are

86 AUGUST 1997
New Spells Casting Time: 1 turn characters must make a successful
Area of Effect: Special Constitution check each with a cumula-
Slippery Slope
Saving Throw: None tive -1 penalty per hour. Thus, on the
This spell can be cast only on a glac- fifth hour of travel, the check is at -2, on
Level 3
ier or a similarly vast expanse of ice, the sixth -4, and so on. Once exhausted,
Range: 60 yds.
such as a huge iceberg. Call blizzard characters cannot erect a shelter or
Components: S, M
allows the caster to use the unique build a fire.
Duration: 1 day
micro-climate of the glacier to attack its The high wind-chill factor during a
Casting Time: 2 rounds
enemies. Even in summer, it is possible blizzard adds another peril: frostbite.
Area of Effect: Up to 500 square feet
to have wintery conditions on mountain This freezes exposed skin and extremi-
Saving Throw: None
glaciers and similar terrain. This spell ties, so noses and ears are especially
This spell creates a slick layer of glare
generates high winds that drive frozen vulnerable as well as fingers and toes.
ice over the natural surface of snow, ice,
precipitation in a blinding storm that frostbite may occur after one hour of
or rock. The glare ice coating makes
makes travel virtually impossible. Wind- trying to move about in the blizzard. Roll
even rough-looking surfaces very slick.
chill effects make the temperatures 1d4 to determine whether a character
Anyone traversing the affected area
seem even lower than they already are, suffers frostbite. A roll of “1” indicates
must make Dexterity checks at a -4 to
and the powerful gusts make walking that superficial frostbite has occurred. If
move at half normal movement rate.
difficult. the victim is not informed by a compan-
Trying to move faster incurs a -8 penalty,
After the spell is cast, the blizzard ion that his skin is beginning to turn
and attempts. at running (moving faster
arrives in 1d6 hours. The spell can be pale, there is a 50% chance that he
than the full normal movement rate)
interrupted only during the actual cast- notices the frostbite himself. If not treated,
causes an automatic fall. Characters
ing period, not between the casting and superficial frostbite becomes serious in
employing a spider climb spell can move
the blizzards arrival. Signs of the ensu- one hour. If not treated for a second
normally across this surface. Those
ing change in the weather are visible hour, serious frostbite turns to extreme
standing on a slope upon which this
any time after the first hour. Once sum- frostbite.
spell is cast hurtle down automatically.
moned, the blizzard cannot be dispelled Superficial frostbite heals in 1d4
The material component for slippery
by anything less than a control weather weeks. It is painful and causes unpleas-
slope is the mummy’s talisman or tattoo.
or wish spell. The blizzard affects the ant hardening and breaking of the
entire area of the glacier. affected skin, but it causes no damage.
Ice Shatter In warmer seasons, the blizzard is A cure light wounds spell eases the ‘dis-
composed of sleet lasting 1d4+1 hours, comfort and heals the visible damage.
Level 3
soaking the clothing of travelers and Serious frostbite takes 1d4 weeks to
Range: 10 yds./level
coating the glacier in a sheath of slip- heal naturally, and it is more painful and
Components: S, M
pery, wet ice. The soaking effect of the unpleasant-looking than superficial
Duration: Instant
sleet ruins the insulative effect of the vic- frostbite. Victims suffer a temporary loss
Casting Time: 4 rounds
tim’s clothing, bringing on hypothermia of 1d2+1 points of Charisma until the
Area of Effect: 3 square feet/level
if a fire and dry clothing are not found condition is healed naturally or by a cure
Saving Throw: None
within two hours. Hypothermia causes a serious wounds or more powerful healing
By means of this spell, the caster can
loss of coordination represented by a spell.
cause glacier ice to crack and break. The
loss of 1d4+1 points of Dexterity and Extreme frostbite has the above
solid ice may split along a single crack
requires a successful Constitution check effects and has penetrated far enough
or splinter into hundreds of dagger-
each turn until warmth and shelter are to cause the loss of the affected portion
sharp fragments, at the caster’s option.
found for the victim to remain con- of the body. At the DM’s discretion, the
In hard-packed snow, like that which
scious. Once unconscious, a victim dies victim may lose one or more toes and or
forms bridges across crevasses, the area
within a number of hours equal to half fingers, one or both ears, or even his
of effect is tripled. The spell can also be
the victim’s Constitution (rounded up). nose. Frost-bitten fingers cannot, of
used to start avalanches in areas where
In fall and spring, there is a 50% course, perform fine tasks such as unty-
there are unstable masses of snow on
chance of sleet and a 50% chance of a ing knots or making spell gestures. Only
slopes above the glacier.
true snow blizzard, either of which lasts a regeneration or more powerful healing
If the spell is used to shatter the ice
1d6+6 hours. In winter, the spell always spell can cure extreme frostbite.
rather than crack it, it can make a trail
causes a snow blizzard that lasts for The material component for call bliz-
or path impassable. It can also provide
2d10+4 hours. Vision is reduced to 10’, zard is the mummy’s talisman or tattoo.
the caster with icy spikes perfect for lin-
and victims must make a successful
ing the bottom of a pitfall.
Intelligence check each round to stay on
The material component for ice shat-
course when traveling. Movement is
ter is the mummy’s talisman or tattoo.
reduced to one-third normal, and after
four hours, each character in the
Call Blizzard blizzard must make a successful Consti- While Richard Pengelly and Brian
(Conjuration/Alteration) tution check to avoid hypothermia, as Walton live in the boggy, glacier-ridden
Level 3 described above. wilds of Canada, neither of them bears even
Range: 0 Exhaustion caused by walking a passing resemblance to their monstrous
Components: S, M through the powerful blizzard winds sets creations. It’s far too soon for that.
Duration: Special in after four hours of travel. Afterward,

D RAGON 238 87
by Jason Kuhl

7th-level thief
THAC0: 17
M OVE: 6
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (with evil tenden-
SPECIAL ATTACKS: +1 to hit orcs, half-orcs,
goblins, and hobgoblins
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +3 save vs. poison
MAGIC RESISTANCE: +3 save vs. magical
attacks from wands,
staves, rods, and spells of lawful good deities. It was for these actions that the Mists
SIZE: 4’ 6” took notice of him, and they embraced him soon thereafter.
Special Abilities/Bonuses: +1 damage; 60’ infravision; Equipment: Sheehan’s backpack always carries the tools of
Dwarven ability to Detect Depth, Slopes, etc.; Thief Abilities: his trade: gloves, rope, thieves’ tools, multiple torches, pitons,
Pick Pockets 15%, Open Locks 60%, Find/Remove Traps and a prying hammer., In addition to a sling, Sheehan carries
70%, Move Silently 50%, Hide in Shadows 35%, Detect a shillelagh for use against skeletons.
Noise 35%, Climb Walls 50%, Read Languages 55%.
Magical Items: Short sword +2, leather armor +1, ring of free
Weapon Proficiencies: Short sword, club (shillelagh), sling. action, two jars of Keoghtom’s ointment.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Ancient history, appraising, local Role-playing Notes: Sheehan quickly adapted to the land
history, tumbling. and lore of Ravenloft, and due to the abundance of grave-
yards, surpassed his earlier efforts. During one particular rob-
Physical Appearance: While Sheehan believes he is a native bery, his liar’s tongue was twisted by the Dark Powers to
of Darkon, he actually hails from another world. There, his resemble that of an adder. After several disastrous encoun-
father was the limner and record-keeper for their dwarven ters in which he was attacked by superstitious peasants
clan, a position that was held in little regard by their gold- alarmed by his condition, Sheehan adopted a tradition of
minded brethren. Growing up around his father’s books and presenting himself as a mute, thereby earning the nickname
scrolls, Sheehan was a voracious. reader from an early age. “Silent.” He uses a rudimentary system of hand gestures and
One day it occurred to him that his family could achieve the written notes to communicate, although he will call out in an
wealth of the clan’s upper class, if not the respect that it emergency. When he does speak, it is with strong sibilance,
brings, simply by plundering the tombs of those who no his forked tongue flickering in and out of his mouth.
longer had any need for it. Armed with the knowledge with- Sheehan understands common, dwarven, and goblin, but he
in his father’s library, Sheehan began disappearing for weeks freely speaks thieves’ cant (albeit in hushed tones) to beg-
at a time, during which he systematically sacked the crypts gars and other fellow outcasts.
of his dwarven ancestors. He would then pawn the booty to As a professional tomb-robber, Silent Sheehan knows a
svirfneblin in exchange for common coin before returning great number of ghost stories, unsolved mysteries, and leg-
home with wild and fanciful tales of adventuring in foreign ends of buried treasure. He also possesses first-hand knowl-
realms. Clan officials grew suspicious, however, and edge of many forms of undead. His expertise on both counts
Sheehan was eventually caught during one of his burglaries. has made him a much sought-after guide. Sheehan currently
Tried and found guilty, his beard was shaven, his clan-name wanders the land around the Darkonian towns of Corvia and
stripped, and he was forever exiled from his homeland. Tempe Falls, making occasional forays into Keening to plun-
Sheehan roamed the countryside and continued his thieving der the City of Dead.
wherever he could, defiling even churches and mausoleums

88 AUGUST 1997
Campaigns of Intrigue, from Foe to Finale

by Steve Miller and Sue Weinlein Cook

any of todays story-oriented role- case, a strong multi-layered master vil- Revenge: A villain may seek to
playing settings encourage game lain can be the backbone of a thrilling avenge past misdeeds wrought upon
masters to build insidious villains, web- role-playing campaign, if the Narrator him or his family. In some cases, this
like plots, and other elements of intrigue takes the time to build him right. might be considered righteous revenge,
into their campaigns. Of course, creating such as the case of a son seeking justice
them takes time — adventures of Motivation for his wrongfully accused fathers exe-
intrigue can require more planning than What really makes a villain what he cution. When a character ventures out-
dungeon crawls or massive battles. is? It all comes down to his motivation: side the law to seek his “justice,” how-
But all that planning isn’t as daunting What does he want? Everything else — ever, he moves easily into the realm of
as it sounds. This article takes game personality, goals, environment, and so villainy. Also, a villain’s desire for
masters and DMs through the process of on — is shaped by the villain’s central revenge may be mistaken in some way.
building fully-fleshed villains and motivation, his driving force. This, there- Perhaps he believes his father innocent
intrigue-oriented plots to enrich virtually fore, is the starting point when creating a when actually the man deserved his
any character- and story-driven cam- new nemesis for a campaign of intrigue. fate. Perhaps the villain seeks redress
paign. Many of these concepts are intro- Of course, finding a motivation is a from the heroes, whom he mistakenly
duced to game masters, or Narrators, complex issue. Many possible motiva- holds responsible for making the
using the SAGA™ rules in Heroes of tions can cause a character to stray from charges against his father. In some
Defiance. This new dramatic supplement the straight-and-narrow to become a vil- cases, revenge is merely a cover for
for the DRAGONLANCE® FIFTH AGE® game is lain. To get you started, here are a few another, more sinister, motivation.
designed to foster sophisticated cam- examples of motivations to choose from Political Power: Seeking temporal
paigns that revolve around guile and when building your villain from scratch: power is not in itself a villainous moti-
stealth rather than combat. vation. However,. this cause can be
Greed: The villain is hungry for tainted if the character uses question-
Creating the Villain wealth. Perhaps he covets art objects, able methods to attain it, or if he seeks
In campaigns of intrigue, behind the magical treasure — even knowledge. to hold it to the detriment of his sub-
heroes’ troubles lurks a master villain. It Greed can also take the form of an unre- jects. Often rulers become villains when
was a dark goddess in the classic quited love, an unattainable domain or they seek to advance a personal agenda
DRAGONLANCE tales; in the FIFTH AGE cam- estate, or a position in life (such as the beyond all reason, come to enjoy
paign, it may be a Great Dragon. In any knighthood). dominating others, or abandon their

90 AUGUST 1997
responsibility to their subjects in their is not the best choice for a campaign acter might just as easily seek to con-
quest to attain a selfish goal. Of course, designed around investigation. and dis- quer a church or related holding, a race
there are lots of gray areas here — the covery. Such a game of subtlety would of people, a dragon or other creature, an
villain may not hold power at the time be better served by a more rational bad army or organization, or one person in
(see the “displaced noble” in “Archetypes guy. In fact logical, even-tempered vil- particular.
of Villainy”) or may even appear sympa- lains can be far more dangerous than A Kidnapping: The villain might
thetic. unstable lunatics with flash-fire tempers. take as his target a figure of some
A Personal Agenda: The individual import, such as a great hero, king, or
causes best able to lead a character into As you can see from these examples, priest. On the other hand, perhaps the
a life of villainy are his moral beliefs. not all villains must be evil. A villain can victim merely holds importance to the
Wars fought over matters of religion, for be someone who does the right thing villain himself, such as a love denied him
example, can prove longer or bloodier for all the wrong reasons — or the wrong or someone who he believes has caused
than those waged to gain territory or for thing for all the right reasons. He might him injury. Whether he seeks to kill the
other reasons. Some might even con- mean well; under different circum- target of the kidnapping, ransom him, or
sider certain causes noble — except stances, he could even be defined as a release him after he gets a proper
when the ends do not justify the means. hero. Unfortunately, in at least one area, amount of attention, is up to the
Although it’s easier to look at the Evil he remains blind to common sense, Narrator. Often, kidnappings serve as a
Knights of Takhisis, with their goal of ignorant of common decency, or unable first step in a larger plan.
conquering the world in the name of the to see the line between right and wrong. A Killing: A villain can seek some-
Dark Queen, as the villains of the world Allowing the heroes to sympathize with one’s death for many reasons and in
of Krynn, one might also find a villain the villain’s situation can actually pro- many ways. Is he interested in assassi-
among the ranks of the “good” Knights duce a more dramatic and emotionally- nation, hunting, or war (real or imag-
of Solamnia. For instance, a knight so charged game: the difference between a ined)? Does he murder for perverse
obsessed with sticking to the letter of brutal killer and a haunted figure driven pleasure or kill to feed some disturbing
the Measure that he fiercely prosecutes to kill by his inner torments. need? Does the villain seek the death of
anyone who fails to obey its strictures one figure, as in the case of revenge, or
makes a perfect villain. Let’s say we‘re about to begin a new a larger group — even genocide? The
Fear: Many of a villain’s actions campaign of intrigue that takes place in the Narrator should answer these questions
can be motivated by fear. Fear of dying Empire of Ergoth, an island realm (described in the manner that best suits the tone of
can bring a man to make a foul deal in Heroes of Defiance). Humans there live in his campaign
with an evil god, fear of poverty might an uneasy peace with the barbarians to the
lead him to steal, while fear of loneliness north and the goblins to the south. Ergoth‘s Of course, in an intrigue-based cam-
might provoke him to kidnap a beautiful borders are also threatened by a white drag- paign, the heroes might not become
woman, whom he forces to become his on farther to the south and an evil order of aware of the villain’s true goal until rela-
wife. On the surface, fear, like revenge, Dark Knights who may attack at any time. tively late in the game. The villain might
can appear to be something altogether Our villain might be someone who seeks the even conceal it from his own allies, to
different (greed, lust, hunger for power). throne of this wealthy empire — thinking further complicate matters, as described
Passion: Some villains have one- him- or herself the only one qualified to do in the “loyal servant” entry in
track minds. Their desire for magic, so — but is prevented by circumstance from “Archetypes of Villainy.”
knowledge, love, recognition, or another earning it lawfully.
passion could lead them to abandon all
normal inhibitions and seek to satisfy In our Empire of Ergoth campaign exam-
their hunger in any way they can. This Goal ple above, our villain is actually the emperor’s
motivation is similar to greed, except Next, the Narrator must determine the own daughter, whose plots spring from her
that the object of the villain’s passion is villain’s goal for the adventure ahead. it desire to do more in life than be married off to
usually something intangible rather is imperative that this goal be believable, some nobleman. Ergoth is very strongly
than something that symbolizes wealth. reasonable, and stem directly from the male-dominated. Women have few rights,
Insanity: A real maniac may initi- motivation. The examples below can and they certainly aren’t allowed to rule. In
ate his plots with no goal other than to serve as excellent short-term goals for a this scenario, the princess’s goal is to wipe out
bring pain, suffering and destruction to villain: the royal family — especially her weakling
the world. Whatever his particular brand brothers — and many a weak-willed man
of insanity — paranoia, megalomania, A theft: The villain may be plan- through whom she can rule. Not only is her
schizophrenia, homicidal mania — never ning one individual theft, such as a heist scheme subtle and devious, but the heroes
for a second does this villain think the of the crown jewels. He could also pur- might actually find themselves having some
situation is beyond his ability to control. sue many small thefts (as would a guild sympathy for the princess. They may even
in addition, even insane villains behave thief), or even escalating thievery that agree with her frustration at being denied her
with a sort of internal logic; insanity builds to the criminal escapade of a life- full potential because of her sex. (Of course,
doesn’t give a villain license to act for no time (like the spellfilch archetype, the heroes are not likely to identify her as
internal reason at all. Such a poor moti- described in “Archetypes of Villainy”). their foe until fairly late in the campaign. This
vation (“He’s just crazy!”) would prove A conquest: Perhaps the villain clever and shrewd young woman will have
quite disappointing to heroes who have wants to expand his sphere of power. taken steps to isolate herself from her machi-
long sought the villain’s downfall. A final Conquest need not always revolve nations, unless someone starts digging deep.)
caution: An insane, destructive character around a city or wider territory; a char-

D RAGON #238 91
The Villain’s Identity The personality traits the Narrator themselves, such as the villain’s gender
Determining motivation and goals chooses for his villain will shape that and race. But even if they have, think
provides the Narrator with a foundation characters approach toward attaining about these points for a minute. By
for his campaign. Now we’re ready to his goal. Thinking about the traits, the itself, the fact that the newly created vil-
flesh out the villain further with person- Narrator should ask himself what villain- lain is a dwarf (or elf or draconian) may
ality and background to make him seem ous methods are born of this personality. not seem important. However, what
much more three dimensional — and far A villain whose personality revolves does this bit of background look like in
more frightening — than he or she around a deep-seated mistrust of others the context of the villain’s motivation
otherwise might. may, as a matter of course, assassinate and personality? For instance, think
his minions after they have concluded about the character’s goals and attitudes
their service. Brute force tactics might in light of his:
stem from an aggressive and brutal char-
Personality acter, while methods of subtle manipula- Race (I’m a half-breed, so no one
First, think about the villain’s person- tion better suit a conniving criminal. is treats me with respect.)
ality. The steps above may have already the villain cautious? Then the Narrator Gender (I’m looked down upon
determined such basics as race and gen- should devise stealthy means for him to because I’m female.)
der, but well thought-out personality advance his concerns. In any case, the Age (Everyone says I’m too young.
traits make any villainous identity come villain should always go with his I’ll show ‘em!)
alive. Of course, these elements should strengths to enact his sinister plan. Height and Weight (I’ve got a poor
feed into and grow out of the goals and Just as every personality type has its self-image because I’m short and fat.)
motivations decided, earlier — they may strengths, so does each have its associ- Land of Origin (My upbringing in a
have determined the motivation in the ated flaws. After all, every character has seafaring realm will help me create a
first place. This kind of complexity turns a weakness. The aggressive and brutal mighty navy to conquer the nation.)
the villain into a character every bit as foe might act heedlessly under fire. A Birthmarks, Injuries, Scars, Etc. (I’m
vibrant as the heroes attempting to conniver or overcautious villain might ugly, so I envy all that is beautiful even
thwart him. A bland or weak villain is spend so much time looking for traps as I covet it.)
hardly a worthy opponent for heroes or planning for contingencies that he Name (As everyone knows my
ready to unravel the Narrator’s mystery. misses the opportune moment. Perhaps name, no one would suspect me.)
The Fate Deck in the DRAGONLANCE: other fears are inherent within the per-
FIFTH AGE game can help in selecting per- sonality type. It is up to the Narrator to
sonality traits for a villain. Each card car- let these fears and weaknesses, show Our villain in the Ergoth campaign is the
ries an inscription that describes the just as he demonstrates the villain’s emperor’s demure, unassuming teenaged
character pictured, from “lawless and strengths. Clever heroes will find a way daughter Princess Fidelia — a name well-
tough” to “dedicated and timid.” to play upon these flaws to the villain’s known throughout the kingdom and one
Selecting personality traits can make detriment. which connotes loyalty (fidelity). This petite
even villains with the same motivations young girl is loved by all in the empire and
into completely distinct individuals. For would never be suspected as a threat,
instance, a villain motivated by a desire The princess in our example must live at thanks in part to her gender (at least in her
for revenge to kill the heroes for their court right under those she seeks to depose male-dominated homeland), her youth, her
past deeds might be ‘rash and crafty,” or and kill. Therefore, she is a schemer, relying slight frame, and her fame.
he could be “thoughtful and conniving.” on stealth and manipulation tactics.
A villain can even be “valiant and moti- Perhaps her secret flaw is that she wants the
vated,” especially if he believes his goal throne a bit too much — her greed, added to Now we have in place the basic ele-
is morally right. her healthy ego — might blind her at times ment of an intrigue-centered campaign:
To make the villain’s personality even to the threat the heroes pose. She secretly a master villain pulling strings from an
more complex, the Narrator can follow desires recognition from her emperor father. unseen location. Once the heroes dis-
the same system players used to gener- Knowing she will never receive it, she con- cover the villain’s identity, they again
ate their heroes: Give the villain person- tinues to plot her takeover of the empire. As must use tactics of cunning and stealth
ality traits that describe both his mentioned above, the heroes might sympa- to defeat her. After all, they wouldn’t live
demeanor and his nature. Demeanor thize with her situation — if they live long very long if they just killed Fidelia —
indicates merely how the villain acts. As enough. princesses tend to have bodyguards
described in Heroes of Defiance, the nearby. The heroes would have a lot of
character may have various false explaining to do before the emperor.
demeanors, governing his behavior Background
around different people or in different At last, we’re ready to put the finish- Archetypes of Vilainy
groups. The villain’s nature, on the other ing touches on the villain by giving him When the Narrator just doesn’t have
hand, is not how the character acts, but or her some important background. time to build a villain from scratch, he
what he’s truly like, deep down. The Each element of this character’s appear- can start with a character type. The var-
nature can be similar to his demeanor — ance, ethnic heritage, and physical ious archetypes, or roles, for heroes of
for a “what you see is what you get” vil- make-up can tie in directly with his moti- intrigue introduced in Heroes of Defiance
lain — or it might be quite different, indi- vation, goals, and personality as related also fit the framework of interesting vil-
cating that the villain employs one or above. Of course, by this stage, many lains, as described below. The game
more facades. basic questions will have answered requirements for each archetype appear

92 AUGUST 1997
in parentheses after the description. handy minions. If the leader should ever Spellfilch: Some villains aren’t
Narrators might find that these roles are venture beyond the bounds of the comfortable merely being successful
more than convenient archetypes for vil- guild’s articles of conduct, however, thieves — they must be flashy at their
lains — they can be the seeds to truly minions may turn traitor on him, adding work, for fame is what they’re really
unique campaigns of intrigue! an interesting twist to the adventure. after. Spellfilches pride themselves on
(Code of “B” min. in Dexterity, Reason, or using magic to help them in their crimi-
Ambassador: In the guise of an ally Perception, nature 5 max., wealth nal activity. In fact, each has a unique
and a diplomat, a sinister ambassador between 4 and 6.) spell effect he uses as a “calling card,” to
enjoys the freedom to advance his plot Handler: Kender handlers are let the victims know who got the better
in foreign lands. Such villains are best known for their ability to “acquire” oth- of them. (Dexterity score of 4 min.,
suited to campaigns that span a conti- ers’ possessions. Misguided members of Reason or Spirit code of “B” min., unique
nent or similar large realm. (Presence this curious race might be led to turn “signature” spell.)
code “C” min., demeanor drawn from their skills against the heroes. As ‘any- “Staunch Supporter”: Although a
red aura card, wealth 7 min.) one who’s had a kender for an enemy character has come out in support of the
Bard: Bards have the advantage of will tell you, the results aren’t pretty. heroes or their allies on some matter of
being accepted — even invited — in a (Must be a kender plus have Agility and politics, he actually works toward a very
wide variety of wealthy homes, both Dexterity scores of 8 min.) different end. This villain uses his politi-
locally and in far-flung lands. Clever Healer: Charlatans abound in the cal ties to help him achieve his own
heraldic villains use their craft to get world of fantasy role-playing games. desired ends — perhaps a goal exactly
them close to their enemy, to maneuver Perhaps one of the most despised is the opposed to the one he claims to sup-
them within reach of the object of their false healer, who lures innocents into his port. (Reason and Spirit scores of 4 min.,
desire, to spread disinformation helpful schemes with elixers and promises. wealth of 7 min.)
to their own goal, and so on. These (Strength and Dexterity codes of “B” Street Performer: Street dancers
characters’ main drawback is their very max., Reason and Perception of “C” min.) and corner entertainers have an advan-
public lifestyle and visible identity. (Spirit Scout: While Heroes of Defiance pre- tage shared by the barmaid: their low
score 4 min., Presence score 5 min.) sents the role of scout only in the con- social class makes them almost “invisi-
Barmaid or Barkeep: Although most text of the Legion of Steel, this archetype ble.” Such figures often fall easily under
people overlook the local innkeeper or is actually an important villainous min- suspicion for petty theft and such
serving wench, that’s exactly what makes ion. Every bad guy needs several extra crimes, but no constable would dream
them excellent potential villains — no one pairs of eyes and ears to keep tabs on that the local dancing girl is actually a
would ever suspect them! Their conve- the situations in the areas where the villainous mastermind! (Agility and
nient jobs allow them to interact with a master plan is unfolding. (Perception Presence scores of 4 min. and codes of
wide variety of locals and travelers as code of “B” min, Presence code of “C” “C” min., Spirit code of “C” min., wealth 3
they weave their webs of intrigue. max., wealth 5 max.) max.)
(Strength code “C” max., Presence code “C” “Loyal Servant”: Although the char- Street Urchin: Now there’s a chal-
min., wealth 3 max.) acter appears a devoted servant to the lenging central figure to a campaign of
Con Artist: Con artists often are heroes (or their allies), he secretly plots intrigue: A 16-year-old villain with an
thought of as small-time criminals, not against them from within. This role is army of urchins at his disposal! These
master villains. However, what happens also best for a minion. (Reason and Spirit omnipresent characters have freedom
when a small-time criminal dreams of scores of 4 min., wealth 3 max.) to operate within the confines of their
the con of a lifetime, one that will make Merchant: Merchant villains might own territory. (Must be able to explain
him go down in history? (Presence code include dealers in stolen goods, mag- any code better than “C,” wealth 3 max.,
“B” min., nature drawn from black or red nates building a trade empire upon the Novice reputation max., must be a child.)
aura card.) bodies of the competition, or greedy Thug: Alleybashers make excellent
Displaced Noble: A wealthy noble- guilders seeking greater and greater minions, ever ready and able to serve as
man uprooted from his home due to profits at the expense of their clientele. the muscle behind the masterminds.
political unrest or rebellion is a villain (Reason, Perception, and Presence (Demeanor of 6 min.)
with a clear goal, as well as a power scores of 3 min., nature 4 min., wealth
base in exile ready to help him win back between 4 and 6.) Structuring the Intrigue
his birthright. (Wealth 6 max.) Rebel: Although Heroes of Defiance Once we’ve got a firm idea of who
Fop: For a more subtle villain, a defines this archetype in terms of elven our villain is and what he or she wants
Narrator might center an intrigue characters, rebels of any race can make (and we have suitable game statistics
around a fop — or at least, that’s what excellent villains, especially when they figured out for him or her), we’re ready
the villain wants people to think he is! lose sight of reason in their attempts to to develop the characters plot — the
This sly figure lets the public discount achieve their (perhaps worthy) goal. (No adventure itself. Long-running cam-
him as merely a soft, silly noble of little specific requirements.) paigns can be difficult beasts to main-
use, which allows him to reveal his true River Pirate: Pirates are wonderful, tain, particularly if you add the compli-
schemes in his own time. (All ability colorful villains, though not the most sub- cation of a master villain working a
scores must be 5 min., four ability codes tie characters. The Narrator should care- treacherous web of intrigue in the back-
must be “B” min., wealth 7 min.) fully consider whether including these fig- ground. Let’s start with something sim-
Guild Thief: The head of a thief ures suits the tone he’s trying to create for pie: What does the villain do first?
guild makes an excellent master villain, his campaign. (Nature drawn from red
while common guild members serve as aura card, wealth between 4 and 6.)

D RAGON #238 93
The Villain’s Actions The Master Plan and Backup the action; then it’s up to the players to
Once the Narrator thoroughly under- Plans: Considering the wealth of villain- keep it going, with the villain reacting to
stands the villain and his ultimate goal, ous personalities a Narrator might cre- the heroes’ actions. Reacting quickly to
he must figure out how the character ate and the multitude of motivations the curves the players may throw at the
intends to reach that goal. A true master that might drive them, it’s impossible to Narrator isn’t hard, as long as he knows
villain would never act transparently, so it provide the archetypal master plan to his villain inside and out.
should take some real digging for the suit all campaigns. Basically, however, a
heroes to uncover his plan. Of course, the villain’s plan to achieve his goal can be
scheme should stem from the villain’s broken down into three simple stages:
How does Princess Fidelia go about get-
background and motivations. A sinister Obtain the information and tools need-
ting her crown? First she sets the lich to lead
human wizard will go about seizing the ed to achieve the goal, use them to
the goblins in the south on raids into the
crown in quite a different manner than a attain the objective, then cover his
empire, then has a barbarian chieftain mur-
power-hungry dwarf priest or a mad elf tracks or cement his public hold on his
dered to incite an attack on Ergoth from its
renegade. Each move from the villain goal. Throughout this process, he must
northern province. Next she approaches her
should stem from his uniqueness of char- use all the resources at his disposal to
court followers, whom she has been feeding
acter. Not only does such consistency deal with a variety of known and
misinformation for months, and through
lend believability to the scenario, it also unknown obstacles; the heroes are one
subtle diplomacy and blackmail turns them
could unwittingly tip off the heroes as to of them.
against the crown as well. After the lich has
the kind of figure they’re dealing with. As mentioned earlier, the tactics a vil-
gained victory over the empire (thanks to
To determine the villain’s initial lain favors in enacting this scheme may
supplies and information from Fidelia), she
actions, think about these points: stem from his personality traits,. The
watches another operative assassinate her
kind of master plan he devises may also
father and brothers. Following an appropri-
Employing Minions: The villain derive from his racial background, how-
ate period of national suffering, she miracu-
may command minions to carry out his ever. An elf villain might lure enemies to
lously escapes her imprisonment and engi-
dirty work — major operatives as well as a secret forest stronghold where he has
neers the lich’s death — thereby becoming
lesser servants. The wisest villains do in place all manner of traps, for instance.
the savior of the empire. So grateful are her
not rely merely on one type of minion. The very words “pirate captain” bring to
subjects that they allow a break with tradi-
Rather, they take advantage of the mind a wealth of specialized tactics that
tion and accept her as empress and ruler. At
unique service each type can provide: add up to a plan the villain can use to
least, that’s the plan.
While shapechanging creatures like win his goal.
Smart as she is, Fidelia has a backup as
Aurak draconians prove able spies, a A real villainous mastermind will
well: enticing a local noble to many her,
tribe of kobolds can serve as cannon- have enacted several parallel plans at
then taking control of him through the lich’s
fodder, and the winged gargoyles make once, allowing various minions to bring
magic and serving as ruler in all but name.
good scouts. Some of these minions him closer to his goal through different
She conceals her own involvement in the
may even be unknowing servants of the methods and in different places. He’ll
lich’s attack on her homeland by pretending
master villain, nothing more than vic- also have a backup plan or two in place
to also be victimized by his ravages. In keep-
tims of his cunning manipulations. to fall back on, in case the heroes prove
ing with her ruthless nature, she mercilessly
When structuring the intrigue of the too clever for him. For instance, he may,
kills anyone who gets in her way.
campaign, the Narrator should select as a last resort, force a high-placed min-
minions that the heroes can conceivably ion to take the fall for him if he finds his
defeat — after all, the players eventually plan endangered. “Plan B” might not
must get beyond them to the heart of offer the villain complete success in his Tricks and Misdirection: Once he
the villain’s plot. Allowing the minions to objective but instead allows him a lesser has his plot in motion, the villain takes
thwart them defeats the purpose of the victory or merely gives him a chance to steps to isolate himself from it, buffering
story. In addition, sometimes minions retreat and regroup. himself with layers of minions. A mas-
have their own motives that may differ Narrators should briefly sketch out termind may never tell his minions the
from those of the master villain. the villain’s master plan and some of his reasons behind his orders, for too much
backups before play begins. This prepa- information might endanger his secrets.
ration does not necessarily tie the Some villains never even communicate
Princess Fidelia secretly commands an Narrator to a set storyline — just to the with their minions face to face, but only
army of goblins from the land south of Ergoth antagonists prospective activities. No through magic or couriers. While such
and has a lich wrapped around her little finger lengthy “master plan outline” can efforts keep the villain cloaked in mys-
— a formerly human sorcerer who loved her in account for every single contingency tery, they form a layer of complexity
life and would do anything for her, even in that may arise. All the Narrator really which could trip him up in the end.
death. These common humanoid opponents needs to know is how the villain intends The villain also must have methods
and the hyper-intelligent spellcaster will aid to accomplish his goal, use his minions, in place to throw investigators off his
her in her far-reaching plans. They present a cover his tracks, and where he might slip trail. Having a minion or a complete
reasonable set of opponents, ones that chal- up and inadvertently allow the heroes to innocent in place to take the fall is one
lenge the heroes but who are not too power- find clues. The campaign grows as the idea. He also could drop clues that
ful for them to defeat. But it takes more than heroes discover connections between would send the heroes off chasing a red
strong-arm tactics to reveal the true mover events that at first seemed unrelated herring or frame an innocent character.
and shaker behind this plot. and pursue the mysteries surrounding
those connections. The villain instigates

94 AUGUST 1997
From Villainy to Intrigue
Fidelia uses the lich and goblins merely The heroes can become involved with Cheat Sheet
as short-term pawns — she has no intention the Ergoth campaign in a number of ways.
of living up to any promises she made either Two of them might be vying for the Use this handy outline to remember
of them. In fact, she may even feed the princess’s hand, they may have spied the the basic steps of creating an intrigue-
heroes information about the lich’s where- lich‘s barbarian troops to the north, or per- based campaign by first creating an
abouts when his usefulness has come to an haps their village was attacked by goblins intriguing villain.
end. After all, she has no interest in destroy- from the south — a mysterious communique
ing the empire she seeks to rule. found in one goblin’s boot alludes to a Step 1: Selecting the Villain
planned attempt on the life of one of the Motivation
emperor’s aides. Goal
Enter the Heroes Personality
Once the Narrator has figured out the Appearance
villain’s scheme, it’s time to create Complications
several options for how the heroes Throughout the campaign, the Step 2: Structuring the Plot
might stumble into the picture. Narrator should keep the heroes per- The Villain’s Plan
One idea is to make the villain’s sonally involved in the battle against the Involve the Heroes
actions intersect the life of one or more villain. Each of them must have the Plot Complications
of the heroes. Perhaps in carrying out opportunity to further the storyline him- Wrapping it Up
his assignment, one of the villain’s min- self, perhaps by interacting with differ-
ions wrongs a hero or his family. There’s ent minions throughout the course of
nothing like the thirst for justice to pull the campaign. Of course, with each step
forward, complications might arise. Traitor Allies: Perhaps the villain’s
the heroes into a new storyline. Perhaps
misdirections actually succeeded in
the minion is someone that one or more
Subplots: Subplots can arise from making the heroes’ allies actually sus-
of the heroes has known for a long
the misdirections the villain throws at pect them of contributing to the mystery
time; minions can serve as excellent
at hand. Or, the villain might have
foils for the heroes, mirroring their own heroes. (Perhaps, knowing the heroes
ambitions, desires, or backgrounds in a were hot on his heels, a minion sent wooed the allies with bribes of wealth
twisted manner. In any case, it’s best to them a clue that implicated the local and power. In any case, these characters
involve more than one hero, to ensure thief guild.) Subplots can also spring up may turn traitor, forcing the heroes to
step up their investigations and possibly
that the group investigates the villain’s due to the efforts of another to solve the
unfolding scheme. mystery. (Say the minion sent the same even clear their own names. As men-
The main thing to remember is clue to the thief guild implicating the tioned earlier, Narrators shouldn’t be
patience. Adventures of intrigue must heroes.) A small victory in a subplot afraid to get personal here. Linking such
traitorous developments to the heroes’
grow — they can’t be forced. If the endeavor can provide a much-needed
boost to the spirits of adventurers who families, homes, or friends heightens the
heroes do not seize on one clue that
might bring them into the adventure, have had little luck at solving the mys- emotion of the campaign and makes it
more exciting for all.
don’t force them to follow it up. Once tery of the larger picture. Likewise, a
enough clues fail across their paths, the small failure can remind cocky heroes Nobody’s Perfect: Screw-ups on
heroes will realize the links between that they are not invincible. the villain’s part can lead to clues for the
them and may even deduce that they all Red Herrings: Of course, it’s a mis- heroes. For instance, a nervous minion
take to make every event in a campaign might let slip some important detail that
spring from the same master plan.
Once the heroes have taken the bait, tie directly to the plot at hand. There’s leads to a new subplot whose outcome
the Narrator must feed them hints or room in any campaign for a red herring is vital to the villain’s downfall.
clues to keep up their interest in the or two, and such unrelated happenings
investigation. A cryptic message from a accomplish the dramatic goal of making
the adventure unpredictable. The play- Say the white dragon who rules the land
character, an overheard comment, a
ers, not expecting something totally to the south decides to expand his territory
piece of startling physical evidence — any
and attacks the goblin lands in the southern
such tidbits will make the heroes hungry unrelated to the major plot, may take
for more. The Narrator shouldn’t be too the campaign in clever new directions reaches of the empire. While this tactic
trying to unravel this latest mystery. might set the heroes to wondering how the
upset if the heroes find these clues “out of
Traitor Minions: If a minion hears dragon fits into the growing threats to
order,” so to speak. A letter they happen
that the villain considers him expend- Ergoth’s security, actually his activity is part
upon may seem meaningless at the time
of a grander plan that involves a draconic
of discovery, until a major plot point able, the villain may have a big problem
on his hands. The traitor might begin takeover of Ansalon’s last remaining free
occurs at the time and place mentioned
feeding information to the heroes, for realms. Another possible subplot in the
in the letter and they realize that they
Ergoth campaign might involve the lich
had an important clue in their hands all example — he may even join their forces
turning traitor when he discovers that
the time and didn’t know it. Once enough at the risk of his own life. Of course, such
Princess Fidelia means to kill him when his
clues fall into their hands, things will start a vengeful character may in the end
seek to achieve the villain’s goals for usefulness ends. Either complication to the
to make sense, and the heroes may
plot should force a reaction not only from
glimpse the villain lurking behind the himself, compounding the heroes’ prob-
the heroes but from Fidelia as well.
pieces of his master plan. lems rather than helping.

D RAGON 238 95
The Big Finish into a situation where they can gain the will unfold without her guidance. She’ll be
When the heroes have finally advantage. After all, the villain has dead, and thus unable to benefit from them,
stripped away all the villain’s decep- worked hard to achieve his current posi- but the emperor likely will end up dead, too,
tions, it’s time for the Big Showdown. tion. The heroes must work just as hard to leaving the empire in the hands of the lich.
This finale can take many forms — the take them away. And, when all’s said and lnstead, the climax of this campaign
nature of the climax should reflect the done, outsmarting the villain is the most should involve the heroes’ attempt to
nature of the villain, after all. However, it rewarding part of the entire campaign. expose the princess’s activities to her father
should always be potentially deadly. As the action of a campaign rises to and the rest of the empire. A festival or some
The final path to exposing or defeat- its climax, the pace should pick up other public event would be a dramatically
ing the master villain should never be accordingly. To be dramatically satisfy- appropriate place and time. In addition, the
an easy one. The Narrator should base ing, an ongoing adventure must build heroes must convince some of her pawns in
the climactic scene’s degree of difficulty momentum as it proceeds to its climax. the emperor’s court that she intends to
on the villain’s and the heroes’ level of That means you don’t want the grand betray them. Using her own weapons of
reputation or experience. In a climactic finale between the heroes and the mas- intrigue against her, the patty might even
fight, the villain and his remaining min- ter villain to come after a significant lull coerce one or more of the courtiers to reveal
ions should have enough available fire- in the action. Which scenario is more the princess’s true nature to the emperor.
power and tactics to seriously challenge appealing: The heroes meet their arch- Fidelia, of course, will do everything in her
the heroes. Some villains are not formi- foe for their final showdown after a power to prevent this. At the very least, she’ll
dable in combat, however, making a pleasant breakfast at a quiet inn, or after show her true colors, call the lich, and com-
battle encounter a poor choice for a cli- a weeklong chase that exhausted them mand him to kill everyone at the festival.
max. Wrapping up the adventure with a while at the same time saw them fired
role-playing encounter needs to present up by the proximity of their enemy? Sequels?
the heroes with an equivalent danger: A victory should confer ample After the villain is defeated, the
execution if they fail to convince others rewards upon the heroes. Money, trea- Narrator must decide whether this is
of the villain’s guilt, for example. sure, and experience (increasing in repu- truly the end of the campaign, or
On the other hand, the Narrator tation) commensurate with the difficulty whether it is just the end of an extended
should not make it impossible for the of the adventure and the extent of the story arc. If the players want to continue
heroes to defeat the villain in the cli- villain’s threat are common and well with their heroes, the Narrator can look
mactic scene. At least a partial victory appreciated compensation. However, the at the resolution of the current intrigue
must be feasible, or the players Will be Narrator should also consider working adventure and determine whether the
left feeling dissatisfied. Such a condi- less tangible rewards into the victory, master villain will be back for more.
tional victory is more acceptable in an such as fulfillment of a personal goal Whether the villain’s schemes are
ongoing campaign than in a stand- (regain family honor, get the girl, etc.) or truly thwarted when he is defeated
alone adventure, for the heroes will merely a sense of accomplishment. depends on how thorough the heroes
have a chance to redeem themselves at have been. They may have just gotten
a later date or continue the fight in lucky — managing to trace one of the vil-
another avenue. In our running sample campaign, a lain’s diversionary efforts back to him,
In any case, the heroes should be combat-oriented encounter against the they confused it with the master plan.
required to engage in serious planning to petite princess would not prove much of a Now that the villain is gone, will a min-
outsmart the villain and maneuver him challenge. And even if the heroes were to kill ion pursue the main plan, becoming the
her, the parts of her conspiracy still in place new master villain and continuing the
cycle? Of course, the Narrator also can
orchestrate events so the master
escapes the heroes, perhaps through an
ambiguous death. Even though his plan
has failed, he can return for the “sequel
campaign” in search of revenge.

While a game designer and editor at TSR,

Inc., Steve Miller served as head writer for the
DRAGONLANCE: FIFTH AGE game line, produc-
ing such work as Heroes of Defiance and
the forthcoming Citadel of Light. Steve cur-
rently works as a free-lance writer.
Sue Weinlein Cook is the lead editor on the
DRAGONLANCE: FIFTH AGE game line and con-
tributed to the design of the FIFTH AGE boxed
set. Her first piece of solo fiction appears in the
“If the lines are this long, the food must be good!” upcoming Dragons of Chaos anthology.

96 AUGUST 1997
40. Name the first hardcover book to be
part of a role-playing game.
Answer: Monster Manual

41. How many character paints would a

fighter have left to spend on class abilities
after selecting building and Ieadership?
Answer: 5
Note: From SkilIs & Powers.

42. How far can Hiawatha shoot a pixie

Answer: 75 yards.

The Arcane Challenge Note: Hiawatha was a red herring,

meant to send people on a wild goose
chase through Legends & Lore. Anyone can
shoot a pixie bow 75 yards.
answers by Steve Winter
43. The only way to be certain of killing
me is to reduce me to -30 hit points and
Here’s your chance to see how well you is sitting on the table in front of the rak- then use a wish spell. What am I?
scored on last year’s quiz of AD&D® game shasa, looking like a perfume atomizer. Answer: A tarrasque.
knowledge. If you haven’t taken the Arcane
Challenge yet, cover the answers and test 32. A monodrone modron has only one 44. lgor is a 13th-level fighter wearing
your knowledge now — or quiz your players side. What shape is it? gauntlets of ogre power and armed with
before the start of your next game. For the Answer: Sphere. Melior. He is a grand master in the weapon’s
answers to the first 25 questions, see last Note: This should have been pretty obvi- use and he is under the influence of a help-
issue. ous. ful prayer spell. How much damage will he
inflict if he strikes a frost giant?
26. What AD&D game warrior kit is “the 33. How far can a paragon black dragon Answer: 3d8 +13 (or 16-37)
explorer of the Known Spheres, expander of breathe a stream of acid? Note: This was pretty easy, if you
the reach of the spaceborne, and discoverer Answer: 140’ thought to look up Melior in the ENCYCLOPEDIA
of new worlds”? Note: Paragon dragons are described in MAGICA™ tome.
Answer: The Frontiersman High-Level Campaigns.
Note: This kit is from The Complete 45. What kind of character can safely
Spacefarer's Handbook. 34. Which dragon is the smallest, weak- employ the Mac-Fuirmidh cittern?
est, and least intelligent of the true dragons? Answer: A bard of 5th level or higher.
27. Lord Ragnar (fighter 16) has 12 hp Answer: White dragon. Note: Another one that was easily found
after fighting six mummies. Deliah (cleric in the ENCYCLOPEDIA MAGICA™ tome.
18) casts every “cure wounds” spell she can. 35. In the second printing of the Tome of
How many hit points could Ragnar regain? Magic, the mindkiller spell was replaced by 46. Under 1st-Edition rules, what is arti-
Answer: None. what other spell? choke juice good for?
Note: This was a lowdown trick ques- Answer: Mindtracker. Answer: Cures jaundice.
tion, intended to weed out people who Note: This was tricky, but to minimize Note: To find this, you had to look in
weren’t paying attention. Having been the cost of changing the printing films, the Appendix J: Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal
injured by mummies, Ragnar had mummy replacement spell was named so it would fit Vegetables in the 1st-Edition DMG.
rot. He couldn’t be healed at all until the rot into the same position in the alphabet. Of
was cured, so Deliah’s healing spells were course, if you didn’t know that, you had to 47. How far can a character see while
all wasted. Poor Ragnar nearly died before get both books and compare them. submerged 30’ in a freshwater lake?
dragging himself to a temple staffed by cler- Answer: By the letter of the rule, 20’. By
ics who knew what they were doing. 36. If a 3rd-level shukenja casts a calm the spirit of the rule, 30’. We
spell onto a breeze-tossed lake, what hap- accepted either answer.
28. This undead creature is so horrifying pens?
that the mere sight of it can age a victim 10 Answer: Nothing. 48. How long would it take a moderate-
years. Note: Calm affects the mind, not inani- ly encumbered character who is sitting at
Answer: A ghost. mate matter. the bottom of a 60’-deep lake to swim to
the surface?
29. Name the three distinct races of spir- 37. What is the Wisdom score of Astinus Answer: 4 rounds
it folk. of Palanthus? Note: A lot of people answered 3.75
Answer: Bamboo spirit folk, river spirit Answer: 19 rounds. We accepted that, even though
folk, sea spirit folk. Note: Astinus is a key figure in the there is no such thing as .75 round.
Note: Spirit folk are similar to elves and DRAGONLANCE® setting.
are described in Oriental Adventures. 49. Table 5: Suggested Begging Modifiers
38. At a roadside inn, a weary human can be found in what AD&D product?
30. How long does it take a person, with scout and a dwarf swordsman meet a rest- Answer: Shaman
assistance, to don a suit of plate mail prop- ing halfling cutpurse and a gnome trickster. Note: Yes, this was sort of a mean ques-
erly? Under 1st-Edition rules, what do they all tion, because most people had no idea
Answer: 5-10 rounds (d6 + 4) have in common? where to look for the answer. If you found
Note: Really, if you couldn’t find this Answer: They are all 3rd level. it, you should be proud.
answer, you’re hopeless. Note: Scout, swordsman, cutpurse, and
trickster are level names, which 50. An electrum piece is worth how
31. What AD&D original edition hard- didn’t carry over to 2nd edition. many ceramic pieces?
cover book contains tiny drawings of a snit Answer: 50.
and a bolotomus? 39. How many metal coins weigh a Note: Ceramic pieces are used on Athas
Answer: Monster Manual. pound? (DARK SUN® campaign).
Note: The snit is running across the bot- Answer: 50
tom of the black dragon illo. The bolotomus

98 AUGUST 1997
D RAGON 238 99
100 AUGUST 1997
D RAGON 238 101
102 AUGUST 1997
104 AUGUST 1997
D RAGON 238 105
106 A UGUST 1997
stay dead. It first walked the Earth in
1977 in the form of three cheesy pam-
phlets from Game Designers’ Workshop.
The pamphlets contained rules for char-
acter creation, starship design, and plan-
etary ecology. Absent was any coherent
information about the universe itself, an
oversight that was convincingly
addressed in more than 60 supplements
pumped out over the following decade.
In 1987, Traveller gave way to the
Megatraveller* game, a comprehensive
overhaul that consolidated the previous
ten years’ worth of modifications, and
redefined the universe as a hotbed
of anarchy and violent revolution.
The New Era* game, introduced in
1992, added more rules, more history,
The year 1997 is shaping up to be month, we’ll look at three of the most and an ambitious mythos with the
science-fiction nirvana for roleplayers, promising small press-ers, all of which potential to make the Star Wars setting
what with outer space spectaculars on made their presence known at last sum- look like a Daffy Duck cartoon. But the
the way from TSR and White Wolf, a mer’s GEN CON® Game Fair and have potential went unrealized when Game
slew of new products for the BattleTech* since commanded a considerable Designers’ Workshop went belly-up in
and Star Wars* games, enough SF card amount of interest from the playtesters 1996. Bye bye, New Era.
games to make your fingers numb from here at Swan Central. Ready for lift-off? Now, lo and behold, Traveller has
shuffling, and some star-spanning again risen from the grave. It’s slimmed
extravaganzas from the small press. This Traveller Fourth down, 192 pages compared to The New
Edition* game Era’s 384, and simplified; gone are most
Role-playing games’ rating 192-page softcover book of the complications that made The New
Imperium Games $25 Era so daunting. And thanks to an all-
Not recommended star design team headed by Lester Smith
Design: Lester Smith (based on an
original design by Marc Miller) — responsible for the DRAGON DICE™ and
May be useful Additional design: Tony Lee, Timothy Dark Conspiracy* games — its a masterful
Brown, Greg Porter, Ken Whitman, Don effort. This is science-fiction for smart
Fair Perrin, and Matt Machtan guys, featuring technology-based rules
Good Editing: Lester Smith and Tony Lee derived from real-world physics. And it’s
Illustrations: Chris Foss and Larry science-fiction with a soul, fostering spir-
Excellent Elmore itually resonant campaigns that reward
Cover: Chris Foss honor and courage. I say this without
reservation: Traveller, especially in its
Traveller is the Count Dracula of role- current incarnation, is the best science-
playing. I mean, this thing just won’t fiction RPG I’ve ever played.

108 AUGUST 1997

Traveller basics haven’t changed attribute rating (Dexterity, rated at 9; the the point, you feel like a warrior (engag-
much in two decades; wisely, Smith target number, then, is 11). The referee ing in white knuckle laser duels with
avoided the temptation to fiddle with rates the task for difficulty (Average in Kusyu mercenaries), scientist (using
the rules, recognizing them as funda- this case; the PC’s out of practice), which time/acceleration formulas to calculate
mentally sound. Character creation, generates the Dice Code (that is, the jump drive distances), and explorer
almost a game in itself, begins with the number of six-siders to be rolled; an (landing on a planet containing a fully-
player assigning ratings to six attributes: Average task uses two dice). If the roll is developed civilization, not just a bunch
Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, equal to or less than the target number, of cardboard aliens), all rolled into one.
Intelligence, Education, and Social the PC successfully executes the task Time-tested and buffed to a sheen,
Standing. By personal choice or random (the roll is 5; he plays a passable Traveller will endure as long there’s
roll, the player then determines his PC’s “Turkey”). Combat uses essentially the enough plastic to manufacture six-sided
homeworld, which may modify his phys- same mechanics, with modifiers for dice. I suspect I’ll be playing it in the
ical and mental characteristics. The ranged attacks, indirect fire, and con- nursing home. And I bet that some day,
player also selects an educational cealment; damage is taken as wound they’ll be playing it on the Enterprise.
option (such as Graduate School, points, which temporarily reduce the vic- (Information: Imperium Games, Inc., P.O.
Commando School, or Merchant tim’s Strength, Dexterity, and Endurance. Box 481, Lake Geneva, WI 53147)
Academy) and career path (Entertainer, Overall, simple tasks generally succeed,
Marine, Scout). Die-rolls on a series of complex tasks generally fail, enhancing
tables generate a detailed personal his- the humanity of the PCs and the realism
tory. My PC, for example, might have the of the encounters.
brains and resources to enter Graduate The universe itself receives only mod-
School, but because he fails his entrance est coverage in Fourth Edition, confined
exam, opts instead to sign on with a mainly to a historical timeline and a bit
merchant captain as an apprentice. In of background about the Imperium, an
his first tour of duty, he becomes skilled intergalactic civilization struggling to
at fighting pirates (from Merchant Table rebuild after a long economic decline.
1, he acquires the Melee Combat skill), But thanks to a fascinating treatise on
earns a reputation as a good manager (a alien races and a pair of excellent intro-
roll on Table 4 gives him the ductory adventures — “Exit Visa,” a trade
Administration skill), and learns some mission to the authoritarian planet Alell;
questionable talents from a disreputable and “Rubicon Cross,” a tense showdown
companion (Table 5 gives him the with a rogue Imperial ship — there’s
Forgery skill). The process continues more than enough material to get a
until 20 years worth of experiences campaign off the ground. Industrious
have been acquired; he then musters referees will get a kick out of the world
out of active duty with an impressive set generation chapter, which gives detailed
of skills. At this point, he’s ready to start instructions for creating planets from
the campaign. Unlike the blank slates scratch, complete with tech levels, gov- Fading Suns* game
that pass for player characters in many ernments, and terrain characteristics. 276-page softcover book
RPGs, Traveller PCs begin the game as The Trade and Commerce chapter pro- Holistic Design Inc. $25
seasoned pros, complete with plaques vides intelligent guidelines for setting up Design: Bill Bridges and
on the wall and skeletons in the closet. futuristic economies. Also noteworthy Andrew Greenberg with John Bridges,
Contemporary role-players may find are the ship design rules, explaining in Ken Lightner, Robert Hatch, Jennifer
it hard to believe, but in the dark ages of 15 steps how to assemble spaceworthy Hartshorn, Chris Howard, Samuel
role-playing — back when the DUNGEONS vessels from an impressive array of hull Inabinet, Ian Lemke, and Jim Moore
& DRAGONS® game came in a pink box — configurations and software options. Editing: Jennifer Hartshorn
there was no such thing as a skill roll. If, Evaluation: Is Traveller perfect? Nope. Illustrations: John Bridges, Tim
say, a PC wanted to play “Turkey in the The inclusion of anachronistic weapons Callender, Jason Felix, Sam lnabinet,
Straw” on the banjo, the poor referee like swords and crossbows can turn com- Andrew Kudelka, Larry MacDougall, Ron
had to adjudicate the outcome based on bat into a bad episode of Star Trek. Spencer, Ken Spera, Joshua Gabriel
an attribute (uh, Dexterity? Charisma?) Characters don’t change much over the Timbrook, Jason Waltrip, and John
or, more likely, make a wild guess. course of a campaign; PCs acquire new Waltrip
Traveller came to the rescue by pioneer- skills and abilities about as fast as a tree Cover: John Bridges
ing the concept of skills, tying the reso- trunk acquires new growth rings. And
lution of specific actions to the ratings of more setting information would’ve been Byzantium Secundus
specific abilities. The original system — helpful, perhaps a chapter detailing a Fading Suns supplement
elegant, flexible, and fast — remains moon colony or space station so new 128-page softcover book
pretty much the same in Fourth Edition. players would have a place to call home. Holistic Design Inc. $25
After the player declares his intended So maybe Traveller isn’t perfect. But Design: Christopher Howard, Andrew
action (playing the banjo), the referee it’s mighty close. The rules, sensible and Greenberg, and Bill Bridges
computes the target number by adding intuitive, never get in the way of role- Editing: Jennifer Hartshorn
the skill rating (Music, for which the PC playing; you feel like a character in an Illustrations: John Bridges, Tim
has a rating of 2) to the relevant epic novel, never a statistician. More to Callender, Mike Chaney, Michael

DRAGON #238 109

About 80% of the population of the an eccentric killer who collects carnivo-
Known Worlds are homebound com- rous plants. The Changed, a secret soci-
moners; that is, they’re peasants and ety of genetically engineered
cannon fodder. The rest, PCs included, sociopaths, conspire to enslave human-
are freemen, unfettered by obligations ity. Alien fiends like the color-changing
to Church sects or guilds. To create his Manitar and slavering Night-Crackers
PC, a player begins by selecting an lurk in the wastelands. For referees who
archetype from a lengthy list featuring don’t know where to begin, the appen-
the Hawkwood Noble, Brother Battle dix details the backwater planet of
Monk, and Vuldrok Raider. He then dis- Pandemonium, which can function as a
tributes 20 character points among his home base for a new party and also
Body attributes (Strength, Endurance, serves as the setting for a lively adven-
Dexterity), Mind attributes (Wits, ture, “Precious Cargo.” The adventure, in
Perception, Tech), and Spiritual attributes turn, serves as an introduction to a dan-
(Passion, Faith, Ego). Another 30 points gerous segment of the galaxy called the
are spent on skills (Martial Arts, Byzantium Secundus, which, not coinci-
Lockpicking), 10 are spent on benefices dentally, happens to be the subject of
(Well-Traveled, Riches), and 40 on bless- the first supplement. With its meticulous
ings (Beauty, Keen Eyes) and occult pow- analysis of Byzantium politics, a taut his-
ers (Crushing Hand, Mind Sight). torical overview, and a chapter packed
Gaydos, Craig Gilmore, Anthony Depending on his resources and skills, with scenario ideas, Byzantium
Hightower, Mark Jackson, Brian Mead, the PC may arm himself with crossbows, Secundus contains all the ingredients for
Joshua Gabriel Timbrook, and J. Chadlee assault lasers, and cybernetically a thrilling campaign.
Stowe enhanced limbs. The PCs are memo- Evaluation: The contrast between
Cover: John Poreda rable, to say the least; I came up with a Traveller and Fading Suns couldn’t be
shotgun-toting martial artist with multi- more stark. Traveller emphasizes science
So I flip open Fading Suns and the ple limbs, a poison claw, and a cyber- and technology; Fading Suns empha-
first thing I see is a snarling monstrosity netic tentacle. sizes fantasy and the occult. Traveller
that looks like it eats aircraft carriers for The basics of task resolution, combat stresses exploration; Fading Suns stress-
lunch and picks its teeth with sequoias. included, are fairly straightforward. The es survival. Traveller is optimistic and
Then I turn to the introduction and read: player determines the tasks goal num- genial; Fading Suns is dead serious and
“A new Dark Age is upon humanity, and ber — analogous to Traveller’s target dark. But although Fading Suns fails to
few believe in renewal and progress number — by adding together the rele- scale the heights of Traveller — the set-
anymore. Now there is only waiting. vant attribute and skill ratings. At his dis- ting isn’t as rich, and the rules, though
Waiting for a slow death . . . most people cretion, the referee adjusts the goal solid, aren’t nearly as elegant — it suc-
have already given up . . .” Yep, it’s sci-fi number with a situational modifier. The ceeds on its own terms, evoking a
for gloom mongers, a cauldron of inter- player rolls a 20-sided die. If the roll is vividly imagined future where street
stellar angst that looks like it sneaked equal to or less than the goal number, smarts count more than computer
out of the back door of the White Wolf the PC completes the task. So far, so literacy, where betrayal and despair are
Game Studio (birthplace of the Vampire: good. Then, inexplicably, the designers more common than sunshine. With
The Masquerade* game and other World pile on the numbers, adding stuff like nearly 50 pages of background to
of Darkness creep fests). effect dice, effect numbers, and compli- digest, it’s not the easiest game to get
But the Fading Suns setting isn’t mentary actions, all of which are intend- into. But for players who like a little
just gloomy. It’s downright bizarre. ed to make task resolution more realis- anguish with their space opera, it’s
Thousands of years in the future, a once tic, but just make it more confusing. worth the effort. (Information: Holistic
prospering republic has reverted to bar- Why, for instance, is it necessary for a Design Inc., 5002-HN. Royal Atlanta Dr.,
barism. Costly wars against the Ur-Ukar successful action to generate victory Tucker, GA 30084.)
and the parasitic Symbiots have drained points, requiring yet another table and
civilization of resources and hope. another set of modifiers? And what, Gatecrasher Second
Superstition has displaced scientific pray tell, is the difference between a Edition* game
inquiry. As the game opens, an uneasy Piece of Cake task and a Child’s Play 208-page softcover book
peace exists between the ambitious task, or, for that matter, an Easy task Grey Ghost Games, Inc. $19
Emperor of the Known Worlds, the and an Effortless task? (If I’m reading the Design: Michael Lucas
avaricious Merchant League, and the table right, Effortless is harder than Editing: James Burr, Jasan Eckert,
repressive and mysterious Church. The Child’s Play, which is twice as hard as Susan Gross-Gavula, Debra Haberland,
history is staggeringly complex and — Easy, which is . . . oh, never mind.) Mark Moellering, Scott Rutter, Josh
with an engaging mix of fantasy, space Once the rules have been mastered — Saulnier, Alex Williams, and Ann Dupuis
opera, and horror — as rich as any role- a task that’s manageable, but no Piece Illustrations: Heather Bruton, Bradley
playing game has to offer. Should the of Cake — the PCs may begin their K. McDevitt, H.J. McKinney, Christina
game go under, the designers ought be exploration of the Fading Suns universe. Wald, and Tonia Walden
able to find work as novelists; there’s Villains abound, such as Sister Tracina Cover: N. Taylor Blanchard and
enough raw material here for a shelf full Isterot, a part-time pirate and full- time Bradley K. McDevitt
of books. psycho, and Baron Alajandro al-Malik,

110 AUGUST 1997

orcs, lycanthropes, and wyverns are potential for exciting, involving adven-
among the possibilities, all with wacky tures (which you’ll have to invent your-
enhancements like extra eyes, tool gen- self; the book contains not a single
eration (fingers turn into screwdrivers), ready-to-go scenario). The Killer
and gender transformation (males Pancakes may sound benign, but they
become females at will, and vice versa). whiz through the air like jet-propelled
To create one of these weirdoes, the buzz saws, slicing the heads off anyone
player assigns a fixed number of levels in their way. The Golf Balls From Hell are
(not what you think; I’ll explain in a flying piranhas, stripping the flesh off
minute) to a variety of attributes, skills, their victims in a flurry of tiny bites. I’m
and powers. Considering the complexity not convinced a game this whimsical
of the characters, the system is surpris- can support a long campaign. But if
ingly smooth, and the characters, to put you’re in the market for a diversion, you
it mildly, are unlike any you’ll encounter could do worse than Gatecrasher.
in other sci-fi games. Besides, aren’t you dying to know
In place of numerical ratings, what’s stinking up This Stinking Rock?
Gatecrasher substitutes ordinary words (Information: Grey Ghost Press, Inc., P.O.
called — you guessed it — levels. The Box 838, Randolph, MA 02368-0838)
highest level is Superb, followed by
Great, Good, Fair, Mediocre, Poor, and Short and sweet
Terrible. When a PC wants to attempt a What’s that? You want more science-
task (identifying a snake), the referee fiction? Okey-dokey . . .
Like Fading Suns, Gatecrasher also decides the relevant skill (Biology, in
mixes science-fiction with a generous which the PC has a level of Poor) and BattleTech Fourth Edition game*, by
dose of fantasy. Unlike Fading Suns, assigns a difficulty level (Good; it’s a rare Jordan K. Weisman, L. Ross Babcock Ill,
Gatecrasher is feather-light, as goofy as a snake). The player rolls percentile dice, Sam Lewis, Bryan Nystul, and Michael
day at the beach with the Smurfs; this is which generate a modifier from -4 to Stackpole. FASA Corporation, $25. The
a game with creatures called Golf Balls +4. The modifier boosts or reduces the Fall of Terra, by Chris Hartford. FASA
From Hell and Killer Pancakes. It’s also level of the skill. A modifier of, say, +1 Corporation, $12.
the first RPG based on the Fudge* game boosts the Poor level to Mediocre. No science-fiction survey would be
system, the best universal system since Unfortunately, the modified level must complete without a nod to BattleTech*,
the GURPS* game. (For more about equal or exceed the difficulty level for which, next to Traveller, stands as SF’s
Fudge, see DRAGON® Magazine issue #225). the task to succeed, so in this case, the most durable game. Since it first
The second edition jettisons the rules PC fails to identify the snake. It’s a solid appeared in 1984, this board game of
of the first edition (a good move; the system, but it’d be a lot easier to navi- Godzilla-sized walking tanks has gener-
original rules, by an outfit called Hot Tub
gate if the rules weren’t so fuzzy. For ated hundreds of supplements, dozens
Dragon, were a bit clunky), but retains instance, the definitions of the levels of novels, even a collectible card game.
the appealing premise. Seems that way aren’t clearly explained; what exactly’s If you’ve wondered what all the fuss is
back when — the year 3,000,000,001 the difference between Fair and about, Fourth Edition is a good place to
B.C., to be precise — a pair of black holes Mediocre? Likewise, the skill descrip- find out. The boxed set contains every-
bumped into each other and tore a hole tions are way too skimpy; here’s the thing you need to get. your Mechs up
in the fabric of the universe. A tidal entire description of the Fast Talk skill: and running: two crisply written rule-
wave of magic poured through the hole, “Convincing people through rapid, con- books, a thick booklet of record sheets,
spawning a legion of dragons, unicorns, fusing double-talk.” A veteran referee 48 stand-up playing pieces, and as a
and spell-casters. In time, the hole
ought to be able to fill in the blanks, but bonus, a sheet of 144 insignia stickers
sealed, and magic all but disappeared. A a novice may be in for some headaches. you can attach to the playing pieces, the
frustrated wizard named Keorinthol the refrigerator, or your cat. A snap to learn,
Though designer Mike Lucas doesn’t
Incredible attempted to re-open the hole go into great detail about the setting, BattleTech is as exciting as it is addictive;
with a create really big interdimensional he’s loaded chapters like “The Tourist’s there are few gaming experiences more
gate spell, but died in the process. Two Guide to the Solar System” with tantaliz- satisfying than blasting giant robots into
thousand years later, a grizzled prospec- ing tidbits. From an unknown location in scrap metal.
tor inadvertently activated the gate, and deep space, intergalactic radio station If you’re a BattleTech veteran happy
magic poured through again. This time, WILT broadcasts an eclectic mix of with the third edition (editions one and
the universe went nuts. By the 24th celebrity interviews, social commentary, two are obsolete), there’s no compelling
Century, the era of Gatecrasher, the and illicitly obtained government reason to invest in version four. Instead,
skies had turned yellow, school kids secrets. The farmers of Pluto tend to I direct your attention The Fall of Terra, a
were sprouting horns, and at Earth’s panic and run at the sight of a laser pis- compilation of first-rate scenarios deal-
North Pole, a mysterious fat man had tol. Inhabited asteroids have names like ing with the control of planet Earth.
set up shop to construct gaudy toys and Alice Springs, Cheesers, and This Rules for mud and snow make move-
rocket-powered reindeer. Stinking Rock. ment more challenging than usual, as
In a setting this chaotic, it’s not sur- Evaluation: Despite the cartoonish do the fog banks and planes of ice; a
prising that players can generate just premise, Gatecrasher is more than a slipping, sliding Mech is not a pretty
about any kind of PCs they like. Angels, novelty. It’s a serious RPG, with the sight. Note that several of the scenarios

112 AUGUST 1997

require the BattleSpace, MechWarrior and not only brings the adventure to a jaw- instantly kills Wesley Crusher, the
MechWarrior Campanion supplements. dropping conclusion, it also reveals — at galaxy’s most annoying dweeb.
But if you’re a vet, you already have all last — the secrets of the DarkStryder
these, right? homeworld. Familiarity with previous Armistice game*, by John Jay Wirth.
DarkStryder products (specifically, the Renaissance Ink, $10.
Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes DarkStryder Campaign boxed set, Kathol This 22-page pamphlet provides
Back by Michael Stern with Pablo Outback, and Kathol Rift) is required. thoughtful, clearly explained guidelines
Hidalgo. West End Games, $15. Shadows That’s bad news if you’re on a budget. for staging near-future miniatures battles.
of the Empire Planets Guide, by John So skip a few pizzas; the most engaging Units include heavy tanks mounted with
Beyer, Chris Doyle, Sterling Hershey, Tim Star Wars campaign to date is worth the plasma cannons, and infantry men
O’Brien, Bill Smith, Paul Sudlow, and money. armed with belch guns and mine layers.
Anthony Russo. West End Games, $15. Players take turns moving units, firing
Endgame by Timothy O’Brien, George Star Trek: The Card Game*, by Jeff weapons, and marking damage.
Strayton, and Eric S. Trautmann. West Grubb, Don Perrin, and Margaret Weis. Experienced generals can experiment
End Games, $18. Fleer/Skybox International, $9 (65- card with liquid flame, helicopters, and a sce-
Here’s some more good stuff for the starter deck), $2.75 (15-card booster nario set in Australia featuring Aborigine
Star Wars* game, beginning with The pack). terrorists. I hope the designer doesn’t
Empire Strikes Back an update of an old Not to be confused with the Star Trek: take this the wrong way, but for a military
first edition sourcebook, bringing it in The Next Generation Customizable Card simulation, Armistice is actually kind of,
line with the second edition rules. The Game* (see below), this slick, fast-paced er, cute. (Information: Renaissance Ink,
overviews of Bespin and Hoth are essen- card game derives from the original ’60s 335 Torrance Avenue, Vestal, NY 13850.)
tial reading for role-players wishing to series. To win, a player must accumulate
recreate scenes from the film. But be 25 experience counters (not included) by Solarquest game*, by, Val Broast.
forewarned: if you purchased the Movie completing episodes, each episode con- Strunk Games, $30.
Trilogy Sourcebook from a couple years sisting of a mission card, a plot card, and In this lavish boxed board game, play-
back, you may already have all the a discovery card. Episodes also require ers maneuver little plastic space ships
Empire material you need. the deployment of crew cards with the around a map of the solar system, buy-
Shadows of the Empire covers the necessary attributes; Yeoman Ross, for ing planets, charging rent to trespassers,
planetary settings from the Steve Perry instance, has a high Logic rating, but and building financial empires. That’s
novel of the same name. You don’t need she’s low in Combat. Meanwhile, your right — it’s the Monopoly* game in outer
to know the novel, however, to under- opponent is busy screwing you up with space. Despite the absurd premise — buy-
stand the sourcebook, thanks to the aliens, seductresses, and other obsta- ing planets? — the rules are surprisingly
vivid, campaign-ready descriptions of cles, all of which may be overcome with sophisticated. For instance, players must
the jungles of Rodia and the Vergesso the right combination of crew cards and keep track of their fuel expenditures on a
Asteroid Field. dumb luck. Like the series, the game is Fuel Tank Hydrons display; anyone who
The must-buy in this batch is action-intensive and a little silly; when runs out of fuel is lost in space and out of
Endgame, the final chapter of the epic you least expect, it, one of Mudd’s the game. A ship must remain in orbit
DarkStryder campaign (discussed in Women may suddenly show up to save around a planet until it builds up enough
DRAGON Magazine issue #230). Endgame the day. That said, Star Trek has two crit- speed to escape the gravitational pull.
ical elements in its favor: (1) You can Should an enemy ship get in your way,
play a credible game with just one deck. you can incinerate him with laser beams.
(2) Both sides use the same Kirk, Spock, Plus, the game boasts terrific compo-
and McCoy cards, guaranteeing equal nents, including a thick packet of inter-
access to the series’ stars and minimiz- planetary currency, a mounted map
ing the number of fist fights. board, and 50 metal Fuel Stations.
Anyone in the market for Mercury?
Q-Continuum. No credits given. (Information: Strunk Games, P.O. Box 64,
Decipher, Inc., $3 (15-card booster pack). Eustis, ME 04936.)
Not to be confused with Star Trek: The
Card Game (see above), the second
expansion set for the Star Trek: The Next
Generation Customizable Card Game Rick Swan has designed and edited more
focuses on Q, the omnipotent oddball than 50 role-playing products, including the
who caused Captain Picard to pull out Complete Wizard’s, Rangers, Paladin’s,
what was left of his hair. Along with 121 and Barbarian’s Handbooks for TSR, Inc.
new images, ‘the expansion introduces a You can write to him at 2620 30th Street,
mechanic that allows each player to dip Des Moines, IA 50310; enclose a self-
into a 13-card sidebar to improve his addressed envelope if you’d Iike a reply.
hand or derail his opponent. As for the
cards themselves, they’re pretty clever, * indicates a product produced by a company
other than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trade
with titles like Go Back Whence Thou marks owned by the companies publishing those
Camest and Vicious Animal Things. My products. The use of the name of any product with-
out mention of its trademark status should not be
favorite: Wesley Gets the Point, which construed as a challenge to such status.

114 AUGUST 1997

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116 AUGUST 1997

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DRAGON #238 117

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118 AUGUST 1997

Clack (continued from page 120)
release, New Millennium plans an ters: In a DeepSpace 9 time-travel episode Japanese game called The Four Queens —
online Web strategy game in conjunc- this season, the DS9 crew (through the but see for yourself. Quest for Power
tion with Infomagic, Inc. Players create magic of Forrest Gump - style computer should be out in August.
their own star systems, explore sur- graphics) took part in a famous 1967 (infinite@j51.com)
rounding space, and engage in trade, episode of the old series, “The Trouble It wouldn’t be a “Clack” column with-
diplomacy, intrigue, espionage, and with Tribbles.” Holland says that because out Gold Rush Games (Elk Grove, CA),
combat with other star systems. New the episode shows Kirk, Spock, McCoy, the company with the highest press-
Millennium also plans related role-play- and other characters from the original release-to-product ratio in gaming
ing and board games, live action rules, show, Decipher can publish cards based history. Gold Rush has assumed distribu-
and merchandising. Each of these new on them — in that particular episode. It’s tion and sales of the Legacy: War of Ages*
products will affect or be affected by the an interesting world, licensing. game from Black Gate Publishing
online game. Point your Web browser (DCustServe@decipher.com; www.deci- (Portsmouth, VA); Gold Rush also has a
to www.starshield.com for details. pher.com) license to produce Legacy adventures.
(myacks@aol.com) The 1994 Legacy game, by Brandon
Notes from the Field Blackmoor, adapts the style of White
Kissed and Made Up After over four years at Steve Jackson Wolf Game Studio’s Vampire: The
In 1995 Decipher, Inc. (Norfolk, VA), Games (Austin, TX) — an impressively Masquerade* RPG to a background very
publisher of the Star Trek: The Next long tenure by company standards — strikingly reminiscent of the first
Generation* Customizable Card Game, had Derek Pearcy has departed. Pearcy was High/under movie. Gold Rush now dis-
an extremely public falling-out (in an the “architect” at Pyramid magazine and tributes Black Gate, Nightshift/Crunchy
Internet newsgroup, no less — as public designer of the long-awaited In Nomine* Frog, and Australian Realms magazine;
as you can get, short of prime-time TV) RPG, which finally appeared in January. has licenses for Champions, Traveller*,
with the Trek licensor, Paramount Though the company had labored on and Legacy supplements; and is working
Pictures. At that time Decipher president the game (licensed from a French RPG) on two new RPGs, the Usagi Yojimbo*
Warren Holland announced that the for over three years, the finished prod- and Sengoku* games. It seems almost
company would not renew the license uct is a ground-up redesign that began inevitable that the company will soon
after it expired in late 1997. just last September. “I think it turned out publish more than one product annually.
But last Thanksgiving, Holland okay,” Pearcy says in a tone of wonder. (BBlackmoor@aol.com; GoldrushG@
announced the culmination of six He’s contributing to two IN supplements aol.com)
months of secret negotiations with and exploring publication options for a
Paramount: the renewal of the NextGen translation of another French fantasy
license, plus additional licenses for the RPG, Bloodlust. The In Nomine game casts
DeepSpace 9 and Voyager companion players as either modern-day angels or
series and the most recent Trek movie, their fiendish adversaries. Pearcy mod- Freelancer Allen Varney is running game
First Contact. Decipher will use all these eled one character group on SJG presi- programming at this year’s World Science
properties in expansion sets for the dent Steve Jackson himself; whether it’s Fiction Convention, LoneStarCon 2 in San
existing card game. A First Contact an angel group or otherwise, Clack isn’t Antonio, TX, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 1997. Send
expansion appears this fall, followed saying. . . . gossip to APVarney@aol.com.
next year by sets based on the other Infinite Imagination (Nanuet, NY) is
new licenses. touting its Quest for Power* game as “the
Holland says, “It is unusual for next generation in role-playing.” It’s a
Paramount to do an ‘umbrella’ license “game-masterless role-playing card
like this. The fact that they were willing game” for one to six players. You lay * indicates a product produced by a company
other than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trade-
to do this shows the renewed respect out, face down, an eight-by-eight grid of marks owned by the companies publishing those
they have for this game, and their inten- cards (monster encounters, attribute products. The use of the name of any product with-
out mention of its trademark status should not be
tions to support it.” The game’s fans checks, healing places, and plot cards). construed as a challenge to such status.
helped renew the companies’ relation- As the party moves across the grid and
ship: “Paramount specifically mentioned reveals cards, they generate the sce-
in our negotiations that they read those nario’s fantasy storyline using the
[fan] letters, and it helped them realize “Random Adventure Game Generating
how important the game was to many System,” or R.A.G.G.S. (Clack is not mak-
people.” ing this up.) Not collectible, Quest’s fixed
The card game license for the original 104-card boxed set also includes dice,
1966-69 Trek series is held by character markers, and a 150-page rule-
Fleer/SkyBox, which published Star Trek: book; a game takes about two and a
The Card Game* last year. But an interest- half hours. Sounds much like Games
ing twist of licensing gives Decipher Workshop’s Talisman, White Wolf’s
roundabout access to the classic charac- Arcadia trading card games, and a

D RAGON 238 119
© 1997 Allen Varney

Chaosium Rides High Chaosium’s fan organization, the Cult produce at least four lndy products a
With the huge success of its Mythos* of Chaos, costs $25/year in the US, $30 year. (Contact: WEGEdit@aol.com)
trading card game, Chaosium (Oakland, in Canada, and $35 overseas. A news
CA) is prospering for the first time in release says, “You’ll get the quarterly New media Tie-In RPGs
many years. Having hired half a dozen Starry Wisdom newsletter, a subscription WildStorm: Pinnacle Entertainment
new employees and thereby doubled in to either Shadis or InQuest magazine (Blacksburg, VA), publisher of last year’s
size, the company has already released (your choice), a 10% discount off well-received Deadlands: The Weird West
an expanded third edition of that classic Wizard’s Attic products, and whatever horror-Western RPG, is designing a
1983 Call of Cthulhu* campaign, Larry other free promos we come up with.” super-hero role-playing game based on
DiTillio’s Musks of Nyarlathotep (Current (chaosium@chaosium.com; www.sirius. the Image Comics characters produced
Clacks choice for best scenario ever). com/~chaosium/chaosium.html) by Jim Lee’s WildStorm studio. WildStorm
Chaosium has also announced an ambi- will produce and distribute the game,
West End Changes Focus planned for release this summer. The
tious monthly release schedule for the
Call of Cthulhu line (Clacks choice for So far this year West End Games main rulebook features the WildC.A.T.s;
second-best RPG ever) and a new fiction (Honesdale, PA) has focused exclusively sourcebooks based on WildStorm’s other
line based on Greg Stafford’s Pendragon* on its Star Wars* game, but this summer comic book titles (Gen-13, DV8, and more)
RPG (Clacks vote for #1). the company introduces two new are planned.
Recent CoC products include a huge licensed RPGs: one based on the sum- “The link between the two companies
fourth edition of the Dreamlands supple- mer movie Men in Black the other on the is Matt Forbeck, co-designer of
ment, a new compact edition of Trail of Hercules and Xena fantasy TV series. WildStorms: the popular collectible card
Tsathoggua, and a volume reprinting the Both use the Star Wars “D6 system.” game from WildStorm Productions,”
late author/editor Lin Carter’s Xothic (Current Clack continues to hear rumors says a press release. Forbeck previously
Cycle stories. (With names like these, you of another big license in the works: at designed the Western Hero supplement
see why Chaosium once crashed its the last GEN CON® Game Fair, several for Hero Games and WildStorm’s Fast
word processor’s spell-checker.) Editor West End staffers were wearing X-Files Break* basketball trading card game,
Shannon Appel hints at upcoming CoC T-shirts.) among others. “We’re going for a real
releases: “the long-awaited Mountains of West End has put most of its introductory level game here,” says
Madness, new editions of The Fungi from MasterBook* role-playing lines on hiatus; Forbeck. “We’re hardly going to compete
Yuggoth and Cthulhu by Gaslight, and only the Indiana Jones* RPG survives. The with [the Champions* or GURPS* games]
sourcebooks on New Orleans and the MasterBook system evolved from Greg for number crunching.” Forbeck would
Bermuda Triangle.” Farshtey’s 1992 Shatterzone* space opera like the system to be adaptable to
Curiously, the Pendragon Fiction line’s RPG, which in turn derived from Greg non-WildStorm campaigns, “but I’m not
first release isn’t fiction, but reference. Gorden’s TORG* game (1990). Both lines interested in overcomplicating the game
Phyllis Ann Karr’s The Arthurian enjoyed success for a time, but the for the sake of making it more generic.”
Companion is a revised edition of her Shatterzone game is now defunct, and (PEGShane@aol.com; www.peginc.com)
1983 King Arthur Companion, one of the West End has handed support of the Starshield: New Millennium
first supplements for the game’s original TORG “Infiniverse” to a small publisher Entertainment (Albany, NY), which pub-
edition and long out of print. that has not yet published a product. lished the Conspiracy X* RPG and the
Of course, the company doesn’t intend Aside from the popular lndiana Jones excellent but unfortunately dead
to kill its new cash cow. This year sees game, the licensed MasterBook properties Battlelords* trading card game, now
two Mythos releases and, next spring (the Tales From the Crypt: Tank Girl*, plans an ambitious line of games
The Eternal Champion, a new trading card Necroscope*, World of Aden*, and Species* licensed from the “Starshield” novel
game based on Michael Moorcock’s fan- games) had mixed success, and the line’s series by Margaret Weis and Tracy
tasy novels and on Chaosium’s licensed sole original property (Bloodshadows*) Hickman, creators of the DRAGONLANCE®
Elric!* RPG. There had been talk of a card never found a large audience. saga. The first novel in the series,
game licensed from the hit computer West End plans to resume the Indy Starshield: Sentinel, appeared from Del
game DOOM, but that project fell like a line in late summer; its licensing contract Rey Books in November. For its initial
machine-gunned monster. with Lucasfilm obligates West End to Continued on page 119

120 AUGUST 1997

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