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1. always
2. april
3. arm
4. august
5. autumn

6. beard
7. black
8. blonde
9. blow
10. body
11. bow [your] head
12. Brown

13. can
14. can't
15. carry
16. chat to friends online
17. cheer
18. cheering
19. cloth
20. coat
21. come on
22. coming
23. concert
24. curly

25. dance
26. dancing
27. december
28. deep
29. do homework
30. do tae kwon do
31. doctor
32. dress

33. e-reader
34. ear
35. earring
36. eighth
37. eleventh
38. eye

39. face
40. february
41. feel
42. fifth
43. final
44. finish
45. first
46. fly
47. foot
48. football
49. fourth
50. friday

51. games console
52. get
53. getting
54. glasses
55. go
56. go shopping
57. golf
58. good-looking
59. gps
60. green
61. grey
62. ground
63. gymnastics

64. hair
65. half past
66. hand
67. hang out with friends
68. hate
69. headphones
70. help
71. hit
72. hold

73. i'm sure
74. i've got an idea
75. ice-skate
76. it's no big deal

77. january
78. jeans
79. july
80. jump
81. jumper
82. june

83. kick
84. kiss sb's cheek

85. laptop
86. leaving
87. leg
88. like
89. listen to music
90. long
91. love

92. make
93. making
94. march
95. may
96. meet
97. monday
98. moustache
99. mouth
100. mp3 player
101. musician

102. never
103. ninth
104. no way!
105. nose
106. november
107. now what?
108. Nurse

109. o' clock
110. october
111. often
112. orchestra
113. organise

114. perform
115. piece of silk
116. play
117. play basketball
118. play computer games
119. play sport
120. play tennis
121. play volleyball
122. playing
123. push
124. put [your] hands together

125. quarter past
126. quarter to

127. reading
128. red
129. relaxing
130. ride a bike
131. routine
132. rub noses
133. running

134. saturday
135. second
136. september
137. seventh
138. shaved
139. shirt
140. shoes
141. shopping
142. short
143. shorts
144. sing
145. singer
146. singing
147. sitting
148. sixth
149. skateboarding
150. skipping rope
151. skirt
152. smartphone
153. smile
154. snowboard
155. socks
156. somersault
157. sometimes
158. spin
159. spring
160. standing
161. stick
162. stick out [your] tongue
163. straight
164. string
165. study
166. studying
167. stuff
168. summer
169. sunday
170. surf
171. surprise

172. t-shirt
173. tablet
174. taking
175. tall
176. teach
177. tenth
178. third
179. thirteenth
180. thirtieth
181. thirty first
182. thursday
183. touch
184. trainers
185. trousers
186. trumpet
187. tuesday
188. twelfth
189. twentieth

190. Violín

191. watch
192. watch tv
193. watching
194. wavy
195. wear
196. wearing
197. wednesday
198. what's wrong?
199. win
200. winner
201. winter
202. wood

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