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CE 111: Engineering Drawing

Tutorial 5

Maximum Marks: 50
Instructions for Students

 Read the questions carefully before answering

 Drawing should be only on one side of the page.
 All students should bring their own drawing equipment and drawing book/sheet.
 Numbers in the parenthesis at the end of each question indicate Maximum Marks.
 All dimensions are in mm. (unless specified otherwise)
 Thick continuous lines should demark the solution to each question

Draw the borderlines as per the specification given in the theory class. Use the correct type of pencil
judiciously. Draw the title box as explained in the theory class on the first tutorial sheet as per the
dimensions stated. Write all the relevant information (name, roll number, date etc.) in the title box
using the correct type of pencil. All the other supplementary sheets should have border lines.


1. Draw the projection of the following lines

a. A line AB is 80 mm long. It is perpendicular to the profile plane. Point A is 40 mm above
H.P. and 30 mm in front of V.P. Draw the projections.
b. A line PQ 80 mm long is parallel to V.P. and inclined to H.P. by 55°. The endpoint P is 20
mm below H.P. and 30 mm behind V.P. Draw the projections of the line PQ.
c. A line AB 60 mm long is parallel to V.P. & H.P. both. The end A is 30 mm above H.P. and
40 mm in front of V.P. Draw the projection of line AB. (6)

2. A line AB, 65 mm long, has its end A 20 mm below HP and 25 mm behind VP. The end B is 50 mm
below HP and 65 mm behind VP. Draw the projections of line AB and find its true and apparent
inclinations with HP and VP. (10)

3. A line AB is 80 mm long, and the end A is 15 mm above HP. The other end B is 10 mm in front of
VP. The line is inclined at 30° with HP and 45° with VP. Draw the projections of the line when it is
in 1st quadrant. (10)

4. Two points A and B are such that point A is 30 mm in front of the VP and 25 mm above HP, while
B is above the HP and behind the VP. The distance between their projectors is 70 mm, and the line
joining their top views makes an angle of 45º with the xy and the line joining their front view makes
an angle of 30° with the xy. Find the true length of the line AB and the inclination of the line to the
HP and the VP. (10)

5. Two lines AB and AC make an angle of 120° both in the plan and the elevation. Line AB is parallel
to both HP and VP. Determine the true inclination between AB and AC. (14)

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