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1. The prevalence of data manipulation in the research community.

The prevalence of data manipulation in the research community has not

been that rare for the past years. It has been a bad habit that could change or
affect the results of the research conducted. The data plays a vital role in the
success of its conduction. It is treated as a misdemeanor.

As we all know the datas that is gathered in conducting a research cannot be

manipulated as it will be biased to the results of it. It is considered as misconduct
in the research community as it will be a big factor for the failure or error in the
results of a research. Data manipulation comes with a punishment. As we all
know, research plays a significant role toward the growth of our society and one
small mistake can lead to many failures and can bring us to a doom. The
research community shall take actions to eliminate or to decrease the data
manipulation as it could bring forth a number of changes that can affect the whole
community or the future of research practices.

Therefore, the prevalence of data manipulation should be decreased as it

depends on the success of the future research studies and also could bring a
major effect on the research community.

2. The value of research in the 21st century.

Research has been the cornerstone of the progress that humans made
through history. Without research i cannot see humanity moving forward, without
research we possess no progress, we will experience hardships as the answers
to our questions will remain as a mystery. Research is the fruit of our curiosity
and research brings growth and knowledge to us.

Research is a vital part of humanities growth. It is a way of finding new

discoveries and also a way to find answers to the mysteries of the world. Humans
will always be thirsty for knowledge and will continue to move forward to acquire
new knowledge and things. It is necessary especially in the current world we are
living in, there are things that are yet to be discovered and answers to our
questions that are yet to be unveiled. Discovery helps us to move forward,
improve or excel in order to adapt or cope up with the sudden changes in the
world. As they say, the most powerful weapon we can have is knowledge,
knowledge provides us with a weapon that cannot be stopped or extinguished.
Like in the development of the technologies and other factors. Without prior
knowledge about things, we will not be able to face struggles or cannot resist
fights that we do not know. Like in the past years, a virus called covid-19 struck
the world, and it takes a long period of time to discover or invent a cure to this
virus. As such, we can see that we need to conduct research in order to be
prepared for the future occurrence.

Research has become an irreplaceable piece of the humanities growth. It serves

as a foundation for the continuous growth of our civilization and the key to find
the answers to the mysteries of the world that are yet to be discovered. It is as
significant as our breathing as it helps in making our lives better and easier.

3. What the world will be like without research.

Research is what pushes us to move forward, to continue to progress, to

continue growth and to excel. The key to our success and the key to finding the
answers to our questions. But what would the world be like without it?

A world without research will have no progress and without progress we cannot
move forward because we cannot acquire knowledge and information and it will
be difficult for us to cope up or adapt with the shift of life and complexes. We are
constantly looking for new things that will help our lives become easier and
solutions to the issues we do not have knowledge of. We are thirsty for
knowledge, we are being swallowed by our greed to find something new.
Research is the fruit of our curiosity. We get inquisitive, we question things, and
then we want to know more about different things. Imagine a world without
research, a world without a way to unveil answers to our questions, a way to
improve our knowledge and life. It is like walking continuously without having a
goal in life.

Therefore, a world without research is full of challenges, struggles and chaos as

we cannot progress, we will be stuck, we will not be able to cope up with the
changes of the world. We cannot face future issues as we have no knowledge of
it and we cannot do anything about it.

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