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Business requirement specification

Client: Meta

Version 1.0
Date: October 2022

Requirement: Custom development project - SPRINT III

Assumptions and Dependencies
Custom workflows will be developed in a different “code branch” than standard workflows therefore
subsequent improvements won’t be applied to Meta custom workflow without a specific requirement.

User stories

Story ID: 4.3

Story name: Billing Data Workflow
Priority: 3
As a NOS team member I want to have the ability to Associate Billing unique identifiers to
Contract Line items. This association is key to link COA atomized at Circuit Level when an
invoice is paid. When an invoice arrives to Expense Mangement Inbox, “Pending GL
Definition” rule will be evaluated running a lookup to match Billing unique identifiers with
a Contract Line Item (sourced in Meta Custom admin module as described in User Story
1.6). Then another lookup will be executed to match Contract Line Item with COA selected
as described in User Story (2.5).
In the absence of Billing Mapping or COA mapping, “Pending GL Definition” rule must
Billing Data workflow is executed after PO Selection workflow if applicable.
If PO is not applicable Billing Data Workflow must be triggered after COA/DP form is
COAs mapped with Billing identifiers apply to all billig items related to the same circuit
unique identifier.
Having multiple Billing Items related to the same circuit and mapped to different COA is
out the scope of this user story.
In an instance where there is not a unique identifier for billing items/circuits in an invoice,
the NOS team will work with Asignet to manually assign a Virtual ID to the billing items of
the invoice.
Virtual ID will be stored in System for these instances and will be paired to Ultron
ID/Contract record. Asignet – How can we develop a nomenclature for VID? Where does
this live?
O&M, Colo, Subscription Orders will potentially require VID for billing items. Workflow
will be triggered when suppliers are unable to upload circuit data to TEM Central. TEM
Central Circuit Data will not have a circuit ID for Order Type Space_Power.

This workflow needs to be triggered right after intake form was fulfilled to make sure
Invoice data can be associated with COA and Tax selections in case data between invoice
and contract doesn’t not match easily.

Acceptance Criteria

In contract Setup queue I can see a “Billing” column with a button to add or edit Billing
details as described in Mockup “Contract Setup Queue v2”. This button is only enabled
after Intake form was filled. When I click on it a popup opens a screen as described in
Mockup “Billing Details form”.
Contract Setup Queue field names look like mockup “Contract Setup Queue v2”.


Contract Setup Queue v2

2022 Meta Billing form

2022 Meta Billing Popup
Story ID: 1.8
Story name: PDF Integration
Priority: 3
Along with Contract Details Meta uploads contract’s PDF files.

Meta will upload contract PDF’s twice a day to SFTP. Each PDF will be a separate line in SFTP

When a PDF contract was uploaded to SFTP the tool saved the pdf and linked it to the right contract
record using contract Ultron ID_ContractINBNumber as filename. This user story only covers storing the
PDF, not viewing it.

UltronID and Contract INB number will be used to associate the PDF to the Contract CSV for NOS Intake
form completion.

PDF will be stored for use in System for NOS and FP&A workflow

Acceptance Criteria
As a user I can view a PDF of the contract in the contracts UI.

Each contract PDF has the naming convention SupplierName_UltronID_ContractINBNumber


Story ID: 4.2

Story name: AP File generation (DRAFT VERSION)
Priority: 5
In the inbox screen I can review invoices and select them as part of AP File generation.
After selecting invoices I can click a generate button that will get all the necessary information from each
invoice to produce an AP file that can be loaded into Meta’s fusion system.
AP File format is xml. The structure is yet to be defined.

COA Details from COA BRD section 12.4

 Company Code 
o Derived from Legal Entity in Contract/Service Order 
 Cost Center Code 
o Contract Derived - Dropdown Selection. Following rules prepopulate data
but are not mandatory. FP&A should have the ability to select any
 If the value in contract.csv field "Network" contains word "Production"
then cost center should be 4320. 
 If the value in contract.csv field "Network" contains word "corp" then
cost center should be 4390. 
 For this cases approvals should go to NOS team instead of FP&A
 If the value in contract.csv field "Network" contains word "capex" then
cost center should be 0000. 
 GL Account Code 
o Options to be shared From Meta to Asignet in CSV file through SFTP 
o Manual selection from the screen 
 Project Code 
o Options to be shared From Meta to Asignet in CSV file through SFTP 
o Manual selection from the screen 
 Product Code  
o Defaulted to 0000. No need to display this field in the COA Workflow not
anywhere else in the sytem. This will only be present in AP Files.
 Intercompany Code 
o Defaulted to 00000 
o No need to display this field in the COA Workflow not anywhere else in
the sytem. This will only be present in AP Files. 

Acceptance Criteria
The file includes Tax Code mapped to invoice’s contract as defined in user story 1.2 and 1.4.


Story ID: 4.4

Story name: Budget file upload
Priority: 1
As a NOS team member I want to be able to upload a Budget COA csv file with committed budget for a
certain period on a quarterly basis.

Behavior for rules to check budget before approving invoices is out of the scope of this story and will be
addressed in a different story yetto be written.

The format of the file is:

Acceptance Criteria

I’m able to access “Budget” Menu and “Upload file” sub menu to access a screen called “Budget file
In this screen I can see a file upload button that opens a browser file upload dialog where I can select a
file from the local available drives and select it.
After uploading it I can see the list of files previously uploaded in a grid including the file I just uploaded
and see number of total records in the file, amount of records parsed successfully and amount of records
parsed with errors.
In that grid I can click a process button for the line containing the file I just uploaded that runs a process
to ingest newly uploaded records in the system.

I’m able to access “Budget” Menu and “Reporting” sub menu to access a screen called “COA Budget
When I open this screen I can see budget uploaded for current fiscal year.
Budget File Upload Screen

Story ID: 4.8

Story name: Map Billing Data from Invoice
Priority: 1
As a NOS team member I want to be able to map Billing details when and invoice comes in before Billing
Data Workflow was submitted or if and when values captured in Billing Data Workflow are not accurate.

Acceptance Criteria

When an invoice is parsed and validation rules are executed, a lookup runs against Billing Data table in
Meta custom App to check whether Circuit/Service details captured from the invoice match a with any of
the billing unique identifiers in the system.

If billing data does not match for a given circuit/service (due to data missing or data being inaccurate),
one record specific for this invoice should be displayed in Pending Billing Mapping Queue so NOS team
can map this Circuit/Service.

I can open “Pending Billing Mapping Queue” screen clicking an item in the main menu with the same

When the screen opens I can see a screen as described in the mock up “Pending Billing Mapping from
Invoice”. In this screen I can see Invoice Header details on top and the list of circuits that the system was
not able to map. Already mapped items are not displayed.

Each pending item has an edit button that opens “Billing Details Mapping Popup” to search the right
Contract Line items and associate it to the right Circuit/Service.
When the popup opens I can review Billing Item details related to the circuit not mapped and I can search
Contract Line items using all available filters.

After searching and finding the right item I can click a submit button that will store the mapping between
Circuit/Service. This mapping will be used in the Invoice validation rule “Pending GL Definition” to
connect circuit and Chart of Accounts.

Alternatively from “Pending Billing Mapping from Invoice” screen I can select “Massive Mapping”
which disables the grid with circuits and allows to set one single contract line item for all circuits by
clicking “Select” button to open “Invoice Details - Billing Details Massive Mapping”.

Pending Billing Mapping Queue

Pending Billing Mapping from Invoice

Billing Details Mapping Popup

Invoice Details - Billing Details Massive Mapping

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