Esayy Masa Depan

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Me And My Dream Is The Hope Of My Parents

Dreams or ideals are hopes that are hung to come true; to make a dream come true, a prayer
must be spoken. My achievement in achieving this objective is also a major dream for my
parents. If I become successful in the future, not only will my goal come true, but so will my
parents'. Like me, who now aspires to become a Civil Estimator.
A civil estimator is a person who can estimate building project costs. An Estimator may
interpret a 3-dimensional picture to two dimensions or vice versa, from 2 dimensions to 3
dimensions. The estimator may give data for use in construction calculations. If we read in
the media ads that estimates of building construction costs are in the hundreds of millions, an
estimator can still manage it simply.
Many individuals undervalue the estimating profession. Even though becoming a competent
estimator is not an easy career. There are several factors that an estimator must consider and
accomplish. The uniqueness of each project causes the estimate have to be more accurate
since there will never be an exact computation of the project. Who is not irritated when he
discovers that the estimate has miscalculated the actual cost? This occurrence is consistent
across all projects. Not only was the estimation from the contractor inaccurate, but also the
consultant and owner. However, it is not simple to become a skilled estimate. Good
estimation requires appropriate information, precision, foresight, and experience.
The outlook of the Estimator profession is yet quite wide open. Not only is it still difficult to
locate a specialist in budget calculation, but the desire of employees in exploring employment
as an Estimator remains low. In reality, a specialist in the Estimator sector is required today
and in the foreseeable future. Apart from being in the building business, the Estimator
profession is also frequently utilized in the insurance industry, police, real estate, prosecutors
and so on.
As a part of my attempts to reach my aims as a civil estimator, I am concentrating on civil
engineering in my lectures. Many doubted the possibility of my dream coming true.
However, this motivates me to work even harder to attain my objectives. I sincerely hope that
my aspirations can come true so that my parents' hopes of my prosperity in the future may
also be achieved.

Daftar Pustaka
Ervianto, W. I. 2002. Manajemen Proyek Knstruksi. Yogyakarta: Andi.
Ervianto, W. I. 2004. Teori-Aplikasi Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi. Yogyakarta:
Mahendra, S. S. 2004. Manajemen Proyek-Kiat Sukses Mengelola Proyek. Jakarta:
Gramedia Pustaka Umum.
Project Management Institute. 2000. A Guide to The Project Management Body Of
Knowledge, PMBOK Guide. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, USA.
Rani, H. A. 2012. Relationship Between The Nine Functions of Project Management
and Project Success. Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Syiah Kuala, No. 2, Vol. 1. Banda Aceh.
Rani, H. A. 2013. The Iron Triangle as Triple Constraints in Project Management.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh, No. 1, Vol. 2. Banda Aceh.
Soeharto, I. 2001. Manajemen Proyek (Dari Konseptual Sampai Operasional), Jilid 2.
Jakarta: Erlangga.

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