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Advanced Listening XII

Name/NIM :__________________________________ DDMY : ______________________

Cls/Sem :______________ Time : _____________

Listen to the following recording. Read the questions and type your answers in the answers section. Your
answer must be as instructed.
No. Question Key Answer

Mostly people describe a great leader as

someone who is… (max. 7 words)

The ….. of the extroverts great leaders also

draws people toward them. (max. 2 words)

However, people who are not extroverts have

also ….. the history. (max. 2 various words)

Why introverts become leaders? Because…

(max. 7 words)

The narrator mentioned several name of great

leaders who were introvert. Write one of them.

Why introverts allow ideas from others when

6. they become the boss or chief? (max. 9

The creators who are also introverts turn out

7. to engage in a ….. than joining a group or
squad. (max. 3 words)

Mostly schools nowadays tend to educate

8. children to work in …. (max. 2 words), working
on …. (max. 2 words)

What emphasis of the extroverts shown in

9. schools on certain subjects like math or
creative writing, recently? (max. 3 words)

The narrator said that nowadays parents are

….. (max. 3 words) to their introverts’ children
for …. (max. 2 words) they need to produce
the best works.

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