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A I took this
Afterimage reflection photo in This flash alters the vision of
Chapter 3 my bedroom the eyes as you may see an
mirror from my afterimage when a camera
iPhone. flash is directed into the eye.

B Training a puppy requires

Behaviour This is a picture of conditioning, observational
Modification my puppy on his learning, reinforcements,
first birthday (Nov punishments, and
Chapter 5
25). reinforcement schedules to
improve their behaviour.
Coping I took this picture Listening to music helps me
Chapter 12 in my car while cope through my life stresses,
listening to music the happiness music brings me
with my mom. relieves my mind and body.
D Dendrites resemble tree
branches that grow from the
Dendrites This is a birch tree
trunk of a tree and send
Chapter 2 that I came across
messages to other neurons
while taking a
(tree branches), in this case
the tree trunk would be the
cell body/soma.
E I am in the first
stages of learning This is personal memory is
Episodic how to ride a bike apart of my major milestones
Memory with training in life as well as it shows what
Chapter 6 wheels in this stage of motor-skill
photo, this is development I was in at the
located at my time.
F It is predicted by the associate
that after every year spent at
Fixed-Interval This is a picture of
Walmart, they will get a raise
Schedule my two-year
and an evaluation based on
evaluation taken
Chapter 5 their strengths and
on a work
weaknesses. This
reinforcement is “fixed” as it
occurs around the same time
each year.
G This is a photo of I enjoy the combination of
Gustation my favourite food textures and flavours included
Chapter 3 as well as a family- in pasta; this enjoyment is
favourite amongst possible due to my sensation
my family. of taste (gustation).

H This photo describes the level

Hierarchy of My mom and I called “love and belonging”.
Needs took this photo Without my mom, family, and
while we were in close friends, I would not be
Chapter 9
my car listening to able to move up to the next
music. level of the pyramid which is
I This relates to Pavlov’s
Ivan Pavlov This is a photo of classical conditioning theory
Chapter 5 my cat, Sneak, with the dog and bell, expect
eating a treat in my cat responds with a meow
my room. each time I open a bag that
sounds like her treats; this is a
conditioned response.
J This photo of my Halloween and haunted
James Lange pumpkin was houses make my heart race
Chapter 9 taken on and I experience fear before I
Halloween night at get scared because I know
my boyfriend’s that something is coming.
K This illustrates one of Gestalt’s
principles of perception, which
Kurt Koffka This is at my
shows that the human eye
Chapter 1 kitchen table using
looks beyond an image in
chocolate chips.
order to make sense of it. This
photo represents the principle
of closure.
L My cat voluntarily goes to eat
Lateral This is my cat her food whenever she is
Hypothalamus eating from her hungry. This part of the brain
food bowl in my signals my cat to eat when she
Chapter 2
bedroom. is hungry.
M This is a picture of This shows how my brother
Model my little brother can learn by observing my
Chapter 6 and I tying our behaviour, this encourages
shoes, although he him to model it after. Children
did not actually are more likely to model
want to people that they look up to.
N The backpack represents my
Negative I took this picture schoolwork/studying while my
Correlation of my backpack on bed represents sleep. If I stay
my bed. up too late studying
Chapter 1
(increase), the less sleep I will
get (decrease).
O This is an email This type of encouragement
Operant that Dr. Lynne sent promotes the re-occurrence of
Conditioning me after my Test displayed behaviour. This is an
Chapter 5 2, I received it in example of positive
my bedroom on reinforcement as it
my laptop. encourages me to continue
studying and do well.
P This gland in the brain is
Pituitary Gland This picture of my responsible for the release of
Chapter 2 mom was taken at hormones that promote
my house in the growth. For example, the
kitchen. measuring the height of
somebody would relate to
Q This is a survey that is used to
I took this picture conduct research on how our
Questionnaires at the customer store can better provide for
Chapter 1 service desk at our customers. It allows us to
work. get feedback from the
targeted audience, being
Walmart customers.
R This type of information,
including what time a cashier
This is a picture of
Rehearsal needs to go for break and
our front-end
when they are
Chapter 6 associate schedule
starting/finishing is something
at work.
that I remember by writing it
down. This could potentially
steam into my long-term
memory if I were to re-write
someone’s break times several
S This is a photo of School brings me lots of stress,
Stress my desk in my especially when important
Chapter 12 bedroom. due dates are coming up.
Some school tasks require an
extra level of attention
compared to tasks, such as
washing my hands.
T This is a sticker This rewarded sticker
Token that Dr. Lynne put encourages good behaviour to
Economies on one of my continue. The good behaviour
Chapter 5 Psychology in-class in this scenario would be
participation participating and showing up
worksheets. to class.
U Sometimes when you touch a
Uncontrolled This was taken in hot surface, your hand strikes
Response the kitchen at my backwards. This action is an
house. uncontrolled response
Chapter 5
whereas the heat is the
unconditioned stimulus.
V This is my The chances of winning on a
boyfriend’s scratch ticket is unpredictable.
Variable Ratio collection of Every ticket will provide a
Chapter 5 scratch tickets in different result and emotion
his car. to the individual. My
boyfriend has won many but
also lost many too.
W Colder temperatures require
This picture of this warm clothing (jacket, gloves,
hat and mitt set hat), although with every
Weber’s Law was taken at work increase and/or decrease in
Chapter 3 in the fashion degree, the required clothing
section. changes. For example, if the
degree increases to 3 instead
of -1, a person may only wear
a light jacket. This is just a
noticeable difference.
X This is a picture of This looks like a brain if you’re
X-Ray a walnut that I looking it at it from the top
Photography found in my fridge. angle (can see right and left
Chapter 2 hemispheres). An x-ray tests
for brain and bodily
disfunctions in the brain, for
Y This was taken in This simple task gives off
Yerkes-Dodson the upstairs higher arousal rather than if I
Law bathroom in my were to write a research
Chapter 9 sink. paper for school. Washing
your hands is a simple task
that does not require high
Z Zimbardo This is a picture I This colour orange represents
Chapter 10 took while waiting the stereotypical prisoner
for our pizza to be outfit colour. This
ready. This is a study/experiment shows how
local Pizza Pizza the roles of the prisoners were
near my house. portrayed on to innocent
citizens being university

Wood, E. G., Wood, S. E., Boyd, D., Wood, E., & Desmarais, S. (2014). The World of Psychology (7th Canadian Edition). Toronto,
ON: Pearson.

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