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Date: 10/11/2022

Dear Mrs. Mizenko,

My name is Samuel Bishop and I am a Special Education intern from Geneva College.
I've had an opportunity to get to know your son, Jesse, throughout the last few weeks
while I have been at New Brighton Middle School working with Ms. Amanda Ardinger.
Jesse. is always smiling and a joy to be around.

I am sending this letter to request your permission for Jesee to participate in an

assignment I am doing for one of my classes at Geneva. I would like to work directly
with Jesse on activities to improve his reading skills. During the time I will be working
with him, I will assess his reading levels and design lessons to meet his needs in reading.
The time I spend with him ·will not interfere with his classes at school and th.e work he
does with me will not affect his grade in any class.

I think this project will be beneficial for Jesse and me. He is a great student and I kno,v
he will teach me a lot of things about teaching reading.

Should you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to
contact me by email at or by calling the school at (724)-846-8100
ext 240.

After completing the attached sheet, place it back in the envelope and address it to
Samuel Bishop. Please return it to Amanda Ardinger by Thursday, October 13 th.

Thank you so much for your time,


Samuel Bishop
Please indicate whether or not you wish to allow your child to participate in this project
by checking one of the statements below, signing your name and returning this slip to
school by Tuesday, October 11th.

_N_ I grant permission for my chik'ffi a-to participate in the reading activities
planned by Samuel Bishop.
I do not grant permission for my child to participate in the reading
activities planned by Samuel Bishop.

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Signatur~arent/Guardi Printed P ent/Guardian Name

1-e..sse S½CuC\ Oi
Printe-0 Name of Child Date

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